Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2067 Friends Come From Afar

All the fairy palaces have fallen, and history is like smoke.

Winter Emperor Xie Ai is said to be the reincarnation of Xu Qiuci, the Frost Immortal Lord, but the Winter Immortal Palace that Xu Qiuci rebuilt had disappeared more than two thousand years ago, and was shattered together with the Frost Immortal Lord's name.

Today, Xu Huang's Karma Immortal Palace should be considered complete, but Jiang Wang couldn't see it. You can't run over for no reason and say, let me see your baby-then you should only see the Karma Knife.

Regarding the records of the Immortal Palace, many classics have only mentioned it briefly. He checked it on purpose, but it was all scattered, and there was not much useful information.

Under the non-stop labor of the warriors of Asgard, and with the rapid growth and continuous benefit of his personal cultivation, the ruins of Yunding Asgard now have a general outline, and they are no longer full of ruins.

The reappearance of the fairy palace's grand scene is not out of reach.

Of course, there are only exterior scenes, and its majesty cannot be recovered.

He urged Baiyun Boy, but Baiyun Boy only asked him: "Master Immortal Master, there are no bricks, how can we build a building?"

The core of immortal art is the technique, and the materials of immortal palaces are also rare—rare in ancient times, and even more difficult to find in this world.

So far, I have only reproduced a few immortal warriors, and they are still materials obtained in the mountains and seas...

Jiang Wang looked at his Yunding Fairy Palace silently for a while, and suddenly felt tremendous pressure, as if he saw a huge mountain called "Debt".

Must make money!

Shaking his head, he regretted leaving for the time being.

Today's sun is quite hot, roasting the plains in July like a frying pan, and people are standing still like processed ingredients, waiting to be cooked or burnt.

Bai Yujing is a good place to go.

The owner of the restaurant directly attracted a ray of frosty wind, dispelling the heat, making the restaurant still a bit cold, many drinkers were eating and drinking in robes, wishing they could not leave the door all day.

The boss went downstairs with a relaxed posture, examining his situation.

The drinkers are gradually getting used to this approachable big man, at most they just greet him with a smile, instead of chasing after him to say hello.

The owner glanced at it casually, seeing that the portions of the dishes were very generous, and the diners were all happy to eat, so they walked down satisfied.

Walking to the backyard, I saw Senior Brother Zhu.

In fact, brother Zhu is much more handsome than Lin Xian, but now he is self-conscious, his face is covered, and he can't chop firewood shirtless, so those aunts often ask Xiao Lin when he will come back.

Lian Yuchan always replied, "Insufficient qualifications, I have been fired."

How can this be reasonable, such a good figure, qualifications are not enough?

Bai Yujing lost a lot of repeat customers!

Zhu Weiwo, who had not fully recovered from her injuries, accepted Lin Xian's job of chopping firewood. He always picks up dozens of firewood with one shot, and the point of the gun falls at will, dividing the firewood into tens of thousands of symmetrical strands.

During the whole process, no supernatural powers were used, relying entirely on the fine control of physical strength.

Jiang Wang saw his toothache: "Brother Zhu, how can there be such a firewood chopper?"

Zhu Wei I turned my eyes to look at him, completely unable to understand what was wrong with my chopping. My peerless marksmanship has been shown to you, how can you still be picky?

The shopkeeper Bai who passed by pointed out: "If it is split like this, it will be burned too quickly, which is to raise the cost of the kitchen."

Zhu Wei I was silent for a moment, he has never been poor in his life, when he was poor he was always in the mountains and seas, and he couldn't spend a penny.

Han Shao, a survivor of the Xia Kingdom with a face full of flesh, is now the hardest working person in the restaurant. He is proficient in cleaning tables and washing dishes, and the most important job is to chop firewood, and let Zhu Weiwo chop it when he chops it back...

At this time, he happened to be carrying a full load of firewood, piled up into two hills, carried by an iron pole, walked through the alley, and walked to the back door of the restaurant. The kitchen, firewood room, and ice room for storing vegetables were all there backyard.

Walking closer, I just saw a sneaky figure, looking at something in the courtyard through the crack of the door.

"Hey! Where is the little thief, sneaking around here!"

The man's sturdy figure turned around, revealing a face with eagle eyes and swallow beard, and said fiercely: "What are you talking about? Shut up!"

Han Shao was furious: "Where is this place? Shut up!"

The eagle-eyed and swallow-bearded man was furious: "It's unreasonable, a you know who I am?"

Han Shao put the firewood away, pulled out the iron pole, and said aggressively, "Do you know who my boss is!?"


The back door was opened at this time, Jiang Dong's family looked out from behind the door, surprised: "Zhong Liyan? Why are you here?"

It's crazy for a villain to succeed! It's all right if you don't rush to bring tea and water, please sit down, this guy doesn't even want to call out Brother Zhongli!

Zhong Liyan silently made a few notes in his heart, and straightened his clothes as if nothing had happened on his face: "Well, since I'm going to visit friends, since I pass by Xingyueyuan, I'll take a look at you."

He looked Jiang Wang up and down, as if he could really see something: "Well, yes, the soul is lively, and all methods are true. The progress is very fast."

He walked into the courtyard naturally and looked around: "The small dilapidated restaurant is still looking good!"

Han Shao, who picked up his shoulder pole and prepared to fight, felt uneasy for a while. I am very worried that I will offend a great person for the shopkeeper and lose this job-where can I find such a good job? Staying with a group of Tianjiao, whoever occasionally points out a few times, suddenly becomes enlightened, and the practice is so fast. You only need to do some physical work every day, and you also get food, accommodation and wages!

It wasn't that Han Shao was cowardly, so he dared to assassinate Jiang Wang, who was famous all over the world, how could he be so timid?

But this person surnamed Zhongli has too much aura! In front of the No. 1 Truth in Qing History, he has a very high posture, and he looks like a great master, who came to inspect him.

Jiang Wang winked at Han Shao and told him to set firewood by himself.

Greeting Zhong Liyan with a smile: "Small restaurants, of course, are not as prosperous as Xiangu. Fortunately, the food is quite attentive, and famous chefs from six countries are invited to cater for all tastes. Friends come from afar... Shopkeeper Bai, the best food and drinks Serve it out, this is a distinguished guest from Southern Chu, the pride of the world!"

"My boss can't do this!" Bai Yuxia remonstrated: "The wine in our store is very expensive! The water is all brought from the Snow Country, the unmelted peak on the Tianshan Mountain—"

"Presumptuous!" Jiang Wang rolled his eyes and interrupted him: "What are you talking about, who do you think is Mr. Zhongli of Dachu? Will he send you a little money?"

Zhong Liyan sneered, and made a strong mark on Langya Bai in his heart. He said with a stern face: "I am so old, I don't know what it feels like to be short of money."

"Hahaha, take a look, what is a high-ranking official, what is arrogance!" Jiang Wang dragged Zhong Liyan and walked into the building: "Brother Zhongli, don't worry about them, knowing that I am slandering me, how can I be like me? Let's ten Louya Room, the best location, I offer you!"

There is enough wine.

I'm full too.

The purse is also empty.

In order not to waste the money spent, Zhong Liyan ate and drank all the food and wine that he had ordered.

"Well, you..." Zhong Liyan gritted his teeth and said slowly, "You said the dish was made from spiritual vegetables, why didn't I get any spiritual energy from eating it?"

Jiang Wang showed surprise: "I thought Brother Zhongli's family background is prominent and don't know?"

Zhong Liyan was confused: "What do I know?"

"Hey, real people eat and drink now, they have to strip off the aura. A little aura is meaningless to the real strong. This is a high-end way of eating, only looking for the original taste of food." Jiang Wang expressed sympathy He looked at him with wide eyes: "Brother Zhongli, aren't you used to it?"

Zhong Liyan didn't want to understand the difference between spiritual vegetables stripped of their aura and ordinary vegetables. But I couldn't stand this kind of look, and said "ha": "It tastes good! I'm too anxious to go out this time, and I don't have enough money. Otherwise, I'll try all your signature dishes here!"

Jiang Wang was full of enthusiasm: "It's okay, just do it!"

Zhong Liyan squinted at him: "Please?"

"You can buy it on credit!" Jiang Wang was indifferent, but his tone was generous: "I can't trust others, but can I still trust you, brother Zhongli? It's not like I can't find Xiangu."

Zhong Liyan patted his stomach: "Next time. I'm a bit full today."

Jiang Wang is not reluctant, after all, he is a real person in the world, and understands the truth of the long flow of water. Then he asked: "Brother Zhongli said he passed by here to visit a friend, but who is he visiting?"

Zhong Liyan said: "You also know that Dou Zhao and I have a very good relationship, he has always followed my lead..."

"Dou Zhao?" Jiang Wangqi asked, "Isn't he in Chu State? Where are you going to visit him?"

"He suddenly disappeared a few days ago! He didn't tell me beforehand. I inquired a lot and found out that he went to the grassland, so I immediately chased him out." Zhong Liyan gritted his teeth and said, "I'm really worried——he .”

Jiang Wang could probably guess where Dou Zhao had gone, and couldn't help but smile.

Zhong Liyan finished picking his teeth, looked at him, and said casually: "By the way, Brother Jiang. I heard that you broke some record a while ago, what is it?"

"The youngest real person ever recorded?"

"It's not this, it doesn't seem to be the real record of the cave, it seems to be related to God's presence, there seems to be a frontier waste... Do you remember?"

"You mean, the limit distance for God to explore the borderlands?"

"Yes! That's it!" Zhong Liyan clapped his hands heavily: "Brother, you are amazing!"

Jiang Wang's tone was flat: "What's the point?"

Zhong Liyan looked at him again, and finally got to the point: "Well, good brother, you traveled so far into the wilderness, do you have any secrets?"

"The secret, of course there is. Otherwise, why can't other people set this record, but I can do it?" Jiang Wang said in a thoughtful manner, "But this is all the experience I have gained by desperately trying to survive thousands of times. , pondering over and over again... that is a secret that is not passed on. I am going to leave it to my apprentice."

Zhong Liyan persuaded him bitterly: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. A new generation replaces the old one, and leave it to your apprentice. When will he be able to use it? Besides, by that time, will your secret be useful? Above, it’s two different opinions. Maybe the demons were eradicated by me? Why don’t you give it to me, it will come in handy right away, so that the pearl will not be dusted! I even came to see you specially!”

Jiang Wang frowned, frowning, with a painful expression: "This is a difficult decision..."

Zhong Liyan understood it, and leaned back in his chair: "Make a price!"

"How dare I tell you this?" Jiang Wang slowly raised a finger.

Zhong Liyan tentatively asked, "A thousand primordial stones?"

Jiang Wang looked distressed: "!"

Zhong Liyan had the feeling that he had been fooled, and this guy promised so readily!

But Mr. Zhongli didn't lack primordial stones, so he waved his hand: "I didn't bring so many with me, and I used a lot just after eating. You give me the secret first, and I will send it to you when I return to Chu."

Jiang Wang said with a difficult expression: "This kind of secret, it is better to buy it and leave it."

"There is no such trust between people?" Zhong Liyan was very dissatisfied: "I can't give it to you now, I'm going to the grassland soon."

The owner of Baiyujing Restaurant is very considerate: "It's okay, you write a letter, add your personal seal, and then go to the grassland without worry, and I will send Xiangu back for you."

Zhong Liyan silently wrote down another note for Jiang's mercenary, but as a man with a city, his face remained calm: "This little money... huh! I will serve you with pen and ink!"

After a while, Chu Yao came over with two copies of pen, ink and paper in his hands.

"Why are there two copies?" Zhong Liyan asked warily.

Jiang Wang took one of them casually: "Don't I have to write you the secret?"

Zhong Liyan wrote the letter asking for money in twos, took out his private seal, stamped it with his own unique aura, stamped it vigorously, and handed it to Jiang Wang: "Here!"

At this time, Jiang Wang also wrote the secret, and handed it to Zhong Liyan: "Please read it."

At the same time, Lian Yuchan was called, and Zhong Liyan's letter was handed over to her: "Take it and send this letter through the channel of Xiangguo. Make sure it is delivered, and it must be delivered as soon as possible!"

Lian Yuchan got an errand that she could drop by and take a look at, and flew away happily.

Zhong Liyan had already read the secret at this time, and looked up at Jiang Wang: "That's it? Is such an unprofessional broken map a secret?"

"Brother Zhongli, you have to speak with your conscience! What is a broken map? I drew it so seriously!" Jiang Wang took the piece of paper and clicked on it: "I have traveled these six thousand miles by myself. What is the size of the demons in the place, where is the most dangerous, what is the terrain, what is the environment, and whether the demonic energy is strong or thin, all of which are clearly marked for you. If it were my apprentice, he would be able to walk to the end according to this map—— Isn't it a secret?"

Zhong Liyan didn't listen to those useless things, looked at him and said, "Can I get my money back?"

Jiang Zhenren's expression changed: "What do you think?"

Zhong Liyan took a deep breath and accepted the map.

I wanted to leave immediately, but I thought the money was spent, so I couldn't suffer too much. Then he pressed his buttocks again, calmed down, looked at Jiang Wang, and said quite formally: "My generation of practitioners has always made friends with martial arts. I am also Tianjiao, and you are also Tianjiao. You are here, why don't you give it a try? "

Back then in the Mountain Sea Realm, this young man chopped it up as soon as he came up, how could he be so polite?

Jiang Zhenren showed hesitation on his face: "You want to compete with me? I just discovered the truth, and my strength is not stable. It's hard to hold back."

Zhong Liyan was used to this face, and said directly: "Make an offer!"

Jiang Zhenren was also very straightforward: "When I went to Chu State later, I wanted to challenge your father. You help arrange the arrangements."

Zhong Liyan was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

Damn, what a shame!

Bastard Jiang Wang, don't wait for me to get up, or I will throw your entire restaurant to the sidelines!

[There will be an update at 8 o'clock in the evening. 】

[There is an update, I am embarrassed to ask for a monthly pass!

Brothers and sisters! Fill me up!

This book has created the best results on the list since it was serialized, and the readers of Chixin Xuntian are amazing!

It's the last few days of July, please give me all the monthly tickets to see if we can move forward. 】

[I re-edited Chapter 20 of this volume, added a lot of details, and modified some words and sentences. Make it easier to read. The number of words has increased a lot, but it is not considered money. You can refresh it to see it. 】

[It doesn't matter if you don't read it, and it won't affect the subsequent reading, because there is no modification of the fundamental plot, just the branches and leaves of the repair. It was purely OCD when I read it back. 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Late and not late" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 586th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "I am SNS629" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 587th league of Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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