Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2068

Xingyueyuan's life is peaceful.

Practice, earn money, and teach apprentices.

Jiang Dong's family made a list and asked Shopkeeper Bai to collect it according to the list - all the materials on it were fairy palace materials that Baiyun boy remembered after friendly communication.

These days, Xiao Xiantong is carrying dozens of tomes and is gnawing. They are all "Stories of Strange Things in the World" and "Supplements of Strange Treasures" and the like, which are used to let him compare the differences between ancient and modern strange things, awaken memory fragments, and find corresponding substitutes.

The boy Baiyun visibly turned into a boy with dark circles, a bit like an iron-eating beast.

Regardless of whether Genting Immortal Palace can be restored to its peak level or not, Jiang Zhenren has become ruthless. Since Xu Fang, Yang Zhen, and Xu Qiuci are all willing to spend a lot of money to restore it, it is worth it?

"Baiyun, reading more books is only good for you, not bad. Will the master harm you?"

Boy Baiyun flipped through the book without speaking.

"Junior Brother." Zhu Wei came upstairs at this time and sat down opposite Jiang Wang: "Recently, I have gained a lot in spear skills. I want to find a place to practice. Yu Yuan has been there before, so there is no need to go again. You have What advice?"

After the Battle of Fazhuang, everyone who participated in the killing of real people has benefited.

Zhu Wei, I have always been a fighting genius. After experiencing such a life-and-death battle, the harvest is naturally huge.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Your injury is not yet complete. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhu Wei, I just smiled and said nothing.

There are too many people in this world who are struggling day and night. Lin Xian, who is as far away as returning home, and Zhong Liyan, who has just left, are so close, who dares to relax?

I wish I especially had a reason.


His love is still imprisoned in the huge city.


Is he a man who fears danger?

Jiang Wang couldn't persuade him, and he didn't plan to persuade him any more, he just said: "I will go with senior brother, and we senior brothers, let's join hands to show off!"

He also said: "At the level of senior brother, ordinary small worlds are all traversing, and it is meaningless to wait for leisurely and dangerous places. It is nothing more than the demon world, the lost world, the frontier wasteland, Yu Yuan, the meteor forest, and the disaster water.

"The demon world is a place of national contention. If you go alone, you can't grasp the situation, and it is easy to be swept away by accident. Uh... the most important thing is

Yaozu has some opinions on me, so I can't go anymore.

"The Great War in the Lost Realm has just come to an end. Before Gao Jie died, this realm was sealed off so that the gods could not enter it. But there are still several special areas in the Lost Realm, where there are caves, and there may even be a way of extension, and there is a place of transcendence. Weapons. Senior brother's cultivation base is suitable, but I'm afraid he won't get much experience. The opponents inside are either too strong or too weak.

"It's not appropriate to be desolate, I just erected a monument, and it is easy to cause trouble if I provoke it again.

"Senior Brother Yu Yuan has already been there. I'm not very familiar with Meteor Immortal Forest. Why don't you go to Huoshui? I've been to that place once. There are all kinds of evil views, and they can't be killed. It's quite suitable for sharpening your fighting skills. Yes. Of course it is also very dangerous, there are existences beyond the first level, but there is no possibility of being born in the short term."

Zhu Weiwo did not hesitate: "Then go to the trouble."

Jiang Wang said: "That's it. But I have to go out for a while, and when I come back, we will set off together."

Zhu Wei, of course I know, Jiang Wang still hopes that he will recover from his injury before going out, so he just asked, "Where are you going?"

Jiang Wang said: "Qi State."

Zhu Weiwo raised his sword eyebrows: "Didn't you already leave Qi and cut off contact? What are you going to do in Qi?"

Jiang Wang looked at Dongfang, and said in a daze: "Go to see old friends, and also settle some old things."



Jiang Wang didn't take Chu Yao with him when he went to Qi State, he was afraid that the child would go back to Linzi and feel the prosperity of Linzi, so he would not want to come to Xingyueyuan again.

Since he is going to embark on the path of cultivation, all the tempering he has done so far is laying the foundation for transcendence. It is not a good thing if he is not at ease. After all, the road is long and difficult, and the peak is difficult to climb.

When I first met Emperor Qi in Donghua Pavilion, Jiang Wang said what he asked for——

"Seek the way of the truth, seek the invincibility of the real person, seek to cut the block in the heart, and seek the life of fulfillment."

The method of hole truth has been sought by himself, and he has obtained it himself.

The block in my heart has been cut in the underworld.

He is about to stride forward on the road of being invincible.

Suiyi this life is exactly what he wants to do.

Immortality in God's presence is just a pseudo-immortality in which the body is indestructible for 518 years. A real person is returning to the origin and seeing the true immortality. This process of seeing true immortality and understanding true immortality is Dongzhen.

Jiang Wang is taking the road of "true self". Although this road is rare, it is not unprecedented. However, everyone's "I" is different, and everyone's road is difficult.

Although he has already "understood God", he has reached the limit of God's presence and has grasped himself. And "the truth of the world", insight into the world.

But "knowing yourself" and "insighting the world" are eternal practice. He just reached a certain stage at a certain time in his life. However, who is the "I" between me now and me at that time? Is the truth you see now really the only truth?

If it stops here, that's all.

The real self he imagined is not doing what one wants, but doing what one wants without transgressing the rules.

The debts that should be paid must be paid, the debts that should be taken must be taken, and the things that should be done must be taken.

Since you are truly like yourself, pleasure is also a practice.

Jiang Zhenren left Xingyueyuan and flew across the Eastern Region to Linzi.

Of course, in the border town of Daqi, he honestly pressed the cloud head and registered for entry - he gave a false name of Ling Dugu, and he even bribed some money.

ID card is no problem. It's not that he has to pay money to enter, but he deliberately explored the bureaucratic situation of the border guards, and by the way let himself join the queue and take a VIP passage to avoid long waits.

In fact, human nature really cannot be tested.

When he added Wenyin one hundred taels. A team of border guards was driving him directly from the west gate to the east gate.

The team in the car kept looking at him. When he got out of the car, he said something mysteriously: "Has anyone ever said that you look like the former Marquis of Wu'an? There was a picture stone with his image in the army. I've seen it several times."

Jiang Wang laughed: "Don't worry, I won't sue you. With the money I voluntarily gave, you can earn some extra money that doesn't hurt others. It's not a shameful thing. But there won't be a next time."

Patted him on the shoulder and went away.

Only the team was left standing there in a daze.


Jiang Wang used his steps as a cart to walk all the way from the border town to Linzi. On the official road extending in all directions, you can see the scenery of the world and the traffic of vehicles. It is like a new life to prove the truth of the hole. It's time to look at the world with novelty.

The scenery in the East is beautiful, long time no see!

But at a certain moment, he suddenly stood still and looked ahead calmly.

A slit was opened in the space like this, and a man wearing a scholar's gown with a white face and beardless walked out like this. Like tearing up paper, he tore apart a page of the space, and then retracted his hand to close the space. With a shallow smile on his face: "Long time no see, Hou——I should call Master Jiang!"

"Boss Han!" Jiang Wang looked at him with a smile: "Or the leader of the gangster, Mr. Han?"

Although Han Ling changed into a scholar's uniform and began to adopt a refined style, he still hasn't changed his habit of covering his sleeves with his hands. You always feel that he is going to pull out a scroll of imperial edict the next moment.

"I've only been on duty for a few days, how did you know? Bo Wanghou told you?"

"Marquis Bowang won't tell me these things. Qi's high-level secrets, how can I hear them? It's because your clothes are too obvious. You can tell at a glance." Jiang Wang said: "I used to see Mr. Han, but I never took them off. That scarlet official uniform."

Han Ling cupped his hands and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet, but see you today, you are already a real person in the world! Thinking of the day you were named Marquis, I will invite you and Champion Marquis to enter the arena... It's like yesterday, it's amazing! It's said that the white horse is too old to be taken lightly Zong, you and Champion Hou are both people who cannot catch up with time."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "I didn't congratulate Master Han either. After many years of accumulation, he succeeded in one day. Assuming a high position, he also proves the truth!"

From the point of view of an internal official, it is the limit to be the chief executive in this life.

From the private letter of the emperor, it is the apex to be a leader in this life.

From the perspective of personal cultivation, real people in the world have reached the threshold of cultivation listed in the political affairs hall and military affairs hall.

For so many years, Han Ling has not shown his mountains and dews, but quietly served the king, quietly, holding power and power, he is really not an easy figure.

But in front of Jiang Wang, he was very gentle and modest, shaking his head and said: "Although the same proof is true, but I made it by taking advantage of the situation. You are the number one in history, and there is still a big gap."

Han Ling's words are really too modest.

Just like the threshold of the cultivation level of the Political Affairs Hall and the Military Affairs Hall is Dongzhen,

Just like the court councilor and the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, they all have a large number of national powers to enshrine, and they are positions that can "raise the truth". But apart from top-level gods like Zhongxuan Chuliang, how can ordinary gods monks be able to rise to the top?

I really want to get involved and take advantage of the situation to support my true self, and I don’t want to see how fierce the competition within the hegemony is, whether I am willing to support idlers!

Generally speaking, a doctor in court or a commander in chief of nine soldiers must either make great achievements, or be loyal and honorable for generations, and he must be a real and strong person.

Let's talk about Grand Qi Neiguan,

From Han Ling down, there are also eight eunuchs holding pens and eight eunuchs in the hall. They are equal in status. They are all powerful figures only under Han Ling, and they are all gods.

If Han Ling is an ordinary god, how can he suppress them?

The former leader of the watchmen, Zhu Sui, was a figure in Yan Dao, a strong man who had been patrolling the night for the country for more than a thousand years. If Han Ling was an ordinary Dongzhen, how could Emperor Qi grant him this position?

That Zheng Shi is also a confidant of the emperor, a confidant for many years, has made great achievements in hard work, and his ability is obvious to all. Didn't he become Commander Zhan Yu even now? He no longer lacks anything, only cultivation base.

He is also one of the most powerful people in God's Realm, but he is not strong enough, not strong enough to respect Xuan Chuliang, let alone the family behind Xuan Chuliang.

In a world with extraordinary power, if one's cultivation is not enough, one is not tough.

Emperor Daqi was not a crony king either.

Jiang Wang said with a smile: "I am alone. Master Han has the emperor on his head, and the hegemony behind him. There is indeed a big gap, and I look up to him."

"Okay, okay, let's stop flattering each other." Han Ling seemed in a good mood, and greeted, "Since you're here, why don't you fly directly to Zizi? This step by step, it seems like our family is waiting slowly!"

Jiang Wangdao: "After I entered the country, I thought about it, and I still don't bother Mr. Han to carry me!"

"Jiang Zhenren really has a heart—as thin as a hair." Han Ling also smiled: "As the night watchman of Daqi, I still have to ask you—what's going on here?"

Jiang Wang said seriously: "I want to visit the emperor, and this is the first thing I do when I come to the West."

Han Ling looked at him meaningfully, and said, "You can fly by yourself today, the Son of Heaven grants permission."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and then said: "It seems that the emperor is still closer to Mr. Han..."

Han Ling said, "I don't have any specialties, the only thing I have is loyalty."

Jiang Wang said: "I still want to take a walk. I haven't walked this road for a long time. I used to be eager to practice, and I didn't have time to take a good look at this place. The first 23 years of my life were too busy, and now I also want to go to the important place. Take it slow."

"You said you should be slow, but you have become the first truth in history!" Han Ling smiled, and said sideways: "Then I will walk with Jiang Zhenren, please!"

The two walked side by side on the right side of the official road, talking while walking, not hindering the post horses that might be speeding here.

Jiang Wang asked: "I forgot to ask Mr. Han, who is the current head of internal officials?"

Han Ling asked back, "Who does Jiang Zhenren hope?"

Among the eight writers and the eight attendants, Jiang Wang only knows Qiu Ji, and Zhong Liwen is the one he knows.

He only said: "Just a random question, how can I have any hope? This is a national matter, and only the emperor himself decides."

Han Ling said: "The eunuch Huo Yanshan, I wonder if you are familiar with it?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "Not only have I never seen it, but I have never heard of it."

Han Ling said with emotion: "Gentlemen are not partisan, villains are not partisan. Jiang Zhenren used to be a prince of the state, but he can't know how to write and follow the class, so he can be called a gentleman!"

These sixteen eunuchs are often around the king, and they are real confidantes and servants. Anyone who is an official in Qi should have a business. Even if you don't form a clique, you should be friendly with each other. Just a few words at the critical moment, the situation may be very different!

People like Jiang Wang who don't care, who don't take power or make power, who are in a high position, but live in isolation, and only care about cultivation, are really different.

Faced with such praise, Jiang Wang said: "I was studying earlier, and I also read that 'If a gentleman is not party, he will have no disaster; Everywhere must be sleepy." It feels very reasonable.

"I think there is no single truth in the way people face the world, and one way is not necessarily more correct. Everyone faces different situations and has different positions.

"As for me, although I am not a party member, I am also dedicated to cultivation, and I have not done much for the people. I think I am not a gentleman."

Han Ling listened quietly, only to feel that Jiang Wang now is indeed different from before. Who did the youngest real person in history think of when he said these words?



This is not the first time Delu Gong Jiang Wang has come here.

It was the second time he stood in the square in front of Delu Palace.

When he left last time, he and Chong Xuanzun beat up the place to pieces.

Now there is no trace of the battle.

Just like after he left Qi State, Qi State was still brilliant.

The world does not only plan for unity, and Daqi does not only have Jiang Wang.

After standing here for two hours, someone from the hall came out to announce.

Jiang Wang then saw Huo Yanshan, the new chief executive.

This man was tall and burly, a figure rarely seen among internal officials. Pressing the voice, it is also a deep sound, not soft or sharp like other internal organs.

"What should I call him?" His skin is purple, whether it's from nature or he has practiced some special skills, when he came to Jiang Wang, his attitude was not alienated.

After standing for so long, Jiang Wang didn't show a trace of impatience on his face, but he was kind like a spring breeze, and said in a gentle voice: "Boss Huo, you don't have to be polite, just call me by my name."

Huo Yanshan then said: "Master Jiang, Your Majesty has summoned you."

Jiang Wang nodded as a courtesy: "The manager will lead the way."

These few steps were walking slowly, and even the replacement of the chief executive from Han Ling to Huo Yanshan seemed to have a stern meaning.

Delu Palace is the place where the emperor practiced, relatively speaking, it is not so solemn.

But the hall is wide and the building is tall, and the emperor is more casual.

"Casual" means...he's more prone to losing his temper.

Huo Yanshan's back is getting higher and higher.

The open gate of the palace is like two guillotines that have been left aside.

Jiang Wang took a deep breath and stepped into the hall.




"Gentlemen are a group and not party..." - Confucius' words in the Analects of Confucius were quoted and paraphrased by later generations.

"If a gentleman is not a party, his misfortune will be helpless..." - (Feng Dao of the Five Dynasties "Kurong Jian")


(Except for the ones where everyone knows the source, I will mark the quoted words, not to show off as some people say. It is to prevent readers from thinking that these classics are my original creations. Such a cognitive bias will make me blush. , has the shame of stealing the reputation of the predecessors.)

(The ones that are not marked and cannot be found are all written by myself.)

(Thank you everyone for voting for me. I briefly won the first place in the double list. This is the result of your concerted efforts. As an author, I have nothing else to say, and I will continue to work hard. See you in the works sincerity!)

[Thanks to the book friend "Chen Ran Foreign Affairs" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 588th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to Silver League "livy37" for another silver reward! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Love to Eat Chicken Breast" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 589th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Flowing Water Fish Farming" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 590th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Brother Xiao Yao" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 591st League of Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Dugu Invincible and Fighting Dugu Baitian" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 592nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend for "willing to be the running dog of the Qingyang sect" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 593rd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thank you leader for impulsive consumption is the devil for becoming the silver alliance in this book! It is for the 25th Silver League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


The 4K of this chapter is added for leader Open_Sakura and leader Fang Hao Ritian.

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