Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2069 The Purple Flag of the World (Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month)

Jiang Wang didn't meet the emperor because the emperor turned his back to him.

There is a huge and hollow crystal column in the hall, and outside it is a transparent relief that cannot be seen carefully, inscribed with mountains and rivers under heaven. Among them, there is running water, with lush aquatic plants, and various fish and shuttles patrolling it.

This is not just a fish tank with a unique shape, it is said that it is connected to the Zihe River.

The emperor held his hands behind his back, watching the fish without saying a word.

Huo Yanshan quietly exited the hall and guarded the door silently.

Jiang Wang, who walked into the palace, bowed to Emperor Qi who didn't turn his head back: "Jiang Wang, a grass-roots man, pay homage to the Son of Heaven."


The silence lasted for quite a while.

Jiang Wang also continued what he had done when he was standing outside waiting - using Rumeng Token to simulate the scene of fighting with Master Ye Da. He has a broad mind, and this move is purely for sharpening his combat power, checking for deficiencies, and breaking through himself, not for revenge.

Just when the rehearsal here was getting intense, the emperor said, "I used to not let you wait, but now you can't see me anytime. Do you know why?"

Jiang Wang said honestly: "Last time I also waited for two hours."

Jiang Wang said again: "Then I waited all night."

The emperor said: "My country is busy with affairs, so don't talk about irrelevant things."

"Uh." Jiang Wang said, "Because His Majesty is busy with state affairs, I need to wait."

"There is no place for you in the Qi Kingdom," said the Son of Heaven.

Jiang Wang said, "If I don't sit down, I'll walk."

"Where do you think this is, you can go as you please?"

"I regard this place as my second hometown, and I often come back to visit."

"Don't use meaningless names to impress yourself. There are first and second, and there are third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. What is it? The world is as big as your hometown."

"Although the world is big, there are only two hometowns." Jiang Wang earnestly said: "Fenglin City is the hometown where I was born. I can't choose. There are people I will never see again there. Qi is the road I chose. This is where I struggle and grow, and where I gain and lose. Here are my forever friends and people I will always respect.”

The voice of the Son of Heaven could not be heard, he raised his finger and pointed at the crystal pillar, there was a rainbow shadow fish in it, frightened, it flew off the string like an arrow, pierced into the aquatic plants, changed color in an instant, confused with the aquatic plants... Leave a blister in place.

The emperor said: "You are like this fish now. You are not slippery and change color very quickly. It is not real at all."

Jiang Wang didn't change his face, and said respectfully: "This water column is like your world."

"My world is so small?"

"It is connected to the Zihe River, far away from the East China Sea, and runs through the long river!"

"You do this homework all day long?"

"I just keep in mind the words of the emperor and read a lot. Apart from practicing, I just read books."

"Practice is seeing, reading? "The Biography of the Shing Chen"?"

Jiang Wang didn't seem to understand sarcasm at all, with an honest face: "What I read is "Shi Dao Chiu Hai", "Shimen Binglue", "The General Theory of Five Penalties", "The Law of Ten Thousand Times", "Theory of Power", "Chao Cangwu" "..."

"It's terrible, you've learned a lot, and you already know the newspaper list."

"Don't dare, I often wander in the sea of ​​books, only a drop."

"You are so busy?"

"The world is too vast, and Jiang Wang is too small, so he has to study hard so as not to be abandoned by the world."

Qi Tianzi's words were sharp and sharp like a knife: "You are so busy, where did you find the time, and the wind and water are flourishing in Muguo?"

"It can't be called prosperity... It's just that my stepbrother got married. I stayed there for a few days, fought against the heroes of the grassland, and went to the border wasteland and left a monument." Jiang Wang said. The voice became smaller and smaller: "By the way, let's get real..."

Qi Tianzi said: "I heard that Emperor Mu granted you ten thousand households?"

At this moment, Jiang Wang's hair was solemn.

This question is not easy to answer. If you advance, you will offend Emperor Qi, and if you retreat, you will offend Emperor Mu.

In his mind, thousands of immortal thoughts flickered frantically, and finally said calmly: "It means that His Majesty's vision, even if it is as great as Mu Tianzi, is recognized."

The emperor stretched out his dragon sleeves and turned around. Obviously, the height difference between the two is not far apart, but at this moment, they seem to be leaning over the nine heavens, looking down at the world!

"Glittery! I'm tired of hearing it. We weigh the pros and cons, and don't offend. Be that tumbler! What's the difference between you and Bo Wanghou now?"

Jiang Wang thought, that's better than being given an excuse to go to court, right?

But he only said in his mouth: "Bo Wanghou has been a nobleman for generations, and his wisdom is far-reaching. He is Daqi Qiancheng. If I can have half of his intelligence, I will burn the incense."

The emperor's eyes fell on him, light and airy, but like mountains and seas: "You took my books away before, are you here to return them now?"

"Not yet." Jiang Wang said decisively, "The set that His Majesty gave me has been refurbished, and I have taken too many notes... But I can buy a brand new hardcover edition from Tiandu Collection for Your Majesty."

"Historic Knife Chisels the Sea" is full of thousands of words, if it is really collected by Tiandu, the price will be astonishing.

The son of heaven raised his voice slightly: "You are rich now. You came here to show off in front of me?"

"Your Majesty, you should know that I have nothing in my pocket! It's just to not let you down, so I'm willing to spend all my money, buy books and give them back!"

"Where are the books?"

"Ah?" Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment: "Do you really want it?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he hurriedly said: "Caomin immediately go to borrow money to buy books, and give them back to the emperor!"

"What kind of a real person are you? You have empty hands and empty pockets!" The Son of Heaven said coldly, "Then what are you doing here?"

"Can't you just look at the elders?"

The Son of Heaven let out a 'huh': "You dare to ask me back."

Jiang Wang took a few steps back vigilantly, bowed and said, "Cao Min is impolite."

The emperor didn't want to do anything at first, but he couldn't help kicking him over: "Where can you hide?"

It's not that Jiang Wang didn't want to dodge this kick, but he really couldn't dodge it.

Mingming saw the boots, and obviously didn't look fast, but he just couldn't react. The newly accomplished primordial spirit seemed to be in a daze, and it didn't come alive until the person turned over in the temple.

In order to avoid getting a second kick, Jiang Wang hurriedly took out his heart and said loudly: "I am indeed here to see the emperor, and I also want the emperor to see me! I came to Dongguo, thanks to the trust of the emperor, who gave me protection and gave If I have a chance, I will have the hope of today—”

Qi Tianzi raised his hand to interrupt his sensationalism: "I don't give you the opportunity alone, I always give it to the people of the world. It's just that there are not many people who are up to the challenge, and you just grabbed it by yourself. What I reward is your merit, never Your man. You have made great achievements many times, but you have paid back all your glory. You also escaped from the champion's blade by yourself. If I say let you go, I will let you go. How can you not obey the words of the emperor? You have nothing to do with the East, so don't say more Nonsense nonsense!"

Jiang Wang sincerely said: "Your Majesty can say so, but the grassroots don't think so. Jiang Wang was born in a small country, wandering for many years, and read a lot of history books. He often reads new ones. He knows that the word 'fair' is not taken for granted. 'Fair' 'Environment can't appear naturally, it itself needs a lot of social resources to maintain, it can't be determined without a wise king, and it can't be measured in a non-upward country.

"I can grow up in a fair environment, and I can get what I pay for what I give. This in itself is the kindness bestowed on me by the Qi State. Therefore, I never hesitate to die when I go to battle to kill the enemy and make merit for the country.

"Jiang Wang is insensitive and ignorant, reckless and impulsive, obsessed with himself, and often self-willed. If the emperor didn't allow me, how could the world be straight? If the emperor didn't trust me, how would the world know my name?

"In the past when I was leaving, I wanted to repay my death. I couldn't bear Zhuang Gao's envy for a day, and I couldn't use my body to tire the country and make enemies of the world. Therefore, I resigned from India and went to the west. I will repay this hatred in February!

"Afterwards, I went six thousand miles into the wilderness, entered the cave, and slayed the real demon... During these important moments in my life, I often think of the Son of Heaven.

"I think the emperor treats me very sincerely, and I also regard the emperor as a respected elder, so I look at the emperor—

"I hope that the young man who exposed his wounds in the past has truly grown into a strong man in His Majesty's heart!"

Jiang Wang spoke with sincerity, and Qi Tianzi was expressionless.

The reverberation from the heart of the hall finally dissipated.

The emperor said: "Is the purple clothes still there?"

The first time Emperor Qi met Jiang Wang was in Donghua Pavilion. At that time, Chong Xuansheng brought Jiang Wang over, and he was 'naked'. During the whole process, Emperor Qi did not speak to him, but only looked at his scars all over his body. Announced——

"A piece of purple clothes is given to wear for the strong man."

At that time, Jiang Wang only replied, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

I have this question today, which shows that the first meeting back then was remembered by the former monarchs and ministers.

Jiang Wang cupped his hands and replied, with a slightly aggrieved tone: "I have been keeping that purple dress well, and I have reserved a special room for burning incense. The last time Manager Han sealed the door, he sealed it for me. He said that everything in the mansion cannot be taken away... ..."

The Son of Heaven said: "It's a good seal, I asked him to seal it. You still sue, I didn't realize that you have this talent before!"

Jiang Wang is really aggrieved now, he won't let you answer the question? Then don't ask.

He cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, honest words are hard to hear. I'm just telling the truth, not complaining."

"I called Han Ling to confront you?"

" don't need it? On the way here, we chatted quite speculatively, and I don't want to sue him in person."

Qi Tianzi pointed at him: "So you sue behind your back?"

"Deceive the king with false words, but hurt Mr. Han with the truth." Jiang Wang sighed: "I can't deceive the king."

"This sentence is deceiving the king!"

"Every word is true."

"You look honest, but you are actually cunning. Who is Jiang Wang, I still don't know?"

Jiang Wang said: "It's a real person."

"Now I'm still learning to talk nonsense, cover up my mistakes, and have no attitude of admitting mistakes. The longer I get, the more slippery—"

"Just say it's true."

Qi Tianzi raised his hand high.

"I was wrong!" The hero Jiang Wang didn't suffer from the immediate loss, and quickly bowed his head: "Don't dare next time!"

"Want to have a next time?"

"I'll come back and see you when I'm free."

"It's not speculative!" Qi Tianzi flicked his sleeves: "Get out, I'm not old enough to need your visit!"

Jiang Wang bowed deeply: "May Your Majesty's grand plan be developed again, and the world will be full of purple flags."

His respect, gratitude, and wishes all came from the bottom of his heart.

Emperor Qi ignored him.

He also backed up, backed up, backed up, backed up to the threshold, and then turned around.

Until this time, a voice came from behind - "You are doing well."

Jiang Wang strode out of Delu Palace, the sun was dazzling outside the palace.



Even in terms of personal power regardless of authority, Emperor Daqi is also among the strongest in the world. Within the national border, it is equivalent to detachment, and outside the national border, it is also invincible.

For example, warrior monks can show their strongest strength on the battlefield, and only with the blessing of soldiers can they see the peak killing power, which is far superior to other monks in the same realm.

The same is true when the official way goes to the limit. The more authority you have, the stronger your cultivation.

Just like the emperor of the six strongest in the world, he controls the overlord of the country, commands the heroes of the world, and affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people with his thoughts. Fighting with others, controlling the fate of the country, the combat power is not inferior to the peak.

If you can unify the heaven and earth and fix the universe, you will become enlightened. Then even if it is above the peak, it is still the strongest existence!

Because this is the most difficult path in itself.

Official practice is the easiest at the very beginning, and it can help break the situation the most. But at the end, he felt sad about all other paths of practice.

Because the supreme goal of dominating the world means that you have to subdue all heroes in this world! No matter what path you take, what kind of peak you are, under the whole world, you are all subjects!

Today's Son of Heaven, once achieved, will be even better than the Emperor of the ancient times.

Because after the rise of generations of human races, today's torrent of humanity has prospered countless times than in the past.

The officialdom has flourished so far, and the difficulty of holding the universe is far more difficult than in the past.

For the emperors of the six overlords.

The last result is being torn off the throne, breaking up one's cultivation, life and death are involuntary, and the country is at the mercy of slaughter. Such as Zhuang Gaoxian.

A little better is to die on the battlefield and die for the country. Such as Yang Jiande, Han Zhou, and Si Yuan. Of course, there are also ups and downs, and history will remember if the king is wise and the king is foolish.

Even better, he spent his career as an emperor with no merit or demerit or with no merits and demerits. After leaving the throne, Wei Li failed to return. But more or less can be a happy real person. (In fact, no one can bear this kind of gap. The emperor who failed to return to his own power cannot prove the Tao after leaving office. Therefore, almost no one of these emperors who failed to return to his own power can live for too long. Either forcefully rush to the realm If you fail, you will either want to return to the throne but be suppressed by the new emperor, or you will simply die on the battlefield.)

The good situation is of course that the merits and virtues are complete, abdicate without regret, the great power belongs to oneself, and the abdication is still the true king. But this step is difficult and difficult. The difficulty for the emperor to hold the supreme authority and return to great power also exceeds that of all princes and generals, not only double or double the gap. After so many years since the founding of Daqi, there is only one Yan Ping who has returned to the country with great power. He is the virtuous minister who helped Emperor Jiang achieve hegemony, and he is destined to be famous in history. One can imagine how difficult it is for the Son of Heaven to return to his mighty power.

For all the overlords, there is only one ultimate ideal, which is the great cause of unifying the world. This is the goal that all kings in the world, from ancient times to the present, have longed for. But it is also a path so narrow that only one person can succeed.

"All the purple flags in the world" is already the best wish for a king.

And Qi Tianzi's rebate is "no debt".

The sprawling palace complex is located in the center of the three hundred li giant city of Linzi.

Accompanied by Huo Yanshan, the chief executive, Jiang Wang walked out of here step by step. The red walls, yellow tiles and white stone roads evenly divide the sky and reflect the clouds.

Recalling Qingyu's discussion of the Asgard before, he cited the example of the Overlord's Palace.

The majestic palace complex is only composed of bricks and stones. But behind these bricks and stones, there is indeed unimaginable power.

A hero like Qi Tianzi has been diligent and diligent for fifty-nine years and dare not slack off.

How can he say that he is truly free?

Huo Yanshan looked at him several times on the way, hesitated to speak, and finally said before leaving the palace: "Jiang Zhenren, there are shoe marks on his chest."

"Oh." Jiang Wang came to his senses, and brushed expressionlessly, a little bit of dust had been cleaned away by Immortal Ruyi.

"I have learned a new footwork, I will try to see if I can step here." He emphasized.

Huo Yanshan nodded silently.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything anymore. Compared with Han Ling, the new chief executive is still not sensible enough...

Sending Jiang Zhenren out of the palace, Huo Yanshan didn't turn back until his figure disappeared from sight. Consciously, he has shown a tight-lipped image, completely unaware of the possibility of being blackmailed.

Jiang Wang didn't know him before, but of course he knew Jiang Wang. I didn't know what kind of attitude I should use to face this disparate person before, but now I understand it.

Ancient and modern are unpredictable, the heart of the emperor.

Jiang Wang, who walked out of Daqi Palace, was very silent for a while.

He set foot on the long street and walked on by himself.

Where are you going?

Probably many people will think about this question.

When Jiang Zhenren returned to Linzi this time, he was low-key and low-key. Han Ling greeted him, he came alone, sent him into the palace all the way, and covered up his traces. Most of the people in the city don't even know about it.

There is really nothing to promote, not as good as before.

But in the ears of those with a heart, these quiet and lonely steps are nothing more than thunder and thunder.

To put it bluntly, if Jiang Qingyang returns to Qi, it can affect the power structure of the entire Qi country.

Jiang Wang had no intention of being watched by others, so he covered his eyes and voice, and joined the crowd.

He has long been known all over the world, and he is even a household name in Qi State. But with the size of Edong Kingdom and the multitude of its people, it is impossible for everyone to see his face. Linzi is different, in this overlord city, his fans are extremely crazy.

At the beginning of Li Qi, almost everyone who had had conflicts with Marquis Wu An suffered almost crazy public opinion attacks throughout the entire Qi country.

Even Wang Yiwu, the closed disciple of the Army God, was not spared.

In this city, his facial features have been singled out and analyzed many times, and each has its own fans. The best eyes and the best nose bridge are even crossed.

If he didn't hide it and walked on the street, he would be recognized immediately, and then he would make a sensation in the whole city.

Fortunately, knowledge can be concealed, and now there is no need for long robes and bamboo hats.

Walking on the bustling long street, looking at the busy people, he seems to be in it, but also seems to be out of the world.

This heart and this environment are not the same as in the old days.

At this moment, he thought of Yu Beidou. It was on this street that this charlatan who he initially identified as an old liar stopped in front of the horse and flopped, pestering him to give him a fortune teller.

Then he took his horse and took him on a tour of the Long Street, looking at life and the future.

I wonder if Yu Beidou at that time saw his own life?

It's all over!

Tonight and what evening!

Jiang Wang walked away at will, letting go of his heart. At this time, amidst the noise, he accurately captured a name, a very familiar name——

Er Fengming.

Can't help but smile slightly.

After half a turn, he had already appeared in a certain restaurant. He called a chair at random and sat among the scribes who were surrounding a table and talking loudly.

Then move your eyes and let go of your voice, so that these people can see and hear him.

Er Fengming was drunk, his face was flushed, and he was pointing out: "I wrote the article a few years ago! You didn't believe it at that time. At that time, I said that the current disadvantage lies in-"

He saw Jiang Wang.

The red face turned into a white face, Gao Yang's hands that fueled the momentum were lowered, and the figure that stood up when he was excited also slowly slid down.

"Did I let you sit?" Jiang Wang asked calmly.

Er Fengming immediately stood up straight again.

The other scribes at this table also got up subconsciously and stood in a circle as if punished.

"It's okay, you sit down." Jiang Wang raised his palm and pressed down, directing them to sit still, like pressing a bunch of puppets.

Then he looked at Er Fengming with a stretched posture, and said in a relaxed tone, "Why haven't you heard me scolding me recently?"

Er Fengming quickly regained his composure, with a smile on his face, and said in a graceful manner: "Look at what you said, I always talk about the facts. Of course, it turns out that sometimes I speak very shallowly, but I do it out of public interest and have no personal thoughts." Ah. Everyone is doing it for the good of this country, and there will always be someone who wants to stand up and criticize... A big man like you, how can you care about me? If there is something, it will be changed, and if there is nothing, it will be encouraged, do you think so?"

Jiang Wang didn't talk nonsense with him, just smiled and silenced his voice, and then said: "This voice doesn't reach the ears of a third person. Tell me the truth today, and I won't move you."

All the scribes could not hear it, as if they were watching a pantomime through a floor. But they all sat in a well-behaved manner, not daring to make a sound.

Er Fengming weighed it for a while, then smiled and said: "You are no longer in Qi, why should I scold you. You don't make money."

It is risky for him to speak this way, because once Jiang Wang deceives him and spreads his voice, everyone will shout and beat him instantly, and the reputation he has sought all his life will be destroyed in one go.

But he believed in Jiang Wang.

Because this man promises so much.

There is a saying that the person who scolds you knows best how wronged you are.

Er Fengming sometimes feels that he can actually be regarded as the true confidant of the number one in history!

Jiang Wang still smiled: "It's a bit solid, but not enough."

Er Fengming simply broke the jar and said: "You are famous, but you have no background. Only when I scold you will others notice me. If I scold Zhang San Li Si, who will pay attention to me? How did I become famous?"

He carefully looked at Jiang Wang's expression, and said: "And it's good for you if I scold you... It's because I always scold you that more people pay attention to you and understand you. Only you can In such a short period of time, it became famous in the Eastern Kingdom.”

There was no annoyance in Jiang Wang's eyes, he just watched his performance, and said leisurely: "You answered why you scolded me, but you haven't answered why you don't scold me now. Aren't I more famous?"

"You used to be an official and had scruples, so you couldn't do anything to me. Now that you leave Qi, you don't have any scruples." Er Fengming said honestly: "I'm also afraid of death."

Jiang Wang smiled: "Doesn't celebrity seek fame at the expense of death?"

Er Fengming was frank: "That's someone else. I don't want to learn from Xu Fang. I not only want fame, but also live to enjoy it."

Jiang Wang laughed loudly, but he really didn't move him, and walked away on his own, just walking out of sight and hearing.

"Is he gone?"

"How is it, what did the number one in Qing history really tell you?"

"Er Fengming? Hey! Are you still alive?"

A table of scribes was chattering.

"Ah!" Er Fengming suddenly raised his eyebrows and let out a long sigh.

"What's the matter, brother?" Someone asked, "Did he threaten you?"

Er Fengming sighed deeply: "Today we will know what a real person is!"

He had a look of emotion: "From now on, I will be Jiang Zhenren's loyal dog, and I will write a book and a biography for him to help him live forever!"

"I'm so anxious, what did you just say?" The scribe on the opposite side came over and said, "Don't play charades!"

Er Fengming looked around, looked at the expectant eyes, and then said reservedly: "I have seen Jiang Zhenren's measure, and Jiang Zhenren also understands that I have a fair heart, but sometimes I am deceived. The friendship between gentlemen is like water, and seeking common ground while reserving differences Alright. Jiang Zhenren and I are congenial, and we will smile away all grievances!"

"Good! What a good story!" The scribe next to him raised his glass.

They applauded, sang, and drank together.

What a feast!




(Sorry I only added 2,000 today. Brothers know me well, it’s not because I’m dishonest, it’s just my strength.)

(Continue to code now, there will definitely be one at 8:00 tomorrow night.)

(Thank you for everything you have done for this book. In the last three days, votes will expire if you don’t vote!)

(May we go all the way to this point, and we can finally keep the first place.)

This chapter is 6k, of which 2k is added for the leader "Tricky Night"!


[Thanks to the book friend "Boss, you are too confused" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 594th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "ghimger" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 595th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Uncle Haobang" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 596th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "No. 1 Boring" for rewarding the Silver League, which is the 26th Silver League for the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Ding Banban" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 597th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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