Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2070 The old woman lives alone, the world stands up to martial arts (ask for a monthly ticke

There are actually many memories in Linzi.

Recalling the few years before beheading Zhuang Gaoxian, the few flying times were almost all in this city.

Because there are friends, good wine, elders, and rivals here.

After leaving Er Fengming whom he met by chance, Jiang Wang didn't go to Huaying Palace, nor did he return to Bowanghou Mansion. Or gather a group of old friends and go drinking and having fun.

The place he went to was a quiet mansion in the east of the city——

It's too deserted here, even though it's in a bustling neighborhood, but the gate is closed, passers-by have to detour here. There are no birds in the treetops, and there are few cars and horses in front of the door.

This is Qi Xiao's residence.

It's not because of Jiang Wangliqi's troubles, no matter how crazy and scolding the former Marquis of Wu'an's fans are, they will never be able to get on the side of the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, even if she has stepped down.

The only reason for the coldness and silence here is that she has lost her cultivation base and Xia Corpse Army, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Even if people don't like Hongdingbai, they can't help but worry about Donglai Qi's family and the new Commander Xia Shi... Qi Wen who has been suppressed by her for so many years.

Walking to the gate, Jiang Wang let go of what he had seen and heard, reappeared in people's sight and hearing, and then raised his finger to knock on the door.

tuk tuk ~

The voice was clear and firm.

No response for a long time.

tuk tuk ~

Jiang Wang continued to knock on the door patiently, and sent the sound into the courtyard without prying into the secrets of the house.

After a while, the door opened, and behind the door stood an old woman with no cultivation.

From this wrinkled face, she really couldn't see her previous appearance.

It's only been a year since the Maze War... She's too old.

But when she saw Jiang Wang outside the door, she lifted her cloudy eyes slightly, and the danger and indifference deep in her eyes made people feel that she was still her.

She is Qi Xiao.

Jiang Wang even noticed that she was wearing a military uniform. Although I have wiped off the sweat, I try not to make myself look tired. But the weakened blood in the body is still surging.

Obviously she was still practicing just now.

A woman who has aged like this has no cultivation at all, no Dao Yuan in her body, and even a casual fall may break her bones...but she is still practicing.

The collapsed five mansions cannot be rebuilt, the chaotic world cannot be calmed down, and the withered Dao veins cannot be regenerated—it is impossible for her to re-open the veins, there is no Dao veins to open, and the aging body does not allow it.

All the paths of practice in this world cannot be reopened to her.

What's the point of this matter?

The two hadn't seen each other since the Lost World War.

Now separated by a threshold, in and out of the courtyard, each of them has had earth-shaking life changes. One is the number one real person in history, and the other is an old man living alone in an orphanage.

Such good fortune!

Qi Xiao's eyes didn't change, he just turned sideways, giving way to half of the door.

Facing this silent invitation, Jiang Wang stepped into it.

The old woman turned around and led the way, bypassing the screen wall and walking inside.

Jiang Wang closed the door with his hands.

As far as Jiang Wang knows, Qi Xiao's real age is forty-nine years old, which is very young for a real person, and can't be called "old" for a mortal. But she has aged like this, just looking at the wrinkles on her face, people will believe that she is seventy years old. The war in the Lost Realm left her with too much trauma.

But her posture is still upright, still like the commander who lashed out at Fang Qiu, as if in the ranks of the army. Just looking at her back, you can't see the old look on her face.

"Someone asked me, what's the point of living with you like this?" the old woman said.

Jiang Wang took two steps, walked to her side, and walked with her.

Qi Xiao's voice continued: "I don't think life needs meaning. What do you think?"

Jiang Wang didn't answer this question, but said, "Didn't you kill the person who asked you this question?"

Qi Xiao's murderousness is unmatched among famous generals in the world.

Although he has no cultivation base now, he has been the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers for so many years. Qi Ting will not forget her contribution.

This weak old woman can easily kill people.

"Oh." Qi Xiao said calmly, "This person is Qi Guang."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment.

This person really cannot be killed.

Old Sincerity Bo Qi Guang, the biological father of Qi Xiao and Qi Wen.

This kind of hereditary title has always been immortal. The reason why the Qi family is an exception is that when Qi Wen and Qi Xiao were fighting for Xia Shi, Qi Guang took the initiative to retire from the title and attack Qi Wen, just to give Qi Wen more weight.

And Qi Xiao is under such pressure, alone, suppressing the entire Donglai Qi family, and stepping into the military hall.

But Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking again. The reason why Qi Guang couldn't be killed was because he was the old Patriarch of Donglai Qi Clan, or because he was Qi Xiao's father?

The two didn't speak any more, they walked into the main hall, and sat down side by side across a tea stool.

They used to have good contacts, with Huaying Palace Master Jiang Wuyou as a bond, and Daqi Emperor, who taught the art of war by name, and had the opportunity to work together in the Lost World War...but now they are so estranged.

The layout of this main room is quite unusual. Maps are hung on the entire three walls, without any other decorations. On the front is a topographic map of the present world, on the left is a map of the Eastern Region, and on the right is a map of the offshore islands.

Ask her about her achievements in her life, nothing more than these three maps.

She must have been staring at these maps frequently, and Immortal Eyes has captured the weight of the eyes that stay in every corner of these three huge maps.

But again - what's the point?

It is impossible for her to command a soldier anymore.

Jiang Wang thought, Qi Xiao will probably only do her own thing forever, and won't care what others think, she doesn't care about the so-called 'meaning' that the world draws rules and describes.

Qi Xiao raised his finger and pointed to the pot of tea: "There is nothing else in this house, only a pot of herbal tea, for chatting to relieve heat, and drinking as you please."

The backs of her hands are also deeply wrinkled, it's hard to imagine how these hands once dismembered the strong of the Sea Clan, fought off the enemies blocking the way, fought with thousands of sails, and controlled the turmoil of thousands of miles.

Jiang Wang opened two teacups, picked up the teapot, and poured two cups.

Then he asked, "Why is there no servant in the mansion?"

The old woman said: "Who can stand me?"

When she was on Cassia Island, the elite nine soldiers had to rotate frequently to maintain a sound physical and mental condition. The number of summer corpses eliminated each year is quite astonishing, the most among the nine corpses. It is indeed impossible for ordinary people to get along with her.

She picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said: "Someone will come over regularly every day to clean and cook, and they won't interact with me."

Before Jiang Wanglai seemed to have a lot to say, but after seeing him, he didn't know what to say.

"Aren't they doing all right?" he asked. "I mean the cleaning and cooking."

The old woman glanced at him: "I mean——if you want to kill me, now is the time."

Jiang Wang remained calm: "Qi Shuai thinks I'm here to kill you today?"

"Probably not." Qi Xiao said: "But it's not necessarily true that new and old hatreds come to mind. After all, you are not a person who thinks twice before acting."

Jiang Wang said: "I know you won't regret it, but I still want to ask—do you regret it now?"

"What do you regret?"

"I don't regret the way you are now, let your younger brother take back the military power, let your father mock you, but you, who are so strong, cold and murderous, can only endure all of this."

Qi Xiao said, "I won the war."

"I don't regret sending me to a dangerous place, I don't regret letting my subordinates die, I don't regret... asking me like that?"

Qi Xiao said: "I won the war. I could have won more. If you hadn't disobeyed the military order, the situation in the coastal waters would not be so complicated now, and Da Qi would have ruled the sea long ago."

"Sure enough, it was your answer." Jiang Wang said.

"You want to say that you are now the number one truth in Qing history, and you will surely succeed in the Tao. I won't regret forcing you away?" Qi Xiao asked.

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Qi Xiao said: "Your path, your practice, itself is irreconcilable with the national system. In the national system, it is absolutely impossible for you to hold power and shoulder its responsibilities. I just pointed it out in the end. The person you want is not me, but someone else—of course, if I knew this earlier, I wouldn't force you to choose so rudely."

She paused for a moment before adding: "I'll be a little more tactful... Let Cao Shuai force you."

Jiang Wang said: "Qi Xiao is indeed Qi Xiao!"

Qi Xiao looked at him: "You want me to apologize?"

Jiang Wang shook his head, got up and walked out: "There is no need for this."

Qi Xiao's voice sounded from behind: "So you came here today, just to see how sad my life is now, how life is worse than death?"

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Qi Xiao was still sitting there, but he took out a thin handwritten book, passed it forward, and handed it to his back: "Sitting around during this period of time, I wrote a military book. Only this one, it's a painstaking effort. If you If you want to go to Huaying Palace, just pass it to His Highness for me. You can turn a couple of pages if you want, or you can destroy it after you go out if you want to take revenge on me."

Jiang Wang didn't look back, let alone pick up the book of war, but said: "Answer Qi Shuai's first question - I don't think there is any meaning to living, but it is necessary to live. It is also necessary to prevent others from living..."

and left.

The old woman quietly held the book and put it down expressionlessly.

She didn't laugh, she hadn't killed people for a long time, she just looked at the situation map of the offshore islands hanging on the wall, and said to herself: "Everyone who died in the lost world, including me now, I think they all have meaning .”

"I hope so," said a voice.

Qi Xiao looked up and saw Duhou. He was sitting next to him, where Jiang Wang was sitting before, and he picked up the cup of herbal tea and drank it slowly.

"Does Duhou think I'm wrong?" Qi Xiao asked.

Cao Jiedao: "The battle of the lost world is dominated by you, I will not question the commander's order."

"The Battle of the Maze World is over. What about hindsight?"

Cao Jie put down his teacup: "War is such a thing, how can there be any right or wrong? Is Qi Xiao weak now?"

Qi Xiao shook his head slowly: "It's just that when people get old, they start to think about life constantly."

He asked again: "Mr. Du came so fast, is it because he is afraid that he will kill me?"

Cao Jie nodded honestly: "A little bit."

Qi Xiao carefully put away the military book, and said, "He won't do anything to me. He has too many worries."

Cao Jiedao: "Sometimes it doesn't seem like you have any worries."

"Young. Sometimes I don't care about it." Qi Xiao picked up the tea, took a sip slowly, and said: "He just wanted to tell me that I was wrong. He wanted to show me how he practiced his reason."

"Do you want to watch it?" Cao Jie asked.

"Of course." Qi Xiao replied.

Then he said, "Besides that, what else can I do now?"

Cao Jie looked at her: "Actually, I'm more worried. You want to use his hand to free yourself."

"A joke!" Qi Xiao said coldly: "This is too ridiculous. If I, Qi Xiao, want to be free, how can I borrow someone else's knife?"

"Don't laugh." Cao Jie said calmly, "I'm afraid of death."



Jiang Wang told Emperor Qi that Qi State is his second hometown, and there is no water in this statement.

The karma between him and Zhuang Guo has ended, and no one in the Underworld can respond to his thoughts.

But in Qi State, he made too many friends and left too many memories. There are flying eagles fighting dogs, some ostentatiously, some are domineering, and some are full of honor.

Of course there are some enemies too. But all the way forward, walking and walking, there will be nothing.

After leaving Qi Xiao's mansion, he went to Huaying Palace.

No one in Huaying Palace asked him to wait, after he entered the gate of the palace, there was already someone waiting, leading him all the way to the Martial Arts Field.

Of course Jiang Wuyou knew about Jiang Wang's whereabouts.

At this time, she was still practicing martial arts in the palace.

She practiced martial arts almost every day, with 18 kinds of weapons, all of them possessed supernatural skills.

There are also three palace masters who are qualified to fight for the dragon. Jiang Wuhua does not show the mountains and does not dew the water, Jiang Wuxie is quite like a martial ancestor, and he is full of romantic stories. Jiang Wuyou alone, in addition to the power of the country, also showed the posture of a master.

He is already a person who pioneered Taoism and martial arts and created a precedent. If he can go on without hindrance, he will become a generation of masters.

Jiang Wang walked to the familiar school field, and saw a Fangtian ghost halberd rolling in the air, roaring like a silver dragon.

At the moment when Jiang Wang arrived, the dragon turned into a real form!

The real silver scales and horns, carrying the wind and thunder, are more than ten feet long, rushing head-on. Suppressing the five elements, the dragon chanted to the sky: "Compete with me!"

The entire school grounds were enveloped in a murderous atmosphere.

Standing on the sidelines was the old woman who was always by Jiang Wuyou's side and held a halberd for her. Once Jiang Wang couldn't see her reality, but now she was clearly visible, and she was also a real person.

Under Jiang Wuyou's majestic power, he still observed the surroundings Shi Shiran, and then stepped into the arena with a light smile, and just reached out——

Already holding the silver-white dragon horn.

As a result, the wind and thunder stopped, the thick clouds dispersed, the dragon's horn turned into a sharp halberd edge, Jiang Wuyou held the pole with both hands, and his blood roared in his body!

Eight characters of Dao appeared outside the body, like heavenly talismans. Its light is so bright that it seems to cover her with a layer of silver armor, making her aura infinitely enhanced.

The characters say: Dao, Lin, Jue, Dian, Tian, ​​Xia, Li, Wu.

Every word has its own unique charm. Like a knife like a gun, like a sword like a halberd.

Jiang Wang just glanced at the eyes, and these eight words appeared almost at the same time - bang! It immediately decomposed and exploded into eight flames.

The hand holding the halberd edge pressed down, and Jiang Wuyou was crushed to the ground, and his boots smashed the floor tiles!

Jiang Wang let go of his hand with a smile on his face. But Jiang Wuyou slammed on the ground, panting violently.

Although this was just a sparring session, Jiang Wang didn't hold back.

He knew Jiang Wuyou very well, he knew that Jiang Wuyou had Jiang Wuyou's pride, Jiang Wuyou didn't need him to keep his hand.

"Jiang Qingyang!"

He heard this cold drink.

He looked over with a smile, with the joy of reuniting an old friend on his face: "What's the matter?"

Palace Master Huaying casually threw Fang Tian's ghost halberd behind him, and said coldly, "What do you mean!?"




(It's the last two days, whether we can keep the best results since Chi Xin opened the book, it's all here. Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.)

(I'm still writing.)

(There will be more updates at 8:00 p.m.!)

[Thanks to the book friend "Hug Bao Mo" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 598th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Jiang Wu" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 599th alliance of Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to book friend "20201023004238573" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 600th alliance for Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Jiang Yue He Zeng Frowning" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 601st League of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Tempestas" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 602nd league of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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