Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2071 The Pingdan Time (asking for a monthly ticket)

Palace Master Huaying, who has always been heroic, generous and bright, now has such a cold face, which is really rare.

Jiang Wang raised his hands, surrendered first, and then said, "What is your Highness referring to?"

Palace Master Huaying looked at him: "Can you explain the word 'comparison'?"

Jiang Wang said solemnly: "Of course, the discussion is to study and encourage each other, so as to improve each other's knowledge. But Your Highness has seen the appearance of a master since he started Dao Wu. What a proud person he is. How can I hold back?"

Palace Master Huaying said coldly: "If you are fighting in the same realm, you shouldn't keep your hands. But now that you are really facing God, and you still let go like this, is it possible that you still want to kill Ben Gong?"

There are only four words in Jiang Wang's mind - quite like Naifu!

I didn't even hurt a hair of yours, how did I get to the point where I wanted to kill you?

He hurriedly said: "Your Highness, this way of martial arts is really terrifying. If I don't take it seriously, it's really hard to deal with! Be sure to pay attention next time."

"Slow down the pace, let Gu have a bit of fighting experience and gain something from it." Jiang Wuyou sighed: "Is it necessary for Bengong to speak to you so thoroughly?"

"I understand." Jiang Wang said, "I really understand this time."

"As expected of the number one truth in Qing history." Jiang Wuyou casually drew a long sword handle, and said in his mouth, "Try swordsmanship!"

The sound just fell, and the sword was like a rainbow.

A person holding this sword, goes all the way to the sky——

Crashed into the domain formed by the sword energy.

It's like a flying insect hit a spider's web, and a elk stepped into a quagmire, and can't get out of it ever since.

The overwhelming sword energy transformed into various sword styles, and came to kill her one after another.

Jiang Wuyou swung his sword horizontally, and moved left and right, showing his posture. The sword in his palm flew back and forth, evolving into the treasured swordsmanship of the Daqi royal family. The waist is like a bow, the sword is like a string, and there is a loud sound when you step on the ground. Even the high ponytail that fluctuated with her figure was like a whip and thunder!

Watching her fight is a joy.

Strength and beauty are embodied in her to the extreme.

No matter what kind of sword style descends, she can properly split it and cut it open precisely.

The sword energy here is infinite, and her response is also infinite.

More than that.

After breaking the sword pose every time, there will be sword marks in the air.

It was not conspicuous at first, but the faster and faster the sword moves, the clearer the sword marks became.

Taking every confrontation as a wolf, unconsciously, it seems to have drawn a chessboard in mid-air.

Horizontal latitude vertical vertical longitude, instant detonation, a flash of white light!

Those translucent sword marks, at this moment, were unexpectedly named Sword's Edge, centered on her, spread out in all directions at a high speed, cutting everything. The overwhelming sword energy was wiped out on the spot!

Really good swordsmanship!

But the sword attack she faced was not so simple. This side is destroyed, and the other side is born.

In the short space created by cutting through the enemy with a sword, Jiang Wuyou clearly saw that—outside this area, on the side of the school field, Jiang Wang was sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a Peel the peanuts there.

And the constantly approaching sword energy filled her field of vision once again.

"Jiang Wang!" Jiang Wuyou shouted.

The sword energy all over the sky dissipated in an instant, as if nothing existed.

Only the fine beads of sweat on Jiang Wuyou's forehead can prove the existence of the confrontation just now.

She shook her head casually, and her high ponytail drew a clear arc in the air. Throwing the sword back to the weapon rack, he strode towards Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang smiled and asked for credit: "Just say it's slow!"

Jiang Wuyou didn't bother to care about it anymore, and waved his hand: "Forget it, Shenlin vs. Dongzhen, the gap is really too big, it's meaningless to fight."

He asked again: "How did you succeed in killing Zhen?"

Jiang Wang handed her a handful of peeled peanuts, and said in a relaxed tone: "Three conditions, one of which is indispensable. First, before the war, he has been severely consumed by Lord Yong. Be remembered by me, and prepare for it in advance. Second, I can withstand his frontal attack for a short time. My friend and I teamed up and can withstand his soul. Third, when I do it, I am outside the country , he can’t adjust the power of the country, after he returns to the country, the power of the country has been shaken, and he is swallowed by the power of the country instead.”

The king's departure from the power of the country is like a military monk without an army. It is like a tiger cutting off its claws, let alone these claws fighting back before they are cut off.

But what surprised Jiang Wuyou the most was that Jiang Wang was able to temporarily withstand Zhuang Gaoxian's frontal attack, which can be said to be the foundation of everything.

"I'm not too sure about the details of that battle." Jiang Wuyou took the handful of peanuts, and ate a few of them in shock: "At that time, you will be able to face Zhuang Gaoxian head-on?"

"How is it possible?" Jiang Wang casually summoned a chair, let Jiang Wuyou sit beside him, and said, "It's just that I can handle two moves, but those friends who made the move together all have the ability to hurt Zhuang Gaoxian. Can't let go. So I just need to hold the key."

In fact, neither Lin Xian nor Bai Yuxia was able to break through Zhuang Gaoxian's defense later, but there is no need to specifically mention this meeting.

"This is too much a test of cooperation." Jiang Wuyou said thoughtfully, "The sword spirit domain you released to suppress me just now seems to be about to become a small world?"

Ordinary people may not understand the difference between the spiritual domain and the small world, so how could she, Jiang Wuyou, not understand?

The step from Dongzhen to Yandao is after the great attainment of spiritual consciousness, the primordial spirit comes out of the body, refines and unites the small world, and achieves the dharma body. The Tao body is the body of the practitioner all the time.

You must use the Dharma body to fit the Dao body, and you can become the Dao!

How long has Jiang Qingyang been here? It's only been more than a month after all the calculations, and it's about to become a small world? !

Regarding Palace Master Huaying, Jiang Wang didn't hide anything, but he glanced at the old woman who caught Fang Tian's ghost halberd.

Jiang Wuyou then said: "Mommy, you go to rest first."

The old woman remained silent, and there was no one left.

Jiang Wang grabbed it casually and burned those peanut shells into nothingness. The flames shot out from between his fingers, he spread out his five fingers and placed them flat in front of Jiang Wuyou.

It was a red amber-like sphere, in which the fire element flowed, complex and gorgeous. There are birds and beasts, cities and houses. Meteors streaked across, flowers and plants swayed. What a scene full of vitality and all things competing for development.

"Your Highness has really good eyesight." He said casually, "The one just now was called Yanfu Sword Prison. Now this called True Origin Fire Realm."

Jiang Wuyou was silent for a while.

It is not about to be accomplished, but has already been accomplished!

The spiritual domain of a practitioner can only be realized as a small world after it has been sublimated to the extreme.

Only a small world full of vitality and infinite potential can allow practitioners to combine their primordial spirit and achieve the dharma body that follows the body, moves with the law, and fills mountains and seas with power.

There are only two sources of the small world, either the cultivator self-cultivated the spiritual domain and sublimated it to the extreme, or it was plundered from outside the sky.

There is no distinction between these two choices.

Practitioners have the opportunity to achieve perfection in their own spiritual sublimation, but the birth of the universe also has unique advantages.

The universe is so vast and holds infinite possibilities. Every moment a new world is created, and every moment an old world is destroyed. It is also unavoidable... There are often small worlds that are plundered by the strong.

Just like the friendship between King Wu Sijiao and Lord Changsheng of Nandou Palace, it started from a small world without an owner. Later, during the Qixia War, he invited Lord Changsheng to help.

This "no master" in many cases does not mean that the small world on the other side has no native creatures, but that it is not occupied by real strong people.

The gap between practitioners and ordinary people is so great, except that the two realms of the inner mansion and the outer building often meet, every realm of practice is completely different.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, it is inevitable to regard all living beings as ants.

Too many people are like that. Already extraordinary, already free from vulgarity, he feels that he is no longer ordinary, or even a "human being".

A large number of practitioners don't regard ordinary people as human beings at all, let alone intelligent beings in the outer world.

This problem has been serious since the overthrow of the Yaozu Heavenly Court in ancient times.

The ancient human emperor Youxiong once said: "Today's superhuman beings who are superior to ordinary people, how can they be like monsters who dominate human race? Wild beasts don't kill their offspring. You and I are like pigs and dogs when we come from ordinary people and abuse ordinary people?"

The ancient sage Han Gui's law was first established to protect ordinary people.

Nowadays, the governance of laws in various countries and the law enforcement in the Three Criminal Palaces, to a large extent, also uphold the spirit of legalism.

But only in this world.

In the Outer Worlds, few people really care.

It's like Ao Kui's occupation of Senhaiyuan Realm by force, destroying the clan at every turn, and destroying it will also destroy it.

Why do you say that Jiang Wang is really fast after cutting Zhuang? Why did Na Liang immediately agree to four-on-one when he saw Jiang Wang's true source of fire, and no longer considered it an insult?

Because everyone could see that Jiang Wang's spiritual domain had sublimated to a certain limit at that time, and was infinitely approaching the level of the small world.

As long as the small world is fully realized, he can understand this "truth" at any time, use his spirit to refine the gods in his own small world, and become the primordial spirit.

But such "truth" is really very small.

He is only "real" in his own small world. It is not considered a real person in this world at all, and it is impossible for all worlds to be one.

Once dispersed in the small world, just like practitioners in the outer world, they will fall into the present world.

Of course, Jiang Wang's body is in the Three Realms, even if he takes this step, he must be stronger than ordinary real people in the small world.

But for a peerless genius like him, such a choice can only be said to be extremely short-sighted.

The condition Jing Guo gave him at that time was to allow him to be the emperor of Zhuang Guozheng, and use the power of the country to push him to become a real person in this world, that is also the way.

But the power of the country is even more implicated for him. Such a real person is of course very strong, and it is even more terrifying to become a true king like this. But he has almost no hope of detachment. After all, he really doesn't have the ability to govern the country. How can he compete with those powerful and powerful emperors?

If you really want to compete in the world, only one Qi Tianzi is enough to hang him up and spur him repeatedly.

In Jiang Wang's own mind, it was the shackles Jing Guo gave him.

If he is the emperor of Zhuang Kingdom, it is impossible not to be controlled by Daozong. Dongzhen was achieved overnight, and with the help of national power, he immediately possessed terrifying combat power. But Yan Dao is even more difficult...

Tu Hu asked him why he didn't take the Three Realms as reality, but asked the question with the answer in mind.

And Jiang Wang was in the wilderness to seek the truth, and truly grasp the world with the way, so that he can penetrate the sky thoroughly, and become a real person in the world. In turn, it took a while for Ben to achieve the true source of the small world, the Fire Realm, and it was sublimated to the extreme on the spot.

For Dongzhen's realm, it can be said that he is a real person "born" with a small world.

Originally, if the spiritual domain wanted to be sublimated to the extreme and become a small world, even a cultivator of Dongzhen had to plan for a long time and nurture it for a long time. It is rare in the world for such a coincidence like him to push the spiritual realm to the critical point in the realm of gods.

Therefore, the real demon in Bian Huang, who did not want to be named, died unjustly.

"This world has been completed, and the other world will be completed..." Jiang Wuyou looked at Jiang Wang with admiration: "You are going to cultivate two small worlds!"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "Not really."

"Aren't you planning to cultivate a small world in this Yanfu Sword Prison?" Jiang Wuyou asked himself and answered, "That's right, it only takes one realm to cultivate a dharma body, and it would be a waste if there were too many."

The more small worlds are not the better, if this is the case, how can there be small worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds at this time? I am afraid that if one is born, one will be plundered.

"That's not what I mean..." Jiang Wang said, taking away the true source of the fire world, and then held up his palm, which was a miniature fairyland of knowledge and knowledge that showed traces on purpose: "It's not two small worlds, it's three .”

Even a nobleman like Jiang Wuyou was speechless once again.

It is said that coming from God to Dongzhen is a step forward from "God of Man" to "God of World".

This "world" is of course the world of the present world, but in a sense, it is the world of the small world.

"Yuan" is the beginning of all things.

The "primordial spirit" of the cultivator's primordial spirit sea is also the first god in the small world controlled by the practitioner... the first god to create the world!

Of course, talking about Yan Dao now is too far away.

But there is no doubt that Jiang Wang has already advanced too much in the practice of the small world.

Finally Jiang Wuyou said: "Bo Wanghou said that you are actually a person who is very good at showing off, and it is true. Gu didn't think so before."

"How can he corrupt people's innocence out of thin air?" Jiang Wang was very dissatisfied: "I have become the number one truth in history, who sees me talking about it?"

"Yes." Jiang Wuyou said: "You just took the head of a real devil to meet the emperor Mu Guo."

Jiang Wang smiled, and just sat with Jiang Wuyou beside the school yard, chatting while peeling peanuts.

After a while, he became a little more serious: "I came to His Highness today not only to reminisce, but also to talk to His Highness."

Jiang Wuyou probably already guessed what was going on, clapped his hands, got up and said, "It seems that Master Jiang doesn't regard me as a friend."

"A friend is a friend, and a promise is a promise." Jiang Wang's expression was very serious: "When I left Qi, I felt a lot of guilt. It was your highness. I once promised your highness that I will repay you for the matter of Tianyatai, but In order to kill Zhuang Gaoxian, I had to leave Qi. At that time, I didn't dare to say anything to Your Highness because I might not be able to live. But now I want to tell Your Highness that my promise is still valid. No matter when, no matter what Things, you let me know, and I'll be there."

"You don't owe me any promises, I have already asked you." Jiang Wuyou looked at him: "Unless you don't intend to forgive Qi Shuai."

Jiang Wangdao: "Does Your Highness know that I went to see Qi Shuai? Before I came to Huaying Palace."

Palace Master Huaying didn't hide it: "Naturally."

"Aren't you worried about what I'm doing?"

"You will not."


"If you want to kill her, you won't go to see the emperor first, you will come to see Gu first, because you have promised me that time." Jiang Wuyou said: "Maybe you won't be afraid of the risk of killing her. But you I will definitely not disregard your promise to this palace, nor will I disregard my royal father's mood."

Jiang Wang said: "I can't lie to you, I can't forgive her. But I won't do anything to her either. So I still owe you a promise."

Palace Master Huaying is definitely not a coy person, so she no longer refused, but said: "Is it too difficult for Gu to make you agree, or do you want to repay Gu too much?"

"Maybe there are all of them!" Jiang Wangwen said with a smile: "Your Highness has invested so many times, and there should be one time when he will be rewarded."

Jiang Wuyou smiled: "If Xiuzhang hears it, she will definitely scold you in her heart."

After all, she was his friend's ex-fiancee, Jiang Wang couldn't make fun of Liu Xiuzhang, so he just smiled and said, "I just fought, Your Highness's road to martial arts really opened my eyes."

Jiang Wuyou stood under the night with his hands behind his back: "Reverend Jiang is willing to call that a fight, because he took Gu's face into consideration."

Jiang Wang looked at the school field in front of him, as if he saw the noble man beside him, who had suffered countless nights. It was a period of time when Taoism and martial arts had not been developed, practice had not progressed, brothers and younger brothers were stronger than each other, and they wanted to fight for the dragon, but they seemed to be getting further and further away... It was such a period of time.

That kind of loneliness and perseverance is admirable.

That's why people say, "Jiang has a daughter named Wuyou, and men in the world are ashamed to see her"!

The owner of Palace Huaying, who was born in Yuanfeng twenty-four years, is thirty-five this year. For extraordinary monks, of course they are still very young. But when she achieved God's Arrival, she had already passed the age line to be called a peerless genius.

It's her who can't, it's her determination to do martial arts, and she has been stagnant for so many years.

"In those days when Dao Wu failed to achieve success, how did His Highness feel?" Jiang Wang asked.

Jiang Wuyou looked up at the night sky: "It's the same as the night in front of you. It's very dark. It's different from the night in front of you. No matter how dark the night is, you know that it will light up at dawn, so you won't be afraid. And the dawn of life , I don’t know when—I know that the future I want will come one day, but I really don’t know how long I’ll have to wait for that day.”

"Speaking of which, fighting for the dragon is very important to His Highness?" Jiang Wang also raised his eyes and looked at the night sky: "Your Highness has endured for so many years and put in a lot of hard work before he finally opened his own martial arts. The road ahead will be smooth. For His Highness, the power of the country is very important. It doesn’t seem to be a help.”

Jiang Wuyou was silent for a moment, then said: "Struggling to be a dragon is very important to Gu."

Jiang Wang didn't ask for the specific reason, he is not the kind of person who must let people share their thoughts and let them air in the air. Just nodded: "Then, I see."

But Jiang Wuyou said: "No one has ever dared to tell you, right? The one in Qingshi Palace is the elder brother of my mother."

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly there was thunder and lightning, tearing the night sky.





(This chapter is almost 5k words, today is 9k strong!)

(I said I was exhausted, and they asked me to die next month. This month, I will fight first...)

(Ask for a monthly pass!)

The 4K of this chapter is added for the leader "Shangxian Qitian" and the leader "A Different Kind of Mood"!


[Thanks to the book friend "The Killer of Beautiful Emotions" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 603rd league of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "My family's Miaoyu must be the main palace" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 604th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to book friend "jcwei1203" for rewarding Xinmeng! 】

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