Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2073 Shirahone Shinza

"Yuzhi, what's the matter? Everyone welcomes you very much!"

Wen Tinglan pulled Miao Yuzhi, who was holding the child, and said to everyone: "I just said that we are all good friends, and we just sit together for a meal. No one will take offense, and Yuzhi is very embarrassed~"

As the daughter of Wen Yanyu, a court official, she came from a family of scholars for generations. She is a typical lady from a big family, a lady from a famous family, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and can handle people and things in a decent manner. At this time, the smile was bright, but he didn't pull Miao Yuzhi to sit down immediately, but looked at Jiang Wang who was sitting in the main seat.

Because today's banquet, although Yan Fu paid for it, was organized by Jiang Wang.

Of course, Jiang Wang couldn't take Wen Tinglan's face off, so he smiled warmly: "What Bo Wanghou said is what I meant, let's sit together, I haven't seen Xiao Xuanjing for a long time either—is he asleep?"

Wen Tinglan said that Miao Yuzhi took care of the children every day, and it was true.

Such a famous family as Bao's, surrounded by a child, I don't know how many people take care of it. But Miao Yuzhi didn't worry about anyone, she had to take it with her wherever she went, and she had to coax her to sleep by herself every night.

Bao Xuanjing, who was born on September 29th, the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng in the Qi calendar, is now more than one year old and almost two years old.

Not full term but healthy. After all, Shuofangbo's mansion is in good condition, and he is white and fat, very cute.

At this moment, in Miao Yuzhi's arms, she closed her eyes, breathed evenly, and had a very relaxed expression on her face.

Miao Yuzhi looked at the child in her arms with gentle eyes: "Just now there was still trouble on the road..."

She smiled at Jiang Wang, "Probably tired."

She hugged the sleeping Xiaoxuan mirror for Jiang Wang to look at, and sat down beside Jiang Wang by the way.

The rest of the meal didn't taste very good.

Although Wen Tinglan has been working hard to liven up the atmosphere, she is also very good at finding some topics.

But there is a widow of an old friend who I don't know very well here, and everyone is not very comfortable.

Yi Shishi has always been introverted, and he gets better after marriage, but he can chat in front of acquaintances, but he doesn't know what to do when he meets strangers.

Yi Huaimin is used to rambling, but Shuofangbo's widow was present, so he had to be more or less careful.

Chong Xuansheng, who is used to being long-sleeved and good at dancing, just continued to talk in a neutral manner, and didn't let Wen Tinglan's words fall on the ground, but he didn't want to stir up any atmosphere.

Zheng Shangming watched the words and expressions, and gradually just drank.

Yan Fu worked hard to cooperate a few times, and gradually he talked less.

Miao Yuzhi herself, on the other hand, was unaware of the atmosphere at the scene, and didn't care about the others at all. From time to time, I asked Jiang Wang a few questions, and Jiang Wang responded politely one by one.

It went on like this for a while without embarrassment, Li Longchuan's mouth faded, and he felt that it was still very interesting. He got up and opened the door of the private room, intending to go out to get some air, but happened to see an acquaintance.

"Thank you, Xiaobao!"

Xie Baoshu was passing by with a group of friends, he didn't want to come to Yan Fu's restaurant at first. But firstly, the food here is really authentic, and my friends like it very much, secondly... it's like spending money on Yan Shao's service, it's quite refreshing to think about it. Where can you usually spend money on Yan Fu!

Anzhi Tinglan...huh!

Suddenly hearing such an impolite sound, he frowned. According to the sound, he happened to meet Jiang Wang who was seated facing the door.

As soon as their eyes met, Jiang Wang opened his mouth first: "Oh, it's a precious tree."

After all, Xie Xiaobao has matured a lot, unlike before. His brows stretched out, he even arched his hands, and said, "Master Jiang! When did you return to Linzi?"

"I just came back not long ago." Jiang Wang looked at him and said, "Sit down and have a drink together?"

Xie Baoshu deliberately avoided Wen Tinglan's gaze, and only said to Jiang Wang: "I appreciate Jiang's kindness, I just finished uncle is still waiting for me at home."

Jiang Wang didn't bully him, he just waved his hand: "Okay, send my regards to Dr. Xie."

Xie Baoshu was very polite: "Really Jiang's greetings, I will definitely bring them."

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and said again: "Forget it, I'll go in person, I happened to have an urgent matter with Dr. Xie."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and waved his hands to everyone in the room: "I'm sorry, I have something to do, and it's fate that I happened to meet Baoshu, so I'll settle this matter first. I'll excuse you today, let's meet again another day !"

Zheng Shangming got up to say goodbye: "We are all good friends, and we can get together at any time. It's important that you do business."

The others just waved their hands, and Chong Xuan didn't even bother to raise their eyelids.

On the other hand, Miao Yuzhi still couldn't get enough of it, and said reluctantly, "Then, Brother Jiang, please slow down on the road."

"It's easy to say. You also take care of your body and take care of Xiaoxuanjing." Jiang Wang left a sentence and fled.

Before Xie Baoshu could react, Jiang Wang had already walked to the front, beckoning to him, and said affectionately, "Go, Baoshu, what are you doing here?"

Xie Baoshu really wanted to say that his uncle was not at home, but he was worried that Jiang Zhenren really had something to do with his uncle.

After all, they are all real people in this world, at the same level...

"How does Master Jiang plan to go?" Xie Baoshu asked politely after walking out of the gate of Anzhi Tower.

"Oh, take your carriage." Jiang Wang said absently.

In fact, he didn't want to find Xie Huaian at all, he just found a reason to take the opportunity to leave.

Miao Yuzhi is so strange, every time we meet each other, the strange feeling becomes even worse.

It's not that he hasn't been pursued before, and he has more or less rejected some overtures over the years.

In the previous few encounters by chance, Miao Yuzhi still only had a vague look in his eyes, and his words were all measured, so there was nothing wrong with it.

It's been a while today.

How could any mother in the world be like this, holding her child in her arms, but seeing another man all over her eyes?

That child is not his!

Jiang Wang didn't want to provoke any peach blossoms, and he didn't want to be hacked by Uncle Shuo. But I was also afraid that I was being sentimental and misunderstood the weakness of a woman whose husband died just after giving birth.

So it can only be avoided.

"Jiang Renren wants to find my uncle, what is it?" Xie Baoshu thought about it in the stable driving carriage.

"Oh." Jiang Wang came back to his senses, and said gently: "This is a matter between real people. I'm telling you now, but you still don't understand."

Xie Baoshu stopped talking.



The banquet in Anzhi Tower dissipated soon after Jiang Wang left.

Everyone goes home.

Li Longchuan hooked up with Yi Huaimin at this moment, and left with a bright smile...they didn't go home.

Leaving the dining room, Yan Fu, who has always been gentle, didn't speak much, and went back to the top floor silently. The entire floor here is his resting place, and sometimes he will stay here.

With no emotion on his face, he took a book in his hand and read it slowly.

He's not one to lose his temper, but almost never loses control. His grandfather Yan Ping believes that the two most important words in life are "self-control".

Yan Ping is the prime minister, and he rarely looks angry.

Jiang Rumo, who inherited the political platform and made the former prime minister return with great strength, is even worse. He has always been an image of a good old man, there is no need to "control his anger", he never seems to be angry.

When the former prime minister succeeded in returning to his own power, Jiang Rumo began to promote his own political views on the basis of the former prime minister's platform.

If you have to use one sentence to briefly summarize the two prime ministers of Daqi.

The former Prime Minister's political ideas are aggressive and aggressive, and the means are both tough and soft. There are spring winds and rains in the country of destroying Yang, and winter frost and thunder in the bloody battle against the country of Xia.

Today's political views are moderate and conservative, low-key, advocating a win-win situation. He always pushes forward his ideas slowly and quietly.

Before the current prime minister leaves office, it is impossible to say who is better. But their political views, to some extent, are related to the state of Qi. At the time of the former prime minister, the whole country of Qi was fighting for hegemony. At this time, Qi needs to consolidate its hegemony.

The prime minister of course has his own political opinions, but to some extent, it is also a continuation of the will of the king.

To know the heart of the emperor from above, and to caress the ministers below, is the prime minister.

That's why Mr. Yan's name has the word "Fu". I hope he can soothe people's hearts and go straight on the road.

Jiang Wang had known him for so long, and the only time he saw him angry was when he couldn't bear the public opinion led by Xuanhuai Bo Liu Yingqi, and severed his tongue with a knife.

Wen Tinglan sent Miao Yuzhi's mother and son to the carriage first, and after bidding farewell, she came back to look for Yan Fu.

Make tea as usual, sit beside him, and lean on him: "Husband~~ Please use tea."

The two of them were engaged a long time ago, but never got married.

Wen Yanyu hopes to wait for Yan Fu to make some achievements of her own before officially getting married.

Yan Fu was not in a hurry either.

But in private, they had long been intimate with their husband and wife, and even attended the Muguo wedding banquet together.

At this time, Yan Fu said: "I don't really want to drink, let's put it away for now."

Wen Tinglan said again: "Then I'll cut the fruit for you."

Yan Fu sighed, "Ting Lan, let me rest for a while."

Wen Tinglan is knowledgeable, beautiful and intellectual, but under the gentle background, she is actually a bit strong.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have heard that she was destroying the relationship between Yan Fu and Liu Xiuzhang, so she went to the door and forced Yan Fu to go to Fufeng County to make it clear and end the last ounce of affection.

At this time, he also looked at Yan Fu, unwilling to be quiet: "Are you unhappy? Because you met Xie Baoshu today?"

Yan Fu put down the book: "He only liked you unilaterally, do you think I, Yan Fu, would have any emotions because of him?"

"What happened?" Wen Tinglan asked.

Yan Fu looked at her quietly for a while, and finally said: "Chong Xuansheng paid the money when he finally left."

Wen Tinglan said: "Every day is your treat, it doesn't matter if he pays the bill once in a while, it's not that the Bowanghou Mansion is short of money."

"You really can't see that everyone is unhappy?" Yan Fu asked.

Wen Tinglan blinked pitifully: "Is it because of Yuzhi?"

Yan Fu took a deep breath: "She is a widowed woman, it would be fine if she left Bao's residence, she is still the young wife of Bao's family. She is still holding the child..."

"But isn't this a family feast? Aren't they all from our own family?" Wen Tinglan asked.

Yan Fu looked at her, and his tone became serious: "Ting Lan, there is something wrong with you. This is a private banquet among friends, there is no reason for you to invite someone you don't know well. This is not something you would do."

"Oh, don't be so stingy." Wen Tinglan said: "Jiang Wang and I are also friends. I invited him a few times to hold poetry meetings before, and he also readily attended the appointment. Yuzhi is also my friend, and Jiang Wang is also my friend. What does it matter if I introduce a friend to a friend? And they are familiar with each other, right? Jiang Wang even remembers Xuan Jing!"

Yan Fu didn't speak.

Wen Tinglan said again: "Oh, it's all my fault, I admit my mistake. When you sent someone to invite me to the banquet, I happened to be with Yuzhi. She asked if we could be together. She hasn't been out for a long time... Her age Qingqing, how could I refuse when my husband died right after giving birth? Well, don't be unhappy. Since you are unhappy, there will be no next time. "

Yan Fu only said: "That's how it is."

Wen Tinglan didn't seem to know that the reason why she was able to enter the circle centered on Jiang Wang was because of Yan Fu, and it had nothing to do with whether she was a daughter of the Wen family or her father was Wen Yanyu. She is no better than Yi Shishi. Yi Shishi and Jiang Wang are friends, but they are closer because of Chong Xuansheng. could Wen Tinglan not know?



The carriage and horse business is one of the main incomes of the Bao family, and Shuofangbo's carriages are naturally first-class in Qi.

On the way back to the mansion, Miao Yuzhi leaned on the seat, slowly closed her eyes, and fell into a coma.

She has been thirsty in recent years.

But the dazed state became sober in my mind...

This is the only strange color in the infinite darkness.

But it is also a blank space.

It's about a hundred feet in radius, so it's not huge.

In the center of this place is a bone god seat.

In front of the bone god seat, there was a piece of torn clothes lying quietly.

On the corner of the clothes, there are half orchids.

And on the throne, sat a child with innocent eyes and a cute smile——Bao Xuanjing, who was less than two years old.

Miao Yuzhi has long been used to this place.

He came in and said, "Why do you have to go to see Jiang Wang? I think he seems suspicious."

Bao Xuanjing giggled and made a cute childish voice: "Mother, don't you want to see him?"

In my mind, Miao Yuzhi's complexion is very good, she doesn't seem haggard outside, and her whole body is much more sober: "I don't need to be so anxious."

Bao Xuanjing said: "I want to take back a gift, and I also need to see him in person. I must see his current strength with my own eyes and see how far he has grown. Otherwise, I can't feel at ease."

"Apart from talent, is there anything special about him?" Miao Yuzhi didn't ask what the gift was, knowing that there would be no answer, she just said: "He has never shown any hostility to you, to your father, Bao Zhongqing, that dead ghost, is also very tolerant. Why are you so wary of him?"

"Vigilant?" Bao Xuanjing smiled happily: "I am not vigilant, I like him. There is someone who is much more difficult to deal with than him, and he replaced him."

Miao Yuzhi asked: "If that person is much more difficult to deal with than him, how could he be replaced?"

"Hmm..." Bao Xuanjing touched his chin with his chubby little hand, and said cutely: "This question is worth thinking about."

Miao Yuzhi asked again: "Since you came to see him, why did you sleep the whole time?"

Bao Xuanjing said: "That fat man in the room is too smart...I don't want him to see any clues."

Miao Yuzhi didn't quite understand: "You are so young, no one will be wary of you, what can he see?"

Bao Xuanjing simply lay down on the bone god seat, got up again after a while, turned his head to look at Miao Yuzhi, with a pleasant smile: "My dear mother...don't underestimate the wisdom of ordinary people~"




(The last time I asked for a monthly pass was in July.)

(Finally, finally, finally, it's the last day of July. Don't let the monthly pass expire, and hand it over to Qingshi No. 1 Zhen!)

(Thank you everyone! Thank you to everyone who is working towards the same goal!)

This chapter has 4K words, added for the leader "I am your pounding", and the leader "Guangshuzhen Heroine"!


Thanks to the book friends who are "readers with nothing to use" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 607th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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