Red Heart Survey

The first speech of the three lists

we are the champion!

No. You are champions.


I didn't expect to be number one.

Not that it never occurred to me.

When I first came to the starting point, I didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so I thought about it presumptuously.

Someone asked me why I chose the starting point. I confidently say that since I decided to write web articles, why do I have to come to the place where the competition is fiercest and suffer the hardest beating!

That's just a pretentious tone, do you understand? Just like Jiang Wang said "it may be appropriate".

I didn't expect to be really beaten.

And was beaten so hard.

Two years of writing, 2 million words, 1,700 subscriptions, bank cards that are getting thinner and thinner... erased this arrogant idea.

When I wrote about the meeting of the Yellow River, I, who was finally getting more and more attention from readers, thought about it vaguely.

One is that there are too many readers. I feel how so many readers came overnight. So many alliance leaders, so many silver leagues, and growing subscriptions gave me a lot of confidence.

Another one is that I am very satisfied with the writing of The Meeting of the Yellow River. There are more than a thousand chapters in the final volume, and I read it repeatedly.

More than a thousand voices enthusiastically discussing the plot really excite me. I saw active readers one by one, devotion to the plot. Seeing so many people's emotions and being affected by the story, these emotions responded to the excitement on the Guanhe Terrace, as if it was the audience's reaction that I didn't describe too much in the article.

At that time, my feeling was very novel-the book and the book were brought together, and the game seemed to come alive!

I wrote a poem during my torment to express my ambition——

"Self Title"

There is a dragon's light between the bull fights, which once shone out of the young man's cold window.

Grinding a sword in a box for ten years should make the world know Shuanghua!

Among them, the sentence "should be known to the world to know Shuanghua", I gave Jiang Wang and the sauvignon blanc in his hand to Jiang Wang during the meeting of the Yellow River.

Everyone could see how he had made it through with difficulty, becoming the person who picked the first prize on the Guanhe Terrace, and becoming the brightest star among the shining stars.

He won the first prize, and "Red Heart Survey" became popular for the first time. That was May 2021, and that time it ranked eighth on the monthly ticket list.

And three months ago, Chixin Sky Survey, which had been serialized for two years, broke into the top 100 and top 10 of the monthly ticket list for the first time.

At that time, I said in my closing testimonials—"Maybe...can you also see the end of the sky?"

That is my vague hope.

Over the years, we have won tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh and never first.

I thought about it.

I think I will finish writing this story slowly and well, and give it the best ending I can. The proof that we have walked together echoes the end of this fairy world.

June began to reel up the tenth volume, and began to let Jiang Wang carry his sword and walk back to his hometown. How hard he once left, how smooth he will walk back later.

The monthly ticket is ninth, and the monthly ticket is seventh.

I felt the readers' expectations, and I was also driven by that emotion. I began to add more and more explosions until July 3rd, and finally finished the final volume. I used the climax of 80,000 characters to describe the end of Fenglin's old dream.

And what the readers gave me was a total of seventy-one alliance leaders, plus two silver alliances. It is the second in the monthly ticket list and the second in the best-selling list.

On the night when the exam was concluded, I took a screenshot of the list and sent it to Moments, saying that I had done my best.

I thought to myself, maybe this is the limit.

Because I really can't write more, and I can't write better.

I think that this best-selling second monthly ticket is the second, and it is impossible to last until the end of the month. It is not the final result, but the plot broke out here, which is short-lived.

And then I went on... vacation.

I am very tired. I am no longer the eighteen-year-old me. Now I am eighteen years and a few months old.

When I finish my five-day vacation——

Damn, why is it still second on the monthly list?

During these days of my vacation, there are still constant rewards from the leader, and there are constant reverberations of the plot.

How carefully you describe the plot, readers will return your enthusiasm.

At this time, I still have no idea.

I was just very embarrassed, so I decided to grit my teeth and write a little more to respond this month. From time to time, I will write a 5,000-word chapter, and add at least one 4,000-word chapter every week... I just want to get through it like this.

People in the alliance group have been asking me: Don't you want to fight for the first place?

I said forget it.

They also smiled, and at most said that it seemed that there was a chance, which was a pity.

But as time passed, the Chixin Sky Survey was always ranked second in the monthly list, and they began to get excited.

The bosses sent me chicken soup in various ways in the group, and many readers said in this chapter, in the book review area, and even left messages on my Weibo, crazily drawing cakes for me.

Tell me I have to roll.

Say something like "You have to consider if this is your only chance in this life", "The first is just around the corner, you've been writing it for four years, don't you want to get one?"

I pretended not to see it.

In the leader group, Aite and I can bear it.

I dare not go back. I can't write, and I don't think it's possible.

Mr. Di, who is in charge of recording the update posts, harassed me wildly in private chats, asking me to reproduce the activity of using plus to replace the monthly pass when I was young, saying that I don’t need to add much, just want you to express your attitude, maybe there will be no such thing in the future Here's your chance!

I was very moved, and then refused.

Before engaging in activities, I saved a month's draft in advance! How could I be able to move at this writing speed?

But then everyone in the alliance group was saying, as long as you say anything, Ash, we will definitely help you fight for the first place. Regardless of whether you can win it or not, if you don't fight for such a good opportunity, you will regret it for a long time.

I said I couldn't fight, but they said that writing thousands of words is like killing you!

I play dead and they talk to themselves.

I really want to fight for this, I have never been so close to the first place. That said, the author doesn't take the lead, just fight for the fart. Another said, forget it, there is no way to write...

In short, it is coercion and temptation, soft and hard.

Finally, I let go and said, then I will try.

But I can't guarantee how many updates, I can only say that I will try my best to write, and write as much as I can while ensuring the quality.

In my update on the 25th, I still said that I hope to keep the second place. This is my greatest hope.

On the night of the 27th, I went back to fix the details of the chapter on the 25th, intending to play dead to the end.

At noon on the 28th, I finally gritted my teeth and said, let's see if we can move forward.

And then really... move on!


On October 8, 2019, I published the first chapter "His Amazing Perseverance Has No Audience" at the starting point, officially starting the serialization of "Sky Survey".

At first I thought the title was about Jiang Wang, but later I realized that it was about myself.

From 19 to 21, there were two years of obscurity, from sixty to seventeen hundred.

From February 21 to June 23, he was in the top 20 of the Double List for two years, and top 10 several times, and he became known to everyone. Ten thousand orders, twenty thousand orders, thirty thousand orders.

In July 23, it got the best results in the past four years of serialization, the best-selling list, the monthly ticket list, and the reading list, ranking first in the three lists.

With only 9,000 achievement points left, it will become the twelfth five-star work of the Masterpiece Hall, and it is also the first five-star masterpiece by a fifth-level author in history.

In the words of the readers, this is indeed the number one inner palace in Qing history!

When the tenth volume was concluded on July 3, the book order was 32,600, and the postorder was 42,000.

By July 31st, the average order was 37,700, and the follow-up order was 53,000.

In 28 days, the average subscription has increased by a full 5,000, and this is a novel with 6.7 million words!

The day with the highest number of new subscriptions was 830,000!

What is this concept?

Well, I don't know very well, I don't know many people in the circle, and I have always written by myself. Not sure what other people's subscriptions are like.

I'm just comparing myself to what I was before, and it feels... scary.

I still remember that when it first started, Caotang Literature also revived. After two years, their point of attack changed from "bad grades prove that your books are bad" to "good grades don't prove your books are good, You brushed it", forcing me to be a cesarean fan, saying that I can only believe you if you take a screenshot of the subscription.

So I took a screenshot of 100,000 new subscriptions—of course it didn't make those dogs apologize. They changed their words and said, I admit that your readers are awesome, but I don't admit that you are awesome.

OK, to have so many awesome readers, at least Chixin is awesome!

It doesn't matter whether the love is awesome or not.

At that time, I was very confident. I had never seen the market, and I felt that 100,000 new additions were too much. Maybe it was the first few days in the world! Just like Zhong Liyan, he also felt that he was on par with Dou Zhao, evenly with Jiang Wang.

After all, I have gradually increased from hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands.

I never thought that there would be 830,000 new additions this day.

It's so dreamy.

Throughout July, Chixin added 129 alliance leaders and five silver alliance leaders. Among them, "livy37" tipped two silver coins.

I still remember the time when I had the most alliances before, it was God's Promise. After writing the battle against Xia, there were more than 60 alliance leaders, and this time it was directly doubled.

At the moment when it became number one on the monthly list, the alliance group was boiling!

They swiped the screen frantically, and ate me frantically.

They said that this was even better than the coolest novels. Looking at the novels they had been chasing for several years, from 60 subscriptions to number one on the monthly list, from unknown to world-famous, this feeling was so refreshing that they couldn't help themselves.

In the past few days, they didn't think about eating and drinking, and they didn't want to play games. They stared at the leaderboard all the time, refreshing the list, counting to see how far they were, and cheering every time they made progress.

Now I would like to ask everyone, the readers who have been following this novel——

cool? ! !



I want to thank all readers.

I would like to thank Eternal Silence for launching the general attack, thank Empire|Qin Shang, thank YangerSun, thank Xiaofeng Hanyue, thank Lialon, and thank the five monthly ticket benefactors. Thanks to all the readers who voted for Heart. In order to vote for Chi Xin, many people have ordered a lot of extra books, which may not be finished in a few months or years.

I would like to thank the number one Buqu, thank livy37, thank Yan Lingfeng, thank impulsive consumption is the devil, thank Xiaofeng Hanyue again, and thank all the leaders who are on the monthly fan list in July, and those who can't make it to the monthly list!

I would like to thank everyone in the League Group who encouraged me desperately, drew me cakes and helped me realize the cakes, thank Mr. Xiang, thank Qian Menhua, thank Eternal Silence, thank Twilight Tianqing, thank Ah Gan, thank Hou Ran , Thanks to my beloved, thanks to dumplings, thanks to Mr. Di, thanks to Gong Bai, thanks to footless bird, thanks to Mr. You, thanks to Man Xi, thanks to Tangyuan, thanks to Yun, thanks to Ming, thanks to Braised Eggs, thanks to Xiaoba, thanks to Huashuangyun , Academician Wei, Ham, Que Lao, Shuang Mine Manager, Yiying Fengyun, Jianxue, thank you Haha, my generation Ren Xiaoyao, Da Chu Zuo Guanglie, Ersan, thank you A Zhan, Tongfeng, Fencing, the trap of consumerism, Qiupei, Shengming Shengming, tq, Daoque travels thousands of miles, Ziye, Xuxuan, Qingmiaoshangyunxiao, fish, ink guy, unity of knowledge and action, attracting wealth and treasure, Zhang Linchuan, replica power, Meng Jieminger... There are too many people and I can't move, let's drink Wahaha together!

My readers are too worried, they are really the only readers in the world.

Other people's readers just need to support the work.

In addition to supporting the work, my readers also need to encourage the author, incite the author, and make cakes for the author.

I was a salted fish and they forcibly turned me over and made me jump for a swimming competition.

And we even became champions.


Of course, I am sober. This time, the number one on the monthly list is really the right time, place and people. It doesn't mean that Chixin Xuntian really has the strength to secure the number one right now. Everyone knows why they can write a few words a day.

The timing was that the final volume was just finished on July 3rd, with a climax of 80,000 characters, which made Chi Xin take second place in the double list at the beginning of the month.

The geographical advantage lies in the fact that when Chixin’s best-seller is flashing back and forth between the first and second, Qidian’s annual half-price full-booking event just started, which made Chixin stabilize the best-selling No. 1, and it has been on the list until now.

Renhe lies in the fact that there are several books that dominate the list, but they have not made much effort to compete for the list this month.

The harmony between people lies in... All the readers of Chixin Xuntian are working hard for this, and they are all striving towards the same goal. Everyone has been chasing this novel for several years, and they all want to take the first place. Everyone is fighting hard. The author has been writing from morning to night these days, just to ensure the quality while increasing the amount of updates.

This is a result that we didn't think about at the beginning of the month, and it is inevitable that sometimes the world and the earth are the same.

But I must also understand that there is still a long way to go for the Red Heart Sky Survey.


Then what do I want to say?

Yes, you guessed it right——

[Sincerely recommend that everyone keep books. 】

Only thin water can flow for a long time, but chicken blood cannot last long.

Everything is based on the quality of the novel.

Chixin Xuntian has written almost 7 million words so far. If it cannot have a satisfactory ending, the difficulties along the way will be meaningless and will become a regret in my life.

I will definitely fulfill my duty as an author, every hole must be filled, and I will do my best to fill in every hole and write every plot.

You can summarize what pits are left unfilled, fill in one and cross out one. Check back at the finale to see if I really did it.

Jiang Qingyang does what he says.

I also learn from him.



I actually don't dare to speak now, and my lovely lords have repeatedly advised me to be cautious in my words and deeds.

Maybe because of the redness (crossed out), what I say now will be carried around and misinterpreted in various ways.

For example, in June, I temporarily decided to ask for a monthly pass, and wrote a few tens of chapters at random.

I said [I just found out that the monthly pass is already ranked ninth in the list. From January to May this year, our monthly pass ranks are 11, 12, 11, 13, and 12 respectively. It's really hard to get into the top ten if you don't do it. You guys are amazing. 】

Have you found it? I am very close to the top ten every month, and there is even a gap of only a few hundred votes in a month, but whenever I just swipe a little in any month, I can steadily enter the top ten.

but I do not have.

Is it because I have no money?

With the results of the Chixin Sky Survey at that time, it was possible to enter the top ten without a brush. Isn't there a group of amazing readers?

But in some idiots' retellings, crossed out the front, crossed out the back, and then vowed to say, why is it that the top ten of the monthly list are all brushed.

Can you use your poor brain to think, even if I really want to shoot, should I pick myself out? I was in ninth! Didn't you use a machine gun to sweep along with yourself?

Whether these people are stupid without the ability to read, or deliberately misinterpreted, everyone can judge for themselves.

For another example, I have always liked to interact with readers. From the tens of hundreds of subscriptions, I actively responded to readers' messages.

When the book The Meeting of the Yellow River was just getting better, someone came to the book review area to post, saying, "Why do you say this book is good, but I can't read it? Is it my problem?"

I wrote a message to reply to him, and I said, it's not your problem. Everyone has different tastes when reading this matter. It's not my problem, because I write so hard. It's just that we are simply not suitable. There are many excellent works, you can check out other books on the list. good luck.

I replied like this when I ordered several thousand, and I also replied like this when I ordered tens of thousands. It has not changed.

But when I ordered thousands of people, I said good luck, and they just left silently.

When tens of thousands of subscriptions are made, I will say good wishes, but they say that I am eccentric and that I am driving away readers.

Later, I rarely appeared in the book review area.



Finally, I remembered that in 2019, when Chixin had just serialized five chapters, someone asked a malicious question-【How to evaluate the novel "Chixin Xuntian" serialized at the starting point? Is it possible to become a hit? 】

Maybe there has never been a new author and new book in the history of online literature, which can receive so many criticisms in the first five chapters.

From this point of view, we have been the first very early. He was scolded bloody as soon as he opened the book... Maybe this is a good start!

I wrote this in my answer -

[Web writing is a huge market and a boundless pasture.

I am in this brand new field, starting from scratch again. Trek forward in an almost solitary state.

Countless authors are moving forward, and I have seen that many authors and works are making progress, which is the kind of leap-forward progress.

This is a process of scouring the sand with big waves. I only hope that I am not a quicksand that has been eliminated.

In the end, I hope that "Red Heart Survey" can become a good novel.

I will work so hard, and I hope so. 】

At that time they said - you are the quicksand that was eliminated.

At that time, I was the first writer of web articles, and they were professional web article writers.

Now, I still don't know what books they wrote.

But I think they will never forget "Sky Survey".



Thanks to everyone who left the name of "Red Heart Survey".

Thanks to all those who voted monthly, thanked all those who subscribed, thanked all those who cheered for it, thanked all those who contributed to this fairy world, and thanked all creators.

If you read this book on a certain day and at a certain moment, you can say that it is not bad. Even if it's just talking to myself, I thank you.

——What is the love, on August 1, 2023

Haha, I went to bed too late last night, woke up too early in the morning, and felt dizzy. I almost paid for it. Fortunately, I was shocked!

Everyone asked me to write a testimonial first, so I'm sorry, today's update will be later, and it will be moved to 8 pm.

Comparing everyone~

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