Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2075 Seven kills meet

Countless translucent sword qi roamed the sky.

Jiang Wang, with hair tied in a jade crown, and Lu Shuanghe, with white hair draped over his shoulders, looked at each other across the Yanfu Sword Prison.

During the parade of sword qi, it seemed like that afternoon many years ago.

He was struggling helplessly at the bottom of the small river, and those eyes he was looking ruthless and calm eyes!

At that time, through the sparkling river water, he saw those eyes moved away, and then there was a frosty white sword light, which was startled like lightning, and flew far into the sky.

This is a scene that he often thinks of, and it also planted an extraordinary seed in his heart.

After so many years, Lu Shuanghe hasn't changed a bit.

But Jiang Wang, who was standing in Yan Fujian Prison with sword energy around him, was no longer the child he was back then.

He wasn't helpless, he wasn't afraid, he just hung there with his hands on the hilt of his sword.

This world-renowned sword named Sauvignon Blanc accompanied him in all his wars and battles, and also accompanied him to face his childhood.

People who used to be able to only look up, look into the distance, and remember are now in front of them, not far away.

"Really Lu." Jiang Wangjin said in a low voice, "Why do you block my way?"

There is still a distance between Lu Shuanghe and Yan Fujian Prison. He stopped in his tracks, but his gaze pierced into this area like a sword light, meeting Jiang Wangchi's golden eyes.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," he said.

Jiang Wang just smiled: "I didn't say a few words in Xuankong Temple, so it shouldn't take much time for Master Lu, right?"

"No." Lu Shuanghe said slowly, "I've been waiting for you longer than you imagined."

The smile on Jiang Wang's face gradually disappeared, and the edges and corners of this face became more and more clear.

It's like the process of unsheathing a long sword.

His voice was calm: "Tell me, what are you waiting for me to do?"

"You killed Yi Shengfeng." Lu Shuanghe said.

"That was already... I can't remember, it should have been a long time ago." Jiang Wang made a thoughtful expression: "You just remembered today? It seems that he is not very important."

"He's dead, it really doesn't matter." Lu Shuanghe said: "The important thing is you."

"I don't quite understand what you want to express, Mr. Lu." Jiang Wang looked at him: "But if it's because of Yi Shengfeng, you should have come to me earlier."

Lu Shuanghe said: "I said, I'm waiting for you."

Jiang Wang said: "Wait until I leave Qi, wait until I am no longer a prince of the overlord?"

Lu Shuanghe said calmly: "Wait for you to tell the truth."

"You know, Mr. Lu Shuanghe. I was very disappointed at first, and I thought you were nothing more than that. After Xiang Fengqi, the person with the most killing power, who broke the difference between immortals and mortals with a single sword, and let me see the world of practice, is no more than that." You are a shy, shy, bullying person... Your answer made my eyes shine." Jiang Wang said: "You have not let me down, I think if you want to draw your sword and walk across from me, you will indeed You shouldn't have let me down."

There is almost a master-student relationship between them. It was Lu Shuanghe who made him see the extraordinary world for the first time, and it was Lu Shuanghe who made him feel the cruelty of the extraordinary world for the first time.

So Jiang Wang said so. He thought that what he was facing was the sword fairy in his childhood memory, and he really didn't want his original imagination of Yu Jian Qingming to be someone so unbearable to imagine.

But Lu Shuanghe just said: "I don't bear anyone's hope. Your disappointment or not disappointment is very unreasonable."

The two real people confronting each other were very calm.

The tranquility of Lu Shuanghe is the constant of heaven, and he remains unmoved.

Jiang Wang's calmness is his true heart, and he has the courage to face everything in the world. "Then tell me, why wait for me to tell the truth?"

Lu Shuanghe said: "Yi Shengfeng is the disciple I cultivated with all my strength, and I gave him the seven-kill fate, the true biography of Nandou, and the method of killing life. His only goal in this life of cultivation is to become the real person with the most powerful killing power in this world—and then kill him." I"

Jiang Wang already understood: "Help you break through?"

Lu Shuanghe said: "Maybe I help him, I will provide an absolutely fair environment, do an absolutely fair fight, no matter who takes the last step, it is a real seven kills - but it is meaningless to say these now, you kill If you have lost him, you should also inherit him.”

"This really surprised me." Jiang Wang's eyes were a little complicated: "I have imagined the scene of meeting you many times, and I am ready for you to avenge your apprentice, including today when you blocked my way. I didn't Thinking about Yi Shengfeng is not the reason at all."

Lu Shuanghe had no expression on his face: "It was the Lord Changsheng's decision to intervene in the Qixia War, and he alone has to bear the losses incurred by Nandou Palace. The same is true for Yi Shengfeng, he is the one who wants to join the battlefield and find you , to fight with you, then death in battle is also his own choice. Why do you and I have any enmity? Only moral disputes."

Jiang Wang shook his head, feeling a little emotional for a moment: "I really don't know, when he pushed me into the river, he almost killed me or saved me. I really don't know if I killed him in Minxi, whether I killed him or helped He's free."

Lu Shuanghe said calmly: "He is different from you, he doesn't care about these things. If I tell him that he needs to kill me, he will only think about how to kill me."

Jiang Wang had long let go of that incident in his childhood, and now he just said: "He is indeed the most suitable disciple for you."

"So, now you understand why I was waiting for you." Lu Shuanghe said: "When he was in the Outer Building Realm, he built a building in the Seven Kills Starfield, and that is where my path lies. You killed him and plundered him. My meaning here is to be him."

"I got nothing from him." Jiang Wang said.

"No, you already got it."

"At that time, the star building absorbed some, but it only absorbed his Po Jun and Tan Lang, because I also set up these two buildings. I didn't feel anything about the seven kills."

"I clearly feel the Seven Kills, which has been contaminated by your fate."

Jiang Zhenren still hopes to convince others with virtue, so he said: "You say that you and I have no grievances or enmities, so why fight to the death. Do you know Zhuang Gaoxian? He has a deep hatred with me, and he will never die. After Huang He won the title, he secretly did many tricks, but he never pursued and killed me openly. Do you know why?"

Lu Shuanghe responded cooperatively: "Because you have the light of humanity, and you are a human hero who returned from the demon world. He doesn't want to be judged, he is afraid of death."

Jiang Wang was observing Lu Shuanghe's sword. This long sword with a sheath and a silver-white hollow pattern on the scabbard was leaning behind him at this moment.

He has been observing for a long time.

That means, he's been preparing for a fight.

He is twenty-three this year and is still very young. But the complexity of the experience has surpassed many people's lifetime. Lu Shuanghe was not the first opponent he met, nor was he the strongest one.

He only asked: "A real person enjoys a lifespan of one thousand and two, Zhuang Gaoxian will be afraid of death, don't you be afraid?"

Lu Shuanghe didn't show a smile until now.

The smile of Daoist Seven Killers of Nandou Hall was very calm. It doesn't seem to represent the meaning of laughter, but it's definitely not a sneer, a more accurate description-it's just an arc, it doesn't represent any emotion.

Therefore, it gives people a particularly cold feeling.

He is equally cruel to himself and to others.

He said: "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening."

'Chaowendao' is the name of the sword he bears.

This is a name that does not sound cold, but it is the coldest sword in the world.

He began to walk forward, as if walking on the edge of a sword, ready to be injured by the edge at any time, and face death at any time. Just like this, he calmly approached Yanfu Sword Prison.

"Wait!" Jiang Wang said seriously: "Since you said 'Wen Dao', I don't think it's time yet. Aren't you going to train a real person with the most lethal power in this world to kill you? You should wait a little longer , I’m only twenty-three years old, and I still have room to grow.”

"I always feel that you are worth looking forward to now." Lu Shuanghe continued to move forward, and he walked so directly that it was like a long sword, cutting the world: "Jiang Wang, in the past, by the small river The naive boy, the number one truth in history today. Let us compete for the limit of Dongzhen's killing power, and see who will be in the end, and we will appreciate the stunning scenery."

Yan Fujian went berserk in an instant, rumbled, and there was wind and thunder on the ground!

In the sound of thunder rolling across the sky, Jiang Wang only asked: "You have made up your mind?"

Lu Shuanghe didn't respond, and Lu Shuanghe continued to move forward.

"Okay. If you don't listen to reason, you don't want to save face. In this case——" Jiang Wang slowly pulled out his long sword: "Today, you and I can only live together."

There is no thought in the sky and on the earth, at this moment, I am longing for love.

In his red-gold eyes, a brilliant fire suddenly lit up.

This little flame quickly spread throughout the body, spreading in all directions.

It is like a candle lighting up the darkness of a room, like the sun lighting up the world!

The true source of the fire world spread out in an instant!

The sword energy surged wildly, and the whistling sound was transformed into a weapon, and then a new sword energy was born... The sword bird flew in front of the flame bird!

The fireworks are extraordinarily brilliant, and the sky is full of red sun.

In this world there are monuments as tall as mountains, in this world there is a majestic city, in this world there is thunder in the southeast, in this world there is a frosty wind blowing in the northwest!

Based on the Fire Realm, the true source of the small world, Yanfu Sword Prison and Knowledge Immortal Realm were briefly incorporated into it.

The three worlds are mixed!

The boundary within the boundary, the mountain beyond the mountain.

There is no mediocre real person in the world, but the brilliance of Jiang Zhenren is undeniable in history!

This terrifying power is like the chaos of the universe, and the world is reopened.

And Lu Shuanghe, with white hair fluttering around, stepped into the room with great strides——

The sword momentum collided with the sword momentum.


At this moment, hearing and vision are covered.

Too complicated knowledge and knowledge overwhelmed everything, so that there was nothing to see and nothing to hear.

Jiang Wang ruled this world with unparalleled sword energy, and showed Lu Shuanghe his killing power——

Killing! Kill the news! Kill yourself!

"Sight" can feel pain, and "hearing" can also be a kind of injury.

There are "immortals" who manipulate knowledge and endow them with "spirits".

In the sky and on the ground, the offensive is everywhere.

Daoist Qisha seems to be trapped in a sea, and every drop of water in it is Jiang Wang's attack!

What a first in history!

Lu Shuanghe walked in such a world, stepping on the sword light to cut through the wind and fire, he was a frontline striker across this world.

The whole world is an enemy, and the world is alone.

Should be alone, but not alone. No matter where he is, he is a loner. But at a certain moment, his sword eyebrows were raised like a sword, and there was a moment of blankness in front of his eyes... The world was stung!

He opened his hands slightly—

If there is no sound, there will be no sound, and if you don't see it, you won't see it.

But in the sky and on the ground, front, back, left, and right, there are touches of clear sky!

Such a terrifying small world was unexpectedly unmanned, and it disappeared peacefully like this.

After recovering his vision and hearing, Lu Shuanghe could only see the sky and the earth, front, back, left, and right...Jiang Wang was everywhere!

The small sapphire crown has long hair, and the posture is graceful like a fairy.

Every Jiang Wang has his feet on the blue sky, and every Jiang Wang has his body like lightning.

In all directions, tens of thousands, flee and scatter!

Which is the real body?

This is the obvious first question.

There is no real body.

This was Lu Shuanghe's slightly astonished answer after seeing everything in an instant.

He thought his vision and hearing had been restored, but the reality was still distorted.

Therefore, a wisp of sword energy wrapped around the fingertips, shattering that distortion.

The sword eyes pierced the sky and the earth, illuminating all ruthless and sentient beings, and only then did Jiang Wang's long and rainbow-like figure really be captured.

It was already at the end of the line of sight.

Lu Shuanghe didn't move, and there was a terrifying howl of swords in his body.

This is a sound that can pierce eardrums and kill courage.

His figure disappeared in a flash, leaving only a few black cracks in place, which were the space torn apart by the aftermath!

In the next instant, Lu Shuanghe caught up with Jiang Wang.

The unparalleled body skills of that day also failed to escape from the sword of the world's top real people.

But Jiang Wang didn't run away, instead Shi Shiran turned around and raised his sword to look at him.

The distance between the two real people is less than a hundred feet, which is hardly considered a distance.

But Lu Shuanghe didn't go any further.

Because Jiang Wang's feet were on Xingyueyuan, and there was starlight on his body.

"Didn't it mean that today you and I can only live as one?" Lu Shuanghe asked.

There seems to be an invisible dividing line between heaven and earth, and they stand on both sides of this line.

Jiang Wang said: "You will know if I have lied to you when you come here."

"Very good." Lu Shuanghe said without any emotion: "Escaping for life is a very important skill, and it can determine how far you go. All innate talents can only be manifested by living."

"You shouldn't want to kill me." Jiang Wang said, "You are my enemy from now on."

"If this can make you face up to it and go all out to kill me, then I am very happy." Lu Shuanghe said: "I will give you a chance to kill me."

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Just now you didn't take me seriously. Why?"

"You haven't shown all of yourself." Lu Shuanghe said calmly: "I said that I will wait for you not only for your cultivation, but also for your full preparation. Today I just came to remind you a little-you You are already a real person, you can start preparing for this fight. Hurry up to the top of Dongzhen, your enemy has been waiting on the top of the mountain for many years."

"I won't climb the mountain because of you. I have to fight for no reason, and I don't ask if I want to?" Jiang Wang asked.

"It doesn't matter whether you are willing or not. You killed Yi Shengfeng, this is your karma. The Seven Killing Stars have already entangled our fate." Lu Shuanghe said: "When you reach the end of the cave, you will Finding that there is no other way ahead. You can't go on without killing me."

Jiang Wang flicked his clothes, but the starlight on his body did not go away: "I don't even ask my friend if he wants to?"

Lu Shuanghe didn't answer, turned around and walked away, his voice remained behind: "When you reach the limit of the cave, come to me. Or I will come to you."

"What if I can't make it?" Jiang Wang asked.

The figure of Lu Shuanghe has disappeared, and the last words left behind are also like the light from the sky, the occasional wind, without any emotion——

"That's why I was wrong. You mean nothing to me."

Jiang Wang snorted: "Who cares?"

But after a while, he said again: "I didn't have time to answer you back then, and now I'm the only one facing your question—"

He paused: "Lu Shuanghe, as you wish."

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