Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2076

Jiang Wang's desire hole is really invincible, so he must not talk about it.

Such as Lou Yue, Huang Fu, Lu Shuanghe, these top real people in the world will definitely have to fight one by one - unless they have already passed the Tao before Jiang Wang reached the top.

Since ancient times, there has been no number one in theory, only the number one in type.

No matter how hard or fierce the bragging is, no matter how many people wave their flags and shouts, no one will be convinced if there is no solid record of crushing all opponents. It is necessary to conquer all the top real people in the world before it can be called "real person invincible".

Before losing to Huang Fu, Huyan Jingxuan and Zhongshan Yanwen also claimed to be number one in the Northern Territory!

So Jiang Wang and Lu Shuanghe will eventually have a battle, and now Lu Shuanghe's appointment in advance is just to make this battle more cruel, and life and death will be divided.

Everyone who reaches the top of the mountain has stepped over the corpses of countless losers.

There is a road in life, and we will move forward alive.

There are many arrogance in this world, and there are many deaths. This is the process of the big waves washing the sand.

Jiang Wang didn't care about it, and turned back to Bai Yujing.

The business of the restaurant is still very good, with a steady flow of customers, the shopkeeper Bai is sitting behind the counter to settle accounts, his pen tip is spinning fast.

As soon as Jiang Dong's family walked in, he put the ledger down.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Dongjia glanced at him.

Shopkeeper Bai said: "Someone upstairs has been waiting for you for a long time, go and have a look."

"What were you hiding just now, isn't it the account book?" Jiang Dongjia said vigilantly: "Take it out and let me check it."

"No! I'm not hiding anything!" Shopkeeper Bai said innocently.

Jiang leaned forward, put his elbows on the counter, and lowered his voice: "In front of so many people, don't let me do it myself."

"Take a look!" Bai Yuxia pulled out the ledger and slapped it on the table: "Look at you, you are really human and free! Just sit here with me and take a look. Why hasn't Xiao Huang, who delivered the rice, come yet?" ? I'll go see—"

Mr. Jiang put one hand on his shoulder and pressed him on the seat. With the other hand, he started flipping through the ledger: "Don't rush, wait for me to study."

Bai Yuxia couldn't get away, so she could only touch her forehead with her hands, her eyes were lowered, and she was already talking in her heart.

"Okay! The handwriting is not bad!" Jiang Wang threw the ledger back.

Bai Yuxia spoke almost at the same time, with a low voice: "Master, are you—"

Throwing the ledger back to the counter made his eyelids twitch, Jiang Wang's voice was clearly heard, and his voice from the bottom of the valley suddenly rose!

The waist straightened, and the head was raised: "Isn't that right! You just say that this account is done right! Is there a little bit of water!"

He held down the account book and stood up excitedly: "I, Bai Yuxia, have acted in an aboveboard manner all my life. After following you for so many years, you actually checked my account! Do we still have trust? Do we still have feelings?!"

"Calm down, calm down." Jiang Wang rubbed his back with his hands to help him calm down: "It's not an investigation, I just take a look, how can it be called an audit? I can't trust you Bai Yuxia's character Okay? Don't be wronged. What did you say earlier—who is waiting for me?"

Bai Yuxia snorted coldly, and sat back heavily: "Go up and see for yourself!"

"Okay, I'll go and see by myself. Shopkeeper Bai has worked hard." Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder, expressing his importance: "The next number one god in the world, I am optimistic about you! Please work hard!"

The alcoholics on the 11th floor of Bai Yujing stop, and the host on the 12th floor lives alone.

It is true that distinguished guests have come these days.

Wearing a luxurious military uniform with a red background and gold trim, his facial features are brilliant and warm.

Lying lazily on the cushion, he taught Chu Yao how to punch.

"Brother Dou!" Jiang Wang was really surprised: "You are the distinguished guest? I heard that you have been waiting for me?"

"Waiting for you? No." Dou Zhao glanced at him, then turned his gaze back, and said casually: "I was just passing by—hey, the fist fight, the fist fight can't be broken. What happens if a person's bones are removed The same is true for fisting. How can a murderous fist be soft? I told you several times, ah, what did you do, will your master teach you?"

Chu Yao stood upright, and bowed to Dou Zhao: "I'm sorry, I just saw my master, and my mind was distracted. I'll hit it again."

Then they behaved well and started fighting one move at a time.

After all, this child has endured hardships, cunning is one aspect, but he also worked very hard in cultivation.

Jiang Wang didn't interfere in the whole process, and only looked at Dou Zhao suspiciously at this moment: "Passing by? Shopkeeper Bai said that you have stayed in Xingyueyuan for several days, and it takes so long to pass by?"

"Feel the local scenery!" Dou Zhao said.

"Your arm..." Jiang Wang noticed the empty sleeve on his left.

"Ha!" Dou Zhao smiled boldly: "It's okay to be idle, just hack and play!"

"Your leg..." Jiang Wang looked at his right leg, which was obviously half short.

"Yes. I also chopped it myself." Dou Zhao's expression didn't change.

"Is it so fun?" Jiang Wang said, "You cut off your left leg too, let me see how you play."

Dou Zhao frowned: "Don't talk about such bloody topics in front of children, how did you become a master?"

"Okay." Jiang Wang shrugged his shoulders, sat down beside him, stared at Chu Yao's fist, and said casually, "Where did Brother Dou come from?"

Dou Zhao said calmly, "Prairie!"

According to common sense, Jiang Wang should ask in the next sentence, 'What did you do in the grassland'.

He's going to have a big talk next.

But Jiang Wang just sighed: "Brother Dou, I haven't had time to congratulate you for becoming the number one god in the world, you've already seen the truth!"

He complained: "You are too fast!"

Dou Zhao put on a half-smile: "Really. I've been suppressing myself. After all, the roots are deep-rooted, and the branches and leaves will flourish. After an autumn rain, the cicadas are everywhere, and I don't know why they are in a hurry?"

Jiang Wang looked at Dou Zhao with sincere eyes and admiration on his face: "I remember Brother Dou was born in 3893, thirty-year-old Dongzhen, rare in ancient and modern times. Before Taiyu real Li Yi broke this record, you can say It has already equaled history. I am so happy for you!"

Dou Zhao emphasized expressionlessly: "I was born in November 3893. Calculated according to my real age, I am still three months away from my 30th birthday."

Jiang Wang clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Dou is rigorous!"

He said again: "Then Chongxuanzun is only a few months faster than you, so fast! Brother Dou, your cultivation speed is still at the forefront of history."

Dou Zhao shook his head, and looked at Jiang Wang with pity as he looked at a child: "When the hole is really not important, do I, Dou Zhao, seek a false name? Life is life, grass and trees are autumn, my generation of practitioners, Seek invincibility! What you explore is history, and what you explore is the ultimate combat power! Jiang Wang, what do you mean by limit?"

Jiang Wang raised his fingers and counted: "Wang Yiwu is number one in the sky-reaching realm? My number one inner palace in history? The youngest military meritorious prince who was awarded the title of overlord when I was twenty years old? The stele of six thousand miles of desolation? The first truth in my history?"

He looked at Dou Zhao regretfully, didn't say anything, but he had already said everything—Brother Dou, why don't you.

Dou Zhao seemed to have never heard of it, as if he had never seen it, making Jiang Wang wonder if he had blocked his knowledge.

Dou just raised his voice: "I have good news for you. I have gone deep into the frontier for 6,013 miles with the cultivation base of God's presence! This is a small step for me, but it is the history of my practice. This is a big step! God's Realm cultivators explored the limit of the frontier, and I expanded it again, and the name of the strongest God's Landing in history was redefined by me!"

Jiang Wang said calmly, "Then have you seen the monument I erected?"

Dou Zhao shook his head: "Bianhuang is so big, how could I encounter it. Besides, it doesn't matter if your monument is still there or not."

"But it doesn't matter." He comforted in turn: "I built a new one."

The human race has always had a tradition of setting up monuments to record achievements. When Ying Jianghong won the Jingmu War, he also set up a monument on the grassland. It is both a compliment and an insult.

Generally speaking, the meaning of the human race erecting a monument here is - I have already fought here, and I can fight here at any time. If you dare to pull out this monument, you will come back immediately.

It can be regarded as a deterrent poured with blood.

Of course, neither Ying Jianghong's stele on the grassland nor Jiang Wang's stele on the borderlands could survive for too long.

It's just that Jiang Wang's deserted stele just happened to create the history of practice, so it will be remembered for a long time.

The record of 6,013 miles has no qualitative breakthrough at all, and it is impossible to cover the 6,000-mile monument. At most, Dou Zhao himself was happy.

What's more... Jiang Wang was in the God's Landing Realm at the time, and he rushed six thousand and seventy-six miles, and the monument was also erected there. It's just that the six thousand miles monument is more fluent, so don't care about that little bit.

That's what he meant when he asked Dou Zhao if he had seen his monument.

He wanted to tease Dou Zhao at first, saying that he happened to be dozens of miles away, and asked Dou Zhao if he should return to Shenlin and try again.

But after thinking about it, he finally couldn't bear it - after thinking about it, he knew how Dou Zhao had become like this, how desperately he rushed forward in Bianhuang.

People with missing arms and broken legs don't want to treat them first, but come to Xingyueyuan to praise their achievements at the first time. What kind of spirit is this?

"Brother Dou." Jiang Wang sighed, "Have you met a real demon yet?"

Dou Zhao waved his one arm, and said in a flat tone, "It's not bad luck, I met two statues."

Jiang Wang showed surprise: "That's very dangerous."

Dou Zhao glanced at him: "Is it dangerous for you to kill the real demon?"

"That--not at all." Jiang Wang spread his hands: "It's very simple, like killing a chicken. I will kill it when I have time."

"Oh, I mean! It's just cutting a real demon, what danger can there be?" Dou Zhao said: "At that time, I stood up to the ground and fought against two demons alone. Heavenly Demon, I have to kill them!"

Jiang Wang was even more surprised: "There are also demons?"

Dou Zhao didn't change his face: "Maybe, maybe not, Dou should take precautions before they happen."

Jiang Wang understood - Dou Zhao met two real demons in the six thousand miles of the frontier. Hurry up and run away. But Jiang was not as good at escaping. During the escape, his arms and legs were removed.

After thinking about it, I still couldn't help but said: "Speaking of Heavenly Demon, it seems that Lord Phantom Demon has been in charge over there in recent years. Before I went to the frontier, I specially wrote a letter to the High Priest of the Crown of God, asking him to watch over Lord Demon Lord. , shoot at any time... It can be regarded as hiring a bodyguard for yourself. Did you just go there by yourself?"

Dou Zhao obviously didn't expect this, but he just smiled contemptuously: "Leave yourself a way out, what kind of life and death challenge is it? A certain disdain for it!"

Yes, I kindly remind you that I will be stepped on.

Jiang Wang decided to see off the guests, so he picked up his teacup and looked at Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao said, "I won't drink, thank you."

Jiang Wang had no choice but to take a sip of water tactically, and said earnestly: "Brother Dou, your injury cannot be delayed."

"Thank you for your concern." Dou Zhao began to supervise Chu Yao's fist fight again, and said casually: "My great-grandmother has already written a letter to the Renxin Hall. The real doctor of medicine, Shangguan Ehua, is on his way here. This injury is nothing. It's just a waste of resources."

"Isn't it expensive to ask a real person to be a doctor?" Jiang Wang asked.

At that time, the few disabled people in Yunguozhi invited the curator of the Yunguo branch of the Renxin Pavilion, a Zongge doctor who was on the scene. The flower was so distraught that Jiang was in a mess.

That's it, Zhu Wei, my injury is not fully healed yet.

It is really hard to imagine the price of a real medical doctor. Still travel thousands of miles, come to the door for treatment!

"I don't know if it's expensive or not." Dou Zhao said indifferently, "I don't care about such a small amount of money."

Jiang Wang decided not to see off the guests.

Although he and Dou Zhao are not close friends, they have known each other for a while. Heroes cherish heroes!

Now that Dou Zhao is so seriously injured, how can he not take care of Yi Er?

"Brother Dou, just take care of me here, as long as you want."

People like Dou Zhao have never been short of favors, and they are praised everywhere, and they don't think there is anything wrong with Jiang Wang's attitude. Of course there was a "huh".

Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder, looked at his broken arm, then looked at his broken leg, showing a close and distressed expression: "... Sigh. Brother Dou will definitely get better, turn around I'll ask Shopkeeper Bai to get you some medicinal food supplements, he is very professional, just give him a cost price."

Dou Zhao didn't care about the cost price or not, he just said casually, "Bai Yuxia? I didn't hear that the Langya Bai family knows medical skills."

"I learned it later in Linzi." Jiang Wang said calmly, "I studied under Wen Baizhu in Qi Guo Tai Hospital."

He added: "This Imperial Physician Wen is in the same family as the court official Wen Yanyu. His medical skills are incredible."

"Then trouble him." Dou Zhao said indifferently.

"Of course, it's mainly the real people from the Renxin Pavilion who will treat you. Shopkeeper Bai will help you recuperate and recuperate." Jiang Wang made a supplementary statement of exemption, with a sincere smile on his face, and was ready to go down to discuss the food supplement plan with Shopkeeper Bai. , For example, do you want to use the snow water from Tianshan Mountain to cook...

Suddenly remembered another thing.

Before getting up, he asked, "By the way, where is Zhong Liyan?"

"I don't know." Dou Zhao kept staring at Chu Yao's movements, and said casually, "In Chu State. This kid is like a dog's skin plaster, and he can't even shake it off. I dare not let him know when I go out."

Poor Zhong Liyan, just missed Dou Zhao.

"What's wrong?" Dou Zhao asked again.

"It's nothing." Jiang Wang also went downstairs: "I hope he will work harder."



Ah ~ sneeze!

The disheartened Uncle Zhongli sneezed loudly.

Bah bah bah!

Spit the sand for a long time.

It has been five thousand miles away from the frontier, already behind the restricted area of ​​life.

The barren sand is dusty, and the world is lonely. Faint monsters wander in the field of vision.

Zhong Liyan kicked away the devil's head in front of him, and turned the epee behind his back.

He took out the messy frontier map, looked at it a few more times, and understood what the circles on it represented.

How can the dignified Marquis of Wu'an of the Great Qi who won the title with military merits not know how to draw military maps? Besides, it's such a simple topographic map!

The reason why the painting is so simple and obscure, there is only one answer - Jiang Wang is afraid! He was afraid that Uncle Zhongli would surpass him, and that Uncle Zhongli would break his record!

Zhong Liyan snorted coldly, filled with fighting spirit in an instant, and put the map back into the storage box. Instigate the torrent of energy and blood again, and stride forward!

Six thousand miles of stele in the border desolation, the Lord is here!

[Thanks to the book friend "Wu Zhui" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 614th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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