Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2077 August Takaaki, the safety of the deceased

Lying on the bed was a person who could no longer see his true colors.

The magic energy stuffed him until he was very swollen.

A face with bumps and bumps, even the ups and downs are like a desert, always inexplicably collapsed and inexplicably raised.

His lower lip was red and swollen like a steamed bun dyed with brown sugar, and his upper lip was black and narrow like mustard on the steamed bun, which made the two long needles used to separate the lips look like a pair of chopsticks—— It seems to poke in to grab something to eat.

It's a disgusting imagining.

The owner of Cang Yu's hunting yamen had a complicated expression. With the exorcism needle in his hand, he parted the lips of the seriously injured man, and observed the half-red and half-black teeth.

The wounded's consciousness had been blurred for a long time, and he lay there motionless. This set of teeth, which should have decayed long ago, showed unexpected strength. They are still tightly staggered together, and the lingering sound is squeezed out from between the teeth from time to time.

Distinguish carefully, the voice is shouting——

"Six thousand miles, six thousand miles, six thousand miles..."

"Ya Master, when you brought him back, did he reach six thousand miles?" Fei Ya asked beside him.

"It's nine hundred miles away." Huyan Jingxuan said.

"I thought he was very brave, but he was so far behind." Fei Ya gave a 'tsk' sound.

"Bianhuang has become more dangerous recently. With his strength, under normal circumstances, it should only be about a hundred miles away." Huyan Jingxuan said: "But a hundred miles is enough for him to practice."

As he said that, he took off the exorcism needle, threw it aside in distaste, and while taking off his gloves, he said: "Okay, let's send a letter to Xiangu. This time Zhongli Zhaojia has to dig out something, I'm not doing charity Yes."



"Junior Brother Jiang, when will you go to Huoshui?"

Boss Jiang's family had just finished discussing the big plan with shopkeeper Bai, so Zhu Wei and I came to find him.

He was almost moldy waiting in the building these days.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Why doesn't your injury heal at all, it seems to be a little more serious?"

"Small things." Zhu Weiwo said indifferently: "I'm just idle, I've had a discussion with Dou Zhao."

"What do you think, brother? Shenlin Dadongzhen, you are at a disadvantage!"

"I'm here, he's honest, my limbs are sound, he's disabled, it's fair."

"Is this how you calculate?" Jiang Wang was extremely helpless: "Brother, don't forget about it in the future. You can't understand even if I give you an account book——"

He suddenly changed the subject, raised his voice, and at the same time winked at Zhu Weiwo: "Who is that Dou Zhao? After the Great Chu Weiguo, the number one arrogance in the southern regions, the world's top figure who has truly mastered the first killing technique , that fighting golden body, the golden bridge on the other side, how scary. If you fight him, are you going to kill yourself?"

Zhu Wei, I have always been proud of myself, and I will never lose in my life, but now I have to cooperate with those who eat and live with my juniors. "Well, before the fight, I didn't know he was such a strong person. It was indeed my arbitrariness, and I need to review."

"It's not too late to know now. Dou Zhao is so strong that even I will give him three points. I can't fight him like this in the future. It's important to take care of your health, brother..." Jiang Wang said in a heavy tone: "After killing Zhuang Gaoxian , your injury has never healed, and now it's worse, how can we get rid of it?"

Zhu Wei, I just wanted to say that this little injury is nothing, so stop talking.

Jiang Wang said again: "But it's okay! Shangguan Ehua, the real doctor of Renxin Hall, will be here soon, and Dou Zhao specially invited him. The real doctor of medicine is benevolent, and Dou Zhao is not used to being stingy. When the time comes, let the real Shangguan give it to you by the way." Treat it too."

Zhu Wei was taken aback for a moment: "Is this appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate?" Jiang Wang said: "You go to Chu State to inquire, who doesn't know how to fight for righteousness and thin Yuntian, and for righteousness and wealth? He is famous for being a kind person, why do you need this?"

Zhu Wei, I can't continue acting: "When will we go to the disaster? You are going to go back to tomorrow, I don't know when to go back."

Jiang Wang waved his hand: "Heal your injury first!"

At this moment, Dou Zhao turned out from behind the door, as if passing by, with a very casual tone: "I just came here, and I heard what you said... a disaster? It just so happens that I have nothing else to do, let's go together."



Night fell.

In the study on the twelfth floor, Jiang Wang was writing a letter with starlight——

[August is high and autumn, is the old man safe?

The blue sky is hard to come by, and adults are in the world for a few weeks.

The world of mortals is not tied, the boy is on a cruise recently.

I am not a free and easy person, but seek the truth and feel free and easy.

I am also entangled in cause and effect, but I come to see cause and effect.

Whenever the stars are bright and the moon is bright, I often think of Xiao Fan's mother-in-law and senior Guan Yan. How lucky Jiang Wang is to meet his elders in this life!

The road to practice is long, and young children often get lost.

The long night is boundless, and there is Yuheng in the sky.

Every time I look up, think about it, and feel it in my heart! 】

In this way, I finished writing a letter of contact, and poured it into words with very true feelings. According to the anthology of Ye Henshui, a doctor of Qingci, it was revised and polished repeatedly.

Over the years, Jiang Zhenren has written letters and studied hard.

Although the articles written with a lot of effort are definitely not as good as Ye Henshui's, they can't learn ten percent of the "Longgongyuan" style of writing. But at least it is at the level of "Qinghe Mansion", no matter how bad it is, is there always the level of "Fengxi Pavilion"?

Perhaps it was the reason why Lu Shuanghe approached Xingyueyuan earlier, senior Guan Yan replied quickly this time.

The starlight fell on a page, and there were only three words on the paper——

"What's up."

Jiang Wang then talked about Lu Shuanghe's invitation to fight, emphasizing that Lu Shuanghe said that their fates had been entangled together by the Seven Killing Stars, and when they reached the limit of real people, they could not move forward without killing each other. Ask this fate entanglement, what is going on.

He is not afraid to fight Lu Shuanghe to the death one day in the future. But he doesn't want to inherit anything from Nan Dou Temple, and he doesn't want to have any unclear entanglement in fate.

The last person who had an impact on fate was Zhuang Chengqian. That was never a fun memory.

After about a cup of tea, Senior Guan Yan's letter came back——

"The Southern Dou dominates life, while the seven kills never die.

"The fate of the Seven Kills has been passed down from generation to generation, and I have never heard that each other dies and lives. But I went to the Seven Kills Starfield and found that you and Lu Shuanghe's fates are indeed entangled. It should be the unique determination of the contemporary Seven Kills. Self-blocking the way to wait for you, pursuing invincible killing power. This person is extremely sharp, close to the way of heaven, and cut off the seven emotions. Among real people in this world, there should be few opponents.

"It's not too difficult to unravel the entanglement of the Seven Kills' fate. It just takes some time, and you need to know more about the Seven Kills and Lu Shuanghe. The shortest is one or two months, and the longest is three to five months. But you are annoying Mother-in-law has a suggestion, do you want to listen?"

Jiang Wang wrote back immediately: "How can my mother-in-law harm me? Tell me quickly, I will obey!"

This time it was replaced by Xiao Fan's mother-in-law's words, and her letter said——

"Don't untie it yet. Wait until you reach the limit of Dongzhen and then look at the situation. If you are not sure to kill him then, let senior Guan Yan untie it for you. You develop your way and let him eat ass. If you are sure to kill him when the time comes, kill his people, take away his truth, and gain his killing power. If he wants to use you to seek the way, he should return you with some interest."

This... is indeed a little annoying mother-in-law!

Of course, Jiang Wang agreed to such things that took advantage of both sides.

I wrote a lot of beautiful words, and I greeted Xiao Fan's mother-in-law good morning, good afternoon, good night, and then I finished my pen with satisfaction.

After thinking about it, he fetched a piece of paper, wrote another letter, left it on the desk, and pressed it with a paperweight. Pushing the window lightly, the starlight covered his body, he jumped out of the window and stepped into the starlight. A flicker, is gone.


The next day, everyone came to the study room, only to see a piece of paper with a message written on it, which said——

"A friend's birthday is approaching, let's go to congratulate him. Everyone take care of yourselves and guard Bai Yujing. When I come back, let's get rid of the troubles together, make meritorious deeds for the human race, and eliminate troubles in this world!"

The human race dominates the world, suppressing the heavens and the world.

Among the six great Jedi in the present world, the Yaozu, Mozu, Haizu, and Shura can be regarded as external worries. The troubled water and the fallen fairy forest are hidden dangers left in the development process of this world.

Fighting and exploring in the six Jedi is in itself making a contribution to the human race.

Jiang Wang picked off the head of the real demon and returned, so the world can praise him for his achievements.

Going deep into the disaster and beheading the evil concept is similar to "cleaning up the pollution" of the present world, and of course it can also be called "contributory".


"Which friend of his is celebrating his birthday? It's such a big deal for me to wait?" Dou Zhao asked.

Bai Yuxia spread her hands, expressing that she didn't know either.

Zhu Wei, I knew in my heart that my injury was not cured, Jiang Wang would not be able to set off, so I didn't say anything nonsense, turned around and went downstairs.

Dou Zhao is not in a hurry to go to Huoshui, after all, the real person who treated him is still on the way. But when he thought that Jiang Wang didn't regard the matter of accompanying him to fight against someone to make a contribution to disasters and meritorious deeds as his top priority, and he had to go to celebrate someone's birthday halfway, he was very upset.

Children, too insolent!

After being upset for a while, he asked again, "Is he on a good date?"

Call Chu Yao over: "Do you know which one it is?"

Chu Yao frowned tightly.

Dou Zhao curled his lips: "You don't even know about your master's lover? How can you be an apprentice?"

Chu Yao wept bitterly: "I don't know which one you are talking about—"

"Cough!" Shopkeeper Bai coughed.

Chu Yao said: "I don't know anything!"


Regardless of what Zhu Weiwo and Dou Zhao think.

Jiang Wang, with his green shirt fluttering, stepped on the moon and left.

He is not stupid.

I wish the senior brother's injury is not completely healed, and Dou Zhao is disabled again...

Now taking these two disabled people to disaster water, wouldn't Jiang take care of them from time to time? Intuit is also troublesome!

Let's wait until the real Shangguan of the Renxin Pavilion cures them!

During this period of time, there is no major event that cannot be avoided, naturally Qing Yu's birthday is important.

There is nothing left in August, and there is green rain on the clouds.

This time, he had already discussed with his think tank Bai Yuxia in advance, and prepared a lot of gifts, and he must make Qing Yu happy.

August 17th, Ye Qingyu's birthday.

October 12th, Jiang Anan's birthday.

Wouldn't it be fun to just stay in Yunguo Meimei for two months?

Life and practice are correct, and it will not be too late to get rid of the disaster.


"What? Qingyu went to practice outside the sky?" Jiang Wang was a little stunned when he received such news as soon as he entered the secret land of Lingxiao.

I always feel that the name 'Ye Qingyu' doesn't fit well with 'Tianwai Cultivation'.

A square-faced disciple named Xie Ruixuan accompanied him carefully: "It was brought by the pavilion master."

"How long have you been walking?"

"It takes half a month."

"When are you coming back?"

"have no idea."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while: "What about An An?"

"Junior Sister An An also went!" Xie Ruixuan said.

Qing Yu worked hard to cultivate, and Jiang Wang also understood. After all, Qingyu had a lot of questions about practice in the past, and she often wrote to ask questions, which shows that she is a person who loves practice.


The older brother couldn't help but ask, "Did she do it voluntarily?"

Xie Ruixuan said: "It should be..."


Xie Ruixuan said quickly: "When we set off, the pavilion master said that there are delicious food over there, and she packed the luggage herself."

Jiang Wang's mood was quite subtle: " you ugly elders out."

Xie Ruixuan cried and said: "Brother, I am the ugliest in our sect."

Jiang Wang understood why Ah Chou avoided seeing him.

Just like Qingyu wasn't around, he didn't dare to see Ye Lingxiao alone, because he sued Pavilion Master Ye in front of Qingyu.

The same is true for Ah Chou.

It's not good to really go and get Ah Chou out.

well! Standing in the familiar Ling Xiao secret place, Jiang Wang couldn't help but sigh.

Why, one by one, they either went to travel, or went to practice.

He has finally become a real person, and he has avenged his revenge. He can stop occasionally to accompany his relatives and friends, and they are all busy!

He took out an exquisitely shaped azure storage box from his bosom, and handed it to Xie Ruixuan: "In it is my birthday present to Qingyu, a total of twenty-two pieces, corresponding to her past twenty-two years. When you come back, you will give it to her on her birthday. If it is after her birthday, you will give it to her as soon as you come back. Do you understand?"

Xie Ruixuan's square face was like a sledgehammer smashing down hard. With this kind of strength, he expressed his respect to Brother Jiang.

Jiang Anan's brother, that is also his half brother.

Jiang Wang took out another storage box, which was only pink: "This is the birthday present I prepared for An An, and it's the same as Qing Yu, understand?"

Xie Ruixuan thumped his chest: "Brother, I'll take care of things, don't worry!"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, then took out another scroll, and handed it over: "This gift is for Master Ye. Marquis Bowang voluntarily subsidized this famous painting for me. It seems to be the work of a great painter in Yangguo, named I I can’t remember, but it’s very famous anyway. I specially gifted it to him as an old man’s appreciation. I have always respected, admired, and admired Pavilion Master Ye! The original words are here.”

Xie Ruixuan said: "Brother, it must be the exact words, not a single word."

Jiang Wang glanced at this kid, and then at the exquisite building complex in Ling Xiao's secret ground.

For some reason, I suddenly thought of a lot.

Ye Qingyu is a woman with such a family background and such wealth, a fairy on the cloud, an existence that he could not have dreamed of in the past.

She is also a proud figure, and she has a great father. She should have traveled around the heavens with her father, experiencing her own practice and adventures.

Like other descendants of aristocratic and famous families, she should have more stories and more exciting stories.

But for so many years, every time he came to Yunguo, she was there.

He put Jiang Anan here, and then went on a long trip. The number of visits in the past few years can be counted on the fingers.

When he faces the storms of the world alone, this is the only place where he can feel at ease.

But where does this peace of mind come from?

It was Ye Qingyu who guarded Ling Xiao's secret place and hardly ever left home.

She promised him that she would protect Jiang Anan and take care of Jiang Anan, and she has kept her promise in the past few years.

Ye Lingxiao, on the other hand, originally wanted to protect his daughter.

What they need to be on guard at all times is Zhuang Gaoxian who can mobilize a country's resources and do anything.

Qingyu should go out for a walk, to see the different scenery of the heavens and the world...

Jiang Wang thought and thought, then turned around.

Xie Ruixuan said from behind: "Brother, don't sit still?"

"Wait for them to come back!"

Qinghong has gone through the white clouds.

[Thanks to the book friend "Ninth Good Man" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 615th League of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thank you book friend "Jing Di" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 616th League of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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