Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2080 Mountain Breeze Over High Cliffs

Gao Zheng, the former Prime Minister of the Yue Kingdom, was a remarkable figure.

From all aspects, they are far from comparable to Gong Zhiliang today.

Nandoudian Lu Shuanghe is recognized as the most powerful real person in the world, but he cannot be called the number one real person in the Southern Region. To a large extent, it is because of the existence of Gao Zheng.

In the southern region, everyone vaguely praised him as the number one truth in the world, although he hadn't made a move for many years, and never boasted of his force...

No one would treat him as just a real person, given his past accomplishments.

He has long ignored world affairs, but his status in the hearts of Yue people has always remained high. The State of Yue has achieved the most achievements throughout the ages, surpassing the emperors of all dynasties.

Wen Jingxiu, the lord of the Yue Kingdom, had to post a post if he wanted to see Gao Zheng!

The so-called "people hide in the mountains and bear the hope of the world on their shoulders" refers to people like Gao Zheng.

The gate of Yinxiang Peak is locked, and the mountain path is deserted.

Jiang Wang climbed up the steps, quietly observing the mountain situation and enjoying the mountain wind.

The hair fluttered occasionally, and the long sword sank to the side of the waist.

He was going to face the world famous figure who dominated the Fallen Immortal Alliance, and his posture was so calm.

Today, real people see real people.

Changchang Shandao calmly faces time, silently witnessing scenes after scenes.

Bo Xinglang once flew here in the past, and he was shocked to return when he saw Ge Fei.

Today's Sauvignon Blanc is coming to an end, and it is so stable and unmoving.

Jiang Wang walked slowly, gaining momentum and stroking his mind.

Come to the courtyard on the top of the mountain, and push open the gate with a rusty copper ring.

The tall knotty tree has been silent for an unknown amount of time. When the breeze passed, the fallen leaves swirled on the ground.

An iron chain as thick as a bowl is tied to the knotted tree. On the other end of the iron chain is a man with disheveled hair and a Confucian uniform. At this time, his back was leaning against the tree, his head was lowered, as if he was taking a nap.

In the dark ancient times, after the first ancestor of the Dao, in order to buy time for the frontal battlefield, he faced the army of millions of monsters alone, and erected a boundless sea of ​​trees alone, spreading his body across the world.

In the end, this world was broken, and Feng Hou also hugged the tree and died.

Later generations named the tree he hugged before his death "Baojie".

Throughout the ages, literati love this tree the most.

Of course, several great eras have passed. Whether today's "Baojie" is still the "Baojie" of the past is already unknown. It's just been passed down like this, and it's passed down like this.

The trunk of this tree is tall and straight, the branches are not numerous, but the leaves are very lush. Enough to provide shade at the end of August. Keeping the autumn tiger out makes the high but decaying threshold of the orphanage seem like the dividing line between summer and autumn.

The man chained to the tree was Gefei.

It's not that he's impressively ugly, there's no face at all from this angle. It was because of his breath that Jiang Wang had already remembered it in the mountains and seas.

"Ge Fei?" Jiang Wang asked.

Those who are chained are as if they have never heard of it.

A single courtyard on the top of the mountain, old trees and new guests. Yellow leaves pave the ground, and the autumn wind is rustling.

That Tianjiao who struggled desperately in the mountains and seas, trying to bring back a scandal for the Ge family, has now fallen into this state.

"Do you remember old friends from mountains and seas, old friends from the Yellow River?" Jiang Wang asked again.

"He couldn't hear it. His consciousness was torn into two parts, one part was trapped in the fog of ignorance, and the other part sank into the bottom of Wufu." A voice sounded in the courtyard.

This voice gives people a feeling of being independent, dangerous and lonely. When it sounded, the whole yard seemed to sink.

The fog of ignorance is the biggest pass that practitioners face when they come to the inner mansion from Tenglong. It is also a problem that practitioners have to face all their lives.

It is constantly produced and dissipated. This process is also the process of the practitioner's continuous advancement.

Constantly generate new confusions and new understandings.

Once the soul is trapped in the fog of ignorance, there is almost no possibility of returning, and it can only wait for the power of the soul to be exhausted and die.

And the seabed of Wufu is a dangerous place that cannot be touched.

When practitioners were in the Inner Palace, Dao Mai Tenglong inhabited the isolated island of heaven and earth, because only the isolated island of heaven and earth was the only safe place on the sea. Once it sinks to the bottom of the sea, it is almost equivalent to being lost at the end of the universe.

For a sober and powerful divine soul, the possibility of successfully returning is one in a million. What's more, Ge Fei's consciousness has been torn into two parts, and he lost his way separately?

The dangers that Ge Fei and Wu Ling encountered in the Meteor Forest were not ordinary dangers.

"Is it the hidden face of the Yue Kingdom, Gao Zhenren?" Jiang Wang stood in front of the decayed threshold, and did not step into the courtyard.

And that lonely voice said: "There is indeed no one else here... What advice does Master Jiang have?"

With a slight lift of Jiang Wang's footsteps, he has already crossed the courtyard and appeared in the back mountain, in front of the white stone chessboard standing on the cliff. Facing the old man who was staring at the chessboard, frowning and thinking, he slightly cupped his hands: "Your junior, think about it, you should talk to your senior face to face, that would be considered polite."

"Finish." Gao Zheng rubbed the chess pieces lightly with his thumb and forefinger: "Your reason for coming."

Jiang Wangdao: "Gao Zhenren's name is well known in the world. I have traveled all over the world, all the way to Yue, so I must come to this famous mountain... Please discuss the Tao with Gao Zhenren."

"On Tao?" Gao Zheng slightly raised his eyes: "Isn't it on swords?"

"It's discussion." Jiang Wang didn't change his face: "Jiang didn't like to fight and kill in his life, and he loved literature and fighting instead of fighting."

"I'm a little curious." Gao Zheng said slowly: "The number one arrogant man in this world, what's the deal with me, an old man in a lonely mountain?"

Gao Zheng went to Mugu Academy and asked, no real person could stop him in such a big academy, he went all the way to the dean Chen Pu before turning around and leaving.

Today, this young man wants to discuss the Dao with him, which is more inconceivable than seeking him to discuss swords.

But Jiang Wang was really serious.

He held his sword in front of him, an inch below his eyes. The right hand draws the sword, three inches three out of the sheath. With the inscription on the sword body, facing the former Prime Minister of Yue Kingdom. He said loudly: "Let's discuss these three characters with Gao Zhenren."

Gao Zheng looked at this famous sword in the world and said word by word: "Swallow, return, nest."

"Understood." He threw the chess piece into the basket: "I'm here to express my opinion."

Jiang Wang slowly pushed back, hiding the front in the sheath: "The main thing is to listen to the teachings of the seniors, and the second things are all second."

Gao Zhengdao: "Ancient masters are teachers. You and I are so different in age, but we are both real people. How can I have the face to use the word 'education'?"

Just as Jiang Wang was about to speak, he raised his palm: "I already know the purpose of Master Jiang's visit, so there is no need to talk about it. What they did in the matter of the Bai family was indeed wrong. When Bai Pingfu died, no one remembered him, and Bai Yuxia was far away. Go away, no one will stay. How can there be any reason for a bird with its wings to cover the sky, and then force it to come back to build a nest? I will deal with it."

"Then thank you, senior." Jiang Wangli said.

"I deal with the affairs of the Yue country and correct the mistakes of the people of the Yue country. I don't need Jiang Renren to thank me." Gao Zheng seemed to reject people thousands of miles away: "Is there anything else?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then said: "Then Ge Fei...what happened? Can't he be rescued?"

"Totally insane. His consciousness has been torn apart, not even as good as a baby. Unless such a weak and broken consciousness can rise from the bottom of the Five Houses and be retrieved from the fog of ignorance... External force is useless to him Yes." Gao Zheng said calmly: "After all, he is my disciple. He has studied with me for many years, and he is not willing to kill him directly. I have to keep him by my side and look at him like this to prevent him from hurting others."

Jiang Wang asked, "What kind of thing is it that can make Ge Fei such a disaster?"

Ge Fei has long been aware of God, and in the presence of God, he is also one of the best in strength. The fog of ignorance is just dust to him, and Wufuhai has long since ceased to dwell with spirit. Now it looks like this, it's like being beaten back to infancy.

Such methods are more frightening than killing him.

Gao Zheng said in a low voice: "Meteor Immortal Forest is the place where saints are destined to transform, where fairy palaces are shattered, and where ghosts are rampant. It is not surprising that anything appears. I don't know the specific situation of their exploration this time. Revolution Fei was already like this when he was discovered. Duke An of Chu State went to investigate in person, and there must be a result soon."

Jiang Wang thought, Anguo Gong Wu Zhaochang must have been to Yinxiang Peak.

He cupped his hands: "Auspicious people have their own destiny. Since Xiang Gefei has come out alive, there must be a day of recovery."

Gao Zheng looked back at his chess game and said casually, "I hope so."

"The junior will not bother you."

Jiang Wang saluted and was about to leave.

But Gao Zheng suddenly said: "You have observed this chess game for a long time, what advice do you have?"

Jiang Wang is famous for his knowledge, but his peripheral vision was also noticed by Gao Zheng.

Can't help feeling dark in my heart.

He just said, "I don't understand."

Gao Zheng said intentionally or unintentionally: "I don't understand, what then?"

"I won't read it if I don't understand it." Jiang Wang said: "Everyone has his own aspirations, and everyone has his own affairs."

In this way, he walked past the white stone chessboard, and also walked in front of Gao Zheng, stepping on the void, and walked down the cliff.

The world is a game of chess, and everyone has their own way of playing.



The mountain wind blows between the cliffs and blows across the chessboard. Not long after Jiang Wang left, his traces disappeared.

On the Hidden Phase Peak, it seemed that nothing remained at all.

Only the white stone chessboard remains the same, and only the person who sits and watches chess alone.

It's been too many years.

Under the knotty tree in the courtyard, Ge Fei, who was dozing with his head down, was breathing incessantly. A leaf fell down and landed on his forehead.


On the white stone chessboard in front of Gao Zheng, a white piece was soaked in black for an instant, then became chaotic and clear for a moment, half black and half white circled around the Tianyuan position.

During this time, a dull voice sounded: "Old man, where did you lock me up? There's nothing here, I'm about to die of suffocation!"

"It's time to calm down and reflect on it." Gao Zheng said lightly.

"What do I have to reflect on?" The voice in the black and white chess pieces said: "Being your apprentice is really bad luck for eight lifetimes. Everyday cares, I have to practice the piano and calligraphy, and I don't feel free at all. It's not as good as when I was in the mountains and seas. !"

Gao Zhengdao: "You killed the son of the Wu clan, a 3000-year-old family in the Chu state, who is the grandson of this generation of An Guogong. You have caused such a big trouble, and you want the teacher to wipe your ass, isn't it worth reflecting on? "

"Huh?" The voice in the black and white chess piece said: "Didn't you teach me everything about the Fallen Immortal Forest?"

Gao Zheng was expressionless: "I only taught you about the Meteor Forest, not how to kill Wu Ling."

The voice in the black and white chess piece said: "Human beings are so hypocritical. Teacher, I just did what you wanted me to do, but it's inconvenient to say it. You don't praise me, and you teach me a lesson over and over again. I!"

"If you hadn't revealed the truth yourself, would you have come to this point?" Gao Zheng asked.

The voice in the black and white chess piece was a little annoyed: "I don't know how he found out, obviously I have learned the same in all aspects, the big and small eyes—"

The voice suddenly became angry: "You must come and see me!"

The black and white chess pieces jumped up suddenly, but were pointed in the air by a stick of food.

Gao Zheng slowly pushed down the pawn, and said slowly: "Ge Fei is actually not as intelligent or talented as you, but he has read more books than you and understands the world better than you. Your brain is not yet enlightened." , still very barbaric, unable to keep up with Wu Ling's thinking. It is normal for him to find a flaw."

The voice in the chess piece was not convinced: "Obviously I behaved very well. Even Ge Fei's parents and family members didn't find anything wrong."

"That's because they don't dare to doubt, they need you." Gao Zheng said calmly: "The most brilliant lie in the world is the deception of human beings to themselves."

This is a sentence worth thinking about, but the voice in the black and white chess pieces only said: "I think it's true..."

The voice started to yell like crazy: "I want to tell the truth right away, I can't bear it. The kid I can easily crush to death in the mountain and sea realm is now called a real person! I can tell the truth but keep suppressing you. You want me Learn from you, just learn how to be patient, how to waste time, I've had enough!"

The mountain and sea monster occupying Ge Fei's body is indeed not a good student. It's not that he's not smart, but that most of the time, he doesn't want to put himself in a human shell.

But Gao Zheng showed full patience: "Patience is the most important lesson."

The voice in the chess piece shouted: "Patience is useless, you are not strong enough, you will be killed. This is the case everywhere!"

"The reason why the monster clan was able to establish the ancient heaven, and the reason why the human race was able to set off a torrent in the world is because they have established survival rules other than the law of the jungle and natural selection. You have to remember, I don't need you to forget that you, as a strange beast from mountains and seas Everything you have learned is your background, and it can also become your talent, but you have to learn how to control them. Now you want to become a human being, the most honorable human being in the world... .”

Gao Zheng said this slowly, but his voice became softer: "If you want to give up, that's easy."

The voice in the black and white chess pieces immediately stopped being angry: "I am still very willing to learn from you, teacher. I just...I want to improve too much."

"The mountain is too high and dangerous." Gao Zheng said softly, "You have to move forward slowly."

The voice in the black and white chess piece said: "You said that I am not enough to be a human being, so you don't let me know the truth. But you can clearly develop the way, and the mountain peak is right in front of you, why don't you go up?"

Gao Zheng gently wiped the chess piece with his index finger, and said calmly, "You don't know much about this world. It's not that you think, you can. It's not that you can, you can. I've been telling you ,read more books."

When his index finger wiped the chess piece completely, the chess piece had returned to full white, and the sound inside the chess piece no longer sounded.

For a while there was only the mountain wind.

[Thanks to the book friend "Baron Tasteless" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 619th League of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "All troubles are gone and far away from the world of mortals" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 620th Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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