Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2081 I'm afraid I'll see you today

After leaving Yue State, Jiang Wang went to Li State again.

At this time, he was not in the name of Jiang Zhenren, and he did not visit anyone. I just covered up my knowledge and simply walked in this country.

He used to go through all the places in a hurry, but now he wants to clarify the lines of the world of mortals, grasp the "world" of the small world, and the "truth" of real people, he needs to feel more about the life of different water droplets in the sea of ​​suffering.

He still devotes time to practice, but the way of practice is different.

Of course, he also needs to carefully observe how different small countries deal with various problems in the process of making Kaimai Pill under the Kaimai Pill system, and see if there is anything worth learning——Du Yehu, Li Jianqiu and the others have already done similar work. I have done a lot and observed the situation of almost all the small countries in the western border. Jiang Wang himself has seen quite a few, such as the Xu country he saw with Yin Guan a long time ago, and the Zhao country he observed later by himself...

But he still had to look again.

In Liguo, he didn't do anything except save some people silently in front of the beasts.

The so-called "spotless live game".

Leaving the country of Li, he went to the country of Liang.

Liang Guo itself is not strong, what is strong is Jiange and Blood River Sect who support it.

Needing to pay tribute to these two great sects at the same time, the pressure of Kaimai Pill that Liang Guo faced was not so terrible, at least not as good as Jing Guo's demand for Zhuang Guo.

Because of the large number of apprentices in the world, most of them would rather be short than excessive, and they are not allowed to enter unless they are extremely talented. For such a carefully selected disciple, the Kaimai Pill used would naturally not be too bad.

Although it is said that the human race does not determine one's life by talent, the appearance of the opening pill can not determine everything. There are countless people who use Ding and other opening pills to open veins and become strong in the long river of history.

But in the early stage of practice, if you can establish some advantages, no one will let it go.

Most of the general-looking Kaimai Pills are mostly used as currency in the Tianxia Dazong, and the disciples of this sect don't use them too much.

This is one of the differences between the national system and the sect system——

The Zongmen's Transcendence Road has been screened in advance, and those with insufficient qualifications will have no chance for a lifetime.

And the country gives opportunities to all. As long as you are willing to work hard and desperately, in the competition of tens of millions of people, you can take a few steps forward and make certain achievements, and you will be able to obtain extraordinary resources. In this way, we continue to compete, improve, and contribute, and the country continues to support us.

In Jiang Wang's view, compared with the sect, the country must be progressing.

After the country was destroyed and then restored, relying on two great masters at the same time, the political ecology of Liang State is quite different. Jiang Zhenren was still just a bystander, coming and leaving calmly.

Take knowledge as a boat, float in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Calculating the time, Brother Zhu and Dou Zhao should have waited almost, so he went back home.

Returning to Xingyueyuan from Liang Country, it is inevitable to pass by Jiange.

Jiang Wang also consciously concealed himself, changed from flying to walking, and walked along the path.

There are no people on the wild trails, and the autumn wind is deserted.

Jiang Zhenren's big sleeves are fluttering, and he walks alone in the world, which is indescribably comfortable.

But at the next moment, his raised boots were stuck in the air, not daring to drop them for a while.

And the weeds all over the ground suddenly stood up straight, like a sword reaching the sky!

A slender thatch suddenly lay before his eyes.

Jiang Wang straightened his body, and immediately retreated more than a thousand feet, but the thatch followed him like a shadow, still shining in his eyes.

"I've seen Pavilion Master Si!" Jiang Wang saluted cautiously.

The thatch trembled slightly, and Si Yu'an's voice finally sounded: "I don't know that Master Jiang is visiting, please forgive me for being too far away to welcome you!"

Jiang Wang's face turned pale, Si Yu'an was planning to kill him, so he quickly subdued: "My lord has a lot of people, don't say such a thing, it will offend the younger generation! But what can I do to offend you?"

"How dare you." Si Yu'an's voice said: "I don't know if I offended you."

"What are you talking about! What a good senior you are. You are far-sighted, with a holy hand and a Buddhist heart, and you love to take care of juniors... I have always been grateful and respectful to you!"

"Then why are you sneaking around the Jiange Mountain Gate, don't you want to attack me?"

Jiang Wang said quietly: "I'm just passing by..."

Si Yu'an's voice raised slightly: "Jiang Zhenren passed by Bizong, if Si came out to greet him ignorantly, he might be beaten up today."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "You really like to joke."

The edge of the grass was like a sharp edge, and the sound of the sword turned into a sound: "It is best for Master Jiang to take this as a joke. I am afraid that Master Jiang will not listen well, and he will not say anything, because he will hold a grudge."

"How could you say that?" Jiang Wang said in surprise: "I have only respect for the pavilion master, and I have no hatred!"

Si Yu'an's voice said: "Since you don't hold any grudges, how come you don't even bother to visit this pavilion when you pass by Jiange? Of course, this is understandable. The number one person in history really has the right to look down on this pavilion."

"I—— intend to visit the Pavilion Master." Jiang Wang forcefully said: "It's just empty-handed and rude to the guests. This junior plans to go back to Xingyueyuan to prepare some gifts, and then come to greet the Pavilion Master."

"There is no need for presents." Si Yu'an said in a voice, "Since you want to visit, then come up the mountain."

The thatch just jumped and disappeared. The dead grass is also hanging down all over the ground.

? ?

Why do I want to visit you?

Jiang Wang wanted to run away, but knew he couldn't.

After careful recollection, there was really nothing that could offend Jiange during this period, so he turned and walked towards Tianmu Peak.

Visiting Jiange is an embarrassing thing, especially since Si Yu'an didn't say anything, he had to take the initiative to sign up and submit a post, and under the vigilant and guarded eyes of Jiange disciples, he passed through one after another.

In the entire Jiange, it can be said that he offended everyone except Ning Shuangrong. Where is there a good face to see.

The eyes of the Jiange monks who were fighting against each other kept falling, which made him have a trance illusion - he seemed to be the unrivaled monster in a storybook novel, who was about to climb the mountain to do evil and wipe out the righteous world.

But who is the hero who saves the world?

Sikong Jingxiao, the chief disciple of Jiange, and Ning Shuangrong, the most talented disciple of Jiange in contemporary times?

I'm afraid it's all too far away.

So is it the Wuxin Sword Master Tu Anli?

"What are you laughing at?" Si Yu'an asked abruptly.

Having reached the top of Tianmu Peak, the challenge to Si Yu'an simulated by Rumeng Ling has evolved eight hundred rounds.

But this is the real world that cannot be simulated, Jiang Wang forgot the image of the big devil, cupped his hands, and made himself smile even brighter: "Master Pavilion Master is more handsome than before, Jiang Wang is very happy to see you!! !"

Si Yu'an said indifferently: "I want to thank you for taking care of my old deafness. You came to me and shouted loudly."

"It's easy to say." Jiang Wang took a few steps back very cooperatively, and his voice was strictly controlled: "Is the volume appropriate now? Do you need to adjust it?"

Si Yu'an said again: "In front of this pavilion, you use secret methods to control the sound and hearing, do you want to compete with this pavilion?"

"Look at what you said." Jiang Wang resolutely refused to talk back. He corrected his mistakes and insisted on correcting his mistakes: "I'm only in my early twenties, how can I have the right to compete with you?"

"It's hard to say, Jiang Zhenren has a fierce reputation, and the king of a country also kills as soon as he says, so he didn't know the truth. Now that he is the first truth in history, it is reasonable to provoke this court?" Si Yu'an said blankly: " It’s only one step away.”

Jiang Wang let out a long sigh, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly! Talking like this makes me really uneasy!"

Si Yu'an showed surprise on his face: "Why did Master Jiang say that? Could it be that Si is persecuting you? This, this is really a misunderstanding."

"The elders have something to do, and the younger generation will do their best." Jiang Wang volunteered: "I have admired Jiange and the owner of the pavilion since I was a child, and I really want to do something to show my admiration - I don't know what Jiange can use Where is my place?"

Si Yu'an's expression softened a bit: "Sit down, Master Jiang."

Jiang Wang looked around, the cliff was high and empty.

Except for the thatched hut not far away, and the bluestone under Si Yuan's buttocks, there was no place to sit at all.

He respectfully said: "The pavilion master said, how can I have the right to sit?"

Si Yu'an nodded with satisfaction: "You child, I have been optimistic about you for a long time, and I did not misunderstand you. There are not many young people who are as polite as you!"

Jiang Wang just smiled modestly.

Si Yu'an asked, "Why did you come to Jiange?"

Didn't you let me come here! ?

Jiang Wang thought about it and said, "I want to visit you?"

Si Yu'an probably couldn't bear it very much, so he took a moment to say, "Not all of it?"

Jiang Wang pondered for a while, and then said: "I want to ask about the sword box of Jiantiandi?"

Si Yuan frowned.

Jiang Wang really couldn't think of it: "Then I——why?"

Si Yu'an had no choice but to remind him: "You have a friend with similar interests in Jiange. You are similar in age and talent... Do you still remember?"

Jiang Wang stopped smiling.

Not to please.

He took a step back, put his hand on the sword, and straightened his spine: "Forgive me! Swordsman Ning and I are just friends on swordsmanship, and there is no relationship between men and women. Although you are at the top of the extraordinary, you can't change my mind!"

"You have a good idea!" Si Yu'an was furious: "I just want you to exchange swordsmanship between your peers, practice adventures and so on with a frosty face, what are you dreaming of?!"

Jiang Wang's face turned red with embarrassment: "Then what, haha, I misunderstood!"

Si Yu'an looked at him: "You also said that I take good care of you. Right?"

Jiang Wang made it clear: "If there is a time to explore together, I will take good care of Miss Ning. You don't need to say, we are fellow Taoists!"

Si Yu'an's face softened a little: "You said before that you returned to Xingyueyuan and came to Jiange, why?"

"I came to see you for a present."

"Okay, stop talking about this nonsense."

Jiang Wang said honestly: "I'm going to Huoshui to practice for a while, and I will pass by the Jiange, and I can't hide."

"Go to the disaster water to practice..."

"Of course, my team really needs a master swordsman. I'm planning to invite Miss Ning to go with me!"

"This is your junior's own business, so I don't care about it." The enthusiasm of the cabinet master came and went quickly, and he said with a flick of his sleeves, "Go!"

Before leaving, Jiang Wang said again: "It's really inconvenient for me to go down the mountain and pass it on layer by layer. I will come again next time! Can the pavilion master give you an order so that the boy can come and go without hindrance?"

Si Yu'an had already assumed a posture of meditation, and didn't bother to speak, so he took a small sword-shaped token and threw it over.

Jiang Wang took it in his hand and strode away——

Of course he won't leave so easily.

Jiang Mou's life is invincible, not something you, Si Yu'an, can command if you want.

At least not in vain!

How can the majestic No. 1 truth in Qing history come to Jiange for nothing?

He left the top of the mountain quickly, stepped on the plank road silently, with a clear goal, and pointed directly at the sword box of heaven and earth.

There were occasional Jiange monks blocking him on the road, so he didn't say anything, but just took the token given by Si Yu'an in one fell swoop, so that he could go unimpeded.

The one who guards the heaven and earth sword box is the strongest Wanxiang sword master among the five sword masters of the Jiange. The name of this person is unknown, and no one even in Jiange remembers his real name, but the name "Sword Chi" resounds throughout the world.

The three realms of the Jiange are the Sword of All Beings, the Sword of Heaven and Earth, and the Sword of Time.

Among them, the heaven and earth sword box, which is "the place where all swordsmen in ancient and modern times ask for their swords", is the most famous.

Historically, those who entered from the southeast Wangji Tianmen on the Tianmen plank road, the ultimate goal was the heaven and earth sword box.

The rules of the Heaven and Earth Sword Box are: those who enter the Heaven and Earth Sword Box and ask for swords, can take any sword tome if they win, and need to keep a sword tome if they lose.

It sounds very simple, but there is nothing left to say about sword fighting. There have been countless people who have broken their swords and died here. The Jiange monks regard it as an honor to stain the sword box with blood, and fight for life and death at every turn.

The last time Jiang Wang came here, he really wanted to give it a try. But because of Xiangqian's relationship, he first confronted Sikong Jingxiao, then provoked Wuxin Sword Master, and even threatened Si Yu'an... so he stopped thinking.

Now it is time for him to practice Yan Fu Sword Prison, and he urgently needs powerful sword scriptures to benefit the small world, and the swordsmanship in the world is dominated by Jiange!

There is no better place than the Heaven and Earth Sword Box.

With his current strength, entering the heaven and earth sword box can only participate in the highest level of challenges, and can only face the legendary "sword idiot".

The goal of others coming here is the infinite and exquisite sword code in the heaven and earth sword box.

And his goal is the sword idiot himself who has mastered all the sword skills in the sword box of heaven and earth, and has reached the realm of the self and all aspects!

He wants to fight Jian Chi and learn all kinds of superb sword skills.

to this end! He asked Si Yu'an for a life-saving token...

As long as Si Yu'an doesn't object, Jian Chi will naturally assume that he is a guest invited by Si Yu'an, so he won't really kill him.

Who dares to say that the number one in history really has no strategy?

Make a plan and arrange everything clearly!

The so-called heaven and earth sword box, its appearance is a huge Shifeng sword that is horizontal in the mountain platform square. The hollow inside is a sword box, which contains tens of thousands of sword books. It itself is a sword, and it uses heaven and earth as a box.

It never gives people a sharp feeling, the wind and rain on the mountain made its sword shape somewhat rounded.

But the closer Jiang Wang walked, the more he could feel the excitement of Sauvignon Blanc. The strongest sword in the world for 30,000 years has left sword marks here. Tens of millions of peerless sword tomes are competing here!

Among the swordsmen in the world, who wouldn't want to chase the sword leader here?

Sauvignon Blanc is a famous sword in the world, and it has defeated countless powerful opponents. But in the forest of sword queens, it also became a challenger again.

Jiang Wang walked quietly.

To be watched, looked up to, and feared.

The entrance to the Heaven and Earth Sword Box is at the hilt of Shi Feng Sword. Chisel the stone as a seal, and open a huge stone gate horizontally.

There are mottled sword marks on the stone gate, without leaving any sword intent, like the graffiti of an urchin holding a sword casually. But the real strong can feel that every sword mark on it is left by a peerless swordsman, but the sword intent in it has been killed into the sword box of heaven and earth, leaving this mark and shape!

Although the sword intent is faint, there is an aftertaste in it.

Jiang Wangyao took a look, and there were countless swordsmen in his mind, killing them one after another... And in an instant, Han Feng was born, caved in the five mansions, traveled all over the world, and all the illusions in his mind disappeared. !

He looked forward nonchalantly.

Standing in front of the door was an old acquaintance - Sikong Jingxiao.

Today and evening are different.

Sikong Jingxiao's mood is complicated.

In the first battle when Jiang Wang came to the door, he was convincingly defeated, but he also wanted to come to Japan for a long time. He dared to bear the sword red talisman, so naturally he was not afraid of failure, and he was not afraid of people's words.

He has the courage to rise from a desperate situation.

But the number one in history... the gap is too big.

Too big to be big enough.

"Why are you here?"

He raised his hand and placed it in front of the door.

Paused and paused, and finally added a sentence: "Jiang Zhenren!"

This one is exported.

He suddenly realized——

It turned out that Jiang Wang was rampant in Jiange because of the background of Qi State.

Now, Jiang Wang himself is the background.

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