Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2083 the evil is worse than disaster

With Ning Shuangrong in the team, they naturally don't have to worry about Jiange's rules. A group of five people flew across the territory of Jiange, crossed the country of Liang without stopping, and came to the sea of ​​bitterness.

All the way here, Jiang Wang still felt a little unreal like in a dream——Governor Si Ge didn't do anything to Dou Zhao, just let them go.

Could it be my narrow heart and the tolerant belly of Pavilion Master Du Si?

Or is it that Si Yu'an is only targeting me, Jiang, someone?

The Kuhai Cliff is the mountain gate of the Blood River Sect, and it can also be called the end of the southern region. Ji Li, who was holding the fat white civet cat, had already been waiting here.

She is dark and thin, not very conspicuous, and even has a kind of dull feeling.

But her spiritual wisdom and literary talent can be easily felt as long as one has actually read her articles or discussed with her.

As soon as they met, she said, "I've already told the members of the Blood River Sect, we can go in directly."

It's also a no-brainer.

Everyone has nothing to do, and then files in.

The Blood River Sect itself is built on the entrance of the disaster water, which is the portal of the disaster water. But there are no restrictions on passers-by.

From ancient times to the present, such desperate places as Huo Shui have been free to enter and exit.

It's just that before entering the troubled water, the Blood River Sect needs to be informed. In case there is any turmoil erupting inside Huoshui, or there is some "clearing up" activity on the human side, if you enter rashly, there may be disharmony.

It is the same in Borderlands and Yuyuan.

For example, Jiang Wang went to Bianhuang to cut off the head of the real demon and returned. If he didn't inform the defenders, the demons' counterattack would suddenly increase, and they might break through the defense line of the defenders.

The Blood River Sect has been established for 54,000 years, and its strength has never been weak.

Take Fox as an example. In addition to the suzerain, the sect powerhouse also has left and right guardians and three elders, a total of five real people. Among them is even Peng Chongjian, a top real person who is known as "Mountain No. 1". In the Southern Territory, he is definitely qualified to call the wind and call the rain.

Now that Huo Shi and he died in the disaster, the elder Xu Mingsong who caused the change in the disaster was punished, and the power of the sect suffered a heavy blow.

But Peng Chongjian took over the sect in time and was promoted to Yan Dao, which made the Blood River Sect still maintain its momentum.

The Blood River Sect was built inside the Bitter Sea Cliff, and it is far more majestic than people imagined.

A group of people soon came to the Scarlet Square, and saw the Red Dust Gate hanging in the center of the square. There are three crimson corridors on the opposite side of the square, which lead to the core of the Blood River Sect, which cannot be entered unless invited.

This square has had many names, but in the end everything was washed away by time, including the name. Only blood remained.

Cultivators in twos and threes are scattered on the square, and from time to time people come in and out through the gate of the world of mortals.

As the pioneer of Huoshui, Jiang, who has achieved the achievement of Huoshui in Xiadi Town, naturally assumes the responsibility of introducing the environment for newcomers. "Brother, look, those who have a number of thirty or fifty and form a queue to enter the troubled water are basically the monks of the Blood River Sect."

Zhu Wei and I were also idle, so I cooperated with him to introduce the background: "Oh? How did you make sure?"

"Because they are all wearing the clothes of Blood River Sect." Jiang Wang said.

Ning Shuangrong covered her mouth and chuckled.

Zhu Wei is expressionless.

The group of them walked in and immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

Does anyone in the Southern Region know that Dou Zhao is wearing the red-bottomed gold-rimmed red-bottomed military uniform?

Jiang Wang, who is wearing a green shirt and holding a sword, is a milestone in the world of practice.

In addition, Ning Shuangrong from Jiange, Ji Li from Mugu Academy, which one is not a well-known figure?

That is to say, Zhuo Qingru from the Sanxing Palace has only come out to study in the past two years, and Zhu Wei's current appearance is too sloppy, so few people recognize it.

But the six of them walk together, and the relationship is obviously equal, and none of them is simple.

For a while, people avoided one after another, and even the cultivator of the Blood River Sect, who was the host, subconsciously gave way.

But they just walked forward calmly, and just stepped into the gate of the world of mortals.

The gate of the world of mortals is a world of its own, and it is empty, with no energy, so there is nothing to say. The monks who have been fighting for a long time will often come back here to rest, but they will not stay for too long. Either leave directly, or keep fighting.

It was Zhu Weiwo and Zhuo Qingru who came here for the first time, and looked at it curiously for a while.

Stepping out of the gate of the world of mortals, the first thing that catches the eye is the blood-colored boundary river flowing around the gate of mortals. The river of blood was surging, making his eyes red.

Dou Zhao took the lead, walking in the forefront, holding Tian Xiao in his palm, almost irresistible.

Aggressive, but turned back: "Which way to go?"

He asked Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang named him a vanguard general in his heart, and he named Jiang Wang a logistics officer in his heart.

The edge of the disaster has not been explored by human beings so far.

From the gate of the world of mortals to any direction, you can encounter more and more evil views, and there is no end.

The Gate of the Red Dust is an absolutely safe place.

The blood river is the boundary river, preventing evil from being viewed from the outside.

Beyond the Blood River, there are thousands of miles of clear water, which is a pure water area formed by the continuous cleaning of the human race for tens of thousands of years. It is also a relatively safe place in this rootless world. Unless there is a large-scale riot in the water, the evil view will not easily set foot in this water.

Over the years, its scope has been shrinking and expanding, and the change of voicing depends on the strength comparison between the evil view and the guarding forces of the human race.

Since the beginning of the Dao calendar, it is obvious that the governance of the human race has been very effective. Thousands of miles of clear waves in this calamity can be called ruling the world.

Beyond the clear waves, the turbid waves are overwhelming.

There is a clear distinction between clear and turbid, which is also similar to the borderline of life and death.

The human race is here, and the evil view is there.

What is in the water of disaster?

Every drop of turbid water is the condensation of evil.

Every inch of water has the possibility of birthing evil.

There is no gain from beheading evil views, and the so-called gift of this world is illusory to many people, invisible and intangible.

To put it bluntly, what impact would it have on the present world if killing dozens or hundreds of evil spirits? What gift can there be?

Nowadays, Huoshui is governed by Xuehe sect, Sanxinggong town, Jiange and Mugu Academy will also send monks regularly. But in addition to these, a large number of monks are still needed to help clean up the muddy water.

It is obviously not a long-term solution to rely solely on the self-awareness of the monks in the world.

Therefore, as the largest power country in the present world, and also the largest rights and interests country, the six major powers will allocate special funds every year to deal with disasters, in order to "cut evil money".

Just like Mu Guo's devil's head in exchange for money.

The money was supervised by Sanxinggong and distributed by Shushan.

Every time a monk kills an evil view, he can get a corresponding reward.

Although Evil View is amazingly powerful, it is ignorant, and there are many ways to deal with it. Therefore, monks who have not yet become gods often come here in teams, and every time they kill one, it is a huge harvest.

In addition, there are some spiritual materials unique to this place in the disaster. The worse the land, the more rare it becomes. If you pick it up by chance, you will get rich suddenly.

There are also real creatures here, most of which are evil beasts from ancient times—it is impossible not to be evil if you can survive here.

For example, the real Ge Shi once fell into misfortune to seek fame, and finally died here.

Speaking of which, the real person who was also famous in Ge Shi, before entering the troubled water, left some words worth thinking about.

Before he insisted on going deep into the disaster to seek fame, many people were persuading him, saying that the disaster is too evil, and it is too dangerous to go deep to seek fame.

And he replied—

"In ancient times, there were many strange beasts. In modern times, there are very few of them. Those strange beasts lived in disasters, but they were extinct from the human world. Is the disaster evil? Is the human world evil? Yea!"

Jiang Wang has seen the worst and best in the world.

At this time in this rootless world, he hadn't thought about which way to go in advance, and he couldn't plan at all-the disasters change from time to time, and those evil views are also completely irregular. Anyone who dares to sell maps here will be treated as a liar and beaten to death.

Although he didn't have a plan, he acted confidently and calculated: "Seven stars are in harmony, which is good for the east. Let's go north."

In these three paragraphs, not a word is next to each other!

But this group of people really turned around and headed north.

Jiang Wang didn't have any clear goals for this trip, which was to fight evil views, control disasters, and practice killing methods.

For Ji Li and Ning Shuangrong, they more want to learn from the two youngest real people in this world. In this brilliant world, practice records are constantly being broken, and endless possibilities are expanding. They are also the proud sons of heaven. They are ordered by their master to go to the dangerous place with Jiang Wang, just to see clearly where the gap is between themselves and the world's top heavenly pride, where they can catch up, and where they cannot be surpassed.

Especially Zhuo Qingru, who originally had a clear goal, left Tianxingya, and entered the world to seek the truth, but her first travel companion to the Lost Realm has already come true, and she is still on the way to seek the truth. The world is too impermanent, she only heard a few stories, why was she left behind?

As the most eye-catching team in today's disaster, this group of talents has attracted the amazement of monks from all walks of life when they started the battle.

Dou Zhao is still in the lead, cutting through the turbulent waves for thousands of miles with his sword in the sky, facing the evil view of the gods, he can't deserve a blow at all.

I wish Wei Wei my cultivation is not as good as it is, but I never let others go in battle, and walk away in the air, and the cold light falls all over the sky when my salary is exhausted! The other people's guns are united, like a shocking lightning in the upper reaches of the water, where it passes, evil views fall one after another.

Ji Li's fighting style is unique, holding the cat in one hand and holding a pen in the other. Walking freely on the waves, holding a pen in his right hand, painting in the void.

Or draw a tiger and touch a few lightning bolts.

Then there was a flying tiger carrying thunder across the sky, roaring and rushing into the water.

Or draw a dragon, with just a few strokes, the giant dragon emerges from the bottom of the water, with a slap of the dragon claws, a huge wave surges into the sky, and a flick of the dragon's tail, like a knife cutting the enemy, the evil view will be dissected!

In the turbid and dangerous water, this team cut a clear straight road, like a bridge extending forward!

Zhu Wei, I also didn't expect that he only wanted to shoot alone, find a suitable place to practice, and explore the extreme realm of spear skills. As a result, when I told Jiang Wang, for some reason, it became a luxurious team composed of six arrogance.

I never thought that Junior Brother Jiang was a long-sleeved and good dancer, but his network is really wide!

He is also a person who has been tried in Yu Yuan, but he has never been so hearty. He doesn't have to care about what's behind him at all, he just needs to show his killing power to his heart's content. All kinds of gun skills were displayed, and he was full of pride for a while.

It's different from the three of them fighting hard.

Brother Jiang, who Brother Zhu was talking about in his heart, was walking behind them in an indescribably calm and unrestrained manner. I would also like to play a few wisps of sword energy to make up the knife, but my teammates are too strong, so I didn't give it a chance!

He can only regret it.

Ning Shuangrong didn't make a move either, she just walked beside Jiang Wang, chatting with Jiang Wang from time to time about the various changes in the disaster and the monks from all over the world she met along the way, occasionally including some discussions about swordsmanship.

And Zhuo Qingru... Watching them chat.

I watched with gusto.

At that time, the glimpses from the corner of the eye made Jiang Wang feel a little uncomfortable. He finally said, "Senior Sister Zhuo, don't you want to try the trick?"

Zhuo Qingru waved her hand: "What I need now is not those."

Jiang Wangdao: "Senior sister doesn't need recruiting, but only Taoism."

"Of course."

"Senior sister's way is on me?"

Zhuo Qingru coughed.

Fortunately, Dou Zhao is not a leisurely person, so her embarrassment did not last too long.

He rushed all the way ahead and took on the most attacks, but he still felt that the killing was not smooth enough, so he beat Tian Xiao——

"It's not quite right. The evil view here is obviously not strong enough. After killing for so long, why didn't any real level ones appear? Look ahead!"

Since Doumou has a real hole, only the evil view of the real hole is worthy of his shot.

Without waiting for anyone, the words fell, and the violent saber force spread out around him, like a golden sun, making him suddenly accelerate like a golden giant saber. It crushed everything it passed by, cleared the gray sky, and cut the turbid waves into clear water droplets!

The body is like a golden rainbow patrolling the sea, and it is out of sight in an instant.

Everyone quickly followed.

Now Zhu Weiwo and Ji Li don't have to do anything.

Where Dou Zhao passed, nothing remained, only empty waters.

"Okay... amazing!" Zhuo Qing seemed shocked, and successfully changed the subject.

The white civet cat in Ji Li's arms also barked.


Really strong.

After all, everyone is teammates this time, no matter how strong Dou Zhao is, he can't let him go and let him rush there casually.

For a while, each showed his own skills, soaring into the water of disaster,

With the speed of these Tianjiao, it took a full quarter of an hour to finally recover Dou Zhao's figure, and finally saw the huge waves in front of him, fighting fiercely.

They flew for a quarter of an hour, and Dou Zhao used the extremely terrifying knife force to cut through the disaster for a quarter of an hour!

At this moment, Dou Zhao is still fighting, and he is fighting heartily with a Dongzhen-level evil view.

But everyone's eyes fell on a man in fluttering white clothes—the champion of Da Qi, Chong Xuan Zun!

He was also trying his sword in troubled waters, and he was single-handedly fighting against the real-level villains. During the killing, he was still fluttering in white clothes, and he was unrestrained and unrestrained.

Ji Li couldn't help but look to the side, Dou Zhao, Chong Xuan Zun, Jiang Wang, the three youngest real people in the world, actually gathered here! A simple disaster experience, unexpectedly by chance, such a terrifying lineup was assembled.

Obviously, Chongxuanzun is the reason why the evil monsters along the way are not strong enough. From the gate of the world of mortals to this point, this water area has been plowed by him once.

"Okay!" Jiang Wang strode forward, clapped his palms and praised: "The two of you are facing each other alone, and you are really heroes! I don't know who can be one step ahead, and cut down the evil view first? Tianjiao often has it, unrivaled in the world Xiongjie is rare. Dong champion, Nan Doushao, who is better? Let us wait and see!"

"Come, come." He also greeted Ji Li and the others: "I'm sitting in the manor, and the old and the old are not deceiving, everyone bet a little bit."

"Noisy!" Dou Zhao slashed with a backhand, making Jiang Wang shut up quickly: "I am so strong, how can I judge?"

But he said it hard, and the Tianxiao knife in his hand was obviously a little heavier.

The knife came flying, Jiang Wang grabbed it and burned it in the fire. He also lowered his voice: "This guy has a bad temper, let's keep it quiet. Is there anyone else who wants to bet? I'm sure I'm leaving!"

Chong Xuanzun looked back at Jiang Wang mockingly, probably trying to express the meaning of "the thief is so naive".

But Dou Zhao next to him was slashing furiously, each knife was as heavy as a knife, and he was about to cut off that ignorant evil view, he finally couldn't calm down, the knife was as bright as snow, and he ran into the enemy close to him!

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