Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2084 The Age of All Saints

Chong Xuan obeys and doesn't care what others say - but Dou Zhao really needs an exception.

Although the match proposed by Jiang Wang unilaterally was not formal at all, the opponents of the two were different in strength, and the fighting states of the two were also different at the moment.

But if he really lags behind, Dou Zhao can at least have the upper hand in the quarrel for ten years.

Although the game is naive, Dou Zhao's face is very real.

The two peerless geniuses fought with all their might. Jiang Wang took Ning Shuangrong's Sword Code, Ji Li's Inkstone, and Zhuo Qingru's Chain of Love...

Zhu Weiwo was penniless and pauper, and was excluded from this game.

Needless to say, the quality of Ning Shuangrong's swordsmanship, Ji Li's inkstone is also a masterpiece of the study, and the chain of entanglement is one of the top ten chains of Legalism.

"Okay. Buy it and leave!" Jiang Wang took a heavy bet and watched the game very seriously.

"Cut it! Chop its paws first, hey attack it down the road, hurry up!" Jiang Zhenren gave pointers from the sidelines from time to time, and those who watched the game were more excited than those who played the game.

Ning Shuangrong and Zhuo Qingru both bet on Dou Zhao to win, while Ji Li bet on Chongxuan Zun.

Holding the white civet cat in his arms at this moment, he asked softly, "Renren Jiang is very familiar with them, who will win?"

Jiang Wang couldn't take his eyes off: "Both of them must believe in themselves more."

"What about Jiang Renren's judgment?"

"I don't know the moment the winner or loser emerges. That's called gambling, isn't it?"

Ji Li was thoughtful: "They are equal in all aspects, and their fighting talents are also the best in the world. Winning or losing sometimes depends on luck, opponents, and determination to participate in this game."

"What Miss Ji said is exactly what I want to say."

Ji Li said: "Now it seems that the determination of fighting real people is stronger."

Jiang Wang said casually: "Dou Zhao has to win everything, Chong Xuanzun is what he cares about, so he must win."

"What about Master Jiang?" Ji Li asked.

Ning Shuangrong said at the side: "Jiang Zhenren is the best to win, try your best and have no regrets."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "Those who know me, Ning Jianke!"

For the banker, if there must be a winner in this match, it would definitely be better for Chong Xuanzun to win. He only needs to lose one house and receive two houses, so he can make a profit. Therefore, while praising Ning Shuangrong, while silently lighting a ray of divine fire for Dou Zhao's opponent, so that this cave can last a few more breaths.

"Speaking of which, why did Champion Hou come here alone?" Zhuo Qingru asked curiously at this moment: "Is it also invited by Master Jiang?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Jiang Wang said: "But I think it may be that he himself has friendship with the Blood River Sect. The former True Lord Blood River once wanted to accept him as a disciple, but he refused. Later, unfortunately, he died in the battle and died. Let him be the suzerain of Blood River... well, I will ask him directly later."

Zhu Wei, this is the first time I heard about this, and I was a little surprised: "Can the inheritance of the world be handed over to outsiders?"

Mugu Academy can also be regarded as a neighbor of the Blood River Sect. Ji Li explained aloud: "The inheritance of the Blood River Sect has always been that the virtuous and the relatives are not close. Even the position of the suzerain has not been handed down to the sect several times in history. The disciples of the sect feel that the disciples of this sect cannot be cultivated, but passed on to the peerless arrogance from outside. Perhaps this is also the reason why the blood river sect has true kings from generation to generation, and the inheritance is not fading."

Zhuo Qingru added: "The inheritance of the Blood River Sect does not lie in those secret techniques, but in their spirit of controlling the water for tens of thousands of years. This blood river is full of human blood. It can be said that he is a member of the Blood River Sect. Since ancient times, the monks who died in battles and blood rivers were all recognized by the Blood River Sect and worshiped as the heroes of the sect."

Zhu Weiwo sighed: "The Blood River Sect is really a respectable sect."

Back then when their senior brothers met for the first time, they teamed up to kill the heart-swallowing man Mo Xiongwen, who was an abandoned disciple of the Blood River Sect. Today, the brothers and sisters joined forces to bring disaster, and thinking about the past, I felt a lot of emotion for a while.

Jiang Wang said casually: "Sects that can survive in the world naturally have their greatness. Only great faith can resist time..."

"Hey!" He suddenly raised his voice, very happy: "The game is over!"

Everyone could also see that Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun drew their swords almost at the same time, and the vile view of their battle turned into a huge ball of water, which was clear and transparent, and smashed into the turbid waves.

The real-level evil view of the two caves was beheaded, and the turbidity of the water seemed to have faded a lot.

Who's winning?

The gamblers are still trying to find out the slightest difference that might be there. Jiang Wang has been holding hands for a week, smiling brightly: "I'm sorry, everyone. It's a tie! The dealer kills all. Let's make a deal."

There is no spiritual wisdom in the evil view, only the instinct and power to fight. In front of opponents with the same level of strength, they must be weaker.

And in front of Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun and other strong fighters with top fighting talents, it is not too much to say that the evil view is just a target to be hacked.

Of course, no matter how you let it be hacked and killed, it is also an evil view with the power of the hole-true level, and it will inevitably consume you when you kill it.

The two of them competed secretly, exhausted, but Jiang Wang was elated and made a lot of money. Looking at it for a while, the eyes are not very kind.

Jiang Wang walked over enthusiastically: "Long time no see, brother Chongxuan, your demeanor is even better than before! This time, with Zhenren Dou Zhao as the core, we formed a team and came to Huoshui for trials. What about you, why are you here alone? ?”

As the saying goes, don't hit smiling faces, Chong Xuanzun also smiled: "I didn't come alone, there is also Daoist Kou, the protector of the Blood River Sect."

As for Dou Zhao...

He is already the core, so why bother!

Jiang Wang said 'Oh': "I thought you were with Wang Yiwu."

"He." Chongxuan Zun said: "After the Dragon Palace Banquet, he went to the Demon Realm to perform his duties. I fought a few battles there, and it's not easy to go there for a while."

Jiang Wang also heard from Chong Xuansheng that when the champion Hou in front of him was in the demon world, he repeatedly killed the demon king and turned a small-scale encounter into a large-scale battle. He went up bravely and helped Xiuyuan conquer a monster city. Now he is also the Human Race Tianjiao on the Monster Race List.

Then he asked: "Then you and Kou Zhenren came to trouble this time, is it for...for the convenience of talking?"

"It's not inconvenient." Chongxuanzun smiled: "Wang Yiwu learned an ancient killing method in Dragon Palace, which requires poor blood to practice. He has the master of the military god, what kind of killing method is it?" I don’t need anything, and it doesn’t matter. But I’m idle and I’m idle, so I come to try my luck. Anyway, I got it from the Dragon Palace Banquet, and it’s not good to waste too much. I asked Elder Kou before I came, and she said she could help I found Qiongqi."

Qiongqi is an evil beast in legends, it punishes the good and promotes the evil, it eats upright and righteous ones, and rewards evil and vicious ones, it has long been extinct in this world. It's no wonder that Chong Xuanzun can only come to find him.

The real person of the Ge family went into trouble to find rumors, and never returned. This is a lesson from the past. But he is a bold man, obviously he doesn't care.

"Then why don't you see Master Kou?" Zhuo Qingru asked.

Chongxuan Zun said: "She went looking for lotus seeds, I'll wait for her here, and kill a few holes and sharpen my knives."

"What do you mean by the lotus seeds?" Zhu Weiwo frowned slightly seeing that everyone else seemed to understand.

Jiang Wang had done his homework in advance because he wanted to explore the disaster with Senior Brother Zhu. When he went to the demon world, he was punched into Frostwind Valley by Zhuang Gaoxian before he had time to supplement the relevant knowledge. . He will not make this mistake again.

There are a lot of materials in Huai Guogong's mansion, and Zuo Guangshu saw that he borrowed relevant materials, so Zuo Guangshu knew that he was going to come to the disaster trial.

At this time, I explained to my brother: "Hua Shui has many names, and each name can be regarded as a kind of cognition. The Taoist name is 'Niehai', the Buddha is 'No Root', and the Confucianism is called 'Evil Lotus'.

"As soon as this lotus seed is said, it comes from the 'evil lotus'. The disaster water seen by Confucianism is a boundless world of lotus pods. There are some small worlds in it, which are attached to the disaster water and hidden in the disaster water. They are regarded as ' Lotus seeds'. Those rare beasts are usually hidden in these worlds of lotus seeds. It is not accurate to say that there is no treasure in the misfortune, but it is difficult to find and extremely dangerous."

Zhu Wei, I have no lack of talent and courage, but I am limited by my background in a small country, and my knowledge is limited. Even if he wanted to learn about these disasters, he didn't know where to start.

Of course Huang Jinmo is not lacking in knowledge, but he has been taken away by the Mo family for several years.

Isn't Jiang Wang like this?

All these years of studying hard are making up for the lack of knowledge. He admits that his knowledge is shallow and his vision is not broad enough. Before he carried his sister out of Fenglin City, his biggest ideal was only the Criminal Police Department of Zhuangguo.

Not to mention that compared with a peerless genius like Chong Xuanzun, putting him and Xie Baoshu together is an insult to Xiaobao.

But he will try. "The Sword of History" has tens of thousands of words, and he has already recited more than half of it. Simply reciting is actually fine, but his reading method is still the same as Qi Tianzi taught. It needs to be understood word by word. From the sentence "The prince shoots the dragon and the fox", I can feel Jing Taizu's heart after he abolishes the empress. This is an extremely huge task. I've measured it... Many old pedants have been unable to understand it for decades or hundreds of years.

In addition, he also reads "Jingxu Xianger Ji", "Bodhi Sitting on the Tao", and "Shimen Binglue" when he has time, and often reads new ones.

From asking three questions and knowing nothing, to being at a loss when I look up, to being able to talk a few words with my senior brother, it is time that has not been wasted.

Zhu Weiwo nodded: "It turned out to be such a 'lotus seed'."

He was very proud of Jiang Wang: "Junior brother is very knowledgeable, I admire it very much!"

Jiang Wang laughed: "What kind of knowledge is this? I checked the information before departure."

Then he said to Chongxuan Zun: "Long Jun is too stingy! Who is this tossing for sending such an old and harsh technique? It's so hard to find Qiongqi's blood! Give me a second look, I'll take a look." Can you help me improve it?"

"Thank you." Chong Xuanzun smiled: "I was in a hurry to go out, so I didn't bring any."

Jiang Wanglian sighed that it was a pity, and told him to bring it next time.

He also said that he will definitely do it next time.


During the conversation, the turbid waves ahead diverted. A cold-hearted woman in blood-colored battle armor, carrying a scarlet long sword, came from the water and walked out of this evil sea.

She is naturally the former right protector of Blood River Sect, and the current left protector Kou Xuejiao.

"How many seeds does the lotus give birth to? I don't know either." As she came, she said, "Master Jiang knows that this is the world of evil lotuses, but where do the lotus seeds come from?"

"I really don't understand this." Jiang Wang arched his hands: "I also ask Kou Zhenren to clarify my doubts for me."

"Disasters are boundless, and a world of bubbles is born in it. For example, oases in deserts, poisonous forests and fragrant grasses are the laws of nature. Even the most evil places have vitality. Since ancient times, many creatures have hidden themselves for various reasons. In the meantime. There are more or less hundreds of ancient races. There are also some human races in different eras." Kou Xuejiao said: "But the world of bubbles is a 'bubble' after all, nothingness is fragile, and it can be broken with a poke. Since ancient times, birth and death , I don’t know how much is left.”

At this time, four real people and four gods came, scattered in the waters here. The evil concept has been killed, the storm is quiet, the water is clear, and there is peace.

Jiang Wang asked: "Are these bubble worlds the lotus seeds of the evil lotus?"

"No." Kou Xuejiao said: "Everyone must know the age of the saints?"

The medieval emperor Lie Shan was also known as the "last human emperor". His death marked the end of the Middle Ages.

During this period, the Confucian ancestors, the Fa ancestors, the Mo ancestors... each have passed down their orthodoxy and spread their branches.

This is how the ancient times began.

And the age of all saints is the first big chapter in this big era!

Everyone must have more or less impressions, although that is already a history of 100,000 years ago.

Seeing everyone nodded, Kou Xuejiao asked, "What is holy?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Those who have a noble character, a great personality, and who have made immortal contributions to mankind can all be called 'sages'."

Kou Xuejiao shook her head: "You are talking about 'sages', not 'sages' in the age of saints. Of course, they also defined themselves by saints at first, but history divided them fairly. Some can be called 'sages', Some are just called 'Holy'."

Jiang Wang really didn't know enough about the era of the saints. There are so many words in "Shi Dao Chiu Hai", and it only records the history of nearly four thousand years in the present world. I haven't finished reading it yet!

At his current age, it is really difficult for him to know the history of 100,000 years ago.

But when he heard Kou Xuejiao's words, he still couldn't help thinking: "It sounds like, in Kou Zhenren's definition, 'holy' seems to represent a kind of rank."

Zhuo Qingru said aside: "This is not Kou Zhenren's definition, but history's definition."

The fat cat in Ji Li's arms also whined, as if to agree.

"The saint is the most high and pure, and he can also be called the 'king of the world'!" Kou Xuejiao said: "But there is a more direct way of saying-to transcend the ordinary and become holy."

She added: "This is a word born in the age of the saints, and it has a different meaning today. But its earliest expression is to reach the extraordinary peak and then become a saint."

Jiang Wang was startled: "After the extraordinary peak...'Holy' means detachment?"

Kou Xuejiao still shook her head: "Transcendence cannot be described, and the word 'holy' is not enough."

She sighed: "Detachment is unattainable. 'Holy' is between the peak and detachment. Of course, it also has the power to break the limits of this world."

"That's also very scary." Jiang Wang murmured: "In the era of the saints, there are many arrogances, stars are shining, there are so many saints..."

In the age of the saints, a hundred schools of thought contended, and there were too many great figures who left behind their thoughts. In addition to the six major schools of thought in this world, there are also yin and yang schools, famous schools, miscellaneous schools, peasant schools, novelists, strategists, and doctors...

If they are all 'holy', it will be a glorious world!

But Zhuo Qingru quickly explained: "The so-called saints are just a general term. There are many false saints and lesser saints. There are only a dozen or so real saints. Just look at it today. How many ideas are left?"

Ji Li seemed to know what Jiang Wang was thinking, and added from the side: "The ancestors of Confucianism are detached. Of course, so are the ancestors of Fa."

Kou Xuejiao is not Confucianism or illegal, but he can say a few more words objectively: "Like Confucianism and Fazu, they are also called 'holy saints', but they are more of such a honorable name, and they are admired by disciples. In essence, they are still walking their own detachment path, not the kind of 'great success' pursued by the age of all saints."

"What is 'Dacheng Zhisheng'?" Jiang Wang asked.

Kou Xuejiao looked back into the distance, and her voice became distant at this moment: "Unify all thoughts, achieve the most holy state, and also prove detachment. It is like the 'Son of Heaven' in this world!"

Thanks to the book friend "Not Mango" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 621st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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