Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2085 Dacheng is the most holy, evil produces lotus seeds

As the beginning of the modern era, the Age of All Saints has left a profound and long-term influence on the present world.

The so-called "unified thinking" does not mean that everyone's thinking and thinking tend to be consistent. The difference between people is the embodiment of the vitality of the human race.

The sages are seeking to use a sufficiently great academic system to accommodate the thoughts of all schools of thought, cut off internal friction, and confuse everything, so as to fully explain all problems in the universe, so as to explore higher places.

In the end, of course, it failed.

The age of the saints is a thing of the past.

Jiang Wang vaguely felt that the era of the saints was a very worthwhile era to study.

After all, it is the first act of modern times, a new chapter of the human race after the emperor.

It's a pity that it has been too long since this world, so I can only recall it piecemeal.

"Both the Ancient Human Sovereign and the Ancient Human Sovereign died after being wounded in the great war, but the Middle Ancient Human Sovereign died of different causes.

"After killing the nine sons of the Dragon Emperor, refining the Nine Bridges, and chasing the Dragon Emperor in the sea, the human race has unified the world and become the only voice in this world. It has reached the peak of the era. However, due to the constraints of the era, there is no way to advance. As the co-lord of the world , enjoying the honorable name of the Emperor, if he can't lead the human race to move forward, he will in turn devour the luck of the human race.

"The great Lie Shan family used the sky as a divination, and got the hexagram saying - 'The dragons have no leader, and the world is auspicious'

"So get rid of it.

"The death of the true king benefits the heavens, and the death of the human emperor feeds back the human race. Therefore, when the ancient times were opened, the arrogance of heaven shines through the world.

"This is how a great era came to an end, and the legends of the Middle Ages and the Lieshan Renhuang have become the past together."

Kou Xuejiao said slowly: "After the death of the human emperor in the Middle Ages, the human race lost a common leader, but they still have to move forward. The ancient sages tried to explore a more peak path. The age of saints, where a hundred schools of thought contended, began.

"It was an incomparably bright era, and the brilliance of wisdom shone for nine days. It perfectly inherited the medieval era and opened up infinite possibilities for future generations."

"The last wish of the Lieshan Clan, the Human Emperor, is, 'From generation to generation, the human race will be better than the past, and from generation to generation, the human race will open up a new world'."

"The entire modern era can be said to be a great exploration based on the ideal of the emperor. For example, the age of saints, the age of mythology, the age of immortals..."

"In some respects, the state system after the new Dao calendar can be regarded as an echo of the age of the saints.

"The unity of thought, the birth of the saint.

"The unity of matter, the birth of an emperor!"

This is the reason why kings can also be called "sages" and "holy sons of heaven". They could have been counted as two sides of the same coin.

No wonder Kou Xuejiao said that Dacheng is the most holy, similar to the emperor of Liuhe.

These are indeed two similar, and sometimes even overlapping, paths. Different routes lead to the same goal, pointing directly at the strongest.

The age of all saints, the age of mythology, the age of immortals, the trials and failures of one great age after another, led to this extremely complicated but vibrant new era after the new enlightenment of the Taoist calendar.

And everything traced back to the source is still a gift from Emperor Lieshan Renhuang to the human race.

Great history!

The mighty misfortune seems to respect the greatness of this period of history, and it is extremely peaceful at this moment.

"So these..." Zhu Weiwo asked: "What does it have to do with Huoshui?"

Kou Xuejiao said: "The ultimate ideal of the age of the saints is to achieve greatness and perfection, to reach a great state that is beyond detachment and invincible.

"They failed.

"But also almost succeeded.

"When I was closest to success, I came out of the world and launched a war against the monsters, demons, seas, and Shuras at the same time. The saints suppressed the disaster and almost wiped out this sea of ​​evil!"

Jiang Wang was moved.

The great blueprint of the Age of All Saints is to wipe out all existences that can be called threats to the human race.

And close to success!

Almost wiped out the sea of ​​evil, what kind of concept is this?

Jiang Zhenren, who had seen the evil ancestor of Bodhi and witnessed the death of Huo Shiji, could fully imagine the difficulty.

And as early as the age of the saints, those great sages almost achieved this unimaginable feat.

"Their method has something to do with lotus seeds?" Jiang Wang asked.

Kou Xuejiao nodded: "According to the saying in the age of the saints, 'letting the water of disasters nourish the real world is like a lotus growing lotus seeds. Dao ten years. During this period, the saints used their own power to transform those bubble worlds, educate the creatures in them, and turn them into a real world that carried out the thoughts of the saints. Dyeing'. Then relying on these lotus seed worlds, they continuously swallow evil forces and purify the evil water continuously.

"At that time, the Nie Hai was in full bloom, the real world was like lotus seeds, and the pure water was like a blue lotus. The so-called 'a bubble turns into a lotus fruit, and there are thousands of them on the sea.'

"In that era, the clear waters we could see were not limited to the thousands of miles now, but were endless, and the disaster water almost became an inner sea!"

It was indeed a grand sight to be yearned for.

But appearing in a place like Niehai gave Jiang Wang a sad sense of emptiness—the more real the hole is, the less satisfied it is. Because happiness is mostly false.

Jiang Wang murmured: "But the evil water can never be completely purified, because the evil force is always born."

"That's the truth. But the saints thought they could last forever." In Kou Xuejiao's voice, there was inevitably some regret: "So after the fate of the saints, those green lotus seeds were dyed black one by one. Today's lotus seed world , are all like this. Among them, the rotten ones, the dead ones, the ones that have become traps and killing fields, cannot be counted. In the past, many lotus seeds have become desperate, and since ancient times, I have buried countless people. After all, I am familiar with the disaster water, so I dare to go deep here to find lotus seeds .”

Chong Xuanzun has been listening silently, until now he said: "There is a Qiongqi world of lotus seeds hidden, has Kou Zhenren found it?"

"There is none in this area of ​​water." Kou Xuejiao held the Three Thousand Red Dust Sword in his hand, with a murderous aura: "There are indeed records about Qiongqi in the history of the Blood River Sect, and it exists in several lotus seed worlds. But after so many years, many worlds There's been a change. I'm not sure if it's still there, or how many days it's going to be...maybe we're going to go a little further."

"If it's convenient, Master Kou can give me the information about the lotus seed world." Chong Xuanzun said, "I'll go further."

"How can I do that? I said that if I want to take you to find Qiongqi, I must take you to find it." Kou Xuejiao said: "Give up after half of the search, isn't it the way of the Blood River Sect to treat guests?"

Jiang Wang took the initiative to invite: "Why don't you go with me? Anyway, we are also going to be tested in the disaster, and we don't have a goal for the time being. It's good to help you find Qiongqi."

He hasn't had time to discuss the reward with the honorable champion Hou! Kou Xuejiao has already refused: "It may not be suitable, the world of lotus seeds is generally hidden relatively deep, and correspondingly more dangerous..."

"Doumou's life is dangerous!"

Dou Zhao was not interested at first, the team already has so many people, why add two more? It's not about setting up a battle. The evil views along the way are not enough for him to kill alone! It is absolutely impossible to help Zhong Xuanzun with work. But as soon as Kou Xuejiao said it was dangerous, he got excited—"Chong Xuanzun can go, why can't I go!?"

Kou Xuejiao was speechless for a moment.

Are all the young real people these days so rude?

Do these young people know what kind of place Huoshui is?

Chong Xuanzun smiled but said, "If everyone gathers together, will the goal be too big? After all, this place is a disaster, and it is not optimistic to attract Taoist-level monsters."

"That's exactly what I want to say." Kou Xuejiao said solemnly: "The storm under the disaster water is far more terrifying than you imagined. Jiang Zhenren has seen it before, but what he saw is only the tip of the iceberg...Yourselves When killing monsters, you should also pay attention to the movement. Just now Dou Zhenren came all the way through the golden rainbow, cutting through the sea, and it may have alarmed some existences."

"Then see you again." Jiang Wang didn't waste any time, raised his hand casually, turned around and left.

The Bodhi Evil Patriarch has been sealed back. According to Master Wu and the others, there will be no reappearance after the evil calamity. And with the power of this group of people, as long as they don't run into the Yan Dao-level evil view, they will basically sweep away the disaster.

However, there is no regularity in the occurrence of Yan Dao-level evil views-in fact, the greatest danger of Huoshui is here. No matter how experienced the evil view hunting team is, once they encounter an evil view that is far superior in rank, they will have no ability to resist at all.

Even if they are as strong as these Tianjiao, if they are really going to run into a Yan Dao-level villain... they can only say to see if they can find a way to escape. After all, evil views are ignorant and ignorant, maybe they can be deceived?

The two teams, one left and one right, separated.

Dou Zhao frowned slightly: "The two of them have some problems, they don't seem to want to be with us."

I really can't treat this fellow as a reckless man!

His mind is still working fine, but it's covered up by his usual domineering behavior.

"Is it possible that I just don't want to be with you?" Jiang Wang analyzed solemnly: "I don't know about Kou Xuejiao, but how many times Champion Hou and I have fought side by side, we stand guard in Ziji Hall with one left and one right, very symmetrical. There's no reason why he wouldn't want to act with me."

Dou Zhao spread his hands, and said in a very grand manner: "Okay, it's all up to me! I am a monk, and I can take all the responsibilities!"

But at the same time, the sound transmission came over: "Jiang, you bet me just now, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. You don't want Ning Shuangrong and the others to know that you secretly strengthened my evil view?"

"Five to five." Jiang Zhenren reluctantly divided it.

Dou Zhao laughed loudly, and his military uniform fluttered in the front: "Everyone come with me, Chongxuan Zunkou Xuejiao is nothing! Let's pick a few of the lotus seeds and lotus seeds back to the world!"

All the sages used to nourish the real world with misfortune. They are really supernatural, and they have the meaning of turning misfortune into blessing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the world of lotus seeds at that time was the essence of the whole disaster.

After Dongzhen, Jiang Wang saw more and more the importance of "name". Sometimes "name" is an explanation, and sometimes it is a definition-the definition of "truth".

Take Huoshui as an example, the four names of Huoshui, Niehai, Rootless, and Evil Lotus are the four "truths".

There is no right or wrong, only perspective.

So names and utensils are the establishment of rules, and this is how the national system applies rules!

Every time a little bit of ignorance is swept away, the practitioner will move forward a little bit. Youshidong is really fun, right here.

With Xuehe Sect's Kou Xuejiao's reminder, Jiang Wang's movements will inevitably be much smaller next time. Especially Dou Zhao, no longer ostentatious, but felling with a muffled sound.

This patchwork team now has a goal other than cultivation—to find the world of lotus seeds.

It's best to find Qiongqi in advance, rob him of his blood, and then let Doumou open his mouth to Chongxuan Zunshi, and everyone will share the benefits.

At this time, it was Ji Li's turn to make a contribution. To be precise, the credit lies with her civet cat.

She just described to the fat cat the information about the world of lotus seeds recorded by the Mugu Academy—how the world of lotus seeds exists, what it generally looks like, and what is special about it.

The white civet cat seemed to hear it, but it didn't seem to hear it, it huddled in Ji Li's arms and remained motionless.

In Jiang Wang's heart, he classified this cat as stupid.

As a result, half a quarter of an hour later, it jumped out of Ji Li's arms and galloped on the waves. Its long and beautiful white hair was flying in the air like down feathers.

"Follow it, it can find the world of lotus seeds!" Ji Li just said this, and then flew away.

Everyone naturally followed.

Zhuo Qingru was careful after all, and while flying quickly, he pointed at the distance: "Decree, no harm!"

A ray of clear light fell on the body of the white raccoon cat, turning into a prohibition that nothing would be harmed.

After a while, the white civet cat paused in the air and called out very softly.

"It's in this water area." Ji Li said, "There must be a world of lotus seeds here."

Dou Zhao flew over quickly, and the faint golden light in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

"found it!"

So he descended and fell, stepping on the water. He didn't see any loud movements, and saw a jet-black, lotus seed-shaped ball of light flying high into the sky and landing among the crowd. There is a layer of dim light on the outside, half illusory and half illusory, with indistinct lights and shadows swirling around.

Squeeze the world of lotus seeds out of the vast and turbid waters with one kick without any harm, especially since the waters have not been cleaned and there are many evil views.

Dou Zhao's control over power is truly superb.

But everyone is used to it.

It is really not surprising that Da Chu's No. 1 Tianjiao has such a performance.

Jiang Wang was full of praise for the white civet cat: "This cat is really smart, like a dog's nose."

But after thinking about it, my own stupid ashes don't seem to have much energy. I haven't heard of it finding any treasure for An An, but it eats and drinks every day.

Then he added: "Much smarter than a dog's nose!"

The pupils of the white raccoon trembled, and it dived into Ji Li's arms, never showing its face again, leaving only a long feather-like tail swaying gently outside Ji Li's arms.

"Don't praise Xue Tanhua like that, it's rather shy." Ji Li reminded tactfully.

The fat cat was originally named that.

Jiang Wang said: "It seems that it is flattered."

They chatted about them, and I wished that I walked away with my gun, and I had already fought against the evil views pouring in all around me.

The golden gun brought out the golden line of fire, Zhu Weiwo walked like flying, and walked around this water area again and again... In the end, there were only circles of golden flames burning on the water, and the evil view was gone.

"Let's go, go in and have a look." Dou Zhao took the lead, stepping into the light and shadow of the lotus seed world.

Everyone then filed in, seeing depression everywhere.

The place I entered was a lotus pond, but the lotus leaves were all withered and rotted into black clumps. With the gentle ripples of the water, it seemed like ink that was constantly blurring.

The water here is not as cloudy as outside, but it has a rotten stench.

The small world, which was once full of vitality, withered with the fate of the saint, and could no longer feel the breath of life.

Jiang Wang and Zhu Weiwo exchanged a look, and the next moment Zhu Weiwo stood up, turned into a bright golden crow, emptied and flapped its wings, and paraded the high sky.

Its body is like a scorching sun, shining warmly in all directions.

The stench in the air was dispelled, and the distant shadows were swept away.

But when the sun fell, it was mixed with gold, red, and white colors, dyeing everything that was brilliant colors, making this world show a cruel and gorgeous beauty.

The real fire of the sun and the real fire of samadhi cooperated seamlessly, and quickly gained insight into this world.

Er'er Golden Crow fell, and turned back to Zhu Weiwo with sharp eyebrows.

The red gold in Jiang Wang's eyes gradually faded, and finally said: "This world of lotus seeds is about to die, and there is nothing here. There is only a skeleton wielding a sword. I don't know how long it has been dead. The sword intent is still... at the level of God's presence. In front Island in the middle of the lake, in a gazebo. Fellow Daoist Ning can go there a few times and see if he can gain something."

Ning Shuangrong stood up with the light of the sword, and went as she said.

When she saw the skeleton, she understood Jiang Wang's unfinished words.

It was a pair of decayed bones, which seemed to have been eaten by moths, with dense pores. The skeleton sat upright in the center of the gazebo, a line of small characters was engraved on the stone steps in front of him, and the sword spirit was vertical and horizontal.

The word says——

Jiange official Changqing.

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