Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2087 The lost river, the boat of knowledge!

The shattering process of the lotus seed world is like a bubble.

But it's not really just a bubble.

All the sages suppressed the calamity with unrivaled supernatural powers and gave birth to lotus seeds. The thousands of lotus seeds in this evil lotus world used to be a vibrant real world.

A real world suddenly shattered in front of the eyes, which inevitably made people a little surprised. These Tianjiao present are still young and cannot be taken lightly.

Everyone looked at Dou Zhao.

"What are you looking at?" Dou Zhao said angrily, "It has nothing to do with me! I didn't even step on it, and it shattered!"

What's going on inside?

Are the creatures in this world asking themselves to blame? Or is there someone who explored in this world of lotus seeds and caused unpredictable changes?


Zhu Weiwo said with a sigh: "If there is a detached existence, we will be like the creatures in this world of lotus seeds, we will be gone without knowing anything... Great thousand worlds, why not?" Is it a bubble everywhere?"

Jiang Wang said: "So we seek the truth."

Ji Li hugged Xue Tanhua in his arms, and only said: "Let's go."

The clue Ning Shuangrong got was left by a Jiange monk more than 3,900 years ago. The man was Guan Changqing, the chief disciple of the pavilion at that time, an incomparable genius. The top-level Dongzhen, the best swordsman in the world, went into trouble to explore, and then there was no news.

After all, the disaster is vast, and it has not been explored to the edge so far. Even if it is Jiange, it is impossible to search this place exhaustively.

His wreckage has been floating in the water for so many years, and it was not discovered by Ning Shuangrong until today.

More than 3,900 years ago, it was the time when Jing Taizu Ji Yusu and Yang Taizu Ji Yanqiu were fighting for power. The national system is sweeping through the present world, and countless sects either belong to the national system or die out directly.

As the world's great sect with ancient inheritance, Jiange can't help worrying about the future.

Guan Changqing is a respected person of the sect, and he is determined to become the leader with a sword. Unfortunately, he fell into the disaster. It is Jiange's regret for many years, so that he left the sect rule of "the true biography is not the second seal." All Jiange true disciples must pass the assessment of at least two sword masters before they can come to Huoshui to explore. This is the "Second Seal of True Biography".

But for Ning Shuangrong, the name Guan Changqing has an even more important meaning - he has a disciple named Si Yu'an.

Jiange has its own inheritance, and the way of the sword is eternal. With the remains of Guan Changqing, Ning Shuangrong's trip can be said to have been completed. As for the inheritance of the Yin Yang family, she is willing to share it with the person who helped her find Guan Changqing.

All the saints were in trouble, and later they all gave up here.

For some reason, the sage of the Yin Yang family left behind a legacy in Huoshui.

Perhaps it was the true sage of Yin-Yang who foresaw the demise of the Yin-Yang School long ago, so he planned disasters in order to revive it?

Of course, the yin and yang family is not really used to yin and yang strange qi, this family is best at feng shui divination, seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck. Later, the school almost died out, but its influence has long penetrated into the practice world. These days, no matter if you are proficient or not, who can't read Feng Shui?

Ning Shuangrong slightly raised her eyes, and the Qiushui sword leaped out of its sheath, bringing out a pool of water color, hanging horizontally in the air.

The boundless turbid waves under his feet made the water more clear.

And she drew out the legacy of Guan Changqing's sword intent, relying on the Jiange sword energy of the same origin as it, the aura was confused in an instant, and there were thousands of explosions!

Of course, all the sound of the sword will not spread, and under Jiang Wang's control, it is limited to this side.

But seeing the sword qi swirling slightly in the air, it turned into a compass.

The sword energy condenses into clear Tao characters, which stand up on the compass, with the names of the heavens and stars, the heavenly stems and the earthly branches, and the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth...

There is a kind of subtle change happening in the dark.

Zhuo Qingru waited for Shenlin to see only the complex changes of the compass scattered around Ning Shuangrong, observing the environment while fighting evil.

However, Jiang Wang raised his eyes and met Dou Zhao's eyes.

As real people in the world, they noticed the change in the rules!

The sword intent left by Guan Changqing guided the occurrence of these rules, but Ning Shuangrong's strength obviously could not support the continuation of these changes. Jiang Wang pointed away, and the majestic sword energy poured down like a river of heaven, pouring on Ning Shuangrong's Qiushui sword.

So the sword qi compass continued to rotate.



The sound of gears turning seems to have happened, but it seems that it never existed.

Everything around the ears became very quiet at this moment.

Ji Li suddenly said: "I lost the sense of direction."

"My 'rule' is very vague at the moment." Zhuo Qingru said.

As the true biography of Legalism, her "guidelines" not only have the meaning of standards and principles, but also are actually one of the cores of spells. It is a legal weapon to ensure that she will not lose her way!

It has always been hanging in my heart, but it is blurred at this time.

Zhu Weiwo turned the spear upside down, closed his eyes, and surrounded himself with only the intent of the spear. But it directly entered the combat state.

This team has high and low levels of cultivation, but there is absolutely no burden. Everyone knows exactly what they want to do.

Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang didn't speak, but just stood there with a knife and a horizontal sword, like a sea needle, able to calm the storm.


There seems to be the sound of running water.

Everything in the world seemed to be confused, turned into a piece of chaos, and began to flow.

There is no misfortune in sight.

Everyone was startled and fell into an unknown river.

Where are you now?

Sweeping forward, what you see is chaos.

Where are you now?

With such a question in my heart, my mind was instantly confused.

This is an incomparably terrifying [River of Lost], where one's eyes can be lost at the touch of one eye, and one's mind can be lost at the first thought.

Even if he is the arrogance of the world, Da Zong's true biography, it is difficult to wake up for a while.

But at the next moment, countless broken sightlines were picked up from the chaos, and countless broken and disappeared voices returned from the emptiness.

Light and shadow, sound and hearing, under the feet of everyone, weave into a colorful illusion, and at a certain moment, the illusion is completely collected, and it turns into a pure white boat!

This is the first earth-level Taoism created by Jiang Wangdongzhen, and its name is——

【The Boat of Knowledge】!

There is no way to achieve this technique without a hole, and it is the immortal who enjoys true freedom.

When Jiang Wang created this technique, what he thought of in his mind was the stalwart figure of Chan Master Xingnian crossing the Tianhe in a lonely boat.

It was originally a fierce Taoism that forcibly crossed the Tianhe River and crushed knowledge.

The first time it was revealed to others was at this very moment.

Before he had time to perform on the slaughter, he had already proudly sailed into the river of loss.

I wish Weiwo, Zhuo Qingru, Ji Li, including Ji Li's white civet cat, all regained their vision and hearing at this moment, and regained all their lost knowledge! It is possible to visually observe and even rethink the nature of this lost river.

"I see..." Ji Li said: "The inheritance of the true sage of Yin and Yang does not stay in a specific position, but in the concept of 'position' in the disaster!"

If the inheritance of a level similar to that of the true sage of yin and yang was simply left in a certain lotus seed world, it would have been seized long ago, or destroyed by ubiquitous evil views.

And the entire modern era is one hundred and three thousand years old, and the age of the saints is the first act of modern era...

The inheritance of the true sage of yin and yang is hidden in the water of disaster, and it has been too many years so far.

Its way of survival and inheritance must be beyond imagination, and it has the power to transcend time.

Hidden in the concept of "direction", using the Lost River as a moat is indeed a holy method.

Ning Shuangrong withdrew her sword at this time. As the mobilizer of the sword compass and the initiator of the lost river, she inherited the sword intent left by Jiange Guan Changqing. Know what you have seen and never get lost.

However, the secrets that her current level could not reach made her consume a lot of energy. The consumption of sword energy was replaced by Jiang Wang, but the consumption of mental energy was unbearable.

So her expression was a little tired.

At this moment, standing on the boat of knowledge, overlooking the Lost River, looking at the confused river that is still unclear, he said somewhat disappointedly: "Renren Jiang, where are we heading now?"

A white boat stands in a fresh green skirt, and the river wind blows in the middle.

Guan Changqing has already found the inheritance of the true sage of Yin and Yang, and even used the unique secret method of Jiange to leave a message that only the true inheritance of Jiange can get... Then why, he failed to accept the inheritance, and sat trapped and withered in Fang Lianzi What about the world?

The disaster water is full of dangers, and it is called the most vicious in the world, especially now that it is still trapped in the lost river.

But standing on the side of this person in this boat, she feels very safe.

Jiang Wang only said: "Look where this river is going to throw me."

Zhu Weiwo, Zhuo Qingru, and Ji Li are all observing the Lost River. This kind of river that confuses everything, covers sight and hear, and even swallows thoughts, even they are seeing it for the first time. Under the shelter of the boat of knowledge, they can observe for a while.

The observation of this kind of river can also be regarded as a supplement to Dongzhen's merits, and of course they will not miss it.

Only Dou Zhao observed the boat of knowledge under his feet for a long time. I have designed thirteen targeting methods in my mind - I can't say how to crack it yet, because I haven't really felt its power, and I don't know enough about it. But I can already have a general response framework, and if I really match up, I will never be caught off guard. Then I glanced at Jiang Wang calmly: "This Taoism is good."

Jiang Wang's eyes are all red gold, secretly using the fire line of samadhi, he dives in the lost river, looking for the knowledge that has been lost here for thousands of years. He casually said: "Compared to Dou's Golden Bridge on the Other Side, it's still far behind... Brother Dou, do you have anything to add? What do you think of me building a bridge on the boat?"

Even Dou Zhao is willing to admit the power of the boat of knowledge. But Jiang Wang compared the Golden Bridge on the other side, which is a cross-galactic touch.

He inspected the confusion rolling on both sides of the ship's side: "I think you should take the boat seriously and don't think too much about it."

The pure white boat cleaves the wind and waves, passing through the lost river. Young people living in the 3923rd year of the Dao calendar seek the echoes of the ancient times.

At a certain moment, both Sauvignon Blanc and Tianxiao were ready to go, and the turbulent chaotic things disappeared in an instant.

The boat of knowledge jumped out of the lost river and flew in the air—

The scattered threads of knowledge and knowledge, like a bouquet of unscrewed flowers, all retracted into Jiang Wang's golden eyes.

Everyone appeared in a long corridor, with endless high walls reaching to the sky on both sides, and eight forked roads in front, back, left, and right. The road ahead is tortuous, and I don't know where it leads. There is no way to come, and the lost river whizzing by has already whizzed past.

Zhuo Qingru held up her hand, as if she was holding a piece of rope, which was her 'rule of law', after a little identification, she said: "We are in a certain section of the Lost River, in the pages of the Book of Time and Space. It seems that this place is indeed the inheritance place of the true sage of Yin and Yang."

Ning Shuangrong said: "In the sword intent left by my Jiange predecessors, there is only a way to draw the lost river and get close to the place of inheritance. There is no more information. He should have only obtained the information about the inheritance of the true sage of Yin and Yang, but he has not had time yet. explore."

Ji Li caressed the hair on the back of the snow beaver cat's neck, listened to it meow twice, and said: "This maze, even Xue Tanhua can't find a way out."

She stepped forward and tapped on the high wall with her fingers. Her voice seemed to be swallowed by the wall, and there was no sound.

She picked up the paintbrush again, and drew a black slender hound, which leaped out soundlessly, like a shadow, ran against the wall, and disappeared around the corner in an instant.

"Disappeared," she said.

It's not that the fine dog disappeared from the field of vision, but that the spell has been erased.

Zhu Wei I do not speak. A ray of golden flame condensed infinitely at the tip of the spear, becoming brighter and more dazzling. At the brightest moment, it turned into a bright light, shot out quickly, and turned quickly at the corner of the corridor...but it suddenly stopped there.

Like a thread that exists in substance, it was cut off there.

This labyrinth is not allowed to be explored.

The end of sight is also the end of all light.

Dou Zhao didn't do any other verification, just said: "I'm in front, you are behind."

He picked up the knife and took a step forward to walk into this yin and yang maze first.

Zhuo Qingru, Ning Shuangrong, Ji Li, and Zhu Weiwo walked in the middle, on both sides.

Jiang Wang was at the end, in charge of the overall situation, ready to respond at any time.

The high walls of the Yin-Yang Labyrinth are infinitely connected to the sky, there are no gaps between the wall bricks, and there are only divisions between rules.

Jiang Wang's eyes wandered around, feeling the power of the rules of the ancient times.

The Age of All Saints was once very prosperous, and "Saints" are already the closest level to detachment.

Why is it no longer there?

Why are all the saints like smoke?

What is the root cause of the failure of the saints?

The latest person who has the potential to become a saint is undoubtedly Xu Yuanzhi, the founder of Taixu.

Sanctification is definitely much simpler than detachment, and it has the power to break through the limits of the world, far stronger than the normal Zhenjun.

If Xu Yuanzhi goes this way, it may not be the way to break the situation during the Taixu alliance.

But why didn't he choose this way, and was still determined to take the two paths of detachment?

Is it because it is impossible to unify the superficial studies of the present world, the path of Dacheng to the holiness has been determined to be impossible, and Xuyuan's ambition is not to be moved lightly?

Jiang Wangwen is not the kind of person who is born with wisdom and wisdom, so he is hungry and thirsty. He often looks at the path of the predecessors, contemplates the thoughts of the predecessors, and learns the wisdom of the predecessors.

Go all the way, don't miss any details.

Dou Zhao, who opened the way at the front, has a completely different style. He lifted Tianxiao upside down and strode forward. The scenes on the high walls were different, some were blank, and some had complex lines.

He could recognize many of the patterns and knew that they were some "appearances". It represents some academic debates between Yin-Yang School and other schools in modern times, and of course they are all famous articles where Yin-Yang School has the upper hand.

These "general images" have far-reaching Taoist rhymes, and if you can delve into their meanings, you will be able to gain something.

But he only glanced at the ones he cared about the most, and didn't even look at other content.

There is one avenue and one branch, he doesn't need those complicated things.

Tian Xiao in the palm of his hand is already the world.

Under his skin, there is a faint golden light beating, and the fighting golden body known as "Invincible" is ready to be released at any time. In the Yin-Yang labyrinth that has been passed down for so many years, there must be some danger.

Walking in such a place, he doesn't look forward to inheritance, but he looks forward to danger. He is looking forward to the killing methods that disappeared in the ancient times, and he is looking forward to witnessing the edge of the true sage of yin and yang!

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