Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2088

The turbid waves are thousands of miles away, and I don't know where they end.

Chong Xuanzun stepped on the Sun God Palace, crossed in white clothes, it didn't look like an adventure, but an outing. In this turbid sea and gloomy sky, I also stand by myself. Ignore the evil views that come all the way, and go away leisurely.

Kou Xuejiao, on the other hand, stepped on the faintly visible line of the world of mortals, speeding through the air at high speed, as if facing an abyss and a high cliff, always separated from the troubled water itself.

"There is a question I've always wanted to ask the champion." Kou Xuejiao looked around cautiously: "What do you think of the Blood River Sect?"

"This question is not necessary." Chongxuanzun's tone was indifferent: "Time flows by, and it will be the same for thousands of years. History naturally has a fair evaluation. Wouldn't it be better for me to say a word from Chongxuanzun?" ?”

"This question is very necessary." Kou Xuejiao looked back and said: "People in the world speak in the world, and they respect Xuanzun's words and respect Xuanzun. When the former suzerain was alive, he always admired you very much. When I saw you in the lost world, I was shocked. After returning to the sect, he still couldn’t forget it. He mentioned you to us many times in private. He thought you were the real seed of cultivation, an unborn genius. The evil patriarch of Bodhisattva, died in a disaster in World War I, and he hoped to be passed on to you until his death...I personally also want to know, why did you reject the Blood River Sect?"

"The answer I gave to Sect Master Huo at the beginning was my final answer - 'the way is different'." Chong Xuanzun said calmly: "I have my own way, and I don't need to follow your smooth way."

Kou Xuejiao was stunned for a moment, looking at the figure of Zhuo Ran in the Brilliant Shrine, and then lowered his head to look at the red dust line under his feet, which was so thin that it was almost invisible. Shaking his head, his tone was a bit relieved and melancholy: "Maybe you are right, maybe we are taking a road that is too narrow, and we have long been eliminated by the times."

"The 54,000-year glory of the Blood River Sect has never been extinguished, so why should I repeat it?" Chongxuanzun raised his eyebrows slightly: "Moshan Daoist is the top of Dongzhen, and now he has indeed taken responsibility I'm curious, why did Sect Master Huo insist on passing on me, but ignored the real Qianshan at that time?"

Kou Xuejiao let out a long sigh: "The Blood River Sect bears the responsibility for the disaster, the environment is harsh, and too many geniuses in the sect died young. Since Sect Master Huo died in the battle, who can inherit the sect after a few years has always been an unresolved issue in the Blood River Sect. I’m not afraid to talk about my family’s ugliness—the young people of the Blood River Sect generation are difficult to cultivate. Only Yu Xiaochen, a disciple of Qianshan Daoist, is somewhat impressive in practice, but his status is too low to be able to bear the world bulk.

"Of course there is no problem with the real person moving the mountain. But he is a very egotistical character. Once he takes the throne, he can't listen to other people's opinions at all. After moving the mountain, who can succeed him?

"Sect Master Huo discusses this with me in private, and he often sighs. He thinks that moving mountains cannot fill the sea, and young people like you represent a broader future. At the same time, he also believes that Sect Master Peng should pursue the ultimate way and not be a sect. Tired of doors...

"Of course, Sect Master Peng may not think so."

As the protector of the Blood River Sect, Kou Xuejiao must know Peng Chongjian very well.

The last sentence she added was meaningful.

Perhaps Huo Shiji's death was not simple? According to relevant information, Xu Mingsong, the elder of the Blood River Sect who caused the disaster, indeed had a very close personal relationship with Peng Chongjian. When Peng Chongjian succeeded to the throne, Kou Xuejiao was indeed the first to stand up against it, and even went to Linzi to invite someone...

All kinds of things here are unavoidably thought-provoking.

But Chongxuanzun didn't seem to hear anything, just stepped out of the Sun God Palace, folded a piece of moonlight casually, held a long knife like snow, and faced the Dongzhen level evil who suddenly jumped out of the water and roared. view.

The sea is raging, and the two kinds of real power are approaching.

Quiet and crazy, chic and ferocious.

Such contradictory unity in one painting.

Chongxuanzun's voice flowed as calmly as moonlight: "I'll take care of this hole. Please take care of Kou Zhenren's traces."

Kou Xuejiao didn't say anything anymore, the sword of mortals turned into three thousand threads of mortals, with countless threads, piercing into the sea of ​​evil.




Dou Zhao cut off the turbid water with a single knife, and the long waterway was instantly dry, not a single drop of water remained.

The sound of splashing water seemed to be an illusion.

Only the Tianxiao knife with a thick back and a sharp front stands in the air.

Yin Yang Maze is not boring.

They have traveled all the way, and they have experienced everything, but after all the dangers have been cut off, the long corridor and the boundless high wall remain the same.

I have experienced a lot, but it seems to be still in place.

The maze of yin and yang continues to extend new fork roads, and Dou Zhao always chooses the first one on the right hand side. No matter what kind of danger, he will break through it with one knife. No matter how long the corridor is, he can reach the end in one step.

But after thousands of steps, everyone still couldn't establish a clear understanding of where they were.

"If you go on like this, you will never get out of here. This is an eternal and infinite cycle." A long picture floated beside Ji Li, and as his footsteps moved, he kept rubbing the lines of the high walls on both sides, recording all the details.

She hugged the civet cat and frowned, pondering: "Let's stop and study a route carefully before we start, so we don't waste our energy in vain."

Dou Zhao was too lazy to talk, and continued walking.

Jiang Wang asked: "Miss Ji figured out what?"

Ji Li shook his head while walking: "The amount of calculation is too huge. It takes at least three days to sit down and do the calculation before we can get a preliminary result. The only thing I can be sure of now is that as long as I walk out of this corridor, the 'appearances' on the high walls on both sides will ’ changes, they don’t provide a pattern, they just switch yin and yang at random.”

Dou Zhao had reached the end of the corridor at this time, but he did not turn to the next path as before. Instead, he just stood at the intersection, raised his left hand, pressed against the high wall, and said without looking back, "I don't have three days for you, scholar."

The term "scholar" does not have a derogatory meaning, but his arrogant tone obviously cannot have any meaning of praise.

I saw that his hand supporting the high wall slowly began to exert force, blue veins protruding from the back of the hand like a dragon, and suddenly a little golden light lit up, like the finishing touch of a dragon!

Golden light shines.

Dou Zhao's whole person was reflected in a kind of brilliant brilliance, and the high wall——the high wall that seemed to be insurmountable forever, and had reached the sky, made an overwhelming and heavy bang!

Along the way, he seems to be just moving forward, just drawing his sword, but he has already cut off his true nature in the thousands of times in the Yin-Yang Labyrinth!

"What is the true sage of yin and yang, the relics are not here... A hundred thousand years have passed, do you still want to waste my time fighting Zhao?!"

He took a step to the left!


The impassable wall has collapsed.

He overturned the "insurmountable" rule!

After the high wall collapsed, what surged to the left of the crowd was a whole field of brilliant white light. Inextricably intertwined, ignited, as if a sun exploded in place!

In the dark, there was a long sigh.

Jiang Wang turned Qianyang red pupils, looked directly at the center of the "sun", and saw a faint figure gradually taking shape. Then he turned around suddenly, and sure enough, the high wall on the other side also disappeared at some point, leaving only the vast and endless darkness, and a darker human figure appeared in the darkness.

"Wow, what era is this?" said the figure in the bright light, with a bright and excited voice.

"It's been... a long time, a long time, right?" said the man in the darkness, his voice hesitating and deep.

"Really, how did you make it like this... This Yin-Yang maze problem is actually easy to solve." The figure in the bright light said.

"It's really not difficult." The humanity in the darkness said.

The figure in Canguang said: "As long as you use the knowledge principle of 'five virtues win each other', use the celestial stems and earthly branches as the basis, add the changes of the four seasons, and use a little numerology skills, you can calculate a safe and smooth path. The key conditions are disclosed on the high walls of yin and yang.”

The humanity in the darkness said: "I still left some reminders."

"So." The figure in the brilliant light withdrew all the blazing light in an instant, and turned into a splendid man in white clothes, white crown and white robe, clearly appearing in everyone's sight, with a slightly exaggerated expression: "How long is this? Now? Is the late student so rude and rude? He actually pushed down our labyrinth."

Like the endless darkness, all the men in black clothes, black crowns and black robes gathered together, a little gloomy and authentic: "If you don't solve the problem, tear up the test paper. Which school's style is this?"

"Kong Ke?" The white-crowned man said: "Back then, he couldn't argue, so he drew his sword and killed him. Then he declared himself the winner of the debate."

"Oh?" the black-crowned man said, "I seem to have heard someone talking about Confucian scholars."

Hearing these two people arrange Confucian ancestors like this in front of them, Ji Li couldn't stand it for a while, no matter how calm his temper was: "Wild talk is idle, how can you boast? Stop talking nonsense! Who are you? So shameless ?!"

Xue Tanhua gritted her teeth and let out a threatening growl, cheering for her master.

"She's in a hurry." The white-crowned man said.

"It seems that she also knows about it." The man with the black crown said.

Ji Li only hated himself for not being able to swear, for being unable to express in thousands of words.

Xue Tanhua, Meow Meow, scolded non-stop.

"It's time for me to introduce you." The white-crowned man made an ancient salute: "I'm Zheng Shao. Miss...have you heard?"

The man with the black crown said: "Zhao Fanlu."

Ji Li's expression became serious: "Yin and Yang are two sages!"

Of course she heard...

How can one skip the age of the saints when reading modern history? Knowing the age of the saints, how can you ignore the Onmyoji family?

And when it comes to the Yin Yang family, how can one not know about Zheng Shao and Zhao Fanlu!

They are the two most powerful disciples of the True Sage of Yin and Yang in the age of the saints.

Known as the "Little Sage of Yin and Yang", also known as "The Two Sages of Yin and Yang".

A "sage" is a strong man who is beyond the peak and is close to detachment. To a certain extent, the people who are called sages in the age of the saints are all strong men at the level of Yan Dao.

Zou Huiming, the true sage of yin and yang, created the theory of yin and yang, and Zheng Shao and Zhao Fanlu completed it. They are Zou Huiming's most outstanding disciples, and they are also sages who helped Zou Huiming become a saint!

Time flies, the true sages of yin and yang have already died, and of course it is impossible for the two sages of yin and yang to still be alive.

The appearance of today's image was only in the heyday of the age of the saints. In a certain section of the lost river, the Yin Yang family cut out a ray of time in the folder of the book of time and space, hidden deep in the disaster, about In the concept of orientation.

Zheng Shao in the white crown and white robe laughed loudly: "The juniors still remember me, so I didn't live in vain!"

Zhao Fanlu, who was in a black crown and black robe, said sadly, "What is this evening? How long have we been waiting here?"

"The age of the saints has long since ended. Several eras including the age of the saints, a total of 130,000 years of history, are all classified as ancient times. Now it is the year of the new Dao calendar." Ji Li said: "The Yinyang family no longer exists."

Zheng Shao smiled brightly: "Interesting! I have been dead for so many years!"

Zhao Fanlu said: "No, the Yin Yang family will always exist."

"I said—" Dou Zhao took a step sideways and stopped Zheng Shao's gaze: "Have you talked enough? Since you have been dead for a long time, I am willing to give you a little patience. But not all the time. "

"Hahahaha..." Zheng Shao laughed for a while, and then said: "I always thought that I appreciated direct people, but when I was treated so directly, I felt that such people are really rude...Boy! Then I Here are new rules for you—now you need to divide into two teams and challenge me and Zhao Fanlu at the same time. If you win this challenge, you can move on.”

As soon as the words fell, he smiled and retreated into the endless light, while Zhao Fanlu walked into the eternal darkness without saying a word.

On the long corridor, only the six people who entered the maze remained. Under the reflection of the left and right sides, their faces seemed to be dark and uncertain.

Both Zheng Shao and Zhao Fanlu used to be existences who reached the peak of the extraordinary.

Although today is just a silhouette in a period of time, in this special concept of orientation, it can also reflect the power of the real level.

Of course, this will not be a simple challenge, even if the silhouette of "Yin and Yang" is weakened to this point!

Now these six people are really not good enough to form a fair team, the main reason is that Ning Shuangrong is still in a state of exhaustion that consumes too much energy.

Ji Li began to recall the relevant information about Zheng Shao and Zhao Fanlu, and silently calculated what kind of team method could achieve the easiest result. It's not difficult for her to calculate, and it doesn't take much time...

But for Dou Zhao, this is certainly not a problem.

"You guys are on the same team."

He only left this sentence, dragged the Tianxiao knife, and stepped into the bright light alone.

Ji Li looked at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang smiled warmly and said: "The good and evil of the other party are unclear, and it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false. You can't listen to them all. You are here to help guard, and if there is anything wrong, you will take action in time to make up for it. I will go in and see the situation first."

Carrying Sauvignon Blanc in your hand, stepping into the dark curtain.

His words are over, and his people are hidden.

A book was opened in the void, and the writing was winding. Zhuo Qingru's complexion was normal, and he wrote——

Although Jiang Zhenren is gentle, he is quite proud.



Dou Zhao stepped into the blazing light, and walked into Zheng Shao's blazing world.

The blazing light doesn't hurt his eyes, Zheng Shao is so clear in his eyes.

Zheng Shao stood there majestically, with his hands wide open, and a bright, almost delusional smile on his face: "Welcome to my daydream!"

In "Gu Yi Jin Xun" written by Chen Pu, it is clearly stated that the word "daydream" comes from Zheng Shao.

In the age of the saints, it was still a beautiful word, but after the passage of time, it has become a slightly derogatory delusion today.

Because Zheng Shao's daydream did not come true!

The efforts of the entire age of the saints have failed to achieve the highest ideal. Not to mention the extinct Yin Yang school, let alone Zheng Shao's dream.

The golden light all over Dou Zhao pushed away the blazing light, and walked forward step by step: "I'll wake you up. Or kill you in a dream."

Zheng Shao laughed happily: "You must know how to respect your predecessors, boy! Don't we people who have created history deserve your worship? See me, why don't you worship!"

"The present world is the real world, and the middle and ancient times are like smoke. Today's people are real people, and the ancients and predecessors have become yesterday!" Dou Zhao walked forward, the world of daydreaming is so vast, but every step he takes, the distance between him and Zheng Shao Zhan Ban: "The dead should lie down well, your era has passed. The people of today don't need you to test them."

His military uniform was raised slightly, and Tian Xiao turned into the sky: "Open your eyes and see, who is ruling the world today!"



(Note: "Ancient Yijin Xun" - Mugu Academy·Chen Pu·Dao Li Xinqi.)

(This book is one of the masterpieces of Chen Pu's scholarship, and the evolution of the meaning of "beyond the ordinary and become holy" can also be found in this book.)

[Recommend a book to everyone, the new work "I have to teach this world a lesson" by the great god Wu Maxing

He made up his mind and said that this book will stick to himself and write to the peak.

If you like urban entertainment, you can go and see it. As a handsome boy with a sincere heart, give him a little supervision. 】


[Thanks to the book friend "Didly and a little bit" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 622nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】


[Chixin Sky Survey has become a five-star masterpiece today! It became the thirteenth existing five-star masterpiece of the starting point. Why is it that the starting point is the ninth author with a five-star work... the first five-level author to achieve the achievement of a five-star masterpiece. It is the first lv5 in history!

Chixin readers are amazing! The more Jiang Wang can't rank, the more we win. 】

[The sea of ​​bitterness once heard the sound of the tide, and I was able to calm down the storm when I was sailing. 】

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