Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2089 It turns out that old dreams have become yesterday

Dou Zhao has never felt that there are any insurmountable mountains in the world.

Every mountain standing there is waiting to be climbed. And he's the one who can beat it all.

It's not something that was meant to be.

He also never believed in the myth of God.

But... who else but me?

The Tianxiao knife is horizontal in the air, the spine of the knife is like a mountain, and the edge of the knife will split the ground.

Dou Zhao's resplendent and resplendent golden body is flying all over the place, this world of daydreams that accommodates infinite delusions trembles under his knife!

Zheng Shao's expression is still bright, and his tone is even very joyful: "Boy in red, you are very strong! The Yin-Yang Labyrinth hides here and lives hard. The power I can mobilize is already very limited, and it is really possible to be defeated by you!"

The sages of ancient times opened their arms and embraced this world, as if they were also welcoming the future.

The power of delusion has an exaggerated interpretation in this world. Or a sudden rain, the raindrops are full of needles. Or the soil turns into magma, and the thunder walks on the ground. He even fell to the ground and became the sky, and turned the yin into yang.

But no matter how the scene changes, how the wind, rain, cloud and snow alternate, that touch of gold is still unrestrained.

He seems to shine forever in this delusional world: "I am the only one that comes true among all unrealistic delusions. The present will defeat the past, just as I will defeat you!"

The earth rumbled and cracked, and a natural moat was separated between Zheng Shao and Dou Zhao. The mighty starlight rushed out from the ground in the form of magma flowing, roaring in front of Dou Zhao like a grotesque dream.

Zheng Shao was standing on the other side of the moat, laughing loudly: "In order not to give you a chance to communicate, there is a specific rule that can only be informed at this time-the challenge of the Yin-Yang world is carried out together, you must win at the same time, and The error cannot exceed a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, yin and yang will transform and the five elements will rotate, and we will always come back."

He was not complacent, but let out a long sigh: "That's too tiring! After so many years of death, people still need to get up and work. I don't know how the present world is developing, but it must not be my ideal world. "

Dou Zhao charged into Roaring Galaxy with his saber in hand, and the roar of the long saber raised his question: "How big is the difference in strength between you and Zhao Fanlu?"

"Although I don't want to admit it - but there should be no gap between him and me." Zheng Shao watched Dou Zhao's performance with great interest: "How do you plan to control power and time? In order to reach an agreement with that kid in Tsing Yi as soon as possible." Do you need my cooperation?"

"I don't intend to control." Dou Zhao's unruly figure has already rushed out of the galaxy, and he wiped out the final distance with a single knife. You are too far behind me. A quarter of an hour is too long. One breath is too long! Look at the dead bones in your grave, they are worthy of my knife!"



At this time, on the other side of the Yin-Yang world, Jiang Wang is facing the same problem.

Zhao Fanlu, with a black crown and black robe, was closing his eyes, crossing his hands on his chest, lying flat in a black coffin, as if he had already fallen asleep.

The coffin sank to the bottom of the dark water. Faintly is the end of this world.

And his voice echoed in the boundless sea——

"This is my midnight, and I travel in people's waking hours. Young man, does life wear you out, are you waking up?"

Although they are collectively referred to as "the world of yin and yang", the worlds of Zheng Shao and Zhao Fanlu cannot be simply divided by yin and yang.

Zheng Shao's world is a world of daydreams, carrying delusions.

However, Zhao Fanlu's world is an ocean of subconsciousness, and what is confused are the fragments of consciousness, the subconscious imagination of living beings.

These two powers are not powers that can be clearly seen in light and shadow, but they have their own weird secrets of the Yin Yang family.

Jiang Wang held his sword in the deep sea, looked around calmly, and said: "I never fell asleep. Why wake up?"

The voice of Zhao Fanlu floated in the dark sea, like a lifeless water plant: "A sober person is the most painful person in the world. All the good things in the world are worthless after seeing through them. Even if the robe is beautiful, it is inevitable It's full of lice. It's hard to be confused, we say!"

"I don't care if you are confused or not, I don't care about your attitude towards life. I don't try to change you, senior. Of course, I won't be changed by you." Jiang Wang said calmly: "I only know that no matter what fate gives , I have to feel soberly. I will welcome everything in my life, and I will face all my choices."

"What if your end is death?" Zhao Fanlu asked.

Jiang Wang spread his five fingers, letting his knuckles feel the sea. The flame that was still dancing in the sea water was swimming between his fingers. He said in a statement tone: "Let me know how I died, and let me try to save it."

The subconscious mind is often unconscious thoughts, but it is associated with fragments of past life experiences.

In the subconscious ocean, Zhao Fanlu can see the most real people, and he also shows the most real self.

"Do you respect us, the bones of the past, the dead?" he asked.

"I respect history, senior. It is everything in the past that has made this world what it is today." Jiang Wang said: "Of course I respect the people who created history more."

Zhao Fanlu said: "If I tell you that this road will not work—"

Jiang Wang interrupted him: "Whether this road leads or not, I must walk it myself, instead of hearing it from others. I respect you, but I will not follow you. I have my way to go."

Zhao Fanlu, who was lying in the coffin, slowly opened his eyes, the pupils were dim, and there was a trace of sadness: "Do not follow anyone? Even sages?"

Jiang Wang squeezed out the red flame in his hand: "There is no self outside the body, and the real self has no other."

"So, young man." Zhao Fanlu asked: "Do you have any entanglements that you can't do, or the horror that comes back from your dream at midnight?"

"Whatever I want, I will fight for it with my sword. What I dreamed, I will realize with my own hands." Jiang Wang started to walk forward, colorful light and voice lines that were hard to see with the naked eye intertwined under his feet: "It's you, senior—I seem to see that your unreachable old dreams are all shattered here. Do you regret it?"

Zhao Fanlu couldn't tell a lie in the subconscious ocean, so he opened his eyes and shed tears. I can only say: "If you want to pass here successfully, both of you must win all the challenges in the Yin-Yang world, and the error should not exceed a quarter of an hour—come on, let me see how you grasp the situation, let me see how the future generations The pride of heaven!"

One figure after another sat up from his corpse, walked out of the coffin, and looked towards Jiang.

Those are subconscious projections cultivated by Zhao Fanlu. Some are holding compasses, some are holding books, and some are holding swords...

Almost endless projections, covering the ocean in an instant!

In this vast and boundless ocean of subconsciousness, every projection of Zhao Fanlu's subconsciousness can reflect part of his power.

Such dense flying made the Youhai even darker by three points.

"You underestimate Dou Zhao too much." Jiang Wang said quietly: "I don't think I have an advantage over him for more than a quarter of an hour."

Seeing and hearing produced a wonderful concerto, and the colorful light interweaved under his feet into a pure white boat of knowledge!

The world has never been the same since.

The subconscious ocean is also covered by knowledge. All subconscious fragments must be clearly displayed.

I come, I see, I smell, all in one glance!

The white boat travels through the dark sea, crushing everything it sees and hears with its unparalleled domineering momentum.

The subconscious projections that flew in one by one, like waves constantly crashing into the sea, were easily shattered one by one.

The boat of knowledge quickly crushed tens of millions of projections, and the long tail line was like a sharp sword, cutting through the ocean of subconsciousness so clearly—even in less than a breath, the boat of knowledge had already arrived at the dark sea sinking coffin above.

The white boat is approaching the black coffin, and Jiang Wang holds the sword in the heart of the boat!

Contemporary legends and ancient sages looked at each other under such circumstances.

Zhao Fanlu who opened his eyes and wept in the black coffin, and Jiang Zhenren who was peaceful and peaceful on the white boat...

Eyes facing each other, one hundred thousand years have passed!

Are old dreams a thing of the past?

Is the ideal impossible to achieve?

Are all our efforts meaningless?

In the deep dark sea, such silent questions echoed.

Jiang Wang answered with a sword, so it cut across!

The sword in Zhao Fanlu's tearful eyes didn't seem to have the image of a sword, it was infinitely magnified by the boat of knowledge and knowledge, and only gave the opponent a sharp edge.

Although one line is endless.

This line of sharpness doesn't seem to be cut on the upper body, but it seems to be imprinted on the body.

It precedes perception.

When you feel it, you have been cut.

The entire ocean of subconsciousness is divided by such a ray of brilliance... Opening the sea and the sky!



When the evil view in front of the prince in white shattered into thousands of drops of clean water, the dark sky seemed to be raining—as if some sins had been washed away.

The remaining knife light is still extending almost infinitely, cutting all the way to the end of the field of vision.

At first glance, it seems that the entire sea of ​​evil has been shunted by the light of the sword.

Chong Xuanzun's sword is really too bright.

And Kou Xuejiao stepped out of the turbid waves cut by the knife light.

"Found Qiongqi!"

Even though she was as cold and solemn as her, after searching for so long, she finally found the lotus seed world where the target was, and her tone couldn't help but be a little more happy.


Then she heard a voice asking.

It wasn't Chong Xuanzun's voice.

Then he turned his head and saw a man with an unremarkable appearance carrying a six-foot long sword.

Short in stature, but carrying such a long sword.

He has dark skin, but wears a beige gown.

In short, he is a person who doesn't know how to cover up his shortcomings. In other words, it is a person who is unconsciously short.

Kou Xuejiao's heart began to sink, and she felt a little cold for no reason, and her armor was not cold, so she couldn't help but clenched the Three Thousand Red Dust Sword tightly.

"My name is Xu Xi." The ugly man with the sword saluted very politely: "Dare to ask, but Kou Xuejiao, the right protector of the Blood River Sect, is in front of you? I once told people that I would like to ask you for advice on the day when the cave is true. I don't know." Now, isn't it the right time?"

May there be no crime in the world, and the sword of law can be turned into a plow!

The six-foot cast plow sword is the first of the Legalists.

Of course Kou Xuejiao recognized the plow casting sword, and of course remembered Xu Ximing.

According to the conjectures of several masters, the image of Xu Ximing is very likely to be the representative of Bodhi's evil ancestor!

I really saw it with my own eyes, even if she is a real person in the world, a strong person who has been fighting for life and death in disasters all year round, she can't help feeling chills down her spine.

The thread of the world of mortals emerged from the hilt of the sword, entangled like a spirit snake, climbing her arm.

Kou Xuejiao quickly calmed down - Bodhi Evil Ancestor has been suppressed and returned, and it must be a calamity to escape. Even if the Xu Ximing in front of him is really the representative of Bodhi's evil ancestor, he might not be able to forcefully kill her, Kou Xuejiao!

She turned the edge of the sword, and strands of red dust fluttered behind her like ribbons: "If you think it's the right time, then come and ask me about my sword!"

Xu Ximing smiled unhappily, and the Cast Plow Sword was already in his hand.

"Then take my sword."

He held the long sword in both hands and dragged it diagonally behind him. With a slightly awkward posture, he started to run towards this side, and the turbulent and turbid waves surged behind him, and it was overwhelming in an instant——

"Guardian Kou?"

The sound seemed to be far away in the sky, but it fell like a meteorite, pierced the sky like a meteor, and fell in her ears, becoming very clear.

Kou Xuejiao came back to his senses, and was looking at Shang Chong Xuan Zun's questioning eyes.

His voice is also a chopping knife!

"What’s wrong with you?"

Kou Xuejiao took a deep breath and looked around, but where was Xu Ximing?

His gaze fell from Xu Ximing's face to Chong Xuanzun's, as if he had come from hell to heaven.

"It's nothing." She prevaricated, but couldn't help but said: "Champion Hou, did you just see an ugly man with a long sword on his back?"

"There are only two of us here." Chong Xuanzun said.

His speech is always definitive, with few interrogative sentences.

Because he has absolute confidence in himself. The truth he sees is the truth, the path he determines is the correct path, and he will never doubt himself because of anyone. Of course Kou Xuejiao has no exception.

Kou Xuejiao was there quietly, in a trance for a moment: "Today's disaster is not safe, let's—as soon as possible."

She should have wanted to say go back first, but for some reason she changed her mind.

Chongxuanzun said indifferently: "It's okay, Kou Dharma is also very tired after searching for so long in Huoshui. You can give me Qiongqi's clues, and go back to the sect to recuperate first. I will take Qiongqi's blood essence and leave."

"Let's go together, Qiongqi is not easy to find." Kou Xuejiao turned around and led the way, and in the process of turning around, he quickly recovered.

Before the catastrophe arrives, the three villains of the sea of ​​evil will not be able to come out.

Xu Xi's name is nothing to worry about, she really shouldn't turn around!

Why so frightened?

"Guardian Kou." Chong Xuanzun's voice sounded again.

"What's the matter?" Kou Xuejiao walked ahead without looking back.

"Are you okay?" Chong Xuanzun asked again.

"I've been fighting in Huoshui for so many years, what can happen?" Kou Xuejiao said calmly, "Leave after taking Qiongqi's blood."

Guarding Niehai for more than 54,000 years, the Blood River Sect's understanding of Niehai can be said to be the best in the world.

For Kou Xuejiao, finding the world of lotus seeds is not difficult. For thousands of years, the Blood River Sect has its own set of effective methods. But looking for a specific world of lotus seeds that has a certain thing is definitely not easy.

There are too many lotus seed worlds, and most of them are shattered. And there are all kinds of dangers.

They were once the essence of disasters, and they were also reflected in this way to a dangerous degree.

And all the lotus seed worlds are completely indistinguishable in appearance. If you want to classify them, you have to explore them and mark them with special methods.

So there is such a saying - "If you don't enter it, you won't get lotus seeds. If you enter it, life and death are hard to know."

Two living real people walk through the turbid waves and go deeper into the sea of ​​evil. Separate the undercurrents, smash the vortex, and walk on the ridge under the dark sea. This is not the bottom, because there are still trenches and fissures, and no one can really explore the bottom of the evil sea.

This is the highest mountain in Nie Hai.

The already obscure skylight was even blocked by the surge, unable to penetrate even an inch. The evil force shoulders the shoulders, making the steps a little heavier. Under the sea of ​​evil, there is a boundless darkness that is getting deeper and deeper.

But real people have their own truths.

On the dark ridge line, there are two people walking like this——

The blood armor is red, and the white clothes are on the front.

It's getting late to write.

To stave off laziness, plant a flag.

There are four more days in this week. Be sure to find a day to add more.

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