Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2090 Don't daydream in the future

This deep-sea mountain named "Evil Brahma" by the founder of the Blood River Sect is like a low-lying ancient giant beast.

The two real people walking on the ridgeline are as insignificant as dust.

But their steps were very quiet.

The more he walked forward, the more Kou Xuejiao suppressed his emotions, the more determined he became. Take back the truth of this world.

But Chong Xuan Zun never moved his face from the beginning to the end.

Vermilion's Red Dust Sword and Frost and Snowy Moon Blossom Sword each have their own sharpness.

"right here."

There is a break in the front of the ridge, which is almost invisible from a distance, but it looks like an abyss when you approach it!

The abyss has no bottom, and the dark waves pile on top of each other.

Kou Xuejiao pointed to the distance, where a black lotus seed emitting a faint light was suspended: "Three thousand years ago, someone saw Qiongqi in this world of lotus seeds. This matter was recorded in the Secret Record of the Blood River Sect, and I also I really felt the secret notes of the Blood River Sect."

Chong Xuanzun has a casual attitude, everything in the world seems to be effortless to him.

Eyes as bright as lacquer cast a light glance at Lian Shi. "There are Lao Kou to protect the law."

He raised his hand: "Please."

Kou Xuejiao did not hesitate, stepped down the abyss, and walked towards the world of lotus seeds that looked like the eyes of the abyss.

There is no way in the deep sea, and the waves are the steps.

Step by step sinking, vermilion hidden in the dark.

After walking in silence for a while, she suddenly sighed again: "It's been so many years since the disaster, it was once green and black. Now Niehai doesn't have a single clean and fresh lotus seed, and I've grown old since I was a little girl."

The lifespan of a real person is limited to 1200 years. Compared with the history of disasters, there are indeed no waves.

Where are the many emotions?

Chongxuanzun said in a low voice: "Dongzhen has seen that he is really immortal, so why talk about the word 'old'?"

Kou Xuejiao just shook his head, without another word, took another step forward, and stepped into the world of lotus seeds.

This world is very different from the world!

Chong Xuanzun stepped into the world of lotus seeds, and the first thing he saw was the sky full of snow.

black snow.

Big flakes, falling like rotting leaves.

Suddenly left and right, horizontally and vertically, spinning irregularly.

There are four screams between heaven and earth, that is the swaying wind of this world.

It seemed as if a hole had been drilled somewhere in the sky, making this miserable sound of air leakage.

The natural environment of this world is extremely harsh, and the energy is so thin that it can hardly be felt. There is a rough dryness in the air, even breathing will be hurt, the so-called purgatory is nothing more than that.

The location where they descended was on the top of the mountains.

In the black snow all over the sky, Kou Xuejiao stood quietly in front of the high cliff, wearing a blood-colored battle armor and holding a vermilion long sword.

Chong Xuanzun appeared behind her, pointing at the ground obliquely with a long knife transformed by moonlight.

They were separated by about ten steps, and they were silent on the top of the mountain.


The cold wind passed over the high platform, and the armor did not move.

Kou Xuejiao is a real person with cold temperament and full of murderous aura.

Chongxuan Zun is casual and crazy, always smiling faintly.

But at this moment, it was hard to tell who was colder.

Looking around, the sky is black and snowy, and the mountains are rolling.

What is so strange?

Chong Xuanzun raised his head, and at the end of the black snow, he saw a faint smear of blood.

"It seems that all the lotus seed worlds have been corrupted." He said calmly.

The Three Thousand Red Dust Sword in Kou Xuejiao's hand is gradually becoming alive, but her voice is cold and solemn: "Niehai will corrupt everything. The concept of 'Lianhua Holy Realm' is just a castle in the air. Without the support of the power of the saint, even The fantasies of the castle are all gone."

The ultimate concept of the grand plan of the age of the saints, the eternal town of disaster water, is to integrate many lotus seed worlds into a holy world of lotus blossoms, completely covering the disaster water. From then on, he can devour evil power forever, called Nie Hai Yongning.

Of course, it is impossible to say that the saints will stay in the water of disaster forever and stay here.

Suspending the steps of expanding the heavens and the world for the time being, it has been a great sacrifice for ten years in the disaster.

But this kind of dedication failed to bear fruit in the end.

The painstaking efforts of the saints fell short. After all, after a long time, the once green and green lotus seeds all turned black.

"From green lotus seeds to black lotus seeds, death or another kind of rebirth." Kou Xuejiao said.

Chong Xuanzun refused to comment, but said: "Are you sure that Qiongqi is here?"

Kou Xuejiao held his sword horizontally in front of him, with his left hand and his sword fingers, he swept across the sword. Between the two fingers, a line of mortals was sandwiched, and then pointed to the sky.

This line goes straight to the sky, runs through the black snow, and goes straight into the high sky.

"Wait for me to find it," she said.

The thread of the world of mortals is stained with blood, and she seems to trace the root of this world of lotus seeds.

"No need." Chongxuanzun said lightly, "Just make sure that Qiongqi is in this world."

He took a step forward, stood side by side with Kou Xuejiao in front of the cliff, then raised one hand, stretched five fingers, and pressed against Gao Tian.

A round of moon appeared on the horizon, and the endless frost illuminated the black snow!

For a while, the moonlight falls on the mountains.

The Marquis in white pressed the moon remotely with one hand, and searched the world in a very short period of time, looking for traces of Qiongqi.

"Aw~ woo~ roar!!!"

Then there was a ferocious roar.

The sound shook the sky and the earth, echoing continuously in the mountains and ravines.

A huge bull-like beast rushed out of the black snow.

It has strong and powerful four hooves, long and thick fur, and its fangs are hidden under the upturned nose of the bull, and its voice is like a vicious dog. It has blood-colored horns with swirls, and its copper bell-like eyes emit a hungry and ferocious brown-yellow light.

Qiongqi appears!

They don't need to look for it, the evil beast smells it.

This ancient evil beast was hundreds of feet long and more than a hundred feet high, like a walking mountain.

The breath is as vigorous as the raging sea, and the strength is unfathomable. Facing the two real people in the world, they also rushed forward without hesitation, riding the wind and the snow all the way, stepping on the mountain to become missing all the way!




Black and white, like two broken walls. It is also the two broken worlds.

Ji Li holds Xue Tanhua in his arms, and before the calculations in his pen come to a conclusion, he sees one on the left and one on the right—Dou Zhao, who is shining golden, and Jiang Wang, who is upright in green, stepping back into the corridor almost at the same time.

Dou Zhao's face was bright, and his aura was still majestic and majestic.

With his hands behind his back, Jiang Wang was indescribably chic and calm.

The two sages of Yin and Yang no longer exist, and the black and white colors that flow in the void are slowly fading away. The two sides reappeared as high walls, but the lines on them began to change constantly. Ji Li keenly discovered that there should be two more of those changing general images. The specific description can't be interpreted immediately, but the contrast of red and white, blue and black is very clear.

The entire Yin-Yang labyrinth made a dull sound, as if there were mechanical gears turning in a hidden place underground.

Changes are happening, and on both sides of the corridor, two real people stand almost forever.

Zhuo Qingru looked left and right, and asked aloud, "Is it over?"

Jiang Wang opened his mouth.

"Yes." Dou Zhao said, "It's very easy."

Jiang Wang swallowed the words "lucky enough to live up to his fate", leaving only a calm smile - I am more relaxed!

Ji Li silently counted the time and said, "But the battle lasted for two hours."

Dou Zhao didn't change his face: "After all, he is a sage of ancient times, I will give him a little patience. The moves are also outdated, and the secrets are also old-fashioned. If he plays it all over again, there is really nothing to say."

Ning Shuangrong blinked her eyes: "Are the Yin and Yang sages so easy to deal with?"

Holding the sword in his arms, Jiang Wang leaned against the wall naturally, and said with a casual smile: "Zheng Shao may be a little weak, but Zhao Fanlu is quite strong anyway. He really deserves to be the little sage of Yin and Yang, a strong man in the age of all sages. A silhouette left In the meantime, it took me a lot of effort to suppress it."

"Strength and weakness are relative concepts." Dou Zhao seemed to lean on the ground with the blade of his knife casually, and said with a grin, "Little Saint of Yin and Yang? I can only talk about a silhouette, but that's all, how can I try my Tianxiao!"

Jiang Wang looked at his hand holding the knife: "Take the knife away and talk."

Dou Zhao stared at his ridge leaning against the wall: "Don't lean against the wall."

"Do you know that you are rude like this?"

"Who are you posing for?"

The two of you said one sentence to another, without moving anything except their mouths.

Zhu Wei and I sighed, raised the gun, and walked to the front of the corridor, waiting for the next change.

The changes in the Yin-Yang maze lasted for a while, probably only Ji Li was still calculating its changes. When it finally stopped, all the forks disappeared, and this corridor seemed to be the only straight road in this world.

Standing here, suddenly feel lonely!

Looking back endlessly, the lost knowledge and unimaginable confused fragments flow outside the entrance, which is obviously a certain section of the lost river. Straight ahead, there is a gate of five virtues standing in the air.

This door is pentagonal, tall and heavy. Each of the five corners has an amber-like light ball, which is divided into five colors: blue, red, yellow, white and black, representing the five elements.

Yin-Yang and Five Elements are the foundation of the Yin-Yang family, stepping through this portal, one can obviously see the true existence of the Yin-Yang family in the disaster.

Dou Zhao, who had been at the forefront all the way, stood still at this moment, quietly looking at the dome, as if thinking about the mysteries of the universe.

Ning Shuangrong and others looked over.

Jiang Wang said inscrutably: "There will be no danger ahead. You go there first, and I have to deal with Zhenren Dou."

Zhu Wei I glanced at him, turned around and stepped into the door.

The moment he stepped through the door, Zhuo Qing ordered several orders.

It is said to prohibit injury, rope, and evil.

Dye Zhu Weiwo, who has not been well trimmed, colorful.

Then he brought out a ruler, followed by him.

Ning Shuangrong pulled out the Qiushui Sword, Ji Li hugged Xue Tanhua and walked into the door step by step.

At the moment when Ji Li's figure disappeared——

Dou Zhao took a deep breath, the vitality of the entire Yin-Yang Labyrinth, and even the power of the rules of the Yin-Yang Labyrinth itself, were mixed together and sucked into his abdominal cavity by him, and the Qi and blood roared like a mountain torrent!

Jiang Wang still held his sword against the wall calmly, motionless, but his body was like a drum playing, like thunder!

It was quiet for a moment.

Dou Zhao sneered: "It seems that you are seriously injured!"

Jiang Wang let out a long breath, the turbid air was like a rainbow, all the way to the end of the corridor, and rushed into the lost river. He said in his mouth: "It seems that you are not so easy to catch up with me."

Finally, Dou Zhao didn't need to use the Tianxiao knife to support himself, turned around and walked towards the Gate of Five Virtues, with every step he took, his breath became stronger: "Thirty years of my life, I have always been the one being chased."

"Isn't it?" Jiang Wang pointed out: "You used to chase Zuo Guanglie, but now you want to chase me."

Dou Zhao smiled warmly: "I would like to ask you to try daydreaming later, lest you daydream every day!"

"Waiting for you at any time." Jiang Wang regained his breath, and he didn't have to lean against the wall anymore, and followed his steps easily: "Your subconscious mind is not as confident as your words."

Dou Zhao is an absolutely arrogant person, he can never doubt himself. He naturally scoffed at Jiang Wang's subconscious theory, but he also understood that this was Jiang Wang's harvest.

In the difficult challenge against the two sages of Yin and Yang in the scene just now, they all gained.

This corridor is very long, but it is very short for the two real people.

But they didn't go fast.

Witnessing the curtain call of an era cannot be so peaceful after all.

The former yin and yang sages are not the arrogance of the times?

"I think the performance of the Yin and Yang sages should be more than that. Zheng Shao's understanding of Dongzhen's fighting is not inferior to mine, but his strength can't keep up, and he was forcibly killed by me." Dou Zhao said suddenly.

Jiang Wang thought to himself, if he is far above you, it is indeed 'not to lose to you'.

But he didn't bother to start another round of bickering, so he just analyzed: "I think they have been consumed for too long."

"Consumed by what?" Dou Zhao asked.

Jiang Wang asked back: "What do you say?"

Dou Zhao didn't answer, but after a while, he asked again: "What did Zhao Fanlu tell you last?"

"He said..." Jiang Wang said, "History has already given him the answer."

After walking a few steps like this, he asked back, "Where is Zheng Shao?"

"I won't daydream in the future," Dou Zhao said.

The two real people were silent with each other for a while, and stepped into the gate of five virtues together.

Leave the regrets of history in history.

Earth, wood, metal, fire, water... the five virtues are inherited and rotated, and each other falls into this life, yin and yang complement each other, and the wheel of destiny.

The world of five virtues is the world of lotus seeds where Zou Huiming, the true sage of yin and yang, preached in disasters. It's just that this lotus seed world is not hidden in the evil lotus like other lotus seed worlds.

Lead the lost river, go to a certain section of the lost river, pick up the fragments of time, capture the concept of orientation in the disaster, pass through the yin and yang maze, and defeat the two sages of yin and yang at the same time... Only then can you see the world of five virtues forever.

Every step is not easy, but the hardest is the first step to evoke the lost river. Guan Changqing, thousands of years ago, had already completed this step ahead of time.

The "concept of orientation" is probably not easy to understand - how can inheritance be hidden in the concept? How can people walk into concepts?

But you might as well combine the power of [Delusion] to deconstruct.

Imagine the construction of every concept, there is an illusory world.

Backed by the power of delusions, the world is real.

The mysterious power of the Onmyo family can make reality into illusion in this way.

There is more than one kind of power to capture concepts, and not only Yin-Yangists can do it.

Like the well-known nature of the stars. The real stars are actually a collection of star concepts. Rather than a specific fireball, or a certain world.

If Guan Changqing hadn't died in that lotus seed world back then, but had stepped into the Yin-Yang maze, what would have happened afterwards?

It's a pity that fate is diverted and cannot be traced back. No if.

Jiang Wang held his sword at his waist, raised a step, and crossed the gate of five virtues. What I saw in front of me was a tall and wide hall in black and white.

The dome is black and the floor tiles are white.

The courtyard pillars are black on the top and white on the bottom, diagonally staggered into lines.

The architectural style of early modern times has not yet got rid of the ultimate pursuit of "magnificence" in the middle ages. Zuo Qiuwu, the dean of Diligence Academy, wrote a "History of Architecture of the Times" with rich pictures and texts, which demonstrated in detail the relationship between mainstream architectural styles and the changes of the times, and explored how architecture reflects the torrent of humanity and how to verify history. It is worth reading through.

Compared with the tall courtyard pillars, people are as small as mayflies.

Standing here, Jiang Wang didn't see his companions for a while, only saw a familiar figure standing with a sword in the center of the hall.

He turned his back to the gate of the hall and looked up at the golden statue in the center of the hall, wearing the yin and yang robe—this statue must be the true sage of yin and yang.

And the person who was looking at the statue said slowly without looking back: "You are finally here."

There is a funny gesture that forcibly imitates a peerless master but looks very clumsy.

But this person is a real peerless master.

Jiang Wang held the long sword in his hand, observed the left and right silently, collected knowledge, but smiled on his face, and his tone was very enthusiastic: "Long time no see, Brother Xu! Are you waiting for me?"

The six-foot cast plow sword was always in a position where it was about to be dragged to the ground, but Xu Ximing, who was short in stature, turned around, looked at Jiang Wang, and said in a kind and complaining tone: "I I've been waiting for you for a long time...and I've been looking for you for a long time!"

[Thank you book friend "Thank you book friend for becoming the leader of this book" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 623rd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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