Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2091

Obviously, several masters have confirmed that the seal of Bodhi's evil ancestor has been strengthened by Huo Shi and his body of Yan Dao, and he will not come out again unless he is evil.

Why was Xu Ximing still able to appear majestically, and even found the inheritance place of the true sage of Yin and Yang?

Which link went wrong?

What kind of existence is this image of Xu Ximing, who is carrying the plow casting sword on his back, embodied? And why do you find him many times?

There were many surprised questions in my heart, but they all turned into a kind of calm in the end. Jiang Wang put his five fingers on the hilt of the sword, and said slowly: "From where?"

He is very clear-headed that he has no power to resist the Bodhi Evil Patriarch who possesses extraordinary power. Even if the other party is acting as Xu Ximing at this moment, he only reflects the aura of the Dongzhen level, and only possesses the power of the Dongzhen realm, it is impossible for him to win the fight.

But with his sword in hand, he still wanted to give it a try.

Xu Ximing didn't seem to feel Jiang Wang's vigilance at all, his ugly face wrinkled together, and he answered Jiang Wang's question seriously: "It's been more than two years, and you haven't come here again."

Chen Pu once asked Jiang Wang why Xu Ximing came to him. Ask Jiang Wang how he really felt at that moment.

Jiang Wang said at that time that he felt that 'Xu Ximing' was very lonely.

At this moment, in Xu Ximing's answer, he felt that loneliness again.

No matter what Bodhi's evil ancestors have planned.

At least the person represented by the name Xu Ximing has indeed wandered lonely in the troubled water for a long time. This time, at least thirteen years. Before Wu Bing came to Huoshui again, no one had the experience of meeting Xu Ximing.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Xu Ximing did not appear in front of Wu Bingji two years ago, but chatted with Jiang Wang for a long time.

"There are thousands of lines in the world of mortals, and I can't get rid of them." Jiang Wang sighed: "Besides the disaster, there is also a frontier barrenness, the east pole of the present world, and the sea, and behind the gate of ten thousand monsters, there is a world of heaven and hell. Brother Xu, if there is There's nothing left for the day, maybe we can sit down and talk more often."

"It's understandable." Xu Ximing said: "People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. Even if you miss me very much, you can't visit me every day."

"Brother Xu is really reasonable." Jiang Wang looked around the display of the Yin-Yang Hall, and said slowly: "Why don't we do this first? You can see that I still have something to do - I'll bring some gifts next time look at you."

Xu Ximing just smiled ugly: "Hey."

Jiang Wang sighed and could only ask, "How long has Brother Xu been looking for me?"

Xu Ximing said 'ah': "I heard that you are in trouble, so I have been looking for you."

"I heard?" Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows: "Who are you listening to?"

Xu Ximing pointed to his heart with a finger, and said in a mysterious tone: "Listen, listen carefully, each of us has left traces in the water of disaster. Some are many, some are few, and there is no one in the world who is not free from dust. They Tell're coming."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "Buddhists say that monks come to the rootless world to kill evil and eliminate evil, to repay karma. Probably that's what you meant."

"I just said a few words casually. If you seriously discuss it as knowledge, it would be meaningless." Xu Ximing frowned and said, "What do those bald people know?"

"Then let's talk about what you know—what about the people who came with me to this world of five virtues?" Jiang Wang asked, "What did you do to them?"

Xu Ximing said: "I have to emphasize one point. It's not that I don't understand. I've also read all the classics. I just don't want you to become a boring person."

Jiang Wang showed an understanding expression and nodded seriously: "I understand you."

Xu Ximing then said: "Are you asking the four who came in first, or the one who came in with you later?"

Jiang Wang was a little nervous: "Ask them all."

"Don't worry, they're all fine." Xu Ximing spread his hands, "I'm not interested in them."

This inexplicable evil taste made him somewhat humane.

Jiang Wang said angrily: "May I ask if there is something worthy of your interest?"

Xu Ximing's expression was a little surprised and hurt: "You forgot our agreement?"

Jiang Wang remembered: "Either you come to Laoshan, where the sword shines in the cold pool, or I go to Tianxingya, where Yishi listens? Since there is such an agreement, then let's go—"

Xu Ximing sighed, "But I'm not at Tianxingya."

Jiang Wang also sighed: "The old mountain doesn't belong to me anymore."

Xu Ximing laughed: "Then we are really destined!"

Jiang Wang also smiled: "Fate can't be manifested just once or twice, why not talk about it next time?"

"Next time it won't be as simple as this time." Xu Ximing said inscrutablely: "But you have to pass this time first."

Jiang Wang only said: "I hope the 'simple' you said has the same meaning as the 'simple' I understand."

Xu Ximing held his six-foot long sword in his hand, and the statue of the true sage of Yin and Yang was right behind him, making him even shorter by contrast, but he asked calmly, "Zhu Li vs. Sauvignon Blanc?"

Jiang Wang drew his sword out of its sheath, and only said: "Let's try this edge!"

The once-talented legalists and today's real people in the world confront each other in this ancient hall with statues of the true sages of Yin and Yang.

At this moment, there was a loud "bang", like thunder on the ground!

The dome of the entire Yin-Yang Hall was directly lifted! A brilliant golden arch bridge crashed straight in with an incomparably domineering attitude.

That scene, like a golden sword, opened a person's skull.

On the arched bridge, there stood an unruly man wearing a gold-rimmed military uniform with a red background and carrying a thick-backed sharp knife, staring at Xu Ximing indifferently!

This is of course the Golden Bridge on the other side!

The one standing on the bridge can only be Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao has been found!

To be more precise, it was Jiang Wang who, while having a conversation with Xu Ximing, rode the boat of knowledge, secretly traveled the ocean of subconsciousness, and touched Dou Zhao's subconscious. But Dou Zhao was alert quickly, and with the power of delusion, penetrated the world of five virtues, and found the layer where Jiang Wang and Xu Ximing were!

They have always been in the same world of five virtues. It was only because Xu Ximing fiddled with the rules and forcibly created layers that they were in different layers of the same life and could not find each other.

This is different from Xu Ximing's method of appearing in front of Jiang Wang two years ago but hiding in the eyes of all the masters.

Xu Ximing stared at Jiang Wang, a little annoyed: "We agreed to learn from each other, why are you still called a helper? There is still justice in the world, do you still know the word fair?"


Behind Jiang Wang, an extremely majestic ancient stone gate rose from the ground, completely replacing the gate of the Yin Yang Hall, suppressing this hall and this world.

The secret biography of Emperor Wu, Chaotian Que!

Jiang Wang raised his sword and stood under the stone gate, and said calmly: "Today you and I compete, my death is for nothing, and there will be a next time when you die. Is there such a fairness in the world?"

"That's how it is." Xu Ximing said: "Xu Ximing's death will be in vain."

Jiang Wang said: "Xu Xi's name doesn't count, just change his name to make a note."

"Which name?" Xu Ximing looked blank.

Of course Jiang Wang refused to say the name, but said: "I thought Brother Xu was an honest man—"

"What nonsense are you talking to this ugly monster!" Dou Zhao couldn't bear to hear it, and stepped on the golden bridge on the other side, showing his golden body in battle, directly slashed at Xu Ximing's face with a knife from Tianxiao: "You are so ugly that I don't want to see you second Eye! Peel off this face for you!"

Dou Zhao really... dares to scold anyone.

Jiang Wang wanted to take this opportunity to chat a few more words, so he repeated his old trick, using the touch of the subconscious ocean, called Senior Brother Zhu and the others to give Xu Xi a righteous beating.

But Dou Zhao rushed so fiercely that he couldn't delay, so he stood up, covered in frost, and pointed his sword at Beidou!

In any case, Dou Zhao has already rushed forward, and it would not be kind enough for him to slow down.

There is the Golden Bridge on the other side, and there is Chaotian Tower in front of it.

Suddenly, there is the Tianxiao Sword, and suddenly, the Acacia Sword.

Xu Ximing couldn't get out with his dharma sword, he retreated again and again.

Backing away to the statue of the True Sage Yin Yang, he suddenly became furious: "So it was you!"

At this moment, his aura suddenly rose, his five-short figure seemed to stand upright, and the sword in his hand seemed to be the only truth in this world.

Sword intent mingkong - "Dare to ruin my business!"

He slashed with his sword in anger, but he didn't cut at Dou Zhao or Jiang Wang, but he turned his body and slashed at the statue of the true sage of Yin-Yang.

The true sage of Yin-Yang has already been destined, and this golden statue should not be able to be hit by a single blow. It was cut obliquely by a sword, and its aura was extinguished!

The entire Yin-Yang Hall seemed to be darkened.

But Xu Ximing's figure holding the Dharma sword disappeared into the air just like that.

Jiang Wang's sword and Dou Zhao's saber also stopped here suddenly, staggered in front of Xu Ximing's body.

what happened?

Why did Xu Ximing suddenly leave again?

The sword's edge shone on the blade, Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao met each other's eyes, and walked away.

Both being the world's top arrogance, they have all sensed the danger.

The moment Xu Ximing disappeared, Zhu Weiwo and Zhuo Qingru also appeared in the dilapidated hall.

According to Zhu Weiwo and the others, a group of four of them came to the tall and majestic Yin-Yang Hall. They have not started to explore, and are observing the environment, waiting for Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao to recover... The next moment the dome was lifted, and the golden bridge On top of it, the gate of the palace was also smashed, and the gate of heaven was blocked in front of it.

Jiang Zhenren's cloak is on fire, and Dou Zhenren's golden body is swaggering. They meet each other in the air, and their swords and swords are intersecting.

"Does it have to appear like this?" Ji Li asked blankly.


The statue of the true saint at the front of the main hall was divided into two obliquely, and fell down with a loud crash.

The rotten wood and yellow mud shattered all over the place.

Zhuo Qingru's eyes jumped, and she felt the trace of the magic sword at the place where the golden body was broken! "This is?!"

"Xu Ximing came here just now!" Jiang Wang said casually, resting his palm on the Heavenly Gate, surrounded by divine light, directly smashed down half of the hall, and flew up to the sky!

However, Dou Zhao stepped on the golden bridge on the other side and fell in a straight line, rumbling, and the golden bridge landed, crushing the entire Yin-Yang Hall into dust.

They do not communicate, but cooperate tacitly.

Use the dilapidated Yin-Yang Hall as a cage, and open it in one fell swoop.

The entire world of five virtues is spread out in front of everyone like this, bringing a magnificent visual shock——

The sky is like a cover, clear and pure white.

The big place is straight, and the boundaries criss-cross.

This is a huge chessboard that is vast and endless, as if it is still expanding. The Yin-Yang Hall they were in just now is just a black spot on the chessboard!

The majestic hall with a black or white outer shell is used as black and white chess pieces, interlaced with each other on such a chessboard, unfolding infinitely.

Wherever the field of vision extends, the world extends. Where the field of vision cannot reach, the world is still expanding.

How small man is in such a world!

Even in front of one of the chess pieces, they are just like a group of ants!

In the eyes of those who are truly proficient in chess, what is more shocking than the world itself is this chess game. It is so complicated, as if it has performed all the changes in the world, and it is extremely logical, which makes people dazzled by looking at it, and exhausted by calculation.

Xue Tanhua stared round her sapphire-like cat eyes.

Ji Li was also stunned, and lost his mind for a while: "The legendary 'Tianyan Bureau', I don't agree with this place!"

In the age of the saints, a hundred schools of thought contend, and various anecdotes are recorded endlessly in history.

In "Strange Tales from the Four Seas", such an anecdote is recorded——

It is said that Zou Huiming, the true sage of yin and yang, once played chess with the famous sage Gongsun Xi in Hanshan.

This is the famous "Hanshan Ten Games" in the history of chess.

In the long history, it has been studied repeatedly as a classic game.

Just like Zhao Wuyan of Longmen Academy, he wrote a special book "Cold Mountain Game Theory", dismantling these ten games in detail.

But in fact, there was an eleventh game between the two saints.

The two sages played chess in Hanshan, originally discussing Taoism, but chess is a fighting skill, so how can we not see who is superior or who is inferior.

At the end of the ten games, there was no winner, Zou Huiming said, "Why don't you and I take the world as a game, erase the barriers of all worlds, and fight against the infinite?"

Gongsun Xi readily agreed.

There is no boundary in this game. The two true sages have played against each other for a hundred years and completed this eternally famous game, which is called "Tianyan".

"I always thought that the Tianyan game was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to really exist." Ji Li recorded the eternally famous game while recalling: "The final winner of the Tianyan game is the true sage of Yin and Yang...he is black!"

Zhu Wei was puzzled and said: "Since this game is infinite and has no boundaries, how can there be a winner? Who can decide the outcome?"

Ji Li said: "Although the world is infinite, manpower is sometimes poor! This game has been deduced for a full hundred years, and finally exceeded the calculation limit of Gongsun Shengren, so I had to vote."

Tracing the past and thinking about the present, the more magnificent it becomes.

How amazing are the calculations of the two saints? Taking the world as the game, and playing chess for a hundred years without setting limits, what kind of horror will this game be deduced to?

The sage's appearance is really magnificent!

Ji Li is well-informed and knowledgeable, pointing out that this is the "Tianyan Bureau", and pointing out that the winner will take the black, of course he has given his own advice. The last inheritance clue of the true sage of yin and yang should be hidden in this game.

There are countless famous bureaus in ancient and modern times, but the Tianyan Bureau can undoubtedly be ranked at the forefront of history. It's just that it has been hidden in the fog of history, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, and the chess records are missing, so no one can prove it.

To find the answer in such a game, of course, requires amazing calculations. If you are not a master of Yilin, you don't need to take a second look. Even if an academy genius like Ji Li were to do the calculations, within two or three months, he would not be able to figure out how ugly Yinmao was, let alone find the only true solution.

This is destined to be a game that consumes a lot of time and energy, and it is impossible to imagine tricks like the Yin-Yang Maze.

But at this time, Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao, one is in the sky, the other is in the ground, and their minds are not at all on the inheritance of the so-called Yin-Yang family.

What really made them think - just now in the Yin Yang Hall, what did Xu Ximing mean when he said that the True Sage Yin Yang had ruined him? What did Yin Yang True Sage do? What does Xu Ximing want to do again?

The sage lays a son, detached from acting on behalf of others, and each of them can easily control their life and death. How dare they follow the rules and follow the path set by the other side?

Real people have their own way, this world is not true.

Besides, they are real people!

Jiang Wang rested his palm on the high sky above the gate of heaven, and smashed through the clouds all the way.

The sky is round, the world is boundless, and such a real person flies up.

The vast chess game is under your feet. This world is the bureau, he is outside the bureau. How can the situation of Tianyan be here!

The frost flutters, as if mixed with the whiteness of the sky.

And in his red gold eyes, a scorching sun jumped out!

All of a sudden, the heavenly horse raised its hooves and neighed, dragging an eternally brilliant sun chariot, loaded with a blazing sword fairy, and headed straight for Gao Qiong.

there at eight o'clock

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