Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2092 Ask this world, can there be a place where the sky ends?

The Tianyan Bureau of the evolution of the world of five virtues is still hidden in the "concept of orientation", where the virtual and the real complement each other, and the yin and yang reciprocate, so the soul killing technique can also be realized here.

Jiang Wang held the gate of heaven with his palm, stepped on the sun chariot, rushed to infinite heights in an instant, and crashed into the vast Langbai.

This Langbai is neither the sea of ​​clouds nor the light of the sky, but the "yang" of this world, which transpires above and sublimates into the sky with the embodiment of fresh air.

All you can see.

Like a snow-white scroll, the Chariot of the Sun is just the pen of the golden pen, from bottom to top, reaching to the sky with one stroke.

The chariot of the sun travels through the white air, and the Chaotian Tower is against the rules of this world.

Looking down at the earth at this time, the Yin and Yang halls are all small chess pieces. It's like a god.

Jiang Wangshuang put on a scroll, and pointed his sword to the northwest from afar.

Even if there is a wind falling from the sky, the white air will be knocked away, and the sky of this layer of "yang" will be blown away.

The sky tilts to the northwest, frost and wind fall.

With God's willless wind, kill this vast expanse of whiteness!

But like weeds can't be killed.

After the sky of "Yang" was lifted, it was a heavy dark color.

When the wind blows away, Langbai is seen again after the darkness. In this way, yin and yang are intertwined, and the cycle goes back and forth... The sky of the world of five virtues is like a black and white interlaced sandwich pastry, layer by layer, as if extending infinitely.

Jiang Wang used the solar chariot as a knife to cut into the space, but it seemed that he could not cut at all.

too slow!

His eyes are red gold, and his will is immortal. With the self as the center, waves of consciousness roll out round after round.

Where is the true sage of yin and yang now?

Jiang asked the sky with his sword.

Ask this world, can there be a place where the sky ends?

Ning Shuangrong, who was standing on the ground, hadn't come out of the shock of the Tianyan Bureau when she heard the sound of the sea tide in her ears.

In the Tianyan chess game, where does the sea come from?

She subconsciously looked up at the sky, and found that the sun chariot piercing through layers of sky had been surrounded by golden waves.

That was Jiang Wang's subconscious ocean, ignited by the divine fire of Samadhi!

The sound of the tide rose everywhere, covering the sky with the sea.

With the support of the subconscious ocean, the Pegasus galloped wildly, and the sun chariot accelerated suddenly, breaking through several layers of sky.

not enough……

Jiang Wang looked up at the sky!

There was nothing in the sky, but he seemed to be looking at someone.

There was a low growl deep in his throat.

In the subconscious ocean that stretched across the sky, suddenly the tide surged, and countless immortal thoughts flew out.

Chirp chirp chirp!

Turning into fairy sparrows, they all rushed to the sky.

Birds of Immortal Thought one after another kept charging towards Gao Qiong.

For a moment it was as if they were the fairy birds pulling the cart, and the whole subconscious ocean was the cart.

Keep going up!

This scene is simply a spectacle. Thousands of sparrows go to the sky, and the sea rushes to the sky.

With the blessing of such mighty power, Jiang Wang flew higher and higher. Qianyang's red pupils were pushed to the limit, and finally, at the end of the infinite black and white, he saw... a smear of blood like a red glow.

Sure enough, the entire calamity, the entire lotus seed world, was polluted!

The long sword in his hand only trembled.


Thunder sounded between heaven and earth.

The sound of thunder came from an infinitely high position.

Ning Shuangrong still didn't figure out what was going on.

Dou Zhao has already moved.

This resplendent and resplendent figure has been motionless since he stepped on the golden bridge to crush the Yin-Yang Hall and landed on the ground of this chessboard world, just staring at the chessboard for a long time.

The golden bridge on the other side is splendid alone, with the prestige of suppressing the world.

He suppressed possible changes in the world.

The sound of thunder rolled in the sky, as if the horn of charge sounded.

He also stood on the golden bridge on the other side, and raised his Tianxiao knife.

Just simply lift the knife and chop it down——

The process of lifting the knife and slashing down was so crisp and bright that there was no time for the sound to occur.

But in Ning Shuangrong's eyes that couldn't help showing surprise, she saw the Tianyan Bureau that Ji Li talked about, the legendary place where Yin-Yang, the true sage, and disaster water preached, and the Yin-Yang and Five Virtues chessboard world...

Along Dou Zhao's blade...crack!

The cracks spread at a terrifying speed.

The chess game extends infinitely, and the gap also extends infinitely.

Dou Zhao's saber was absolutely no fancy tricks, no brilliance.

But already, the delusion has come true!


Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao have already obtained the real key to the world of five virtues.

It's not Zheng Shao's delusional power, or Zhao Fanlu's subconscious ocean.

Instead, in the difficult confrontation, he grasped the Yin-Yang sage's thinking about the use of "intent", and then expanded it to the entire Yin-Yang family's secret world.

It is said in "Chao Cangwu": The core of the practice of the Yin-Yang School has three points, one is "mind", the other is "calculation", and the third is "Yin-Yang and Five Elements".

Of course, even if Zheng Shao is still there and Zhao Fanlu is resurrected, seeing that Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang can use their power so far in such a short period of time, one cannot help but be amazed.

Jiang Wang uses the ocean of subconsciousness to repeat the sky of the world of five virtues.

Dou Zhao split the land of the world of five virtues with the delusion of Tian Xiao Dao.

This boundless chessboard world has been shaken fundamentally.

"How?" Ning Shuangrong didn't understand Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao's choice: "The inheritance of the true sage of Yin and Yang, don't you want it?"

After all, this is the clue left by Jiange Guan Changqing, and she is willing to share it with her fellow travelers. But all the way to explore so far, Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao suddenly gave up, completely confused about the chess game, and directly destroyed the world of five virtues.

She really can't figure it out!

It wasn't just her who couldn't figure it out.

Zhu Wei, I don't know the cause and effect, and I don't understand Jiang Wang's choice and abandonment. But he was only on his toes, and he flew up with a gun, and turned into a golden crow on fire, dyeing the sky a large amount of gold.

As long as the salary is exhausted, the sky is full of holes, and the body is like the scorching sun shining on this world.

He didn't want to understand.

But he unconditionally supports Junior Brother Jiang's decision.

Under the terrifying power of Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang, Xue Tanhua shrank into a ball.

But Ji Li, who was holding it, didn't realize it. This true disciple of Mugu Academy was swiping his brush in the air, writing and drawing on a long scroll. In a short period of time, more than ten feet have been written!

She has fully entered the state, and is looking for the only true solution in the calculation of the Tianyan situation.

And Zhuo Qingru...

She doesn't look at the sky, the ground, or the chess game. Not even writing a book.

She was just holding a ruler, leading a length of dharma rope, uttering orders constantly, shuttling back and forth in Yin and Yang halls, crazily... She was looking for Xu Ximing!

That was her senior brother from the same school, who had been running all over the mountain behind her since she was very young.

He is the one who brings her presents every time he goes back to the mountain.

He is expected to be a genius once in every ten thousand years of the Legalist family, and a person who is worthy of casting plow swords!

Why would such a person shake his heart and doubt himself in the sea of ​​evil. And why was he so fragile, committing suicide with a sword at the height of evil?

Forging a plow sword to cut down the sins of the world and rectify the law of the world, how can Xu Ximing use this sword to kill himself?

She has always wanted an answer.

Ask about her childhood and youth, ask about the back that never returns.

But who to ask?

Xu Ximing is dead, who dares to ask Wu is sick?

The news that Jiang Wang saw Xu Ximing in Huoshui came back, and she was the most excited one. This time following Jiang Wang to come to trouble, why didn't he have the idea of ​​seeing Xu Ximing again?

But Xu Ximing didn't see her...

Jiang Wang did not explain his choice to anyone.

Because he is fighting for time, and because he dare not speak out to this world, for fear of being heard by others.

Even he and Dou Zhao didn't exchange a word directly, they just crossed each other's bodies, and at the moment Xu Ximing disappeared, they naturally reached a tacit understanding.

The latter stabs the sky, and the other cuts the ground.

When he saw that touch of red, he instantly aroused thunder. Dou Zhao also responded with a crack in the earth.

When he saw Zhu Weiwo incarnated as a golden crow, the sky was dyed with golden glow for this world. He also ignited the sun chariot, and instantly pierced through the last few layers of the sky, and came under the bloody black and white chaotic sky.

This is the last heaven of the world of five virtues.

The red glow he saw suddenly became brighter at this moment, as if a bloody eye had opened in the chaotic sky!

Jiang Wang watched the bloody color calmly, raised his hand, and pressed the supreme stone gate that had been lifted all the way to the highest place in this world, as if he had slapped him——


The Chaotian Tower is completely embedded in the chaotic sky, like a portal that exists in this world when the sky is opened.

With a push of his palm, he opened the door!

Rumble rumble.

The turbid stream is everywhere, and the endless disaster water pours in, and with the opening of the Chaotian Tower, it enters the world of this concept.

In the chessboard world, Dou Zhao turned around with a knife, picked up Ji Li who was obsessed with calculations by the neck, and threw her onto the golden bridge, saying only: "Let's go!"

How could Ning Shuangrong not know the danger so far?

Cutting the sword horizontally, a pool of autumn water was formed, like a jade belt wrapped around the waist, tightly entangled Zhuo Qingru, who was still looking for Xu Ximing, and flew up to the golden bridge on the other side.

Zhuo Qingru was still struggling, but Ning Shuangrong had already scolded: "If Xu Ximing is still alive, it is impossible for Master Wu not to take him away!"

Zhuo Qingru was stunned in place.

The eternally glorious golden bridge across the other shore spans this world, one end is connected to the ground of the chessboard world, and the other end is connected to the Chaotian Temple, passing through the stone gate.

Until the Golden Crow fluttered its wings and flew out of the gate of heaven.

Jiang Wangcai put away his hands supporting the sky, and then stepped onto the golden bridge.

Looking back from the golden bridge on the other side, the entire chessboard world is raining blood. Large patches of blood fell down like withered flowers.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and a large amount of blood was blown over. That bloody Zhangzhi looked like a big hand.


Without hesitation, Jiang Wang closed the door with his backhand!

Shimen, the supreme and noble emperor, was completely cut off from the other side.

When the six-member team reappeared, they were already outside the world of Wude, and fell back into the real disaster.

Both the Chaotian Tower and the Golden Bridge on the other side have disappeared, and everyone landed on the real white boat woven by knowledge, galloping over the disaster.

Ning Shuangrong took a deep breath to calm down her chaotic mood.

It is unimaginable.

A record of Chaotian Que.

A bridge to the other side.

Smashed the Tianyan Bureau!

"Just now... what was that blood color?" Zhuo Qingru came back to his senses and asked in a whisper.

Looking up at the gloomy sky, Dou Zhao casually slashed his knife to get rid of the evil concept of killing, and said casually: "There is a problem in the world of lotus seeds."

Who is not a smart person present, once he heard this, he already thought too much.

Only Ning Shuangrong was still in the regret of being shattered in the Tianyan Bureau and losing the inheritance of the true sage of Yin-Yang, dazed for a moment, and said in a daze: "So I have a problem?"

Rather than saying that she regrets the inheritance of the true sage of Yin and Yang, it is better to say that she regrets that the last wish of the sect seniors has come to nothing. After all, it was Guan Changqing, the only remnant of the former sword leader of the world before his death. The secret biography of the Jiange was deliberately passed on to those who came to the Jiange.

But she couldn't grasp it, so she let it go.

How many regrets in the world, but the past is empty.

But when she said this subconscious inference, she realized her stupidity, and changed her words: "Is there something wrong with my clan official Changqing?"

He changed his words again: "I mean, his remains..."

Jiang Wang looked at her: "There is a problem with the Blood River Sect."

The calmness in these eyes was very contagious, and Ning Shuangrong completely woke up.

"Did the remains of my Zongguan Changqing be tampered with, or the inheritance of the true sage of Yin Yang tampered with?" She asked.

"I've already answered you." Dou Zhao said impatiently.

Ning Shuangrong realized that the Lotus Seed World had been tampered with.

Jiang Wang added: "I saw the problem in Zhao Fanlu's subconscious ocean, and Dou Zhenren probably also saw the possibility in Zheng Shao's delusion... The Blood River Sect said that all the blue lotus seeds turned into black lotus. So. In fact, all the black lotuses are stained with blood."

Green lotus seeds turned into black lotus seeds, it was Niehai who corrupted the world of lotus seeds left by the saints. It is self-evident what it means for a black lotus seed to turn into a blood lotus seed.

Zhuo Qingru solemnly said: "The Blood River Sect has guarded the disaster water for 54,000 years without any problems, but in recent years, problems have occurred frequently. First, Xu Mingsong caused the disaster water to change to seek the way of evolution, and then Huo Shi and the self-healing Taoist body Zhen Niehai. This time, he directly attacked us... The matter will never be small!"

The water of disaster is turbulent, and the waves are everywhere.

What happened to the six of them in the world of lotus seeds is actually not important.

What's really scary is that you can't imagine—the Blood River Sect, which has suppressed disasters for 50,000 years, once something goes wrong, what kind of disaster will it cause!

"Kou Xuejiao deliberately mentioned the world of lotus seeds to us, hoping that we would look for it. Even the world of lotus seeds that hides the remains of my patriarch Changqing was just discovered by us under the action of external forces. Otherwise, why would Jiange have been missing for so many years?" Didn’t find him, so I’ll see him as soon as I come here?” Ning Shuangrong, who regained consciousness, instantly understood everything: “I interpreted the clues left by my clan official Changqing for them. The inheritance of the true sage of Yin and Yang, we will help them It's turned on...not good!"

She suddenly thought of something: "Chong Xuan Zun is in danger!"

"Whether the Blood River Sect has a plan, or whether the terrifying existence in the depths of the evil sea has eroded some of them, it is still impossible to say. You all try to see if you can contact the elders of your respective sects..." Jiang Wang Standing on the bow of the boat with the sword pressed, facing the turbulent waves, he remained calm and at ease: "We are on our way to find Chong Xuan Zun."

There was no sign of extraordinary power in his voice. But this kind of calm made everyone settle down. Start thinking about what to do next.

It is definitely not possible to leave Niehai directly now, because the only gateway to enter and exit Niehai is in the territory of the Blood River Sect.

If all of this is really the blood river sect's game, they are going to the gate of the world of mortals now, which is tantamount to throwing themselves into a trap.

Looking around today's disasters, there are dangers everywhere.

It's impossible to hide, it's impossible to leave, and it's impossible to get in touch with the so-called elders of the sect. If Kou Xuejiao, or some people represented by Kou Xuejiao, can't even block the channel, then for today's matter, it is Pure stupidity.

We must save Zhong Xuanzun. First of all, he is the peerless genius of the human race, and in the midst of calamity, Paoze must be saved. Secondly, he is also an extremely important combat force under the current situation!

Chongxuanzun's Zhanluan can help everyone break through the puzzle and quickly find a way out in an extremely complicated situation.

Saving Chong Xuanzun also saves himself.

Zhu Wei and I sat down at the stern of the boat with the gun in my lap. He didn't have to try to contact anyone, all his contacts were on this boat.

The Blood River Sect has undergone changes, and all the lotus seed worlds have been corrupted... Of course, he can understand how dangerous this is.

Maybe Huang Jinmo couldn't wait for him.

But he didn't say anything, just slowly wiped the tip of the gun with the corner of his clothes that wasn't clean.

This chapter is 4k, adding more updates for the leader "Two pictures and pictures" and "Shao Wuyin" for the leader!

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