Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2093

Zhu Weiwo has a very sharp and sharp personality.

The Mo family broke him once in the City of Unredemption, and he survived by chance, but he did not shrink from it, and he did not become "mature" and "sober" as people imagined.

It's like resuming after the gun is cut off, but it's not blunt.

He wiped the tip of the gun silently, just like when he pulled out the city with his gun on the battlefield of Zhuang Yong, like the night before he went to kill Zhuang Gaoxian.

At this time, Junior Brother Jiang's voice came from the front——

"The Blood River Sect is on the Kuhai Cliff, brother Zhu, we've wandered to the end of the world."

Zhu Wei I didn't speak, just smiled.


It was dark and snowy.

Can't touch the corner of Chong Xuanzun's clothes.

He stood still on the top of the mountains, watching the mountain-like Qiongqi striding forward, trampling the continuous mountains out of potholes one after another.

It wasn't pretty, but he seemed to appreciate it.

He can appreciate wisdom as well as savagery.

Good and evil, beauty and ugliness, sorrow and joy, all distinctions in the world don't need to be too clear in his opinion. It's just... the scenery on the side of the road.

"This is really a very stupid beast. It has great power, majestic blood, and a long life." Kou Xuejiao pulled the red dust line connecting the sky with two fingers in his left hand, and held a vermilion long sword with a sheath in his right, looking at the black wind. The distance in the snow: "Does it know what it will encounter?"

"Probably." Chong Xuanzun had a vague smile on his lips.

"You have such strength and demeanor at such a young age. I really admire you." Kou Xuejiao said with emotion: "When I was your age, I only had the cultivation of God's Realm. When I arrived at a cave of evil, I escaped for seven days and nights...only to be found by my master. It was seven days of torment. I always thought that I would not be able to hold on anymore, but I don't know where the strength came from...Because I Is there any ideal that has not been realized? Maybe I just don’t want to die.”

Chongxuanzun stretched out his white and powerful hand, spread his five fingers, and pressed it from a distance, countless moonlight fell from the sky, and instantly became a prison, fixing the ferocious Qiongqi who was running wildly in the air, and solidified it into a leaping posture.

Qiongqi roared and struggled. The pair of horns with swirl patterns glowed with lightning. The power as vast as the sea surges through the muscles like mountains... The Moon Prison is shaken!

Chong Xuanzun put his palm down flat and pressed down gently.

The terrifying heavy mysterious force was applied to the body of the evil beast, pushing it down the mountain ridge and pressing it out of the huge pit!

Qiongqi couldn't move, and his voice was buried by mud and rocks.

The moonlight is like a knife, walking on Qiongqi Ridge. With a quick pick—a drop of ruby-like blood essence flew out, avoided the wind and snow under the barrier of saber energy, and landed in Chongxuanzun's hands.

The palm is red and bloody, and the wind and snow have passed away.

He looked at it quietly, and then closed it. Dust off the corner of his clothes casually, and said in a diffuse voice: "I don't understand the matter of persistence. I enjoy the choices I make, and I don't need to grit my teeth to persist. Maybe you and Jiang Wang will have a common language."

"Jiang Wang?" Kou Xuejiao froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly: "You, the truly proud of heaven, probably don't understand. We have to work hard to have many things. But everything you have is within your reach..."

Chong Xuanzun said calmly: "If you can get the truth, who is not the pride of heaven?"

Kou Xuejiao murmured: "But there is also a gap between Tianjiao and Tianjiao. Some geniuses come out every ten years, and some Tianjiao come out once every ten thousand years."

Chong Xuanzun didn't speak, but suddenly chuckled.

"What is the champion laughing at?" Kou Xuejiao asked.

Chongxuanzun said casually: "I just suddenly remembered how Dou Zhao or Jiang Wang would respond if they heard your words."

"How will they respond?"

"Dou Zhao will say, what kind of bullshit comes out once every ten thousand years, and there will never be another person like me throughout the ages."

"Where's Jiang Wang?"

"He divides people." Chong Xuanzun said: "If you are his friend, he will laugh openly and say that you are finally not blind. If you are his elder, he will say, thanks to the good looks, I will try my best to be worthy." This one."

"What about his enemy?" Kou Xuejiao asked.

Chong Xuanzun said: "Then he won't talk nonsense with you."

"What about you?" Kou Xuejiao asked.

Chong Xuanzun raised the corners of his mouth lightly, seeming serious and joking: "You are not yet to the point where you can evaluate my talent."

Kou Xuejiao was stunned for a moment, then dumbfounded, and finally said: "I still appreciate you more. Although you are more hurtful."

Chongxuan said: "Then I appreciate your vision."

"I envy you that you can face the world so calmly at such a young age, and I haven't had such an interesting chat for a long time." Kou Xuejiao looked a little confiding, shook her head, and said regretfully: "But why, do you have to talk to me again and again? How about rejecting the Blood River Sect? We promise you the most honorable position, the most powerful force..."

Chong Xuanzun had already given Huo Shiji, and also given her the answer.

But she didn't seem to understand it, and she still broods about it to this day.

As he spoke, he became emotionally excited: "We will open up everything about the Blood River Sect for you, and give you all our respect and respect. The glory of 54,000 years can shine on you—"

"Because I'm not used to acting with trash."

Chong Xuanzun turned his head, looked at her and said.

These words were like a sharp knife, cutting off Kou Xuejiao's overflowing emotions.

The mountain wind blows the white clothes, and the faint smile on the corner of his mouth seems to have become very cold.


Kou Xuejiao froze for a moment.

She also thought that at this moment, she no longer needed to act, so she could express her true feelings.

But I didn't expect that she was still feeling emotional, that Chong Xuanzun would stop acting, and turned the table so thoroughly.

Those plain eyes looked over, like a basin of ice water pouring down on his head.

After a moment of surprise, it was anger.

She narrowed her eyes: "What did you say?"

Blood River Sect attaches great importance to Xuan Zun. She, Kou Xuejiao, has never been rude to Chong Xuanzun.

The majestic Zhenjun personally made him famous, and he can even offer him the position of suzerain of the Blood River Sect.

How dare this person have such words and attitudes?

She felt the long-lost anger boiling in her heart, and drew out her sword angrily: "Do you think the sword of the Blood River Sect is not good?!"

Chong Xuanzun's expression was calm.

He doesn't even speak.

Just watching quietly, watching Kou Xuejiao angry, watching Kou Xuejiao draw his sword.

Kou Xuejiao was furious with that understated, monkey-like look in his eyes!

When my old lady became famous all over the world, you Chong Xuanzun didn't know where to play with mud!

She was even so angry that she didn't want to use her Three Thousand Red Dust Sword anymore, she didn't want to try the means of the peerless Tianjiao, she didn't want Chongxuan Zun to live longer—so she tore off the sword she had been connecting with the sky. That thread of mortals!

From the moment she stepped into this world of lotus seeds, she used the thread of mortals to connect the secrets of this world in the name of looking for the evil beast Qiongqi.

At this moment, he no longer concealed it, and directly used the red dust line to tear off the boundless blood of the sky.

This lotus seed world instantly turned into a blood-red world.

Large swathes of blood fell down, and finally turned into rivers of blood pouring down!

The sky was black and snowy, washed away by blood.

That bloody fangs and claws, the whole world trembled.

In such a momentum, Kou Xuejiao howled angrily: "Look at the power of the Blood River Sect! In front of the Blood River Sect that has stood tall and wrecked for 54,000 years, Chong Xuanzun, why are you so arrogant!!!"

The two real people stood facing each other on the top of the mountains.

The blood armor and white clothes were all dumped under the blood river.

But Kou Xuejiao found that Chong Xuanzun didn't look at her, but looked up at the blood pouring from the sky.

fear? Are you flustered?

She heard Chong Xuanzun say: "So this is your confidence."

She finally waited until Chong Xuanzun turned around to look at her.

But Zhong Xuanzun just said calmly: "But, what gave you the illusion - made you think that you really pulled down the blood river?"

Kou Xuejiao turned pale with shock!

She found that the world was different.

What is the top of the mountains, what is the sky full of black snow, what is the sky full of blood. All gone.

She is in a sea, and she stands alone on the boundless sea level.

The prince in white is not far away, and behind him hangs a huge bright moon.

The bright moon shines on the sky and the sea, and the world is a dreamland.

When exactly... did you fall into the world of moon phases?

The moonlight is bright and white, and the waves are clear. Kou Xuejiao's heart was sinking.

She couldn't help but feel a chill on her spine, Chong Xuanzun had stepped forward and stepped across the sea.

"No—it can't be like this, I am the protector of the Blood River Sect, and I am also a real person in the world, how can I be afraid?!"

She roared in her heart, roaring and brandishing her Three Thousand Red Dust Sword.

But for some reason, that touch of blood always appeared in front of his eyes.

Can never get rid of... Eternal blood!

How proud and arrogant she used to be, but before that terrifying force that could never be overcome, she could only kneel down forever.

"I am not afraid of Chong Xuanzun, I am, I am... I am not afraid of anyone!"

Her emotions were almost broken, and her soul was almost insane. She swung her sword, and the bright red sword energy almost intertwined into a cocoon, firmly protecting her in it.

"No... how could I do this?"

She suddenly calmed down, regained control of the chaotic sword momentum, and made the bright red sword energy orderly.

She thought, maybe it was because she suddenly discovered that she had already fallen into the world of moon phases, which broke down her defenses for a while. Maybe it was Chong Xuan Zun's power that affected his mood. She told herself many ways, and also tried different secret techniques, trying to regain her fighting spirit and calmness.

Living in the Blood River Sect for so many years, fighting in Huo Shui for so many years, in his back garden, facing a newly formed cave who really respects Xuan Zun, he shouldn't be so restless!

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that Chong Xuanzun hadn't killed him.

The prince in white stood quietly on the sea level, as silent as a statue of a god.

The huge bright moon seemed to be the crown of a god king.

For some reason, she suddenly felt very painful.

"So it is!" Chong Xuanzun said, "I said why are you so weak!"


Kou Xuejiao didn't understand.

Chong Xuanzun asked again: "You told me before, what's the name of the ugly man with the long sword you saw?"

Kou Xuejiao didn't want to answer him at first, this rude junior, arrogant, who does he think he is?

But for some reason, he replied subconsciously: "Xu Ximing."

Chong Xuanzun nodded: "Okay. I remember him."

Then... just turn around.



I also used to gallop mountains and rivers with fresh clothes and angry horses.

I also used to have bright eyes and good looks, and I had a promise in my heart.

I also became famous all over the world, I also proved to be a real person, and I also held three thousand red dust swords, killed demons, fought against sea clans, and competed with the arrogance of the era!

Why do you despise me so much and dare to show me a back view?

Kou Xuejiao held her sword tightly, holding it tightly, but the tighter she held it, the more she realized her weakness and the loss of strength!

What's going on here?


She raised her hand, trying to make Chong Xuanzun stop.

But this sound could not be fully exported.

At this time, she suddenly remembered a voice.

A voice heard not so long ago.

Xu Ximing's voice.

The voice said——"Then take my sword."

In the huge bright moon where Chongxuanzun's figure had already left, she seemed to see Xu Ximing, who was holding a long sword in both hands, dragging diagonally behind him, running towards this side in an ugly posture.

She finally understood Chong Xuanzun's phrase "So that's how it is!"

"So... I'm already dead."

Died by Xu Ximing's sword.

She fell back in pain and relief, and the scarlet long sword in her hand collapsed into thousands of threads of mortals.

It just disappeared without a trace.

Three thousand mortal swords scattered into the mortal world.




The sky began to rain blood.

Chong Xuanzun stood quietly on the top of the mountains, looking at the dark sky and snow.

The blood rain and the black snow mixed together, creating a cruel sense of turbidity.

This is a belated rain of blood.

Kou Xuejiao died, but the danger has not been relieved.

Because the blood color still fell.

The whole world is dyed red bit by bit.

Chong Xuanzun looked at it for a while, and found that it did take some time.

So he stepped down from the top of the mountain step by step and walked on the ground.

This is the end of the matter... let's collect some Qiongqi's blood, lest Wang Yiwu's practice is not enough.

Fluttering in white clothes, he walked towards the poor and strange beast that was buried in the mountain and fixed by the moonlight.

Probably also aware of the changes in this world, the fierce beast with a bad name in ancient times trembled unceasingly at this moment. The mountain-like body is desperately shrinking in at this moment. It probably wants to bury itself a little deeper.

Chong Xuanzun walked slowly to Qiongqi's back, gracefully pulled the moonlight for a while, held it into a sharp spear with a hollow inside, and stabbed it casually——

When Master Jiang steered the boat of knowledge, searched for traces of Chongxuanzun all the way, shouted "I'll save you", smashed through the world of lotus seeds, and entered here... This is what he saw.

On the back of the monster as huge as a mountain, there is a gorgeous armchair made of moonlight.

The handsome prince in white was lazily leaning on the chair, holding a book in his hand, reading slowly.

Black snow and blood-colored rain all fell behind him.

He wandered in the ocean of knowledge without realizing it.

Next to him was a moon-white pointed gun, which was translucent and hollow inside, and blood was bubbling out one by one.

Another jade bottle was hanging in the air, under the control of Chongxuan's power, they lined up to catch the blood essence, and then covered the corks one by one, and fell obediently beside Chongxuanzun...Jumped into it one by one. In the opened storage box.


Everyone followed the sound, only to find that there was a burning clay stove not far away, with a small teapot on it.

The lid was pushed open by the white gas, and the tea inside was already boiling.





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