Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2094 the so-called good time

This side of the lotus seed world has already turned half red, and large swaths of blood in the sky fell in pieces, dyeing everything that passed by in red.

The sky wind is still howling, and there is blood in the wind, as if the mourning of this world.

What a doomsday scene.

But Chong Xuanzun is still reading and making tea!

Jiang Wang arrived by boat, and his raised voice fell down: "You too... love studying too much."

Chongxuanzun would have liked to talk a few words about his reading experience—if it wasn't Jiang Wang on the other side.

He put the book away without any trace, and raised his hand with great aristocratic etiquette: "The so-called good time is nothing more than an old friend from a foreign land, when the clay stove is snowing. Please sit down, I brought good tea from the Eastern Kingdom, you may as well drink together. "

Qiongqi, who was being sucked blood continuously, seemed to be solidified into a mountain, motionless. The moonlight fell softly, just condensing into six chairs.

Not to mention, the shape and structure are still very exquisite, and it looks like the work of a famous craftsman.

"I just said leave this guy alone!" Dou Zhao kicked the chair in front of him away, cursing: "Run here to see him!"

Chong Xuanzun looked at him with a smile that was not a smile: "I told you to go, but you didn't want to go, and you still wanted to go with me. Now that something happened, blame me instead?"

"I'm not used to sitting in other people's chairs." Jiang Wang said, he pressed it down casually, and pressed out a wooden Taishi chair engraved with the words "Baiyujing Restaurant", and sat on it swaggeringly. Looking at Chongxuan Zun, he said: "You are not authentic, Brother Fenghua! As soon as I found out that something was wrong, I rushed to save you. You knew everything, but you didn't even give me a sound transmission."

Zhu Wei sat casually on the big moonlight chair and put away the gun.

Zhuo Qingru and Ning Shuangrong also sat on one side.

Before they broke into this world of lotus seeds, they were still worried about the disaster and the crisis, they were still frightened by the terrifying changes of the Blood River Sect, and they were still thinking hard about the way to break the situation...

But after seeing the Youzai Youzai Chong Xuanzun, all those feelings were put down.

They may not have much contact with Chong Xuanzun.

But he also absolutely knew what kind of character this was, and knew that Daqi Champion Hou couldn't be an idiot.

Chong Xuanzun's leisurely watching Xue making tea here can only explain two things. First, he already knew the problem of Blood River Sect, and second, Qi State had already prepared for it.

The hegemons of the world are all prepared, so there is nothing to worry about!

It is indeed not something young people like them can afford to deal with the dangerous situation of the Blood River Sect, and it is indeed not something that young people like them can afford. If someone taller will take over, everyone will be happy.

It's just that thinking back to the previous parting at this moment, Chong Xuanzun and Kou Xuejiao separated from everyone with a tacit understanding, they really have their own ghosts!

Dou Zhao said that they all have problems, and he was really right.

Now in the entire rescue team of Chongxuanzun Special Operations, only Ji Li is still doing calculations there, as if possessed by a demon. No one bothered her, so she let her sit in the boat of knowledge and let Xue Tanhua accompany her.

Chongxuanzun put out seven teacups, distributed tea to everyone gracefully, and said indifferently: "The person who is walking with you, Jiang Zhenren, is the great master of legalism in Sanxing Palace, Wu Bingji, the dean of Mugu Academy, Chen Pu, and Jiange." Si Yu'an, the owner of the pavilion, personally passed on... What can happen to you? The danger is all with me."

With the experience of coming to troubles last time, Jiang Wang understood it in an instant-it turned out that these big figures joined forces to make arrangements!

It was these few people who came to suppress the disaster, plus a Qintian supervisor Zheng Ruan Yu who was located in the southern border of Daqi!

Obviously at that time, these big shots had already noticed that something was wrong with the Blood River Sect, but they just kept it secret. This calamity has been calm for more than two years, and there are many undercurrents underneath!

The sudden change of the Blood River Sect today is of course a long-planned plan. But in fact, these great masters have already been vigilant and guarded against, and everything today may be in the game!

No wonder Chong Xuanzun is so carefree! His biggest danger is that before the changes in the Blood River Sect, after the changes, there will be no business for him.

Because what follows is Zhenjun's chess game.

Then Ji Li suddenly asked through Zuo Guangshu to go with him, Si Yuan forcibly blocked the way and forced Ning Shuangrong to join the team, and Zhuo Qingru happened to be with Ning Shuangrong, so they went together...

They were all arranged long ago, with obvious traces.

These great masters are all cunning and cunning. At the beginning, he was either stern and selfless, or compassionate, or watched the fire from the other side, or kept his face, and his acting was really fucking superb! Two years ago, Jiang was the only one who was innocent and ignorant. He really thought that the disaster would stop at Xu Mingsong, the elder of the Blood River Sect!

When he fled from the world of five virtues just now, he asked Zhuo Qingru and the others to try to contact the teacher... Where is the need for contact! These Yandao True Monarchs may not be able to tell where Zhengmao is observing.

wait, cat?

Jiang Wang looked at Xue Tanhua, the fat civet cat was looking out from the side of the boat, and immediately shrank back.

Jiang Zhenren sighed: "Although the world is like chess, don't think that everyone else is a chess piece!"

"I really didn't use you as bait!" Chong Xuanzun divided the tea, made a 'please' gesture, and said chicly: "Although I don't know the specific plot of the Blood River Sect, I understand that they must have something to do with the current Tianjiao." The attempt requires contemporary geniuses to do something... Didn't you break Li Yi's hole record? This title is very bluffing, plus you are now alone, it is more convenient to deal with the aftermath, and it is very likely that you will become a blood doctor. He Zong's goal. A few great masters just fell for you. Miss Ning and the others actually don't know about it. After all, they can't keep a secret in this kind of situation."

Jiang Wang understood: "But the target of the Blood River Sect is still you. It was an accident that I came to Huoshui, so Kou Xuejiao just wanted to send us away."

Chongxuan Zundao: "She probably wants to dismiss you. After all, I have an accident alone, so it is easy to explain. So many people have an accident together, the Blood River Sect can't explain...Of course, but if you really enter the lotus seed world , does not rule out that the Blood River Sect has changed its mind."

He looked at Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao: "After all, you two are also talented."

The 'talented' Dou Zhao didn't like to listen to Chong Xuanzun's words, so he only asked, "Where's Kou Xuejiao?"

Chong Xuanzun pointed to the blood rain in the sky.

"You killed it?" Dou Zhao looked down at him, as if he was interrogating a prisoner: "How many tricks did you use?"

Chong Xuanzun was not annoyed: "I didn't have time."

"Who killed that?"

"Xu Ximing."

Zhuo Qingru, who was listening silently, had her eyes startled, and asked, "Has Champion Hou also met Xu Ximing?"

Chongxuan Zun said: "I didn't see it with my own eyes, but he did cut the sword that killed Kou Xuejiao. It was only after Kou Xuejiao died for a while that I found out that she had been killed."

Jiang Wang asked a crucial question: "Is it Kou Xuejiao or Xu Ximing who led you into this world?"

"It's Kou Xuejiao." Chong Xuanzun said firmly: "When the truth about her being killed emerged, her death was confirmed. Before that, she was doing what she hadn't finished."

He looked at Zhuo Qingru who was trying to find the trace again: "The place where Xu Ximing killed Kou Xuejiao is not here."

Zhuo Qingru sat back silently.

"The Blood River Sect has plans for the world's arrogant?" Dou Zhao stood proudly at the corner of Qiongqi, looking up at Fengxue: "No wonder they will start when I come to trouble."

Chong Xuanzun smiled: "You don't listen to a word I say."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "Senior Sister Zhuo and the others have talked about the tradition of letting virtuous people in the Blood River Sect. I'm still wondering why so many famous Tianjiao have not brought any changes to the Blood River Sect after they entered the Blood River Sect. Five Fourteen thousand years have passed, and the Blood River Sect is still the original Blood River Sect. At that time, I felt that it was the responsibility of the Blood River Sect. has a problem!"

Unholy demand for genius has never been uncommon.

Isn't that giant tortoise in Youguo a precedent?

Jing Guo behind it is still the first empire in the world.

Zhuo Qingru joined the discussion at this time: "Do you think that those arrogances who became masters of the Blood River Sect have all become puppets, and it was not true later? The Blood River Sect has a certain power of plundering talent, which makes the Blood River Sect The 50,000-year-old true monarch has not continued to succeed?"

Jiang Wangdao: "I just think that maybe there is such a possibility... This can also explain why they invited Chong Xuanzun several times. Even Huo Shiji died, and he didn't give up."

Ning Shuang held his sword across his knees, and sat upright: "Champion Marquis rejected the Blood River Sect from the very beginning, is it because he noticed something wrong with them?"

"That's not true." Chongxuanzun shook his head: "No matter how you say it, Huo Shiji is also the True Monarch Yan Dao, how could he show his flaws in front of me? I was just not interested in the Blood River Sect at that time. Wait for Kou Xuejiao to come to me later , I felt that something was wrong, they were too eager, and they were too careless about the emotions of real people moving mountains... But I didn't think much about it at that time. What happened to the Blood River Sect had nothing to do with me. Until Ruan Jianzheng found me, Speaking of the cause and effect, I decided to come this trip."

He picked up the teacup and said casually: "Huo Shiji still has debts in our country of Qi, and he wants to die, how is it possible?

"You mean, Huo Shiji is actually not dead?" Jiang Wang was startled: "I was also there when he suppressed the disaster. At that time, there was obviously a miracle of Dao Yan... Several great masters didn't notice any abnormalities."

"It's just possible, not sure yet." Chong Xuanzun said: "But it's not uncommon to deceive the present world. The Blood River Sect has been operating disasters for so many years, and there are always unknown methods. It's just a price to pay... just See if it's worth it."

If it can be done, it can really successfully deceive the few great masters who were present at the time.

For Foxji, no matter how high the price is, it should be worth it.

Because he can escape from the golden cicada's shell and get rid of Qi's restraint on him.

After becoming Duke Wei of the Great Chu, when Dou Zhao heard the word debt, he understood the reason why Huo Shiji made a move in the Qixia War. Si Yuan teamed up. As a result, when it came to the second Qixia War, he turned around to help Qiguo and personally stopped Lord Changsheng. This matter has also been discussed within the Chu State. From the geographical relationship of the Blood River Sect to the character of Huo Shiji, it has been analyzed many times, and it vaguely touched the truth of the Changluo Catacombs, but in the end it ended with the death of Huo Shiji stop.

Therefore, he could understand the necessity of Fox and his escape by feigning death.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Dou Zhenren waved his big sleeves, and his red clothes fluttered: "So what are we going to do now? Shatter this broken place, or do something else?"

"I've already said it." Chong Xuanzun said calmly, "Drink tea."

He raised his finger to the bloody sky again: "If you're really bored, you can try to cut off its erosion."

Dou Zhao's eyes looked at his fingers.

He took it back calmly.


Change happens right now.

The bloody erosion seemed to have finally reached a certain critical point, and at the highest point in this world, a bloody lightning suddenly exploded!

This tree-shaped, twisting blood-colored electric light seemed to tear the sky apart.

And from that crack, more bloody lightning burst out.

The whole world of lotus seeds was illuminated bright red by the blood light, and thousands of blood electricity fell for nine days.

The end is near.


A blood-colored thunder pillar as huge as a dangerous peak descended from the sky, hitting the top of the mountains with the momentum of breaking the ground!

In front of such a terrifying pillar of thunder, the mountain peaks are like flying stones, and travelers are like dust.

Zhu Wei felt the crisis and raised his gun immediately. With the ground as the string and the body as the arrow, the sharp and unparalleled recoil.

But there were three figures, faster than him, flying above him.

Green shirts, white clothes and red military uniforms are like three battle flags, standing high in the sky.

Chongxuanzun, dressed in white, danced like snow in the air, facing the bloody thunderbolt, but flirted back with a slash without any tricks.

On the frosty edge of the blade, the terrifying strength of the blade formed thousands of feet.

At first glance, it looks like one mountain is used to split another mountain!

The snow-white mountain of knives smashed into the bright red mountain of thunder, cutting it all the way upside down, and the thunder light splashed and went straight to the high sky.

Jiang Wang stepped up to the sky step by step, and there was only a sound in the sheath.

The sword screamed like thunder.

His figure is so chic, and with an understatement, he reached out and grabbed all the thousands of blood electricity that Gao Qiong chopped down in one hand. The lightning flashed so violently that it was completely annihilated in his palm.

The figure of Dou Zhao with a red background and gold edging is horizontal in the sky, the sky is shining brightly, and only one knife is shot——

When the knife was cut out, the entire sky of the lotus seed world was instantly covered with black cracks, as dense as a spider's web, completely covering the blood-colored lightning gap.

This is the first knife in the seven fighting styles.

He actually made up for the lack of heaven with punishment from heaven!

Filling up the destruction with the power of destruction is simply wonderful.

Seeing a catastrophe of annihilation, it was wiped out in an instant.

Ning Shuangrong had just drawn her sword and got up, Zhuo Qingru was still protecting Jili...


Suddenly there was a loud noise that shattered the voice, and finally it fell in the ears, leaving only the sound like a porcelain cup hitting the ground.

Ning Shuangrong suddenly saw——

The sky is falling!

Jiang Wang was furious: "Let you mend the sky! Where did you mend it!"

Chong Xuanzun laughed.

Dou Zhao has no expression on his face: "This world is too fragile, you can't blame me."

The thing that is divided into countless pieces by black cracks and blood-colored gaps, which can be called the "sky curtain", is like a piece of cardboard that has been shredded, and the pieces are flying down one after another.

Behind the shattered sky is everything in a daze.

The sky is broken, which means that the basic rules of this world can no longer be maintained, and this world is officially entering the stage of collapse.

Everyone can't wait here any longer, so they have to prepare to transfer.

But in the next moment, a smear of blood covered the sky.

Everything that was confused and chaotic was already behind the bloody.

It's like a man of gods pulled a curtain of blood, covering this already collapsed world. Create a new sky for this world in an instant!

Creating the world is much more difficult than destroying the world.

Instantly smashing the sky, and instantly rebuilding the sky, the power embodied in these two things is not at the same level at all.

Qiang Ru Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao, and Chong Xuan Zun also felt the danger at this time, and exchanged a vigilant look with each other.

And the blood-colored sky is getting brighter and brighter——


The next moment, all the light turned into electricity, and the entire lotus seed world was washed away by bloody thunder!

[Thank you book friend Yan Luo for becoming the leader of this book, for the 624th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! 】

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