Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2097 You can write about my spring and autumn for a book!

To describe Chen Pu in four words, it is nothing more than "a gentleman as jade".

Using four words to describe Chen Pu's feelings, it can only be "like the spring breeze".

He is the dean of the Mu Drum Academy and the master of Confucianism, but it is not the kind of old -fashioned old -fashioned and old -fashioned, or there is any high attitude.

On the contrary, he can often take care of everyone's feelings, as soft as water and omnipipiporous.

And when he moved his hands, it was a decisive move.

How does this scene in front of me look like an extraordinary duel?

It was clearly a scholar who rolled up his sleeves and used an inkstone to open a cup for his classmates.

The reason for the fight was probably very casual, either because of a quarrel or because of jealousy. In short, it is impossible to get related to the world.

The blood on Peng Chongjian's forehead surged wildly, and the Taoist body fell on its back, easily making the viewer think it was an illusion.

But then again, no matter Chen Pu, Si Yuan or Ruan Yan, which one is not the peak and strong savings? He has a new Jun Jun, and there is a so -called "first" foundation. Where can he be beaten?

Being able to run back to the sea of ​​jade is already the result of Chen Pu and Ruan Yan's intention to condone.


Peng Chongjian, who fell on his back, made such a loud noise that he stopped the offensive of the three Yan Dao masters.

He stood up staggeringly, with blood all over his face without wiping it away, and without caring about his majesty, he said in a hateful voice: "What crime did Peng Chongjian have to do this?!"

Ruan Yuan stood in front of the void, with the stars flowing behind him, but his voice was not fancy, every word was very quiet: "When I took you, you turned around and ran away, now you want to defend yourself?"

Peng Chongjian was furious: "You suddenly broke down the door, how can I restrain my hands?"

Chen Pu waved his hand, like a towering tree, swaying its branches to provide shade in all directions: "There is no point in saying this now. You have already done what you should and shouldn't do. We are not here to argue with you."

The giant trees supporting the sky, the flowing rivers of stars, the tallest thatched grass in the world, the unparalleled power in the world almost suffocates those who approach the top of the mountain. The existence at the foot of the mountain is only magnificent.

"But it needs to be told to the ears of the world!" Peng Chongjian raised his voice: "You want to wipe away the fifty-four thousand years of glory of the Blood River Sect overnight? Don't you need to give a justifiable reason?"

He raised his bloody hand and pointed to a large group of people on the side of the true fire industry: "You must let these young people, let the future of the people, and let these brave people who fight for the watery. Which side? You can easily kill all these monks here, but where are your Chen Pu's direct descendants? Where are your Si Yu'an's direct descendants? Where are the champions of Qi? Where is the human hero Jiang Zhenren? What are you going to tell them?"

"Standing at the pinnacle of the extraordinary, do you still have the responsibilities, responsibilities, and courage you were born to have as human beings!?"

His sect master's bloody robe and his pitiable blood reflected his anger at this moment. He shouted angrily: "There is Xu Yuanzhi in front of you, and Peng Chongjian behind you. You scum, united and opposed, have cut the backbone of the human race! The world is at your disposal. As you die today, I will die! "

If Jiang Wang and the others hadn't personally felt the changes in the Five Virtues World, and if Zhong Xuanzun hadn't seen Kou Xuejiao's trump card in the Moon Phase World, it would have been hard not to be moved by Peng Chongjian's words.

At least thousands of monks hiding in the realistic fire world at this moment have been difficult to suppress noise. I don’t know the number of private messengers.

Si Yu'an raised his sword eyebrows, his sword energy floating in the air: "Are you worthy of being compared with Taoist Master Taixu?"

Peng Chongjian acted horizontally with his neck: "Come! Kill me to destroy your mouth! You are used to this good at this, after killing me, then edit the reason! And Chen Pu, you can write me for spring and autumn!"

Chen Pu had a mistake that year. When he was young, he and several like-minded friends worked together to compile a set of history books, intending to imitate "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea" and recreate the truth of ancient times. But in his part, he made a mistake in writing a word, which greatly misunderstood the meaning.

Whether this is a malicious usurp, or no intention of negligence, or he is fascinated by an illusion, and he failed to see true knowledge. I can't tell. The one word he wrote by mistake ruined the entire history book and burned everyone's hard work. At that time, he had a lot of trouble and almost cut off his business.

Even today after his achievement, he was a stain that he could not clean up.

Peng Chongjian's phrase "can be a book, write me spring and autumn", can be described as Chen Pu's throat.

Si Yu'an used thatch as a sword and hovered in front of his throat. He used his words as a sword and pointed at Chen Pu's vitals.

H forch hangs the neck, it did not fall for a while.

Si Yu'an suddenly smiled: "Okay, I don't want everything to end too easily. I don't want to kill you for no reason. What else do you want to do? I am very willing to accompany you."

This smile is so cruel.

It rarely appears on Si Yuan's face.

At least the Blood River Zong is adjacent to Jiange. The two high -level exchanges have been communicating for so many years.

He was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, what's your crime?" Chen Pu said slowly: "Kou Xuejiao, the protector of your clan, trapped the champion of Daqi in a dangerous situation. What do you have to explain?"

Peng Chongjian calmly said: "If things are true, they can capture her guilty.

"She said it was you who ordered it." Chen Pu said.

"Blood mouth spray people! What evidence is there?" Peng Chongjian said angrily: "Call her out of the right place, I don't believe in my face, she dares to let the mouthful yellow!"

Chen Pu said: "Jiang Wang, Douzhao and his party of six can represent the future of our human race. They explored the world of lotus seeds and found that the blood river was eroding the lotus seeds. How do you explain it?"

"This matter started many years ago!" Peng Chongjian admitted: "The Blood River Sect has been managing the flood for many years. How can we just watch the evil force of the flood eroding the world of lotus seeds left behind by the ancestors? To compete with them for power and strengthen the strength of the Blood River Sect, this Is there anything unreasonable? I want to ask, who are the people with dark minds who don’t want to see the Blood River Sect grow? Whose eyes are red by the blood!"

In the True Source Fire Realm, Zhongxuanzun had already sat down, with a leisurely posture, concentrating on watching the show. He also specially sent a message to Jiang Wang and made a comment: "I thought those who moved mountains were reckless men. Is this Peng Chongjian so sharp in his lyrics?"

Jiang Wang recalled the feeling when he first came into contact with Peng Chongjian. He always felt that someone who was so self-centered was not such an eloquent person.

But he didn't say anything, he just squeezed forward, put out the 'Bai Yujing Restaurant' Taishi chair, and sat down next to Zhong Xuanzun.

I also made one for Senior Brother Zhu.

Seeing Ning Shuangrong and Zhuo Qingru coming over, he made two more pictures. Let’s enjoy the champion’s good tea together.

Then he looked at the monks huddled together not far behind him, and simply waved his hand: "Everyone find a place to sit by yourself. It seems that it won't be over for a while. Don't worry, it's safe here. Unless Jiang is not safe."

In this situation, if shopkeeper Bai sells drinks here, how much money will he make.

Over there, Chen Pu continued: "Jiang Wang and others were almost injured by a river of blood in the Five Virtues World, and they escaped after breaking the Lotus Seed World. How are you going to explain it?"

Peng Chongjian categorically said: "I didn't know about this, or it was an accidental injury!"

Si Yu'an said at this time: "Then please explain to Sect Master Peng that 3,907 years ago, Chang Qingguan, the official of the Bizong, was trapped in the disaster. I have found his body."

"Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have fallen into disasters. Do they all have to come to the Blood River Sect to ask for an explanation? The powerful men of our Blood River Sect who have died in disasters in the past generations can pile up mountains of spiritual tablets. You, a real person, died in disasters. What's so strange about it? It's a good thing that the body of your clan official Chang Qing has been found. Are there any traces of my Blood River clan on his body? Show me the evidence!" Peng Chongjian became more and more angry as he spoke: "Moreover - I am only over 300 years old this year. Did you ask the wrong person about things that happened more than 3,900 years ago?"

Si Yuan just looked at him: "You really know his body very well!"

"I don't know Guan Changqing, and I don't know you either. I just know myself. I just know that I didn't do anything!" Peng Chong said in a high-pitched voice: "Peng is upright, so why be afraid of slander!"

"You can't explain anything, and I don't need to ask anymore." Chen Pu was calm from beginning to end, and the still water ran deep: "The great master of Legalism, Wu Bing, has now completely taken over the Blood River Sect and is conducting a thorough investigation. Your fifty-four thousand years. Counting the time, it’s almost here. Do you want to wait for news about him?”

Peng Chongjian was silent for a moment.

He was eloquent and impassioned, but after hearing Wu Bingji's name, he finally fell silent.

He can kidnap a great master like Ruan Yuan with the mouth of the world. Being able to use his reputation for benevolence and righteousness and his past affairs to poke the backbone of scholars like Chen Pu. But there was nothing he could do about Wu's illness.

The so-called Three Penal Palaces, does its significance go beyond being the holy land of Legalism?

Inherit the legacy of Lieshan Renhuang, practice the Lieshan Renhuang ideal, and pursue the rule of law to regulate the world. What you seek and do can be summed up in thirteen words - "Heaven can punish you, the earth can accept the law, and people must stay within the rules!"

You can doubt the butt of Jing Shi Tai, but you cannot doubt the fairness of Sanxing Palace.

For all those who have been wronged and have no solution, the Palace of Three Punishments is the last palace.

The current number one true figure in the history of Qing Dynasty was falsely accused of being a master of demons, and it was Sanxinggong who came forward to clear his name and correct the world's public opinion with one word.

Wu Bingji personally threw his beloved disciple back into the disaster water, causing him to commit suicide. It was he who dragged Xu Mingsong to Tianxing Cliff two years ago.

There is no possibility of being accommodating to such a person.

The only way to get rid of him is not to break the law.

Peng Chongjian lowered his eyes and seemed to be a few inches shorter for a moment. He sighed: "I am guilty! I deserve to die!"

Chen Pu looked at him calmly.

He continued: "My first crime was to induce Xu Mingsong to cause disaster and change. And I blocked the sea with my body, trapping the sect leader Huo Shi and dying."

"My second crime is that I found our sect's secret method of robbing the bones. Instead of destroying it, I was deceived by it, and I secretly wanted to regain Xuan Zun's body!"

"My third crime is that as the leader of the Blood River Sect, I don't think about the disasters and waves, and as the pinnacle of the Evolution Dao, I don't care about the rise and fall of the world! I am selfish and self-interested. This is an infinite evil!"

At the end of his speech, he burst into tears, mixed with blood: "I deserve to die!"

Si Yu'an looked at him calmly: "I want to see if you die."

Peng Chongjian looked at him with bloody eyes, but said nothing more. He only shouted: "There are all kinds of crimes, but one person is responsible. God is angry and people are angry, so I will be punished! I only ask you not to destroy the sect, for the sake of the Blood River Sect's ability to control disasters for generations. , leaving a legacy for the Blood River Sect!"

After saying that, he slapped his hand back, and his skull was shattered into pieces and completely disappeared from his body!

The breath of terror disappeared almost instantly.

The Tao body that could once destroy the heaven and earth was leaning straight back in a headless and tragic posture.

This time he really fell!

He...really committed suicide!

The people in the True Source Fire Realm were stunned. Even the champion Hou, who looked at Yunjuan Yunshu indifferently, glanced forward.

Si Yuan, on the other hand, looked expressionless. He also pulled out his thatched sword and prepared to step forward to mend it.


Peng Chongjian's fallen body exploded, blood surged, flesh and blood spattered, and an indescribable chaotic aura suddenly emerged and rose rapidly. Mixed with thousands of turbid currents, it turned into a giant flesh and blood... monster!

The reason why we don’t talk about the giant is because he no longer looks like a human being.

From the headless body, a strange head with a face covered with fine scales and a single horn on its forehead was pulled out.

The neck was not visible at all, only the vesicles one after another that exuded a foul smell were put together like muscle blocks.

The lower body resembles an octopus, but has a total of seventeen tentacles. The tentacles can be opened, and there are sharp bone spurs hidden inside, and poisonous water is gurgling out...

He turned into a Taoist evil spirit.

Ugly, chaotic, and unintelligent.

It can be said that Peng Chongjian is dead, and only Ni Li is alive now.

At the moment when the Tao body destroyed itself, it was invaded by the evil force of disaster. Or perhaps, the seeds have been planted by certain beings a long time ago!

At this point, things have a very clear outline.

Peng Chongjian's death and his confession before his death explained all the doubts.

The cause and effect, and the culprit, are all clear. Now as long as this Yan Dao level evil spirit is killed, everything will be settled. As for how the Blood River Sect will be dealt with in the end and how the responsibilities for the disaster will be divided, we can just sit down and chat slowly.

But Si Yuan and the others did not take action immediately.

For this Taoist level evil spirit, Chen Pu just made a stroke and lit a circle of blazing white sacrificial fire. Paint the ground as a prison to prevent you from escaping.

Between the sky and the sea, the terrifying image of evil seems to have become an ancient god and demon in a ritual. But the gods and demons here are not the victims, but the sacrifices.

What kind of demons, gods, ghosts, dragon clan and sea clan Shura...

The weak ones of the human race will be fed by the blood of all races, and the strong ones of the human race will be sacrificed to heaven by all races!

In the True Source Fire Realm, people watched all this in silence, with a vague feeling of solemnity.

The great masters seemed to be waiting for something.

They did wait.

At a certain moment, Si Yuan looked into the distance.

Jiang Wang, who had been paying attention to the Pavilion Master, also quickly turned his head to look.

The sea of ​​evil is overflowing, and new changes are taking place at this time.


A cry of anger and sorrow.

From the depths of the troubled water, there was a figure wearing a gray robe, riding on the waves and coming out.

He seemed to have stepped out of a gloomy era, and his body under the gray robe gave people a particularly bright feeling.

Wherever he went, the turbid water immediately became clear.

So when I saw him walking out of the depths of the disaster, I actually saw a clear waterway under his feet. Because of his powerful aura attached to it, this waterway has not been polluted by the turbid waves for a long time. It's as if endless frost has condensed on the endless turbid current.

The former leader of the Blood River Sect, Huo Shiji!

He is indeed not dead!

Huo Shiji came on the waves and looked at Peng Chongjian who had turned into a monster. He picked up a fragment of the blood robe representing the leader of the Blood River Sect. His eyes were sad and sad: "The most powerful man who can move mountains, I once faced him." How could a character who only lost half a move to Xiang Fengqi become like this..."

There were almost tears in his eyes: "How could the pride of my Blood River Sect become the shame of the Blood River Sect!?"

"Huo Shiji, you finally showed up." Si Yu'an looked at him.

"I never dared to leave." Huo Shiji said: "It is my responsibility to control the disaster. I chose to change my identity and continue to protect the world I love."

"Ah haha." Si Yu'an said with great interest: "Let me hear what you have to say."

Huo Shiji was silent for a moment and said with a wry smile: "I have nothing to say. Back then, I was persuaded by Si Yuan and wanted to be detached. I planned a plan with him to bring disaster to the world... Although I didn't launch it in the end, I had done something wrong! As the leader of the Blood River Sect and the pinnacle of the human race, if I have ever had this thought, I have become a demon. The long river of poverty cannot wash it all away, and even if I die a hundred times, I cannot redeem it. The present day of the Blood River Sect is all my own fault!"

Thanks to book friend "Yizishang777" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 626th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol!

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