Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2098 The Age of Mythology is Like Smoke!

Si Yu'an clicked his tongue: "Is Master Huo so sober now? It really surprised Si."

Huo Shiji said in a shameful voice: "As the master of the sect, I really can't take orders for everything, for others and myself, this is too irresponsible! I have to admit that I have a fluke mentality, thinking that as long as I die once, No one will remember what happened back then. Xu Mingsong caused trouble, but I pretended not to know. Peng Chongjian wanted to plot against me, so I followed suit..."

He let out a long sigh: "Today's misfortune has changed, and the blood river has suffered disaster. Huo knows what is the cycle of cause and effect, and the retribution is not good. It's just that it's too late to regret it!"

Si Yu'an raised his hand and pointed at Peng Chongjian, who had become the scourge of Yan Dao, who was roaring in the fire of the ceremony, and said to Huo Shiji, "Look at his appearance, you keep saying 'the shame of the Blood River Sect', Can he afford it?"

Huo Shiji stood still unsteadily: "Blood River Sect is today, and Peng Chongjian cannot bear it alone. I will make the conspiracy of Si Yuan and I public to the world, and let the world comment. It doesn't matter whether it will be stinking for thousands of years or it will never be restored. , I have evil thoughts in my heart, and I will receive the evil retribution!"

Si Yu'an smiled: "Die again?"

Huo Shiji stretched out his hands, and the gray robe had the aura of enveloping the universe: "I have no complaints for the public trial of the world's masters!"

"Okay, okay, Sect Master Huo has a great attitude." Ruan Yi and Chen Pu were silent at the moment, leaving Si Yu'an to speak alone.

He looked at Huo Shiji with a playful expression: "If Peng Chongjian can't explain it, you can explain it for him. Let's talk about Kou Xuejiao's desire to seek Xuanzun first."

Huo Shiji's tone was sincere, with a heart-to-heart attitude: "In the history of the Blood River Sect, there is indeed a secret method of looting roots, which was passed down by Fu Lanting, the fifth generation patriarch of our sect and the first person to control water. Insufficient qualifications, unable to take on great responsibilities, worried that after his death, the Blood River Sect would not be able to suppress the disaster, and would hurt the world. So he created this method, trying to change his talents for his disciples. I can't deny the stain of not getting rid of it. When I succeeded to the throne, I searched the treasury and found that this technique had been destroyed by the guardian, but Peng Chongjian actually detained it..."

"Oh?" Si Yu'an's tone was understated: "Peng Chongjian was already at the top when he was a real person, and he was called 'the number one in moving mountains'. His talent is not inferior to that of Chong Xuanzun. Do we need to take away his roots?"

"I can't figure it out either. It is because I believe that Peng Chongjian can't do such a thing, so I handed over this technique to him and let him destroy it quietly. Protecting the Dharma, protecting the Taoism, and abiding by the spell are the duties." Huo Shiji sighed. Dao: "Up to now, it can only be said that people's hearts are insufficient, and desires are hard to fill! In the long journey of transcendence, everyone treks alone, no matter how good the talent is, there is still a lack, and no amount of wealth is enough."

Si Yu'an said meaningfully: "Your last sentence is very sincere."

"Brother Yu'an!" Huo Shiji looked at him seriously: "We have known each other for thousands of years! I have always respected you as the elder, and I have a lot of respect for you. I know that your teacher was in trouble back then, and you couldn't solve it I am responsible. Over the years, I have been ashamed to expose the sect’s evil deeds, and I couldn’t bear the shame of my elders, so I repeatedly shirked it and tried my best to cover it up.”

"You have resentment towards me and the Blood River Sect, I can understand. But the Blood River Sect has become what it is today, Xu Mingsong died on Tianxingya, Peng Chongjian became a scourge, and I will also be discredited. Blood River Sect Zong Rong's glory has faded!"

His voice trembled a little: "Can you...give me a moment?"

"I will definitely investigate the history of the sect thoroughly and give you an explanation. Find out if Lingshi's trap is really related to the Blood River Sect, and who is it about!

"Once the responsibilities are determined, all members of the Blood River Sect will pay those who should be compensated, pay back those who should be paid, punish those who should be punished, and kill those who should be killed.

"If the predecessors did evil, kill the corpse to pay for it! Brother Yu'an, what do you think?"

Huo Shiji's words are both reasonable and reasonable. From the time he appeared on the stage to the present, he admits his mistakes, shoulders his responsibilities, does not hide his shame or his ugliness, and speaks things clearly.

In fact, after a closer look, Huo Shiji's only crime was that he conspired with Emperor Xia Xiang, Si Yuan, to bring disaster to the world thirty-five years ago.

Si Yuan wanted to kill the Qi army when they were defeated, and save the country of Xia. Huo Shiji wanted to deceive God's will, and asked for the merits of saving the world to escape.

But this thing didn't really work out.

What really happened? It is Huo Shiji who has been in trouble for many years and killed countless evil views. It is he who presides over the Blood River Sect and provides sufficient support for the monks who control the water in the world.

Do you want to erase the things that happened based on one thing that didn't happen? With the reason of "his heart is sinister", it seems that it is not justified to shout and kill Huo Shi and such a top monk.

It can be said that he had bad intentions to escape by feigning death, but the root cause is that he was indeed coerced by Qi State. Wouldn't it be better to be the secret son of the Qi State honestly and help the Qi State achieve the great cause of unifying the world with the power of the Blood River Sect?

The Blood River Sect does have evil secrets that can steal people's bones, and there are many precedents for doing such things, but they are all history. The only time it happened right now was Peng Chongjian's responsibility.

In such a theory, Huo Shiji is quite innocent!

In the true source of fire, the focus of discussion among many monks has begun to shift——

"Overall, the Blood River Sect's merits outweigh its demerits..."

"The tree is big and the roots are deep, so there are inevitably some moths. The Blood River Sect has lasted for 54,000 years, and it is normal to have a few unworthy descendants. There is no need to kill them with one blow..."

"One thing to say, there is such a secret method that can steal people's bones. I'm not sure if I can't bear it. The road to practice is long and dangerous. I've been stuck in the outer building for twenty years, and I often hate myself deeply!"

"This is a matter between big shots, I don't care. I just want to know, who will be responsible for the troubles in the future? Is our practice here as usual?"

"Hush... Grandmaster Wu is here!"

As soon as that tall crowned figure appeared, the entire jade belt sea became quiet. Even the waves don't roll over, as if frightened by the power of the Legalists.

"Thank you, Grandmaster Wu!" Huo Shiji greeted him with a big gift, and bowed directly: "Such a scandal in the Blood River Sect has affected all of you close relatives and made the world restless. I feel so ashamed and can't be at ease!"

It is really a great respect to pay homage to the top with the top.

But Wu Bing already just looked at him indifferently: "I said. What are you performing?"

Huo Shiji stood up in astonishment: "Zongshi Wu, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not. It doesn't matter." Wu Bing didn't say a word of nonsense. He raised his hand and pressed it, and a pure white chain protruded out of the void. It was as long as a dragon, bending over like a dragon.

The world's number one chain, there is no second law!

It is both a secret method and a magic weapon.

The chain that Wu Bing has summoned is the one enshrined in Tianxingya, it is the source of thousands of chains, and the fundamental weapon of Legalism!

After all, Huo Shiji is the master of a sect, a top monk, no matter how down-and-out he is, he still has a bit of dignity. Si Yu'an chatted with him, Chen Pu listened to his explanation, Ruan Yi waited for his words, and the ears of the world also waited for his clarification. And Wu Bing has already... As soon as he comes, he will do it, and he will be real when he moves!

Bang bang bang bang!

The pure white chain made a loud noise, and the majesty of Legalism came to this rootless world. At this moment of the whole disaster, I don't know how many evil views can't help but dive low! They don't know what fear is, but they instinctively evade punishment!

Even Peng Chongjian's transformation of the evil view of Yan Dao level also danced wildly for a while, appearing restless.

All kinds of frost compete for freedom, but there is no second law, and those who touch it have no choice from then on.

This is the white that represents extreme majesty and cruelty, and the chains it embodies are like mountains. With a posture like a dragon, bowing down to Huo Shiji, it seems that the eternal truth has fallen. List the imprisoning of this person as an inflexible fact. At the rule level, the possibility of escape is blocked.

Although there are changes in mountains and rivers, the law will not be moved lightly!

Must catch today!

"Wu is sick!"

In the end, Huo Shiji couldn't speak any more, and wanted to fight back when he shouted angrily. But there was a sharp pain between the eyebrows, and the sword intent to destroy the sky and the earth had already condensed and was approaching—Si Yu'an!

He held down his body and couldn't move for a moment. From between the eyebrows, a small crimson tripod flew out. This tripod grows when it sees the wind, and it looks like a mountain in an instant. With three legs and two ears, it propped itself up to the sky, and directly supported Fa Wuer's Gate, and made the sound of iron chains hitting the bell, spreading the disaster!

As soon as this tripod came out, the sky and the earth changed color, and the disasters and waters were all dyed.

A brilliant red light burst out from Huo Shiji's body. Soaring, intense, and bright, you can't look straight at it.

"When the emperor was here, he never punished him without teaching!"

Such Huo Shiji glared at Wu Bingji: "What on earth do you want to do?! You sealed off my sect's residence and imprisoned my disciples. What exactly did you find out? Tell me! Also let me see, what crime did you use to imprison me?" I!"

"See Chizhou again!" Si Yu'an said with a long laugh, "Huo Shiji, Huo Shiji, the treasures of the cave of the Blood River Sect are still in your hands. You told me that you pushed the boat with the current and was trapped by Peng Chongjian? "

He shook his head and mocked: "You are too reluctant to spend money on acting!"

The tripod sacrificed by Huo Shiji is called "Chizhou", and it is a famous treasure of the cave. It is refined from "Danxia Tian", which ranks twenty-eighth among the thirty-six small caves, and is the treasure of the Blood River Sect.

Now that this treasure is in the hands of Huo Shiji, it is really not convincing to say that Peng Chongjian is really in charge of the Blood River Sect.

This also proves that what Huo Shiji said earlier is all lies!

Huo Shiji said angrily: "Peng Chongjian is a wolf with ambition, how can I keep Chizhou with him? This can't prove anything! On the contrary, you, Si Yu'an, are aggressive and push you again and again! You don't care about the thousand-year friendship, you really want to talk to me life and death?"

Wu Bing had already grasped five fingers, and the pure white chains of the Fa Wuer Gate had firmly bound the Chizhou tripod. The voice was still indifferent: "It's true that nothing can be found in the Blood River Sect. You did a very clean job. But I didn't imprison them for the purpose of investigating crimes. The time for 'investigation' has passed, Huo Shiji, now is At the time of 'punishment'."

"So it's time for 'punishment'! When did you check it?!" Huo Shiji was so angry that his face flushed, and he was so angry that the Chizhou tripod collided violently with the chains of the Fawuer gate. "San Xinggong treats the Glorious Master like this, can he convince the public?! Great masters like you, who are selfish, have you ever planned for the world!"

"Okay." Chen Pu said at this time, he looked at Si Yu'an: "Master Si, is it okay now?"

Si Yu'an spread his hands, with a dull expression on his face: "Almost, I don't think he can act anything new."

"What do you mean?" Huo Shiji was puzzled, and the confusion almost drove him crazy: "What do you mean?!"

Chen Pu looked at him calmly: "Huo Shiji, oh, no, you're not Huo Shiji—I went to Qinku Academy and joined hands with Zuo Qiuwu to find your name back. I should call you You, Meng Tianhai. Fifty-four thousand years ago, the founder of the Blood River Sect, Meng Tianhai in the age of mythology, right?"

The madness, confusion, and anger on Huo Shiji's face all disappeared, replaced by indifference.

When Chen Pu said that name, he understood that it was meaningless to say anything else.

Wu Bing was right, the time for 'investigation' has passed, these people have found out everything!

He also finally understood that the reason why Si Yu'an performed with him and gave him a chance to explain was just to appreciate his struggle before the end. Such intense emotions, and such an ugly and embarrassing struggle... The hatred is overwhelming!

Fenghou, the first ancestor of the Taoism in ancient times and one of the eight sages of ancient times, died in battle. With a ray of remnant soul, she became a god in the modern world in modern times, and proved her transcendence again, which became one of the signs of the opening of the age of mythology.

The age of mythology lasted for 30,000 years. When it was prosperous, the world of mortals was full of incense, and there were gods of hair everywhere.

Meng Tianhai was a strong man in the age of mythology who did not obey the divine way. He is the one who stands alone, and the one who was once prominent. He was once regarded as a peerless figure who has the opportunity to start a new era!

Later, it disappeared in the long river of time and was no longer remembered.

The founder of the Blood River Sect single-handedly, the Patriarch of the Blood River Sect who has ruled Huoshui for 54,000 years since then, is one of the few strong men in history who has left a legacy without leaving a name.

Generally, in a situation similar to this, the strong will die, leaving only the inheritance, and the latecomers will not be able to trace it back.

But Meng Tianhai was different.

He did it himself, erasing his own name in time. Only then did the name of the Patriarch of the Blood River Sect remain unknown to the world.

The reason for doing this is to hide yourself. To conceal his path of detachment. Also to conceal the fact that Meng Tianhai has lived for more than 54,000 years!

Yan Dao lived ten thousand years.

He, Meng Tianhai, had never transcended himself, but he lived so many years longer, anyone would think there was a problem.

At this moment, Meng Tianhai no longer concealed himself with intense emotions, and also released the terrifying aura that he was still not suppressed in front of the four great masters.

As if inspired by him, even Peng Chongjian's transformation of the ignorant scourge suddenly swelled up, its momentum greatly increased, and it roared again and again! Its voice was deep and heavy, causing the rootless world to swell, and countless monsters howled together, it was really frightening!

This Meng Tianhai... seems to be able to control the monster!

Chen Pu's face remained unchanged, but the fire of the great ceremony also flared up along with the scourge of Na Yan Dao, and he was always confined.

"You can still call me Huo Shiji." Meng Tianhai said calmly, "After all, what you see in your eyes is also him."

"I can also call you Peng Chongjian, right?" Si Yu'an said casually, pointing at random.

The majestic Mount Taiyi, supported by a piece of thatch, was also picked up by that thatch, and suddenly appeared in the sky above the huge Taoist spawning monster, hanging upside down——

This mountain turned into a sword!

Si Yu'an supported the mountain with thatch, breaking Peng Chongjian's control over Taiyi Mountain. And using the mountain as a sword, he slashed at the scourge transformed by Peng Chongjian.

With just one sword strike, the Dao-level scourge that was ignited by the sacrificial fire disappeared without any terrifying momentum, turning into pure water.

The Xiongshan Mountain, which was moved by Peng Chongjian during the War of Restoring the Kingdom of Liang, finally shattered his evil body.

The former "moving the mountain first", "the world is the most true", really nothing exists.


Thanks to the book friend "Returning on the Lost Road" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 627th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Jiang Wujiu" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 628th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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