Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2115 Under all living beings

To understand the importance of Taixu Pavilion, we must first understand what the rights and responsibilities of Taixu Pavilion are.

As Taixu Illusion completely opens up and spreads across the entire world, everyone knows its significance. This is the ship of the times, a raging torrent.

Xu Yuan's becoming the master of Taixu Taoism is a forced necessity. But apart from this result, no one, no power, can reassure everyone in this world and can handle everything in Taixu Illusion so properly.

And as Wu Bing already said in Huoshui, absolute ideal does not mean absolute correctness.

Take the Kaimai Pill as an example. It is not absolutely correct. After the human race has innovated from generation to generation, there is still blood that cannot be erased. But once this "incorrect" pulse-opening pill is wiped away, the strong foundation of the entire human race will be removed, and the morals, laws, and etiquette established on top of it will be meaningless.

The sages said that people in warehouses know the etiquette if they are honest.

If you don’t have enough to eat and can’t survive, there’s no need to say anything.

Taoist Taixu is an absolutely ideal existence, but it may not be able to perfectly adapt to all the conditions for the advancement of the human race. Therefore, even if the Taixu disciples turned into virtual spirits and Xu Yuanzhi turned into Taixu Taoist Master, all parties participating in the Taixu Alliance still retained some power over the Taixu illusion. You can adjust the direction of Taixu Illusion at critical moments.

Under such a premise, Taixu Dao Master can have full authority to deal with everything in Taixu Illusion Realm.

Taixu Dao Master is an existence that seems to be detached but not detached. He has power that is almost equivalent to detachment. Not only is he omnipotent in the illusion of Taixu, he can also easily interfere with reality - which of course is not allowed.

The first principle established by the Taixu Alliance back then was that Taixu Taoist Master was not allowed to interfere with reality.

The problem caused by this is that the part of the fantasy world that involves reality cannot be properly managed. For example, someone violated the Taixu Iron Code and committed a crime worthy of death. Taoist Master Taixu was limited by restrictions and could not really kill him. At this time, the power of reality is needed to intervene.

Taixu Pavilion came into being.

Regarding the rights and responsibilities of Taixu Pavilion, the Taixu Covenant states this -

The Taixu Pavilion is responsible for monitoring the illegal behavior of Taixu Walkers in the Taixu Illusion Realm, and the Taixu Pavilion is responsible for handling matters related to the Taixu Illusion Realm but outside the illusion.

In a sense, Taixu Pavilion can be regarded as the embodiment of Taixu Taoist Master in reality.

The weight of authority is almost comparable to that of the great sects in the world.

It can even be said that from the day it was officially established, Taixu Pavilion can be regarded as a major power in the world, with a more transcendent status and broader powers and responsibilities.

Of course, the constraints it faces are the most severe in the world. It is supported by all parties in the world, and must also accept supervision from all parties in the world.

After clarifying the importance of Taixu Pavilion, we can also understand that there are only nine members of Taixu Pavilion in total.

You can also feel how hard-won Jiang Wang's step into the cabinet was.

Today, many people are supporting him. Today, all the True Lords of the alliance gave him the vote to join the cabinet. But these are not obtained out of thin air, they are not something he is born with. It was earned by him fighting for his life again and again in the demon world, in the mysterious world, in the wilderness, in the disaster... It was his experiences along the way and his past choices that led to today's results.

Wu Bing has already said that at his young age, he is better than many high-ranking people who have nothing to do with their bodies. Is this a lie?

There was no speech session by Taixu Cabinet members. In front of all the True Lords, the young True Lords were all still too young.

After the thunderous applause stopped, Ying Jianghong said directly: "Next, we will discuss the appointment of Taiyu Master Li Yi to the cabinet."

"Wait a minute." Tu Hu said: "Before Master Nan Tian discusses this matter so formally, I would like to ask - where is Li Yi and others?"

Only then did Jiang Wang realize that Li Yi was not present!

He originally thought that the Bagua Terrace was so vast that Li Yi might be alone somewhere, but to his surprise, he didn't even come here.

In this Taixu alliance, all parties come together. Everyone else came to Taixu Mountain Gate on the day they announced their departure from the country. He, Master Jiang, also came at the right time, but Li Yi couldn't come... It was really confusing, I don't know how to describe it.

Ying Jianghong smiled: "Before the Taixu Pavilion selection started, Master Taiyu asked me a question. He asked the Taixu Pavilion member whether the results have been determined by all parties, or does it need to be judged by swordsmanship?"

The answer is of course that the result has been determined early, but Tu Hu asked: "What about the sword? So what if it doesn't matter about the sword?"

Ying Jianghong said leisurely: "Master Taiyu said that if we talk about swords, all those present are the seeds of the future of the human race, the true king. The battle of Shenxiao is about to happen, and he doesn't want to kill people and hurt the human race. It's okay if he doesn't want this quota."

"What if we don't have to discuss swords?" Tu Hu asked.

Ying Jianghong said: "Then he doesn't have to come in person. Li Yi has a good time, how can he be tired in the camp?"

He added: "The first half of the sentence is Li Yi's original words. The last half of the sentence was added by the old peach tree."

This Jing Guo Nan Tianshi spread his hands, feeling quite helpless that even if he was a Nan Tianshi, he couldn't take care of this matter.

Of course, this kind of helplessness is biased towards pampering and pride for one's own talent--other than Li Yi, who among the contemporary young geniuses is qualified to speak like this?

On the mountain peak here, Dou Zhao raised his eyebrows and said, "Has he been so arrogant since he was a child?"

Chong Xuanzun smiled and said, "Three feet of ice does not freeze in one day."

"But he does have the qualifications to be arrogant." Jiang Wang said.

"What do you mean?" Dou Zhao immediately glanced at him: "You just entered the cabinet with your front feet, and the soles of your shoes haven't been wiped clean yet, so you start pretending to be the boss to mediate disputes?"

This kid is like a hedgehog, covered in thorns, pricking whoever he catches.

Cabinet member Jiang shrugged his shoulders without arguing with the candidate cabinet member: "I just said that he has the qualifications to be arrogant, but I didn't say that he is not arrogant. You can scold him if you need to, and there is no need to give me face."

Of course Ying Jianghong didn't care what the young man said, he just shouted: "Where is Wang Kun?"

Jingtianjiao Wang Kun, who just left the Mirror Stage yesterday, with ordinary features and a kind temperament, flew out of the crowd and said politely: "Wang Kun is here."

Ying Jianghong said: "After Li Yi joins the cabinet, Wang Kun will be his deputy, assisting in handling affairs related to Taixu Pavilion. This time he will also serve as the representative——"

"I don't agree." Tu Hu interrupted directly. The sound is flat but clear.

"Qi State cannot agree to let him join the cabinet." Jiang Mengxiong said: "If Li Yi doesn't know how to respect this position, then Jing Guo will replace him with someone who knows how to respect it."

"Okay." Ying Jianghong raised his hand and stopped other Zhenjun who were about to express their opinions: "Following the Taixu Covenant, Jingguo exercised his power and handed over the quota of Taixu cabinet members under our supervision to Taiyu. Real person Li Yi.”

He looked at Jiang Mengxiong: "Jing Guo will reserve the quota for himself, and Jing Guo will make his own decision. Your suggestion is very good, but I will not adopt it."

Jiang Mengxiong didn't even raise his eyelids: "He can join the cabinet, but Qi State objects. Remember - when your real person Jing Guo joins the cabinet, Qi State objects!"

This sound is really like a heavenly drum. Once it roars, the clouds move in all directions.

All kinds of people on the hexagram platform were stunned for a moment.

Tu Hu said quietly: "Obviously I was the one who objected first, how come you stole all the limelight?"

"Oh, this is such a big deal!" Qu Jinkui sighed: "I didn't want to object at first. I recognize the strength of Master Taiyu. But so do you people from Jingguo. Why do you want both? Being in the cabinet is not a trivial matter. Isn’t it unreasonable to not go through all the cutscenes? I would like to vote against this to express my doubts.”

Fan Sinian, the Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty, smiled and said: "As the song goes, give me peaches and repay Qiong Yao. Previously, I supported Jiang Wang in the cabinet, and Duke Yu supported my support. Now I have no choice but to support his opposition - I am against it." Li Yi enters the cabinet like this."

Qu Jinkui looked like he had eaten a fly.

The last sentence of "Repay with Qiong Yao" means "Repaying a bandit will always be regarded as good!"

When people who didn't know heard it, they thought Qin and Chu were as close as one family.

Gong Xiyan, the governor of Hongwu, said: "Gong is not interested in people. We are gathered here to discuss the future of the clan. How important this Taixu Pavilion is, I don't need to tell Jingguo. Now Li Yi doesn't even come. , I think it’s very inappropriate to randomly send a crooked melon and split date as a representative.”

He looked down at the Jing Tianjiao named Wang Kun who had been on the battlefield of Xingyue Yuan: "My name is Wang Kun, right? Otherwise, you will join the cabinet. At least you are here and you have an attitude!"

Wang Kun was so frightened that his face turned pale and he did not dare to speak.

The Mu Kingdom, the Qi Kingdom, the Chu Kingdom, the Qin Kingdom, and the Jing Kingdom all expressed their opinions that they did not support Li Yi’s entry into the cabinet!

In fact, this cannot change the result that Jingguo has a quota.

But it seems to be announcing another fact——

Jingguo is always first, Jingguo can always be special, Jingguo always sets the rules and always transcends them...

Sorry, such an era is gone forever!

The quotas for the various countries have already been decided. Is it really that important whether Li Yi comes to Taixu Mountain Gate in person?

When Jing Guo wielded swords across the world and dominated the world, this was not worth mentioning.

But now, it matters.

The true kings of all sects said nothing, and even the most ill-tempered Zen Master Zhixie had no intention of expressing his stance. They just watched the disputes between the six hegemons.

"Tu Hu, Jiang Mengxiong, Qu Jinkui, Fan Sinian, Gong Xiyan!" Ying Jianghong named them one by one, spread his hands and said with a smile: "Dear friends! I have heard all your objections. I will educate Li Yi well later and ask him why he only knows how to cultivate and not know how to manage relationships, so that so many elders do not think highly of him - but now is the time to form the Taixu Pavilion, let's start discussing the next cabinet member! "

"What else are we discussing?" Jiang Mengxiong said directly: "The real Li Yi from the twenty-six-year-old cave is precious. The real Jiang Wang from the twenty-three-year-old cave is here too! Li Yi can save this time, but they can't? Since the people of Jingguo want to Foolishly, it’s okay not to follow this process! I declare that Chongxuanzun, Cang Ming, Douzhao, Qin Zhizhen, and Huang Sheli will all join the cabinet!"

"Alas, it seems that I have to reflect on it." Tu Hu said: "I, the majestic high priest of the Cangtu Sect, bear the orders of the gods above and the weight of the grassland below, but I actually wasted my good time here. Wait for the cutscene. No young man can see clearly. Master Nan Tian, ​​let's reflect together."

Qu Jinkui waved his hand: "Just like Marshal Jiang said, I'm too old to wait."

Fan Sinian said: "Qin has always respected everyone, I have no objection."

Gong Xiyan said quietly: "That's it."

There are nine cabinet members, now seven of them are decided.

"Although you have already announced it, as the mainstay of the human race, the Central Great View Empire still has to express its attitude." Ying Jianghong's eyes fell like the sky, and he swept over several young masters one by one: "Chong Xuan Zun, Cang Meng, Dou Zhao, Qin Zhizhen, and Huang Sheli, you are all good boys, the unparalleled talents of the human race. The dark clouds above your heads should not obscure your glory, and the mistakes of the elders should not bury you - Jing Guo supports you in joining the cabinet, I look forward to you making more contributions to the human race."

"Oh?" Qu Jinkui said: "Since Nan Tianshi still wants to express his position, then I also want to express one thing - Chu State does not support Qin Zhizhen's entry into the cabinet!"

Fan Sinian laughed and said: "Duke Yu is a bit too much! But the dark clouds above our heads should not obscure Douzhao's glory. The State of Qin supports Douzhao's entry into the cabinet!"

Jiang Mengxiong's face was expressionless: "Then we are announcing the last two Taixu cabinet members - Zhong Xuanyin and Ju Gui, please come forward!"

There was no strange sound from the Bagua Station, but Jiang Wang was a little confused.

It was originally said that Taixu Pavilion was open to young real people, but how could the two people in front of them be considered "young"?

Zhong Xuanyin is Sima Heng's direct disciple. He looks very knowledgeable, with a long coat and beard, gentle and elegant... Judging from Sima Heng, he is over a hundred years old at least!

Not to mention Drama Gui, the real person in Guitian Palace, the person in charge of the Iron Cage, Yu Beidou's old acquaintance, no matter from any angle, he is not young.

And if age is not the limitation, Zhong Xuanyin and Ju Gui may not be able to convince the public.

Leaving aside the affiliation of the hegemony, Lu Shuanghe, who is the most powerful person in the world today, Ren Qiuli, who is the most powerful person in the world today, the hero of the world who has an excellent reputation and does not belong to any force, and Gu Shiyi, who has not yet developed his Taoism at that time, It's also more convincing.

But the matter was settled just like that, regardless of Taixu cabinet member Jiang Zhenren's doubts.

The eight real people who entered the cabinet stood together, each with their own extraordinary temperament. Zhong Xuanyin is profound and elegant, the play is very regular, and the six young real people are high-spirited.

Wang Kun, who represents Li Yi, is also a genius, but crowded next to him, he is very small.

In fact, when the Taixu Alliance was formed, all parties discussed that all young people should be appointed as cabinet members as a screening threshold.

But except for the six major hegemons, how could there be so many young real people?

If Taixu Pavilion is completely under the control of a hegemonic country, there will be no such thing as fairness.

And these people are indeed too young, especially except for Cang Meng and Qin Zhizhen, they all have very willful experiences. To let go of all power and let them take charge of Taixu Pavilion is somewhat unfounded.

In the end, all parties agreed that two more experienced and more stable real people were needed to serve as anchors and ballast stones.

So I decided on these two. Zhong Xuanyin represents Confucianism, and Ju Gui represents Legalism.

One is to record the changes in ancient and modern times, and the other is to set the rules of the present.

Of course, there is no need to inform Jiang Wang in advance.

Based on the current academic situation, the last three places in Taixu Pavilion should come from "Confucianism, Legalism and Interpretation".

The Mohist family, which has been in decline for a long time, cannot compete with these three families.

But Jiang Wang had an undoubted position, so the three families could only compete for two... In the end, this was the pattern.

At Ying Jianghong's instruction, the nine people walked to the center of the Bagua stage together——

It was a sunken square, like a colosseum, and was the lowest point of the entire Bagua Platform.

Ninety-nine stone steps, going down step by step.

Everyone walked this way in silence, no sound.

The stone steps are simple and the square is ordinary, but the further you go down, the more solemn the atmosphere becomes.

Jiang Wang was walking on such stone steps, and for some reason, he thought of Xu Zefu—later, he went to look for Xu Zefu who had become a virtual spirit in the illusory realm of Taixu. The other party is still as peaceful as ever, preaching about Taoism, practice, and fantasy life. Only one complaint from beginning to end. After talking about immortality, the Taoist experiments lost a little sense of reality. Now the people in the sect are all thinking about it, having all kinds of weird ideas, and blowing up fireworks at every turn.

"It is no longer reverential to life and death, and it is difficult to capture inspiration..." Xu Zefu said.

The vast world is filled with everything.

Chen Pu said that people always have to move forward, and the force of moving forward cannot be stopped.

Everyone has to go up.

Some people are born at high places, some people are unyielding, some people strive to be the first, some people take a thousand miles step by step, some people take a thousand steps an inch, some people occupy the key points and do not allow latecomers, and some people put others aside Push it down... Others are paving stones as steps so that more people can walk up together.

What kind of person drives the times?

The nine people walked down the last stone step, each with their own mood. But it was only then that they were able to see that the last stone step had words on it.

It says - under all living beings.

"Before attaining enlightenment, Master Taixu once said - 'We practitioners should be subordinate to others.' This statement does not mean that practitioners should be willing to be subordinate to others, but that extraordinary people should have extraordinary responsibilities and be willing to do so. The human race builds a ladder and contributes to the progress of the human race." Ying Jianghong's voice rang high, and seemed to echo in the hearts of everyone through the layers of stone steps: "This is the purpose of Taixu Pavilion, now You are under all sentient beings, and everything starts over from today. May you all work hard!"

At this time, a clear light fell from the high dome, and in the hazy clear light, the shadow of an ancient attic loomed. Twelve Dharma images of the true king, like protectors, surround and protect this pavilion.

The high and ruthless voice of Master Taixu sounded, resonating in the illusion and the real world——

"Please come into the cabinet!"

People looked down and saw that the nine people representing the first generation of Taixu Pavilion members had disappeared.

[Thanks to the book friend "This person is married to Xian Eunjing" for becoming the leader of this book, which is the 637th alliance of the True Heart Patrol! 】

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