Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2116 Madman

The Milky Way is vast, a vast expanse of water.

An ancient attic hangs over the Milky Way, like a boat sailing on the water.

Of course it is a simulacrum in the illusion of Taixu, but the real Taixu Pavilion is handing over authority.

Compared with other cave-heaven treasures, the great thing about Taixu Pavilion is that it has been completely integrated with Taixu Illusion Realm. It can come to any place in the world at any time through Taixu Illusion Realm!

Inside the ancient attic, a huge circular platform was surrounded by starlight. Nine large chairs surround the circle.

The surrounding area is obscured and becomes brighter towards the center of the circle.

Zhong Xuanyin, Jugui, Jiang Wang, Douzhao, Chongxuanzun, Cang Meng, Huang Sheli and Qin Zhizhen each occupied a chair and sat peacefully. Jing Wangkun stood in front of the only empty seat, feeling uneasy and under scrutiny.

Taoist Master Taixu did not show up. In the illusory world, He is everywhere. But no one can tell what kind of existence He is now.

In front of everyone hangs a magatama shaped like a yin-yang fish. It looks pure white from the front, and you can almost see the light transmitting from the back. From the reverse side, it is pure black, the black is deep and isolates everything.

This is the Taixu Magatama, which represents the identity of the Taixu Pavilion member and is also the key to unlocking the real Taixu Pavilion - the real opening here refers to summoning the Taixu Pavilion in the present world and controlling it as a treasure.

In principle, any Taixu Pavilion member can call Taixu Pavilion anytime and anywhere to fulfill the powers and responsibilities of Taixu Pavilion. But there is also a prerequisite - half of the cabinet members need to agree.

Each Taixu magatama is a key, but only if more than five cabinet members agree, can it gain complete authority.

But it doesn't mean that whoever gets the Magatama will be a member of Taixu Cabinet. It is only a part of the identity mark. To truly use all the authority of Taixu Cabinet members, it needs to be verified by Taixu Illusion Realm.

With Taoist Master Taixu here, no one in the world can forge the identity of a Taixu cabinet member.

Zhong Xuanyin sat upright and spoke first: "This is the first meeting of Taixu Pavilion. I am Zhong Xuanyin. I would like to say hello to all the cabinet members. Every meeting in the future will be recorded by me. I will adhere to the principle of no praise or criticism, no omissions, no omissions, and no criticism." We adhere to the principle of pretentiousness and write straightly, and welcome your supervision."

"Then let's make a note first." Ju Gui said solemnly: "Li Yi was not absent from the first Taixu meeting without any reason. The Taixu meeting is held once a month. Cabinet members are in the real world and have no special affairs. If he is absent more than three times a year, we will impeach Taoist Taixu and ask for his removal - do you have any opinions?"

The real person who was born in Qinku Academy has begun to "record history", while the real person who was born in Guitian Palace has officially begun to "legislate". It's really resolute.

There was no objection from everyone and the vote passed unanimously.

Oh no.

"That..." Wang Kun raised his hand.

"What do you want to say?" Ju Gui turned his head and looked at him.

The process of turning the protagonist's head is like pushing a stone in the cold winter months, very cold and hard.

"I am here on behalf of Master Taiyu. I will participate in the entire meeting and will not miss any news. It does not count as an absence..." Wang Kun's voice became lower and lower.

"Can you fully represent Li Yi?" Dou Zhao asked coldly.

Wang Kun thought for a while and said cautiously: "It's basically okay for matters related to Taixu Pavilion."

"Then can you take the beating on his behalf?" Douzhao then asked.

Wang Kun's face changed: "If the cabinet minister has this intention, I will tell Master Taiyu. But if you want to humiliate Wang because his cultivation is not as good as yours, Wang will not give in, and Jing Guoxu will not agree!"

Dou Zhao raised his eyes: "Insult you?"

He grabbed it casually, and Tianxiao was already in his hand. With his thick back and narrow front, he slashed down on the head!

"Who are you to deserve my humiliation?"

As soon as the sky falls, people are already divided!

Wang Kun, who was sent by Jingguo as Li Yi's deputy and actually handled the affairs of Taixu Pavilion, was born in Chengtian Mansion and practiced on Penglai Island, he was no mediocre person!

At the Xingyue Plains battlefield, he was one of the geniuses led by Jing Guo, and he had fought against the geniuses of Qi State.

In the rich and vast Central Territory, and in the Forty-ninth Mansion of Jingguo, he also enjoyed a long-lasting reputation. Not inferior to Pei Hongjiu, Xu San and others.

But in front of Tianxiao Sword, he had no room for resistance.

Douzhao is really Douzhao! The front foot enters the palace, the back foot kills. When surrounded by powerful men of Yan Dao, he only had a few words. True Lord Yandao is no longer present, and he is simply lawless.

Wang Kun, who represents Jingguo and Li Yi here, will kill him as soon as he says it!

There was silence for a moment.

Jiang Wang held his forehead and said nothing.

Even Master Ju Gui, who enforces the law very strictly and regards law as his absolute concept, opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Qin Zhizhen was as quiet as a rock, Zhongxuan Zun seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Huang Sheli crossed his legs carelessly, and his pale expression was hidden behind his cloak.

Only Zhong Xuanyin was recording silently with a bamboo slip in one hand and a book knife in the other.

The writing knife carved the slips without regretting a single word.

With one knife, Wang Kun was split in half vertically in the middle. Dou Zhaohun, as if nothing had happened, left his seat and approached Zhong Xuanyin: "Let me see how you remember it. Are you distorting the facts?"

Zhong Xuanyin directly erected the bamboo slip and opened it for everyone to see: "Zhong naturally writes straight and straight, which is worthy of the world's review."

The title of the cover reads, "Chronicles of Taixu Pavilion".

It is also titled, "The First Taixu Meeting".

What follows is the specific content.

Column 1: Li Yi is absent.

Second column: Dou Zhao and Wang Kun were at odds, so he drew his sword and killed him.

"Why are Wang Kun and I at odds?" Dou Zhao said dissatisfied: "Mr. Zhong, you are not writing straight, you are adding speculation!"

Zhong Xuanyin said: "You mean, you and Wang Kun have no disagreements?"

"Is he worthy?" Dou Zhao asked back.

Zhong Xuanyin had already heard of Douzhao's name. But this was his first contact with Douzhao, and he had never felt the character of this genius so intuitively. After a moment of silence, he said, "Then why did you kill him?"

"Why?" Douzhao waved his hand: "Just write 'Douzhao killed Wang Kun'! I'm not afraid of others guessing my reasons!"

Ju Gui's face was expressionless, but the lightning pattern between his eyebrows jumped slightly. He had already had a premonition that the thirty-year term as a Taixu cabinet member might not be easy to pass. Probably not many of these "colleagues" are easy to get along with. At present, there is only Jiang Zhenren, who seems to be simple and responsible.

In Taixu Pavilion, Wang Kun cannot really be killed. Although they are all summoned here in their true form by Taoist Master Taixu, the entire illusion of Taixu is under the control of Taoist Taixu. Without his permission, they can never really kill anyone - not that there will be any serious consequences, but It can't be done.

While speaking, Wang Kun, who was still frightened, reappeared in front of the empty seat.

Before the knife fell, he didn't know that he would not die.

So he has truly faced the terror of death!

He looked at Douzhao, his face flushed with anger: "Douzhao! Do you want to provoke a war between Jingchu and Chu?!"

Dou Zhao turned around and looked at him in surprise. I don't know if I'm surprised that he's not dead yet, or I'm surprised that he said such a stupid thing.

"What does this have to do with the Chu State? I have left the Chu State. Don't you pay attention to such a big thing?" Dou raised the Tianxiao Sword again: "What does this have to do with the Jing State? You guys Haven’t everyone already left the country!?”

The sound fell, the knife fell.

This time Wang Kun had made full preparations, but he still wiped out everything with one blow.

There was no suspense at all, and his resistance was almost invisible.

Taixu Pavilion has great authority, and when it is really running, things will be very busy. It is impossible to leave everything to cabinet members themselves.

Various parties send the most talented young people to Taixu Pavilion, firstly, to occupy a seat in the rolling torrent of humanity, and secondly, in the hope that they will have more opportunities and can go to higher places. If you are burdened with mundane affairs and affect your spiritual practice, you are undoubtedly putting the cart before the horse - dealing with mundane affairs can also be regarded as spiritual practice, but that is the way of the national system.

Among these young people, no one really chose this path.

Therefore, regarding the matter of Taixu Pavilion, various forces have already prepared direct subordinates for the real person to enter the pavilion. Not to mention the six major hegemons, Jiang Wang briefly scanned the people under Zhongxuan Zun in the Bagua Station. Many of them look familiar... They are just Qiu Shajun soldiers who have changed their clothes!

Even Zhong Xuanyin has a bunch of smart minds who look smart. On the other side of the theatre, there was a whole team of expressionless executioners.

Only Mr. Jiang had two free sleeves and only one sword hanging.

There was no preparation at all in advance - all the preparation was about how to discuss swords.

Who would have thought that Taixu Pavilion is all about background? One by one, they even brought the army with them, which made him, the most innocent Taixu, quite lonely.

Taixu Pavilion is a neutral organization, and the nine cabinet members are all Xiaoyao Zhenren who have no identity or belonging. Of course, the various people who assist them in handling general affairs are also free agents.

Taixu Pavilion is neutral! In the past, present and future, this is the foundation of Taixu Pavilion.

It cannot be absolutely neutral, but at least it must be so that no one can criticize it. Moreover, Taixu Taoist Master will also supervise the affairs of Taixu Pavilion.

So Wang Kun now says that Dou Zhao wants to provoke a national war between Jing and Chu. It really doesn't make sense.

What does the internal conflict in Taixu Pavilion have to do with other countries?

When Wang Kun appeared again, he was so angry that he had no expression: "Dou Zhao! We will work together for thirty years in the future. We will never see you again! Don't do things too badly!"

"Look down and see you, look up..." Dou Zhao looked at his face: "That's too disgusting."

Tianxiao's touch seemed to erase the filth he didn't want to see, and Wang Kun was indeed erased like this.

Huang Sheli watched the show with great interest, and did not send messages to tease Jiang Xianren in private.

Jiang Wang continued to hold his forehead, his fingers and forehead seemed to have a long story to tell.

Wang Kun, who returned to Taixu Pavilion again, already looked like he was going crazy: "What do you want!? You madman! If you have the ability to get out of Taixu Illusion, you will really kill me!"

Dou Zhao said calmly: "Give me your address."

It's like a basin of cold water being poured down on your head. Wang Kun was stunned for a moment and cursed angrily: "You are simply unreasonable! We have no grudges or grudges -"

Tianxiao crossed over and his head flew up! Cut off his lingering sound.

"I don't know why, but whenever this person speaks more than two sentences, I get very irritated." Dou Zhao looked around at everyone: "Do you feel like this?"

"It's indeed an eyesore." Chongxuan Zun said with a smile.

He had always thought that Douzhao was too troublesome, fighting against heaven and earth, and being indifferent to people and ghosts. But what can I say... When this person is not targeting you and has someone to stand in for you, it feels quite comfortable.

Wang Kun came back again, his voice squeezed out from between his teeth: "I'm not as good as you, I admit it, but you are worse than everyone else in Dou Zhao, are you invincible in the world? Do you want to bully everyone who is not as good as you? I think Do you know why you are targeting me like this?!"

Dou Zhao only asked: "Are you a member of Taixu Cabinet? What qualifications do you have to sit here?"

Wang Kun shouted angrily: "I'm not sitting, I'm standing!"

"I can't figure it out. Why did Li Yi let you be the representative? Is it because you are really stupid enough to represent his brain?" Dou Zhao shook his head and his eyes turned cold: "What qualifications do you have to enter this door? You stand You’re offending me here, you idiot!”

Tianxiao kills Tianjiao, and the blade is in vain.

For Wang Kun, an unqualified person, to stand in Taixu Pavilion is an offense to other cabinet members.

It was the "willfulness" of Jingguo, the first empire in the world.

No one will feel comfortable.

The drama department suggested that Zhong Xuanyin note Li Yi's absence, and Zhong Xuanyin did so, which was a sign of dissatisfaction.

It's just that Douzhao's performance was more direct and more intense.

"Do you remember how many times I killed this guy?" Dou Zhao asked Zhong Xuanyin.

Zhong Xuanyin held up the bamboo slip as usual, and the words on it said - "Several kills."

"Mr. Zhong is too lazy... Why don't you write about the process of me killing him?" Dou Zhao complained casually, and then said: "I can also write the reasons."

"What?" Zhong Xuanyin asked.

Dou Zhao said: "Dou will never see a madman in his life!"

Zhong Xuanyin was silent. Does Chu State not sell mirrors?

Wang Kun appeared in the pavilion again, obviously full of energy.

Although under the watchful eye of Taoist Master Taixu, he will not really die. But every one of Dou Zhao's swords was a sword that could truly kill him.

He wasn't dead, but he had experienced death several times - and it was never a pleasant feeling.

But of course he would not be timid in this situation, so he straightened his body and said fiercely: "The Chu State recognizes the result of my appearance here. You can't change it! What do you want? What can you do? You can't really kill me here! Never!"

"What I have to do is very simple -" Dou Zhaoshi Shiran dragged the knife over: "Either let Li Yi come, or you don't show up here again. Come here once, and I will kill you once. I heard that Zhenren Jiang is in the demon world I died hundreds of thousands of times and relied on the Fountain of Youth to survive to build my body today. I will also help you practice, but I want to see how your ambition is and how far you can match him!"

This time the blade directly blocked his waist.

Before Wang Kun disappeared, he saw his lower body spurting blood. His anger, pain, and panic were all crowded on his face, and they all disappeared together.

When his name was suddenly mentioned, Jiang Wang coughed: "Don't talk nonsense! Dou Zhenren, don't just listen to the wind or rain, why die hundreds of thousands of times? On the journey to the demon world, I went deep behind enemy lines, laid out my plans calmly, and played with all the demons at my fingertips. Relying entirely on my own strength, I fought fiercely with that Quan Yingyang, not losing, and finally killed him by force!"

Dou Zhao sneered: "God comes to kill the real demon, you also-"

He wanted to say, don't look in the mirror either. But it suddenly occurred to him that the guy in front of him was indeed the one who had accomplished the feat of killing the real person. For a moment, his teeth were itching with hatred, and he rolled his sleeves and said, "Then come! Everyone is dissatisfied, and they only look forward to my success. How can such a good thing happen!"

He sat back and really stopped doing anything.

Wang Kun, who returned to Taixu Pavilion again, had already taken a stance to parry, but did not receive Dou Zhao's sword. I was a little confused for a moment, not knowing whether to continue provoking or pretending that nothing happened.

Jiang Wang wanted to continue to hold his forehead, but all the cabinet members looked at him.

"Ahem!" Jiang Wang put down the hand on his forehead and said warmly: "Wang Kun, we have met before."

Wang Kun looked at him warily and said nothing.

As soon as Jiang Wang raised his hand, a sundial appeared in the void, and time was moved by light and shadow.

He said to Wang Kun: "We are old acquaintances. I have no objection to you personally, and I can't bear to see some people torture you like this -"

Hearing this, Wang Kun, who had been gritting his teeth and refusing to leave, felt a sore nose.

The grievance in my heart... was seen!

It’s not me who wants to come to Taixu Pavilion, nor is it me who provokes you. Why do you dislike me? Why are you staring at me and bullying me? When you have the ability to stay at Taixu Mountain Gate, oppose Nantian Master!

Shameless! Fierce! Extremely rude!

Jiang Wang continued: "In this case, you go back and send a message to Li Yi. This is our first Taixu Pavilion meeting. We will be colleagues for the next thirty years. We will continue to have differences, but we will still Because we are moving forward with the same goal.”

"We respect him very much and hope he can respect this matter - we wait for him for a quarter of an hour. If he comes, the meeting will continue. If he does not come, the meeting will continue."

"But no matter what, it is impossible for you to participate in this meeting. I wonder if you can understand what I say?"

[Thanks to the book friend "Kong Youy" for becoming the leader of this book, which is the 638th alliance for the Sky Patrol! 】

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