Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2117 Don’t wait until the time comes

Wang Kun left and did not appear in Taixu Pavilion again.

Jiang Wang's attitude was very gentle, but he truly realized that things could not be reversed - that was a determination that lasted longer than Dou Zhao threatening to kill him hundreds of thousands of times.

Jingguo needs to be special at all times to reflect his transcendent status, but this kind of specialness is no longer allowed - or in most cases it is still acquiesced. But in a new force and a new environment like Taixu Pavilion, the young geniuses have a more fierce attitude than the strong men of the older generation.

This in itself is a group of arrogant people.

They are both the most talented people in the world, and they have been winning since childhood. Who is willing to spoil whom?

When Wang Kun left Taixu Pavilion, all the peaks in Taixu Mountain Gate had dispersed. The Bagua Platform here and the mountain gate here, in a sense, have completely belonged to Taixu Pavilion.

This is the headquarters of Taixu Pavilion in the present world, and no one can enter it from now on.

Taixu Cabinet members have the highest authority here, and Taixu Magatama can control all the magic circles here.

Of course, the people active here are also subordinates of Taixu Pavilion.

Because Li Yi is the real person of Daluoshan Zhengyin, but Wang Kun, who is responsible for the affairs of Taixu Pavilion, is practicing on Penglai Island. Therefore, the subordinates transferred by Jingguo were all from the Nanyang Army. In Jingbajia, Nanyang and Demon Slaying had always been in charge of Penglai Island monks. It can also be seen from this that Li Yi did not intend to show up from beginning to end. It's just a name.

But this name still had to be his.

Because only Li Yi could maintain Jingguo's posture after joining the cabinet.

Chun Yugui, who was once known as a double wall with Zhao Xuanyang, although he has already discovered the truth, he really can't shine with Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao, who have become true within thirty years - Qin State has to wait three years to wait. Qin Zhizhendongzhen did not say that he would let Huang Budong join the cabinet in advance.

As for the younger Chen Suan, he has already lost to Jiang Wang head-on, and there is no chance of him winning back in the foreseeable future. It was impossible for Jingguo to put a genius who was clearly inferior to others in such a situation where he would be compared all the time. Thirty years like this have not been a good thing for Chen or Jingguo.

As soon as Wang Kun came out, his subordinates immediately came forward: "Secretary Wang..."

The lost Wang Kun stood on the concave platform "under all living beings". At this time, looking at the ninety-nine steps, I had a more tragic experience in my heart - I am in Taixu Pavilion, am I not below all living beings?

Being able to set foot in it with the cultivation level of Shenlin is entirely because of wearing Jingguo's tiger skin. But once people don't care about that tiger skin, the weakness and cowardice concealed by the overlord's majesty will sting their souls.

The subordinates belonging to other cabinet members also walked over silently, ready to welcome him.

But the only one who came out was indeed Wang Kun...

"Don't talk about anything else first. Time is very tight. Find a quiet place. I need to contact the Heavenly Master immediately." Wang Kun quickly adjusted his mentality. Today's humiliation was not his fault. He continued to die and did not retreat, nor did he lose sight. The face of the country. It's a great scene, with clear rewards and punishments. He was humiliated because of the senior management's misjudgment of the situation in Taixu Pavilion, and he should be compensated.

As the current headquarters of Taixu Pavilion, where the cabinet members and subordinates are permanently stationed, just when Wang Kun personally experienced Tianxiao's Edge, the residences of different cabinet members had been built - except for Jiang cabinet member.

Brush away the vast clouds and mist, and you can see the outline. The cornices and horns, the tall towers and the magnificent buildings shine in time and space, like a fairy palace.

In order to reflect the heritage of all parties, these buildings were all selected from famous craftsmen and started designing early, each with their own style. I moved here almost on the day I entered the pavilion, with only slight adjustments to adapt to Taixu Mountain.

The buildings that the major forces spent three years building are conspicuous enough anywhere in the world.

For example, the [Fenghua Palace] of Chongxuan Zunge.

[Xiji Terrace] by Qin Zhizhenge.

The [highest building] of Douzhao Pavilion Member.

The [Ten Thousand Flowers Palace] of Huang Relic Cabinet Member.

[God’s Abandoned Temple] by Cang Ming Pavilion Member.

[Daobixuan] by cabinet member Zhong Xuanyin.

[Five Punishment Towers] by Ju Gui Cabinet Member.

And Jingguo... moved directly to a city! It’s called [天下].

The so-called Tianxia City means Li Yiyi in the world.

Once upon a time, Wang Kun looked at this majestic city, and all he thought about was the beauty of being the master of his own country. Li Yiyi plans to put his name on it. Doesn't everything under the name of Taixu Cabinet Member belong to him, Wang Kun?

Everything that a Taixu cabinet member can enjoy is much better than what he can get from fierce competition in the intricate environment of Jingguo.

So he was well prepared before coming, and he also knew that things might not go well at first. He was just trying to pull off the tiger's skin, take advantage of the country's power, and use his mature political skills to move slowly over a long period of time, step by step to seize power, Seize the position - just don't expect it, don't let it start at all.

Those barbarians!

Without intending to appreciate the magnificence of Tianxia City, Wang Kun flew into the city, entered the pavilion, connected to the communication circle, and soon heard Nan Tianshi's voice - "Is it over so soon? The first Taixu meeting has no real content. ?"

"It hasn't started yet." When reporting, Wang Kun showed no emotion and spoke concisely: "Dou Zhao used force to prohibit me from joining the meeting. He also said that he would only give us a quarter of an hour. If Master Taiyu didn't arrive, they would even Put aside Master Taiyu altogether. The Ju Gui also has a law that if it does not happen more than three times within a year, it will impeach Taoist Master Taixu and demand the removal of cabinet members."

Master Nan Tian's voice only asked: "You can't kill people in Taixu Pavilion?"

Wang Kun leaned down unconsciously: "We have entered the Taixu illusion with our true bodies, and we are moving under the watchful eye of Taixu Taoist Master."

"These people are still very young. They don't know how heavy the sky is. They know that the sky is coming and there is no war in this world, so they are so crazy... We bear the responsibility of the world, and we must take the overall situation into consideration. You have done what you can." Nan Tian The master said this, which was regarded as final, and then said: "Zhen Taiyu has a lonely and cold temperament, and he is very strong in Taoist swords. It is difficult to use his heart in Taixu Pavilion——"

He asked: "Based on your observations in Taixu Pavilion, how do you think we should react best to this matter? Should the imperial court order Master Taiyu to do something, or should Master Taiyu make his own decision?"

Wang Kun wanted Li Yi to draw his sword on the spot and help him cut back Douzhao, but in the end he just said: "From the perspective of my subordinates, these Taixu cabinet members have very good personalities... How to get along with them? It’s better to let Master Taiyu decide for himself.”

"Xu San! You're here again!"

Next to the mountain road, the old peach tree swayed its branches, showing disgust but also a little kindness.

Xu San, with a green gourd hanging on his waist, emerged from the sword light with a look of helplessness on his face: "Who told me that I am also from Daluo Mountain? At this time, ask me to run errands!"

His front leg was still studying Taoism in Sanfenxiang Tower, but his back leg was picked up from the bed and thrown into the front of the mountain - where could he go to reason?

It is said that Daluoshan is free and easy, and the only one who is free is Li Yi! He is free-willed and too lazy to talk to anyone. And like me, always running errands to deliver messages, just like a waiter, if I had known, I would have gone to Penglai Island!

"Ying Jianghong?" Old Taoshu asked.

Xu San clasped his fists toward the sky: "It is indeed the respected Master Nan Tian who ordered me to deliver the message."

Old Peach Tree was dissatisfied and said: "The name has been lost, the country has been wiped out, and the Taoist sect's name and ultimatum have been crossed out. If they do whatever they want, what else will they do?"

Xu San tied up the loose clothes and said, "It's urgent. Please let me see Senior Brother Taiyu as soon as possible. It's too late."

"He is practicing and has no time at the moment." Old Taoshu said.

Xu Sandao: "It's really urgent, it's related to -"

His lips were sealed with a peach leaf.

Old Taoshu said: "Don't tell me things that have nothing to do with me. But if it involves Taiyu, no matter what, you have to wait until he finishes his practice - practice is bigger than the sky."

Xu San made several gestures in succession, but the old peach tree was indifferent.

He just... was too lazy to say anything else.

He sat down on the stone steps, thought for a while, then simply took off the green gourd as a pillow and lay down. He closed his eyes, took a long breath, and continued his interrupted happiness in his sweet dream.

The flowing light and shadow on the sundial is really like a dream. But it drooped resolutely.

"It seems that Master Taiyu has made a decision." Jiang Wang withdrew his gaze from the sundial, and the sundial disappeared into the void again.

"Do you want to give him a little more time?" Huang Sheli said in a casual tone: "I have never seen Li Yi again since I took a quick look at the river platform!"

Cang Meng's voice sounded from behind the cloak: "What did Master Jiang say?"

Jiang Wang smiled calmly: "I have already said, don't wait until the time comes."

Huang Relic sighed while stroking his palms: "Has anyone told you? You are really charming when you show your courage. If you say you won't wait, you won't wait. I will listen to you!"

Cang Meng said: "What Master Jiang said is exactly what I meant."

"You're not bad either." Huang Sheli commented, then looked at him curiously: "There are no outsiders here. Aren't you going to take off this cumbersome cloak? We have known each other for so many years, and we always keep our cloaks and robes close to us. I still I’ve never seen what you look like.”

She thought of the extremely handsome man behind the bronze mask she saw at the river viewing platform, and became interested: "I found that you herders love to cover their faces. Is it to protect themselves from the sun?"

Cang Meng said: "You are ugly and you are embarrassed to meet people."

"It's okay. Appearance is not important. This world is all about talent." Huang Sheli comforted him casually and stopped looking at him.

"I have only one question." Qin Zhizhen said slowly: "If it involves controversial issues, how can eight people vote?"

Dou Zhao suddenly became energetic: "I am the one who took away Wang Kun. My two votes are not too much."

He looked around and said angrily: "When you kill people, you enjoy the results. Now don't give me any nonsense!"

"Let me remind you, Wang Kun was persuaded to leave by me in the end." Jiang Wang emphasized.

Dou Zhao was very generous: "Then you will get two votes next time, but I will go first this time!"

"What about next time Li Yi comes?" Jiang Wang refused.

Dou Zhao waved his hand: "I'll give you a discount! Don't say any more!"

Jiang Wang reluctantly said, "Well, I'll give you a face today."

The lightning pattern on Ju Gui's eyebrows began to dance again.

Zhong Xuanyin said while carving words on the bamboo slip: "Then the first Taixu meeting has officially begun. I took one item from the pool of events to be resolved as the main issue that must be dealt with immediately this time - after all the cabinet members You can also review the event pool by yourself and mark the events you want to handle. In addition, this time I selected the main topic, so next time the theater members will choose the main topic, and rotate according to the order in which everyone is sitting now, how about it? "

Everyone in Taixu Pavilion is seated casually, with no distinction in order of status. This huge round platform doesn't even have a door, and of course there are no host or guest seats. All cabinet members have equal status and equal rights and responsibilities. As for their right to speak, it all depends on themselves.

Dou Zhao waved his hand: "Let's talk about the issue."

Zhong Xuanyin was gradually getting familiar with the characters of these young masters, and said unhurriedly: "Now the Taixu Illusion Realm has been laid out in all directions, from the line of life and death in the north to the Meteor Fairy Forest in the south. It has been opened up in all countries, but only in the Snow Country. The implementation has encountered obstacles - their opening has been very limited. So far, there are only two Taixu turrets, and they are still standing in deserted places and are strictly restricted. Let's discuss how to deal with this matter. "

"Snow Country?" Zhong Xuanzun's handsome brows raised slightly: "I know very little about this country, but rarely know its situation. Do they refuse to communicate with the real world, or do they simply reject the illusory realm?"

"If we talk about the understanding of the Snow Country, no one here should be as good as the Relic Girl." Zhong Xuanyin said: "Relic Girl, are you willing to introduce the Snow Country to everyone?"

"I did do a little research." Huang Sheli said without hesitation: "The most beautiful woman in the snow country, I should express my gratitude! She was born with fragile glass, beautiful and pitiful, and her figure——"

Ju Gui coughed heavily.

"Oh, I'm not the introducer... I told you earlier!" Huang Sheli spread his hands and said: "Snow Country is the largest country in the northwest, and its capital is called [Jishuang]. It has been isolated from the world all year round and does not communicate with the outside world. They All the people are soldiers, and the folk customs are brave. Perhaps it is the bitter cold that can sharpen the will, and there is no shortage of talented monks. They raise snow beasts to fight, and have two strong armies. Now there are two true kings, Fu Huan and Xie Ai... …”

The girl touched her chin and frowned: "It's not easy to wipe out."

Zhong Xuanyin said quietly: "Our goal is only to expand the Taixu Illusion Realm and penetrate the last great country in the world——"

"It doesn't matter." Huang Sheli said carelessly: "We can borrow troops from the Jing Kingdom! This country has always been benevolent and righteous, and will not hesitate to serve the human race. I am familiar with them and can represent Taixu Pavilion as an envoy. We must let Taixu Corner Tower , stand in Jishuang City, and let the snow from the extreme west fall into the illusion of Taixu!"

"To wipe out big countries at every turn, Taixu Pavilion does not have such ability, let alone such rights. During the official meeting, Huang Pavilion member should not make such jokes." Ju Gui said seriously: "Otherwise I will impeach you."

Huang Relic took out a seal, clicked it, and put it on his mouth.

But her beautiful eyes stared at Jiang Wang, gesturing for him to speak.

Jiang Wang said: "The powers and responsibilities of Taixu Pavilion are all based on Taixu Illusion Realm, so Taixu Pavilion is naturally responsible for the development of Taixu Illusion Realm. But the construction of Taixu Illusion Realm should follow the principle of voluntariness. We cannot force the unwillingness to do so. Those who join join. Even if we really think it is good for them. Taixu Illusion itself needs the unique creativity of the Snow Country monks, not asking them to do hard work reluctantly. "

"But the problem is that they are not willing now. Then we have to help them volunteer!" Huang Sheli tore off the seal.

Jiang Wang spread his hands and said, "How about you tell me?"

Huang Relic put the seal back again.

Jiang Wang continued: "I think first of all we need to figure out why the Snow Country resists the Taixu Illusion Realm? Secondly, let's consider whether the reason why they resist the Taixu Illusion Realm can be solved? If it really can't be solved, we can also consider some compromises. For example, can we first arrange for a group of Snow Country monks to participate in Taixu Illusion and let them experience it themselves?"

Chongxuan Zun slightly raised his eyes in surprise, and finally said: "Then who will go to Snow Country to find out the reason?"

Jiang Wang immediately leaned back in his chair.

Whoever wants to go will go.

Cang Ming remained silent and motionless, completely "not seeing me".

As soon as Huang Relic raised his hand, Ju Gui said: "It is inconvenient for Cabinet Member Huang to participate in this matter, for fear of selfish motives."

She pouted and put it down again.

Qin Zhizhen, who had been silent from beginning to end, said at this time: "I am willing to take charge of this matter."

Dou Zhao, who was also leaning against the back of the chair, immediately sat up straight: "I object!"

"Why?" Zhong Xuanyin asked.

Of course Dou Zhao didn't know why, he just wanted to oppose the Qin people. Whatever the people of Qin want to do, it must be bad and will never succeed.

But after all, I couldn't say it like this. I gritted my teeth and said with determination: "I think Cabinet Member Jiang is smarter than Cabinet Member Qin!"

The first sentence came out, and the rest went much smoother: "Everyone, look at Jiang Ge's analysis of the situation in the Snow Country. He is so clear-cut and thorough. What a pattern! The first issue of Taixu Pavilion, the first time to take office, you must choose A man of both wisdom and bravery. My opposition to Cabinet Member Qin is purely out of public interest. To avoid suspicion, I will not participate. Looking around, it is difficult to find the same, and who else is Cabinet Member Shejiang!"

[Thanks to book friend "Breaking Dawn" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 639th alliance for the Sky Patrol! 】

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