Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2119 Text Cocoon

Looking at Kudu's back, Huang Relic thought thoughtfully: "This old monk doesn't know the true Buddha. He just treats me coldly. Why is he so alienated from you, Master Jiang?"

"The leader of Guanshiyuan has always been like this." Jiang Wang said: "Maybe it's because this is his character, or maybe it's because he doesn't get along well with senior Ku Jue - I saw them scolding each other many times, and they were very scolding. Dirty."

"Is Xuankong Temple so rude?" Huang Relic asked puzzledly: "Since you are here to see the real person Kujue, even if Kujue is not here, they should send someone who has a good relationship with Kujue to receive you."

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "No one in Xuankong Temple seems to have a good relationship with senior Ku Jue... He quarrels with everyone."

Kudhi may have to come, after all, he is in charge of Avalokitesvara. Supervision and discipline are under his control, and he is also responsible for external affairs.

Huang Relic didn't know what to say. After a while, he said again: "Monk Kujue just said that you came here last year, and the year before before, and now you are here again - Master Kujue is very important to you, right? Do you care about him so much?"

"That's not true." Jiang Wang smiled: "I haven't seen him for a long time. I want to find out about him. If I write you a letter one day and you don't reply, I have to ask about it, right?"

Huang Sheli clicked his tongue: "Are you saying that I am important, or are you saying that I am not important?"

Jiang Wangdao: "You are my fairly important friend!"

Huang Sheli grinned: "This is your honor."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "Yes! It's my pleasure!"

As he spoke, the old monk Kudhi had turned around, holding three envelopes in his hand, and handed them over with a serious look: "I took them out in the abbot's room, there are three letters in total. Return them to me after reading them, and I have to put them back. "

Jiang Wang took the envelope, took out the letter paper, and saw the words -

"You guys, don't miss me."

The handwriting is very scrawled, like the tired smile of the yellow-faced old monk.

Looking down, he said——

What a wonderful trip to the heavens! When can Lord Buddha return?

Also said——

"Is Brother Abbot still alive? Don't hold on when you are sick, and don't hide anything from me. Don't take advantage of the fact that Buddha is out and complain about your illness to that consumption ghost."

Also said——

"How is the little bald Jingli? Please write and let me know quickly."

Finally wrote——

"Did Jingshen come to ask me?"

Jiang Wang looked at it with a smile on his lips.

I opened three letters in a row, about one a year. The letters either cursed this or cursed that, but they always ended with two sentences——

"How is Jingli going?"

"Did Jingshen come to ask me?"

It seems that the yellow-faced old monk was forcibly thrown away by the Xuankong Temple to wander around the world...

Jiang Wang concealed his trust and asked, "Why is Senior Ku Jue wandering around? He doesn't seem to be happy about it."

Ku Di reached out to take the letter back and said coldly: "The matter involves the secrets of the mountain gate, so I can't tell you."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Then when will he come back?"

Kudhi said: "The matter involves——"

Huang Relic loudly continued his words: "The mountain gate is secret, so I can't tell you!"

Kudhi glanced at her, turned around and left, with the air of "I am incompatible with those who believe in false beliefs".

"First seat!" Jiang Wang shouted hurriedly: "I haven't asked about the little holy monk Jingli yet! With his talent, it's impossible that he hasn't learned the truth yet. Why hasn't he come out of seclusion yet?"

"The truth of the cave has been realized, but the fruition of his cultivation is not that simple. He will not leave the pure land in a short time." The truth of suffering does not look back: "The pure land of Buddhism, the donors should come less often."

Jiang Wang followed up: "If your temple replies to Senior Kujue, tell him I'm here!"

Then he added: "By the way, I will be the first to be seated at Taixu Pavilion with a unanimous vote! Don't forget to tell him!"

The old monk knocks on the stone but the door of the mountain temple is closed.

Jiang Wang didn't care about anything. He would never care about Xuankong Temple-unless the old monk Kujue asked him to help put sacks one day. Then respected Member Jiang, you should have a good talk with the head of Kanshiyuan about this slight.

"You seem very happy?" Huang Sheli asked.

"Is there any?" Jiang Wang walked in the air, his clothes fluttering.

Huang Sheli said: "You are smiling more sincerely now than when you accepted Dou Zhaoqian. It seems that Master Kujue is indeed a very important person to you."

Jiang Wang laughed and turned into a rainbow: "Don't think too much, let's go and drink!"

Huang Sheli immediately chased after him: "Wow! You really took Douzhao's money! What did you do with his money? Why don't you want mine?"

Shadows hang in the sky, and laughter fades away.

The main reason is that the old monk Kujue is dissatisfied day by day. Seven are dissatisfied and eight are angry. They scold this and that all day long. He can't be contacted at the moment. Jiang Wang is really worried that something will happen!

In the past few years, he came to Xuankong Temple many times, but was turned away by Kudhi saying, "I have not returned from my wandering."

Today, I used my new identity as a member of the Taixu cabinet to come to visit, and finally gave the cold-faced head of Guanshiyuan some face.

Knowing that the old monk Ku Jue was "voluntarily" wandering around for some reason, I felt relieved.

To be honest, with the yellow-faced old monk's playful nagging and thinking about his hair all day long... he really couldn't see him often. Yunyou is very good!

Returning to Xingyueyuan, Mr. Jiang hosted a banquet for the Huang Relic with serious wine and food.

Of course, no matter what level of dining in Bai Yujing Restaurant, it can't keep up with the life of Huang Keyu.

But the good thing is that it is beautiful and delicious.

Bai Yuxia is a first-class handsome man, Lian Yuchan is exquisite and charming, and Zhu Weiwo can't hide her charm even if she has a dirty face. In addition, Jiang Xianren, who was thinking about him very much, was sitting next to him, and Huang Cabinet Member was smiling broadly after drinking. Bai Yujing expressed his intention to acquire it on the spot, and everyone in Bai Yujing also agreed to be acquired, but it was a pity that they only sold restaurants and not people. This business cannot be negotiated.

After sending away the yellow relic, Jiang Wang wrote a letter in the study.

He was writing a letter to Xu Xiangqian, and his purpose was to visit the Snow Country - Xu Xiangqian once traveled with Zhao Wuyan and finally stopped in the Snow Country. In the Tianbei Snow Ridge, Zhao Wuyan determined his own path, and with the majestic momentum of a hundred schools of thought, he realized the presence of God.

Among Jiang Wang's friends, apart from Huang Relic, Xu Xiangqian and Zhao Wuyan may have some knowledge of the situation in the Snow Country.

The Snow Country has always been mysterious and has never revealed its veil to the world. Of course, he would not go there so hastily. He would not naively think that his identity as a Taixu cabinet member could easily break the ice of the Snow Country.

If it’s really that easy, it’s up to their Taixu Pavilion to deal with it? As early as the era of Xu Yuan, the Snow Country should have been opened.

As the saying goes, "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools."

Before rushing to the Snow Country, Jiang Wang tried his best to understand the Snow Country.

He invited Huang Relic back for a drink, and asked Senior Brother Zhu, Shopkeeper Bai and Lian Yuchan to accompany him, which was also his intention. The Jing Kingdom is dominating one side and has been in the northwest for many years. It must have a very deep understanding of the Snow Country.

However, the yellow relic is really a model of a ruthless prodigal. She talks about boundless beauty, and her eyebrows are smiling and her eyes are affectionate. At the wine table, this sister is well-born, and that brother is so handsome, with a smile like a flower, willing to do anything when asked, but remembering nothing when asked. As soon as the banquet was over, he immediately said that he had to get down to business, turned around and left without any nostalgia.

Jiang Zhenren hates that.

Where is Bai Yujing?

The heroes of the world are like the crucian carp crossing the river, and their eyebrows have never been lowered so far. Looking at the world, this is the first one who can take advantage of Bai Yujing - oh no, it should be the second one.

The first one is Xu Xiangqian, who travels all over the world and specializes in credit.

But the problem is that Xu Xiangqian really has no money, and he can't squeeze out the oil from the meat. The yellow relic is so rich that it can be wiped away.

In total, the yellow relic is even better.

She pinched Lian Yuchan's little face, she shook Bai Yuxia's hand, she drank Jiang Wangjing's wine... She didn't give any of Jing Guo's important information about Snow Country.

It wasn't until he was sitting at his desk writing a letter that Jiang Wang suddenly remembered that the last time Xu Xiangqian came to Bai Yujing for a drink was the year before last.

The last time they met was when Zhao Rucheng and Helian Yunyun got married in the grassland.

Practitioners have gone through many years and are not sensitive enough to the passage of time. Moreover, everyone has reached this point in their cultivation. As they move up in Shenlin, their lifespans will start at least five hundred, and it is common for them not to contact each other for three to five years.

I'm still young now, and I still miss you a lot. When you are a hundred and a thousand years old, you have gradually become accustomed to the world, and you no longer feel that it is a big deal.

He sent letters to Xu Xiangqian and Zhao Wuyan at the same time in Taixu Illusion Realm, but received no response, so he wrote to Qingya Academy and Longmen Academy to try.

After all, not everyone pays attention to Taixu Illusion all day long. Frequent visitors to the Taixu Illusion Realm like Zuo Guangshu often went out with Qu Shunhua to relax since the arrival of the gods, and they rarely went to the Sword Discussing Platform.

Xu Xiangqian and Zhao Wuyan's relationship gradually deepened, and they thought they would have their own lives.

Of course, since I have already written letters, it is reasonable to write a few more to express my regards to my relatives and friends in Linzi, the elders in Chu State, and my little troubled mother-in-law in Tianwai.

"Master, you are clearly in Xingyueyuan, why did you sign 'at Taixu Pavilion'?" Chu Yao asked puzzledly.

"Oh, it went smoothly." Jiang Zhenren waved his hand: "I'm too lazy to revise it, so it doesn't matter, just send it as it is."

Before Chu Yao could ask any more questions, Lian Yuchan carried him away by his ears.

Jiang Wang is reading, reading books about the modern northwest, reading the surprising glimpses of the Snow Country in "Mu Lue", and reading the traces of snow in the history of the Frost Immortal Lord...

There are three amber beads hanging on the roof, illuminating the room like bright lamps.

One is gorgeous and dynamic, evolving.

One is that the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sword light is turning in thousands of directions.

One is the changing light and shadow, and the ripples of sound patterns.

He spent countless days and nights like this - reading and practicing, reading and practicing.

Two days later, replies from both major academies were mailed.

Over at Qingya Academy, Xu Xiangqian's whereabouts were not known, and there was quite a bit of resentment that "the son is older than his mother." The letter said that the Qingya wild disciples were nowhere to be found. If you want to find traces, it is better to go to Longmen Academy to have a look...

The reply from Longmen Academy was written by Zishu.

While supervising Chu Yao's practice, Jiang Wang smiled and showed his letter, his face gradually becoming serious.

"What's wrong?" Zhu Weiwo, who was sitting not far away and imitating the edge of a gun with his words, immediately asked with concern.

"Senior Sister Zhao from Longmen Academy is in trouble." Jiang Wang said, "I'll go there and you guys can take care of the house."

With a thought, [Taixu No Distance] has been activated.

After the light and shadow flew around, I could hear the roar of the long river - they had arrived outside Longmen Academy.

In front of the majestic tall archway, two academy disciples hung up their swords and came out: "Whoever comes, stop!"

Jiang Wang specially released his aura to let them know. He just didn't want to waste time and said directly: "I am Jiang Wang. Please ask Miss Shu from your courtyard to see me."

A person's name, the shadow of a tree. As soon as the word "Jiang Wang" came out, the disciple guarding the mountain of Longmen Academy didn't say a word and hurriedly turned around to send the message.

"Brother Jiang!" After a while, Zishu came out with tears in his eyes and he was about to cry.

"Long time no see, Zishu. Where is Senior Sister Zhao now? Where is Xu Xiangqian? The letter didn't go into detail. Please take me to have a look." Jiang Wang stepped forward with a gentle voice.

He seems to have an innate ability to soothe emotions. When you look at his peaceful eyes, you will always feel... there is always hope.

Zishu felt that he was not so scared all of a sudden, and turned around to lead the way: "Senior Brother Xu is accompanying Senior Sister..."

Unintentionally admiring the magnificent scenery of Longmen Academy, he flew all the way and soon came to an independent courtyard - Jiang Wang finally saw the lost Xu Xiangqian.

At this moment, Xu Xiangqian was sitting on the stone steps in front of the court with his back against the pillars, his head raised to the sky, but his eyes were clearly lifeless. In the past, the hair on the temples must be combed out to be shiny, but now it is piled together in a haphazard manner. The shiny high forehead also has a few clearly visible forehead lines.

God's presence is immortal, but my heart is sad.

When Jiang Wang saw that he was still alive, he ignored him and let Zi Shu lead the way to the inner room.

This should be Zhao Wuyan's boudoir, but all the furnishings inside have been wiped out, leaving only dense array patterns painted all over the walls. These formation patterns must have been written by an expert, and with Jiang Wang's current knowledge, there were many that he couldn't understand.

In the center of the room, there stood a cocoon of words about ten feet tall that was constantly changing light and shadow.

Its appearance is too much like a cocoon, but it is not made of silk, but threads connected by countless fine characters.

Jiang Wang only took a brief glance and captured many passages of text. Even one of them was the "General Theory of Five Punishments" that he had read.

In this cocoon of words, he felt the breath of life of Zhao Wuyan.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" He asked Zishu after looking at it carefully for a while.

Zishu said with red eyes: "Senior sister, she is following the path of 'mixing together hundreds of schools of thought and flowing from one source to another', but she -"

"My shoulders carry mountains, but my heart hides the world." A voice continued.

Following the voice, a handsome and elegant middle-aged man appeared in the room. Wearing a collared gown, his voice was very magnetic: "To put it simply, her ambition was far beyond her ability. Thousands of strands were tangled together, and she was no longer able to untie it, thus forming this cocoon."

Jiang Wangli said: "I have met Master Yao Shan."

Of course, this person can only be Yao Fu, the master of Longmen Academy.

He raised his hand to stop Jiang Wang's salute, and there was a ray of sadness in his eyes that could not be brushed away: "My disciple has high ambitions and is asking for trouble... I am tired of worrying about you."

With Jiang Wang's current vision of cultivation, there was no need for Yao Fu to say much. He looked at the text cocoon with a solemn expression: "Are these the Tao that she cannot control?"

Zhao Wuyan is a disciple of Longmen Academy, a man of great erudition and devotion to the Tao. In terms of talent and talent, he is the top of Confucianism.

When Jiang Wang was still in the Neifu Realm, she could already have a divine presence at any time, but she had to suffer from too many choices and didn't know which way was better, so she stopped moving forward.

Later, I traveled around the world just to find a path that I was most satisfied with. Go as far east as Crescent Island, as far north as Bianhuang, as far south as Meteor Fairy Forest, and as far west as Snow Country.

In the Snow Country, he was inspired by Xie Lai, and he had an epiphany at the Snow Ridge of the Sky Monument. After suffering for a period of time, he finally became a god. Then he made a splash at the Dragon Palace Banquet in 3923 of the Daoist calendar.

Jiang Wang originally thought that what awaited her was a prosperous road. Since Kaiyuanliu, Zhao Wuyan's practice has indeed made rapid progress, and she has the appearance of a master. Unexpectedly, if we meet again today, we will end up in a cocoon!

What worries him even more is that on this text cocoon, he has already seen the divine light of [Jinxiu]...

Yao Fu sighed: "When she left Longmen to study all over the world, I advised her to choose a path and specialize in it. But she was arrogant and refused to be mediocre. Mixing together hundreds of schools, it is easier said than done. The sage city has not yet been established. , how could she do it? I found a way to hang her life and condense her soul, but the rest of the way can only rely on her own. In addition to truly comprehending what she has learned and swallowing the cocoon before her life ends. ... She has no choice."

Yao Fu is the current true king, one of the top five mountain masters in the history of Longmen Academy, and the creator of the "Classic Sword of the World" and the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Sword Code".

He said there was no other choice. Zhao Wuyan really had no other choice.

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