Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2120 Xi is faint and far away

As Zhao Wuyan's teacher, Yao Fu must have done everything he could.

As Zhao Wuyan's friend, all Jiang Wang can do seems to be to come and visit...

Yao Fu, who stood at the pinnacle of cultivation and controlled Longmen Academy, couldn't think of any other way. How could he?

Jiang Wang looked at the text cocoon with complicated light and shadow in front of him, and his emotions were also very complicated: "I'm looking at Senior Sister... her consciousness seems to be still very active?"

"Yes, she has never given up her efforts." Yao Fu said slowly, "She is still studying, still learning, and still moving forward."

Imagine a woman like that, trekking alone in a long night with no end in sight. There is no visible path in life, and there is no faint light in front of her eyes. What supports her to move forward?

Jiang Wang said in a deep voice: "Judging from the current speed, can Senior Sister Zhao penetrate hundreds of families and swallow the cocoon before her life is over?"

Yao Fu shook his head and said with regret: "This is what makes people suffer - in five hundred years, I can't see the hope of her absorbing these Tao. She has been moving forward, but she feels better every night. It’s going to be a long journey, further than she imagined.”

Xu Xiangqian has used Jinxiu magical power to bless Zhao Wuyan, but he still has no hope of achieving success within five hundred years.

When Zhao Wuyan declares failure, it will also be the time when Xu Xiangqian leaves...

The year before last, when he kicked Xu Xiangqian away, who was eating and drinking, Jiang Wang could never have imagined that they would be in such a situation when they saw each other again.

Accidents will happen! Life's blessings and misfortunes are all there!

Among the younger generation of female cultivators Jiang Wang knew, there were only two who truly displayed the image of a master, Jiang Wuyou and Zhao Wuyan.

Of course, this does not mean that Huang Sheli, Ning Shuangrong and others are not geniuses, but they have different paths.

It cannot be said that those who have the potential to establish a sect are necessarily better than others.

Li Yi's Taoist sword practice is also learned by his predecessors. Isn't he "Li Yi in the world"?

But there is no doubt that in the extraordinary world that is developing rapidly and innovating at every turn, Yi Ding can open up a road for more people to walk, which has its own unique and brilliant brilliance.

The paths of Jiang Wuyou and Zhao Wuyan seemed to be close to the path of "Great Sainthood" in the Age of All Saints. The latter was more similar, but in fact they were different.

To achieve the greatest sage is to use one thought to unify all thoughts, exhaust the truth of the universe, and explain everything in the world. It is an ultimate state that exists in the ideal.

Jiang Wuyou's "self-opening of martial arts" is to introduce martial arts into Taoism, practice martial arts with Taoism, and integrate martial arts into the existing practice system.

However, Zhao Wuyan's idea of ​​"mixing together hundreds of schools and starting one's own" is to choose the best of hundreds of schools to form one family. Just like picking the tips of tea leaves, picking the pistils of flowers, and finally brewing a pot of scented tea.

This is undoubtedly an extremely ambitious idea.

But how vast are the hundreds of schools of thought? Just one Confucianism can branch into countless branches. Many people spend their entire lives unable to say that they have achieved anything in their studies.

Zhao Wuyan is already a genius among geniuses, but to say that he can accomplish the task of mixing hundreds of schools at this age, even if it is just to set up a framework, is unbelievable.

Back then, she appeared at the Dragon Palace Banquet, showing off her appearance as a master who mixed hundreds of schools of thought. She stirred up so many waves that even Shushan was alarmed. Although the Dragon Palace Banquet was overshadowed by the Zhenzhen War, the reputation of Zhao Wuyan was also resounding throughout Confucianism.

Unfortunately, this road was more difficult than imagined. Finally, at this step of "coming true", I was unable to control such a majestic road. Landslides blocked the road and I was bound by the road.

If she hadn't been at Longmen Academy at that time and Yao Fu had taken action in time, she would no longer exist now.

This was at the beginning of this year. Longmen Academy suppressed the news and spent a full nine months trying every means to treat it, but it could only maintain the current "literary cocoon" situation.

The fact that Zishu was able to reply to Jiang Wang and inform Jiang Wang of this matter was also a sign that Longmen Academy was helpless - there was no other solution to Zhao Wuyan's condition, and there was no need to hide the news anymore.

Jiang Wang walked out of the room silently and sat down next to Xu Xiangqian.

His understanding of Wu Yan is actually very weak. All their contacts were through Xu Xiangqian. All I know is that she is the senior sister of Longmen Academy, and I only know that she is knowledgeable and talented... Zhao Wuyan is a woman who has a deep Taoism, is very rational most of the time, and rarely shows her emotions, just like Tamsui Wuhen. Therefore, the impression given to people is not as profound as that of the innocent and lovely Zi Shu.

But he knew that Xu Xiangqian loved this person very much.

I quit drinking for her, I stopped "picking up people" for her, I followed her all over the world, and I had no regrets no matter how indifferent I was. And now, it is also delivered to [Jinxiu], tied to life and death.

As Xu Xiangqian's friend, what can he do? How to comfort?

In the end he just sat there quietly.

There is an apricot tree outside the courtyard. A few branches are picked out and stretched over the wall. The bare branches express the mood of autumn.

This is not a gentle night, the moonlight flows like water. The human shadow is on the ground, disturbed rudely by the shadow of the trees.

After a while, Zishu also came out and sat down on the stone steps next to him, holding his legs with his hands and resting his chin on his knees.

No words.

Just sat quietly all night.

When the sky light broke through the night, Zishu raised her misty eyes. For a moment, the courtyard she saw was golden.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Wang finally asked.

Xu Xiangqian's distracted energy was gently pushed back.

Only then did he begin to understand Jiang Wang's voice, and then he began to answer: "What should I do?"

"I mean - are you going to sit here like this forever?"

Xu Xiangqian turned his head, what a dejected look in his eyes. Jiang Wang had never seen Xu Gaoer like this before. "Everything has been tried," he said.

"I understand, I know it's hard for you." Jiang Wang said: "You are actually a very smart and very capable person. You must have tried everything you can. You can't think of a way, and neither can I. But I noticed...your brocade is tied to her——"

Xu Xiangqian turned around blankly: "Don't persuade me, I won't untie it."

Jiang Wangdao: "Of course, I know what kind of person you are. I know you will never give up Senior Sister Zhao, and I will not advise you like this. Speaking of which, do you know yourself?"

"Me?" Xu Xiangqian laughed miserably: "Maybe I'm a waste."

Xu Xiangqian would say, "I am the two proudest men from the Horse Mountain. Jiang Wang and I are equally matched. I am also considered the leader of the Yellow River."

Xu Xiangqian would say, "Who is more worthy of being famous in the world, but who can catch my eye?"

Xu Xiangqian is conceited about his poetic talent, so confident and arrogant that it makes people feel that he does not know the heights of the world.

But the only thing he won't say is that he is a waste.

He is the most self-aware person in the world, with almost blind self-belief.

"Destiny" is such a cold word. It always has to change people beyond recognition to show its waves.

"Sure enough." Jiang Wang said: "Although you often boast, you don't know how great you are, you don't know how amazing magical powers you have... Do you remember the world of Shenxiao? Twenty-nine years from now, everything will be opened. The place where the world war took place.”

Xu Xiangqian said nothing.

Jiang Wang thought to himself: "That is the world of the divine sky where there is a transcendent layout, surrounded by heavenly demons, real demons take action, and the demon king is besieging me. And I am just a small god. I am alone in it, and I was discovered by them." ——Can there be a more desperate situation than this?

"Yes. While facing all this, I was also paid attention to by the will of the demon world. My countless attempts to go home were shattered. I can't even remember how many times I tried... But do you know? ?

“At that time, I had been sunk to the bottom by a sword, and I had already realized that I was going to die. My spirit had been exhausted. I felt like a leaky raft, which was rapidly drying up... But I suddenly woke up again.

"At that time I was thinking -

"How can you feel safe in this world where your life hangs on a knife's edge, after traveling so many miles and leaving this world for so many days?"

Jiang Wang shook his head sadly and raised his voice again: "It turns out it's my friend who is thinking about me. It's my best friend Xu Xiangqian who prays for me in the distant world and weaves my body with his life. He is waiting. I go home!"

He looked at Xu Xiangqian, put his hand on Xu Xiangqian's shoulder, and brushed off the autumn dew: "I can come back from the demon world only because of your help. I never told you how amazing you are. The friendship between men , It always seems difficult to say it. But brother Gao'e, Senior Sister Zhao actually needs you very much now. What she needs is not you sitting here. If you can tell the truth, Jinxiu can help her more. If you can understand , she has the possibility of success. If you can transcend, then she will become enlightened tomorrow. Are you right?"

Xu Xiangqian said nothing.

Jiang Wang just waited for him quietly, pressing his shoulders to let him feel the support of his friends and the trust of his best friends.

After a long time, Xu Xiangqian reached out and opened Jiang Wang's hand: "First, my name is not brother Gao'e."

"Okay, Brother Shenxiu." Jiang Wang immediately changed his words.

"Second, you pinched my shoulder."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Zhenren apologized immediately: "Can I press it again for you?"

"Third, you're right - I want to be detached!"

"...My suggestion is to get to the truth first. Don't make the span so big and give the world a little room to accept it. What do you think?"

Xu Xiangqian stood up and said, "I'm going to practice right now, Master Jiang! Is there any place you can recommend?"

"It's trouble." Jiang Wang analyzed seriously: "Now Mugu Academy has stabilized, and Xuehai Town is there, so it is relatively stable."

"Lead the way!" Xu Xiangqian said unceremoniously.

Jiang Wang shook his head and apologized: "You can only go by yourself. I am now a member of the Taixu Cabinet. I have a heavy responsibility and am not very free."

If it were Xu Xiangqian in the past, when he heard this news, he would have gone crazy with envy, but now he just said: "Very good, quickly release the Taixu Scroll mission, and ask the world to see who can solve the text cocoon."

Jiang Wangdao: "It has been released."

Taixu cabinet members naturally have the right to issue tasks. Nor will he ignore the wisdom of the people in the world. Although Yao Fu said there was no solution, Yao Fu was just a family member.

"Good brother!" Xu Xiangqian raised his feet and was about to fly away, but then he thought of something and reached out to Jiang Wang: "Give me some travel expenses, and I'll leave right away. If you are poor and rich, please give me more."

This is the second person besides Jiang An'an who can take money out of Jiang's pocket.

Jiang Wang silently handed over the storage box he received from Dou Zhao.

Saving money is like picking dirt with a needle, and spending money is like pushing sand away with water!

Xu Xiangqian grabbed it, turned around and left.

"Xiangqian." Yao Fu stepped into the courtyard and stopped him: "You can't leave now. Wuyan's situation is not optimistic, and your magical power will be touched at any time. If she can't survive halfway, stay here Longmen Academy, I can still protect your life."

He has never supported Zhao Wuyan and Xu Xiangqian's relationship. But don’t object either. Because Zhao Wuyan has always been a very thoughtful person, and he has always given freedom.

But he still couldn't figure out how his proud disciple could fall in love with such a loser. It was not until the time when he was in the cocoon of Zhao Wuyan that he really came into contact with Xu Xiangqian and got to know Xu Xiangqian. Only then do we know that some people are good at appearance, some are good at virtue, and some are good at quality.

His concern for Xu Xiangqian at this moment was also sincere.

But Xu Xiangqian did not look back, and the voice he left behind in the morning light was faint and distant - "She will not give up, because if she gives up, I will die."

Xu Xiangqian left, but Jiang Wang did not leave.

Yao Fu's eyes fell on him and asked with his eyes - Is there anything else?

Jiang Wang explained: "I have something to ask Miss Zishu."

Yao Fu glanced at his daughter, then at Jiang Wang, and walked away without saying anything.

"Brother Jiang, what's going on?" Zishu tried hard to collect his emotions, hoping that he was also a person who could deal with problems instead of just shedding tears.

But as soon as Jiang Wang opened his mouth, she wanted to cry again - "I've worked hard on you during this time."

The person in front of her is the person she admires, the person she relies on as a role model and the person she has been chasing for a long time. She has admired Jiang Wang since he was not number one in the world.

Back at Tianya Terrace, watching Jiang Wang return from the Lost World, she was so excited that tears filled her eyes... She wanted to be such a person. Be unyielding and keep a promise that is more important than anything in the world.

"It's not hard." She bit her lip and said, "Sister, it's very hard."

Jiang Wang said warmly: "Relax a little, soothe your mood. I don't have anything important to ask you... I know that you have traveled to the Snow Country with Senior Sister Zhao and Xu Xiangqian before. I am going to the Snow Country for business soon. Can you give me some help? Could you please introduce the situation in Snow Country?”

Zishu also talked seriously about the snow country she knew.

The perspective she tells is completely that of a little girl traveling in a foreign country, full of novelty and beauty. As she talked, her emotions calmed down.

Only then did Jiang Wang say: "Thank you for letting me know something about this country. It helped me a lot. Well, I have one more thing to ask you - were you present when the Winter Emperor gave instructions to Senior Sister Zhao?"

Zishu reacted immediately: "Brother Jiang, do you think there is something wrong with the Winter Emperor?"

"Don't think too much, it's not that you doubt the Winter Emperor." Jiang Wang's eyes were gentle and his expression was calm: "I just want to know about Senior Sister's journey of choosing a spiritual path... to see if I can find a way to help her."

His voice was as calm as still water, which made Zishu calm down unconsciously, and slowly recalled the details from the beginning——

"Senior Brother Xu and I were both present. We met Donghuang in a restaurant. At that time, she was being hunted by someone. She was disguised in the restaurant and we didn't know each other. Senior Sister Zhao and Senior Brother Xu were discussing Senior Sister Ji Li. In the book "Twenty-Three Types of Article Structures in Modern Times" edited by Donghuang, Donghuang suddenly interrupted and pointed out the fallacy of Senior Brother Xu... Later, she and Senior Sister Zhao started chatting, and gradually they were not limited to Confucianism, and they talked a lot about various schools of thought. The conversation went further and further. By the end of the conversation, I sounded exhausted. Senior Brother Xu didn't want to listen and fell asleep next to him... Later we found out that this woman in disguise was Xie Ai..."

Zishu talked a lot, not very focused, but just recounted all the contacts she remembered with Xie Ai. She takes it seriously, fearing that even the slightest omission may interfere with her idol's judgment.

After Jiang Wang listened quietly to the story, he didn't express any opinions. He just said: "Okay, I already know. Thank you for telling me so much. It helps me a lot."

He added: "If there are any changes here, Senior Sister Zhao, please contact me through Taixu Illusion Realm as soon as possible. Are you about to have a divine arrival? You should be able to have a divine arrival soon. I have always been very optimistic about you... Duoduo Try your best."

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