Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2121 Stealing the Sky

In the Yellow River Meeting in Dao Li 3919, too many dazzling geniuses emerged. Today, seven years later, they have gradually become the protagonists of the world. More and more parties in power have begun to stir up the world.

Who is the most talented among them has always been debated. Although Jiang Wang has won the most honors, the others Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun also have room for debate, not to mention Li Yi who was the first to break the historical record.

But there is one person among them who is an "external" existence.

That was Xie Ai, the supreme powerhouse known as the "Winter Emperor".

It is said that he was the reincarnation of Frost Immortal Lord Xu Qiuci more than 2,000 years ago. Now that he has ascended to Yandao, he is no longer on the same level as contemporary young people, and there is no room for comparison.

The battle for the Winter Emperor's enlightenment should be the most important event in the northwest of the world in the year 3921 of the Dao calendar.

But at that time, the Snow Country was closed to the outside world, so the details of such a major event were never known to outsiders.

Although Xu Xiangqian and the others met Xie Ai who was on the run in disguise, they still had little idea of ​​how Xie Ai could turn the tables, how he could ascend to Yandao and prove Xu Qiuci's reincarnation.

All I know is that Xie Ai was once hunted to the sky and into the earth, and the Snow Kingdom was directly locked up. It was not necessarily that he was very friendly to Xie Ai at that time. But judging from the fact that she was still leisurely and careless during her escape, I'm afraid she had everything under control.

The first battle after the Winter Emperor became enlightened was to go to the mainland of Jing Kingdom to challenge Longwu Governor Zhong Jing. It was this battle that halted Jing's westward expansion war.

It’s no wonder that Huang Sheli is obsessed with the Snow Country, clamoring for borrowing troops and wiping it out.

Snow Country has become a strong support behind the Northwest Five Nations Alliance - another support point is Jing Country.

Jiang Wang raised the translucent ice cup and slowly took a sip of the ice flame wine, letting his thoughts drift away.

Ice flame wine is a famous wine in the snow country. When Bai Yujing opened, Bai Yuxia planned to introduce this kind of wine as the flagship wine. Later, considering the high purchase price and transportation cost... he decided to transport snow instead.

Yes, Cabinet Member Jiang has arrived in Snow Country.

After leaving Longmen Academy, he flew here directly.

The location he was at at this time was called "Wenxian Tower".

Wenxian Restaurant is the best restaurant in Hanhua City, and it is also the place where Zhao Wuyan first met Xie Ai.

Jiang Wang knew one thing for sure - when Zhao Wuyan came to the Snow Country, he regarded it as the end of a long journey of thousands of miles, and he had already made up his mind to come to the Snow Country.

She has also established a path among many choices and is officially preparing for promotion. But after meeting Xie Ai, he changed his mind and went to Tianbei Xueling for retreat, choosing to combine hundreds of schools of thought and create his own way.

And Tianbei Snow Ridge is the dojo of Xie Ai's reincarnated predecessor, Xu Qiuci.

Of course, it cannot be said that Donghuang Xie is responsible for Wuyan's current situation. According to Wuyan's current spiritual path, everything she has experienced and encountered is part of her spiritual practice and has had an impact on her. .

There is no reason to hold Mr. Enlightenment to account just because someone has made a mistake.

Just like the mountain master of Longmen Academy, he didn’t come to Snow Country to cause any trouble for Xie Ai.

But there is no doubt that Xie Ai had a crucial influence on Zhao Wuyan’s path of mixing hundreds of schools of thought.

And Jiang Wang instinctively felt that this influence was not simple.

Maybe it's because the Winter Emperor took action from a distance in the world of Shenxiao, maybe it's because Taixu Illusion was blocked in the Snow Country, maybe it's because of the intelligence fee Douzhao gave before departure... or maybe it's just groundless conjecture.

In short, he did have doubts.

He did not tell Xu Xiangqian about this suspicion.

Xu Xiangqian's condition is not good, and it involves Zhao Wuyan, so it is difficult for him to have a calm attitude. Jiang Wang just repaired a letter and asked Ji Li from Mugu Academy to take care of it. A letter was also sent to Qingya Academy to let Xu Xiangqian's teachers know the news about Xu Xiangqian.

There are all kinds of things in the snow country, but he wants to go alone.

His status as a Taixu cabinet member is enough to ensure his safety anywhere in the world. If someone kills a Taixu cabinet member, what do they think of the various forces that recommended Taixu cabinet minister?

In addition to this, [Taixu Pavilion] and [Taixu Wuya] are his double guarantees.

And his sword allows him to dare to face everything in the world.

Hanhua City is an ice city. The gates, palaces, houses and streets are all carved by ice. This city is the second largest city in Snow Country and the largest Snow Country city accessible to outsiders.

Travel to the west of this city is prohibited.

Hanhua City is one of the three cities in the Snow Kingdom that are open to the outside world and can communicate with the outside world.

The two Taixu turrets built by the Taixu Sect in the Snow Country are in another city called "Xueji". The city was as deserted as its name suggests, with not many people in the entire city. The flesh and blood of snow beasts sold in the Snow Kingdom are basically stored there.

In addition, there is Bingyang City, which has a large number of troops stationed and is willing to accommodate criminals regardless of outsiders' identities, and the atmosphere is even harsher... These three cities are the only places where people outside the Snow Country can understand the Snow Country.

A few years ago, during the battle for the Winter Emperor's enlightenment, even these three cities were locked up.

Compared with Snow Silence City, where beast corpses are piled up, and Bingyang City, which is constantly fighting, Hanhua City has a relaxed atmosphere, safety and stability, and prosperity is almost inevitable.

It is the largest window to the east of Snow Country and the largest gateway for people from outside the country to communicate with Snow Country.

So this city is also a mixed bag. There were all kinds of people passing through, including high rollers, drunkards, and killers.

Most of the igloos in Hanhua City are half buried underground, which is a necessity to keep out the cold. The roof of the igloo is carved with various snow animals, which are all kinds of strange and unique.

In Jiang Wang's view, the biggest role is to prevent these cellar-like igloos from looking like tombs.

Wenxian Tower is different. It is made of ice and is not inferior to the restaurants in the prosperous areas of the Central Region. It uses a special formation to ensure the warmth in the restaurant. Naturally, its consumption is also beautiful.

After drinking three glasses of wine and listening to four or five gossips, I didn't get any useful information. The people who wanted to wait didn't wait, but a voice sounded in my ears - "Jiang... Zhenren?"

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and saw a man wearing moneyed silk clothes and a mustache. His face had the philistine and glib look of a small businessman. He had just sat down next to him.

Jiang Wang frowned. He felt that the person in front of him was familiar, but he didn't recognize him. For his current level of cultivation, this is a rare experience.

The little businessman took out an ink ring finger, put it on the thumb of his right hand, then reached out to wipe off the two mustaches, and the expression on his face also changed... It was obvious that there were not many adjustments, but it was like a different person! He has an elegant temperament and a bookish air that even money and silk clothes cannot conceal.

He cupped his hands and said gracefully: "My Majesty Nalan Longzhi, I was fortunate enough to have fought side by side with Master Jiang in the Mysterious Realm. I wonder if Master Jiang still has any memory?"

Jiang Wang naturally remembers this look now.

The appearance of a mere god can be hidden from the eyes of real people. Tou Tianfu does have a trick!

"I can't forget it!" Jiang Wang said, "Please come close and have a few drinks with me."

Nalan Longzhi was not polite and moved to his seat: "I came to the northwest to pick up an object. It's snowy and windy. I didn't expect to see my old friend in this bitter cold place. What a blessing!"

He had a strong sense of boundaries. He not only expressed his purpose of coming to Snow Country, but also explained that it was just a chance encounter, but he did not ask about Jiang Wang's behavior.

But there is nothing that cannot be said about Taixu Pavilion. The newly promoted Taixu Pavilion member’s purpose of coming to Snow Country is almost obvious.

Jiang Wangdao: "I represent Taixu Pavilion, and I am here to pave the way for the Taixu Illusion Realm in the Snow Country. Now that the world is working hard, humanity is surging, and in the entire world, only the northwest corner is missing, and it is here in the Snow Country. Up and down the Taixu Pavilion , are very distressed.”

Nalan Longzhi cupped his hands and said, "I'll have time to congratulate Master Jiang on joining the cabinet in the future!"

Jiang Wang waved his hand: "We don't talk about this between us."

He poured wine for Nalan Longzhi with his own hands and said: "Last time I met you in the lost world, the war situation was urgent. I forgot to ask you about something."

Nalan Longzhi caught the wine glass with both hands: "I should tell you everything I know!"

Jiang Wangdao: "I have an old friend named Su Qiyun, whom I met in the Senhaiyuan world in the past. I haven't heard from him for many years. I wonder what the current situation is?"

Nalan Longzhi was stunned for a moment and sighed: "I didn't expect Junior Sister Su to have such a fate with Zhenren Jiang."

The three people who were together in the Senhaiyuan Realm back then, Wu Quji is now the leader of the Golden Needle Sect, Jiang Zhenren is a world-famous member of the Taixu Cabinet, but Su Qiyun, who was born in the Thieving Heaven Mansion, disappears into hiding in the style of his sect. Voice.

Jiang Wang thought about the past and sighed a lot: "She also had a friend named 'Xiaoyu' who had an accident in the forest sea source world. Fortunately, with the help of Yuheng Xingjun, he kept his true spirit a little bit and passed on her true spirit's body shaping method. . When we parted ways, she told me that she would do this in this life. Sometimes I think about it and wonder where my old friend is and whether she has fulfilled her wish."

Nalan Longzhi was silent for a moment and said: "Junior sister Su is already unfortunate. When we were exploring a ruins to collect body shaping materials... when we went there, she had collapsed together with the ruins and was broken into the turbulence of time and space. "

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment.

We haven't contacted each other for many years, and it's hard to say how deep our relationship with Su Qiyun is. But after all, we met once, and after all we fought side by side... When old friends die, it is inevitable to feel sad.

Things are truly impermanent.

He realized again and again that life is a solitary journey, and practitioners always walk alone.

"Sorry." Jiang Wang said, "I remind you of sad things again."

"It doesn't matter." Nalanlong said: "There is still someone in this world who remembers her, and this person is Jiang Wang. I am happy for her. Although life and death are impermanent, after all, coming and going leaves traces."

Tou Tianfu's understanding of life and death is probably very dull.

Although this ancient and mysterious sect has always existed, it has left few traces in history.

The Jiange has thirty thousand years and the Blood River Sect has fifty-four thousand years. No one can tell when the Tuitian Mansion will establish the clan. This sect is just like Nalan Longzhi in front of him. He can travel around the world and appear in every corner, but he does not make waves.

Jiang Wang raised his wine glass and poured a sliver of it on the ground as a sacrifice. "I felt her determination at that time, and I always thought she would succeed."

Nalanlong's way: "Zhenren Jiang, many people in this world have worked hard, but not everyone can succeed. Sometimes we only have the possibility if we give everything."

Jiang Wang had come into contact with Su Qiyun, and now he had come into contact with Nalan Longzhi. Both of them were disciples of Tou Tianfu. But he still didn't know anything about Tou Tian Mansion.

What is the purpose of this sect, what is it pursuing, where is it located, what are its main techniques, how many members there are... it's all a mystery. People only know that in terms of movement and concealment, Steu Tianfu is unparalleled in the world.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "So Brother Nalan gave everything to pursue what possibility?"

"How can Lin Shen lament that he can't see deer? It's hard to know people in the world!" Nalan Longzhi sighed: "I really want to tell my story to Master Jiang. Although it is shallow and boring, it is also really lonely. Unfortunately, I can't."

Jiang Wangdao: "Although Jiang is not a gentleman, he does not force others to do anything. Brother Nalan does not need to talk about things that are not suitable for him to talk about."

"It's not that it's not suitable, it's that it's impossible." Nalan Longzhi said seriously: "But with Master Jiang's speed of practice, maybe one day he will know."

Jiang Wang thoughtfully said: "It seems that Tou Tian Mansion has many secrets."

"It's just a stolen secret——"

As Nalan Longzhi spoke, his fingers holding the ice cup suddenly froze, and his eyebrows were covered with frost. He showed a regretful expression: "Zhenren Jiang, it seems we can't continue chatting."

Just this sentence——

His whole body was frozen.

Crash! It fell to pieces!

The broken ice shards reflected little bits of light in the ice-carved restaurant, but the people around them could not see anything. Gossip for gossip, drink for drink.

Those who continued to drink included Jiang Wang.

"You don't seem surprised."

The woman who spoke sat down opposite Jiang Wang.

Her sitting posture is very upright, her figure is slender, but she seems to be the center of everything. She has a face that is too fair and delicate, with an indescribable sadness between her eyebrows, and a fragile beauty.

She seems to be leaving or disappearing at any time, which makes her even more moving.

This is the thanksgiving for the most beautiful woman in the Snow Country who came to the Yellow River Meeting in 3919 in the Taoist Calendar.

Perhaps she should be respected as the Winter Emperor.

The geniuses of the same Yellow River Conference will meet again today.

The Winter Emperor is no longer the one who failed to make it to the semi-finals.

Jiang Wang's honorary reputation was not limited to being the leader of the Yellow River.

Facing the True Lord in front of him, Jiang Wang behaved extremely calmly: "There are so many things that should surprise me. I don't know which one should surprise me first."

He opened a new ice glass and poured a glass of wine to express his gratitude. His voice was calm: "Should I be surprised that you suddenly took action, or should I be surprised that Nalan Longzhi was able to escape from your hands with his life?"

Xie Ai was surprised: "You can actually see that he has escaped. He is worthy of being our leader of the Yellow River. How many years has it been true? You can't take it lightly anymore."

Jiang Wangdao: "How can a person who has become a true person in this world wait for a while? How about those who spread the Tao. In front of the Winter Emperor, I really have nothing to be proud of."

It is impossible for Nalan Longzhi, who is in the presence of God, to save his life under the Winter Emperor.

Therefore, Nalan Longzhi is probably also capable of Yan Dao.

Jiang Wang was not surprised that Nalan Longzhi was able to hide it from him. Tou Tianfu was so good at hiding and so mysterious that it was normal for some special methods to be used.

But Nalan Longzhi also participated in the Dragon Palace Banquet, although the whole process was very low-key and did not show any conspicuous performance - just like he was quite behaved on the battlefield of the Mysterious Realm.

He could even hide it from the Changhe Dragon Lord?

Even if Lord Long is just an phantom there, it is still a phantom that transcends existence!

As expected of the Tou Tian Mansion, the most mysterious sect in the world is like a shadow in the long night, looming and incomprehensible.

In fact, Jiang Wang still doesn't know how old Nalan Longzhi is and what he looks like until now. Today is the first time we sit down and chat, and it completely subverts the impression established by the two previous meetings. He was completely unable to confirm what he saw and heard.

The Winter Emperor didn't take the glass of wine and just looked at Jiang Wang: "He stole my things and happened to be sitting here drinking with you. Should you give me an explanation?"

It turns out that Nalanlongzhi said he wanted to come to the northwest to pick up an object, and this is how he picked it up...

Isn't it true that someone who steals Tianfu is not a thief?

Jiang Wang said nothing and had no expression. He just reached out to get his Taixu magatama.

He doesn't need to explain, because he is a member of Taixu Cabinet.

All parties push forward together, and the whole world promotes it; traveling through Liuhe, there is no hindrance in the present world; looking at the world, there are only nine people.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want an explanation, why should he explain?

But he took it out again and again and paused.


Where is my jade? !

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