Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2122 Traveling in the real world

There was silence at the wine table.

There seemed to be cold flames of wine flowing in the ice glasses, which slightly dimmed people's expressions.

The theft of Taixu magatama is not a big deal, because the identities of Taixu cabinet members are all confirmed by Taixu Taoist master. But now, how should I speak?

Xie Ai looked at Jiang Wang, and Jiang Wang looked at Xie Ai.

Time seems to have frozen.

"I need to explain it to you." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Today is the third time that Nalan Longzhi and I met. The first time was at the Lost World battlefield, the second time at the Dragon Palace, and the previous two times, we didn't even meet each other. I have spoken. I have no idea what he is doing in the Snow Country, nor do I know that he wants to steal your things. Jiang hates thieves like chickens and dogs the most in his life. If I catch him next time—"

"Guest?" The waiter from Wenxianlou came over, holding a small box in his hand: "A guest asked me to bring this to you at this time."

Neither Jiang Wang nor Xie Ai spoke. They both saw what was in the box.

In the waiter's field of vision, there was no Xie Ai. He only saw this tall and straight man in green shirt, with a jade crown on his hair and a white necklace hanging from his waist. He was sitting there upright... but there were two glasses of wine in front of him. The man looked ahead cautiously, but there was nothing in front of him.

He looks like a nice guy and dresses well. Why does he seem to be mentally ill?

The waiter put down the box with a murmur, took three steps at a time, and left quickly.

Jiang Wang casually opened the box, took out his missing Taixu magatama, and saw the note at the bottom of the box. It was written in naughty handwriting——

"Just kidding, don't mind."

It seems that Nalan Longzhi did not meet by chance.

Before he sat over, his Taixu magatama had been stolen.

This trip to the Snow Country seems to be getting more and more complicated...

"This note, do you think it was written to you or to me?" Jiang Wang asked.

Xie Ai glanced at him lightly: "I can't take a joke."

"Then it was written to me." Jiang Wang burned the note and carefully checked the Taixu Magatama to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, then he brought it up and showed it to Xie Ai: "Let's get to know each other again, Taixu Cabinet Member Jiang Wang, I have met the Winter Emperor."

His previous explanation may not be able to convince Xie Ai.

But he didn't really have to explain much.

The strength of Taixu Pavilion is far from comparable to that of the original Taixu Sect, but its advantage is that at this time, Taixu Pavilion is supported by all parties in the world and dominates the human race - this is the basis for solving the problem.

After a while of silence.

Xie lamented: "The Taixu Corner Tower is in Xueji City, you have come to the wrong place."

Jiang Wang put away the magatama: "Since I can see the Winter Emperor, it's not like I came to the wrong place."

"It's still wrong!" Xie Ai said: "I am too lazy to take a look at the general trend of the world. I always only implement national decisions, not ask questions. If you want to talk about something on behalf of Taixu Pavilion, you should go to Fu Zhenjun."

Jiang Wangdao: "I believe that the reason why you are still sitting here is not just because Nalan Longzhi has escaped. Apart from the Taixu Corner Tower, there must be something else we can talk about between you and me."

There was no emotion or anger on Xie Ai's face: "For example?"

Jiang Wangping stretched out his right hand, and a blue cloud of good fortune appeared in his palm. Above the blue cloud, he held up a miniature palace complex. Although it is only slightly larger than the palm of your hand now, it is delicate and clearly visible.

"Yunding Immortal Palace?" Xie Ai remained calm and said, "It's not easy for you to be able to restore it to this extent. It seems that the restaurant you opened in Xingyueyuan is very profitable."

The Bai Yujing Restaurant that is packed with seats is certainly profitable, but if it is to be used for the restoration of Yunding Immortal Palace, it is still a dream. The changes in Yunding Immortal Palace in the past few years are all due to Master Jiang's busy work in all the worlds, and he has earned it brick by brick. The hard work involved is not enough to be appreciated by outsiders.

"We are still far from being 'restored'." Jiang Wang sighed: "After thousands of years, the Immortal Palace has been reduced to smoke. Now Yunding Immortal Palace has no neighbors, and those who inherit the immortal arts have no old friends. It can be described as lonely!"

Seeing that Xie Ai did not respond, he continued: "The two times you climbed to the top of the mountain are the reincarnations of the Frost Immortal Lord. The Frost Immortal Lord completely restored the Winter Fairy Palace and used it to conquer all directions. I don't know if you have any experience. Can I teach it to the younger generations?"

Xie Ai said quietly: "It seems that although you have the inheritance of Immortal Palace, you don't know much about Immortal Palace at all, and you don't understand me either."

"How to say?"

"What do you think is the relationship between the nine immortal palaces?"

As soon as the question of gratitude came up, Jiang Wang immediately understood that the so-called Nine Immortal Palaces were not 'united as one to create the glory of the era' as he imagined. I'm afraid it was quite the opposite, and they were constantly attacking each other. Just like today's major hegemons, they want to fight for the only "Emperor of Liuhe".

"Lord Winter Emperor." Jiang Wang said with a serious expression: "Even if the nine immortal palaces are enemies to each other, you and I were once alive and dead. Now they are all the dust of history, lonely ghosts left over from the same ancient era. Don't say anything. If we are of the same spirit, at least the rabbit will die and the fox will be sad. Help Asgard find a way out, not just to help me, but also to help yourself. If you want to rebuild Winter Asgard again, I will be happy to contribute my strength."

"Wonderful persuasion. But as I said, you don't understand me." Xie Ai said calmly: "Although I have successfully reincarnated, I am lucky to have saved most of my memories and successfully awakened. A lot of knowledge has been left in Yuanhai. , was dissolved and cannot be retrieved. It’s not that I don’t want to help you, I don’t remember anything about the reconstruction of the Immortal Palace, let alone the certainty.”

"Oh... like this." Jiang Wang played with the fairy palace in his hand.

He wanted to confirm whether Xie Ai was the reincarnation of Xu Qiuci. This secret of the Immortal Palace was the best way. Because this is a secret that has been lost to the times and can only be shared by the inheritors of the Immortal Palace, and he actually has an Immortal Palace to verify the authenticity!

But a word of thanks for the loss of a lot of knowledge in reincarnation can indeed be explained. After all, no one knows what the process of reincarnation is, and it is impossible to ask Xie Ai the secret of reincarnation.

The person in front of me is the first person to be successfully reincarnated in all eternity. He has the legendary character of returning from the Origin Sea and naturally has the right to interpret the word "reincarnation".

But no matter how he explains it, no matter how reasonable it is, if he cannot figure out the mystery of the Immortal Palace, it is impossible for Jiang Wang to recognize the identity of this Frost Immortal Lord.

While Jiang Wang was deep in thought, Xie Ai added: "But I can help you see what shortcomings your Immortal Palace has. You are right. Today, the inheritors of the Immortal Palace are all lonely ghosts. , we should light some bonfires for each other. But too much knowledge of the Immortal Palace has been lost, and I only have some remaining impressions, which is only enough to do this."

"Get up and listen! Ask questions at any time!" Jiang Wang woke up the Baiyun boy who stayed in Wufuhai.

Baiyun Boy is a fairy-like existence, and he also retains many lost memory fragments from the fairy palace era. Jiang Wang did not intend to expose it in front of others, so he used himself as a transfer station for knowledge. While Xie Ai was telling the story, he conveyed Baiyun boy's questions from time to time, pretending to be his own thoughts.

Xie Ai talked about eight or nine problems existing in the Genting Immortal Palace, showing his extraordinary understanding of the Immortal Palace, and then took the initiative to stop: "That's all, I can't see more. For me now Said, Asgard is already a relatively unfamiliar territory.”

Baiyun boy also confirmed in Wufuhai: "Master Immortal Master, what this woman said is correct. I misunderstood many of them. As soon as I heard her talk, I remembered it! Who is this woman? Let her do it again. Tell me a few words, is there any fairy spirit over there? Let’s call her out and play together——”

Xie Ai's understanding of the Immortal Palace is true, which may prove that she is indeed the reincarnation of Xu Qiuci.

A prodigy from the inner realm who was chopped to pieces by Zhao Rucheng's sword at the meeting of the Yellow River suddenly awakened his memory and made rapid progress in a very short period of time. After a closed-door battle to achieve enlightenment, he regained the path of expansion. Apart from the reincarnation of an extremely powerful man, it is indeed difficult to have any other explanation.

But Jiang Wang still wants to know, outside the secrets of the Immortal Palace, how does the Snow Country confirm Xie Ai's reincarnation identity?

He also wanted to know the details of Xie Ai's battle a few years ago.

In the Snow Country, it is impossible for anyone to close the country and hunt down Fu Huan's direct disciples—unless they get the instruction of Fu Huan himself. So what made Fu Huan change his attitude?

These are definitely not things that can be asked for thanks.

"I really benefited a lot from your advice!" Jiang Wang thanked him repeatedly: "Just this advice, my trip to the northwest is not in vain."

Xie Ai said quietly: "I hope that what makes you feel that your trip is worthwhile is the scenery of the Snow Country, the food of the Snow Country, and the people of the Snow Country, rather than the Immortal Palace that has passed away with the times."

"The scenery of the snow country is indeed charming!" Jiang Wang paused and planned to modify it with some beautiful adjectives.

"Forget it." Xie Ai had already raised his hand to stop him: "You are so young and can practice to such a level. You are not someone who stops to enjoy the scenery - tell me, what else do you have to do with me? If you are just for Immortal Palace, you don’t have to come today. There is no difference between finding me and Xu Huan from the Qin State. We are not familiar with you. He even has the complete Karma Immortal Palace in his hands, and he knows more about Immortal Palace than I."

It's really hurtful to say 'unfamiliar' so bluntly.

Cabinet member Jiang is no longer what he used to be. He listens as if he doesn't hear anything, and simply goes straight to the point: "Zhao Wuyan, who was taught by the true monarch and practiced in the Tianbei Snow Ridge, was bound to the cocoon of Taoism at the beginning of the year. He still can't come up with this matter. Does the True Lord know?"

"I know." Xie Ai did not avoid it and said calmly: "I have seen the mission in the Taixu Scroll."

This was an unexpected answer from Jiang Wang: "Taixu Scroll?"

"So I say you have found the wrong person." Xie Ai's voice was light and cold: "In the entire Snow Kingdom, there are no more than three hundred people using Taixu Illusion Realm. I am one of them."

Jiang Wang asked: "You mean, it was Fu Zhenjun who rejected Taixu Illusion?"

Xie lamented: "You have a pair of eyes and a pair of ears. You can see and hear, but sometimes they can also deceive you."

She looked at Jiang Wang calmly: "Just like you asked me about Zhao Wuyan, have you ever thought about why Yao Fu didn't come? Is he not as strong as you, or not as famous as you, or still better than Wu Yan? Not as affectionate as you?"

Jiang Wang could not answer this series of questions.

And Xie Ai continued: "He knows everything you know, and he also knows what you don't know. Do you think you are extra smart?"

At this moment, Jiang Wang saw a dead coldness in the sad and fragile beauty.

But he just looked back calmly.

He doesn't think he's particularly smart.

He just needs to find the truth.

"A word of advice." Xie lamented.

Jiang Wang said: "Please speak."

"The Immortal Palace is not the future." Xie Ai said: "You are already at the forefront of the times, but you turn back and pick up the relics in history. This is really unwise."

Then the thanksgiving disappeared.

It was like broken ice beneath my feet that had melted into the ground at some point.

Jiang Wang let go of the Taixu magatama in his hand and stopped the [Taixu Pavilion] that was about to come out.

He knew this was a message and a boundary. For respecting the status of Taixu cabinet member, this is the end of my thanks. Xie Ai no longer mentions Zhao Wuyan, maybe because he doesn’t want to, maybe because it’s not necessary.

He had to admit that what Xie Ai said made sense.

If Xie Ai had any problem with Wuyan's advice, Yao Fu would have come to visit him long ago.

But this was completely unable to shake his mind. Yao Fu was Yao Fu, and he was him. Yao Fu has reasons why Yao Fu is not doubtful, and he also has reasons why he is doubtful.

What he has now cannot fully convince him.

As for Xie Ai’s last “good advice”…

Today, his path will no longer be affected by anyone.

The vast galaxy is endless and vast. Jiang Wang, whose breath is calm, steps forward towards the boundless universe.

This is of course an illusion.

Relying on the authority of Taixu Cabinet Member, he walked to the heights that Taixu Walkers could not reach: "Taixu Cabinet Member Jiang Wang, please see Master Taixu!"

In the vast void, an indifferent voice sounded: "Please explain your purpose."

Jiang Wang raised his hand and turned out the Taixu magatade. This object can travel between illusion and reality, and is a treasure that can travel between both directions: "My Taixu magatade was stolen just now. I don't know if someone planted a trick in it, so I came to repay it." , please check, Taoist master, and don’t let outside thieves take advantage of the situation and sneak into our Taixu Illusion Realm!”

Taixu cabinet members have high status and high authority, but in Jiang Wang's view, no authority can compare with the opportunity to talk to Taixu Taoist Master. This is a relatively transcendent existence. One true message is better than thousands of others in the world!

In principle, Taixu Taoist master is absolutely neutral, absolutely fair, and absolutely ruthless. It is impossible for him to make a small fuss about anyone, and he has no feelings for the Taixu cabinet members. But what can I say... As long as the sun shines, you can feel the warmth, it just depends on how to use it!

How can Taoist Master Taixu not care about the safety of Taixu Illusion Realm?

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a clear light came down and covered Taixu Magatama.

"No remaining means have been found. It is safe." The voice of Taoist Master Taixu sounded.

"The Taixu magatama is so important, but I lost it so easily, causing unnecessary risks to the Taixu fantasy world. I'm so ashamed of my lack of strength!" Jiang Gemin criticized himself severely, and then said: "But practice is not something that happens overnight, I The strength cannot be raised at once. I would like to ask Master Taixu, is there any way for me to keep this thing better? I mean - there is a suitable secret method. "

An indifferent response sounded in the void: "Even if the Taixu magatama is lost, it will not affect the Taixu illusion. It will only affect your own use of authority."

"It has such a big impact!" Jiang Wang was surprised: "This will prevent me from working better for Taixu Pavilion, thus affecting the development of Taixu Illusionary Realm! Dear Taoist Master, we have to consider this matter. We must find a way to eliminate the possibility of Taixu Magatama being stolen."

Taixu Taoist responded: "This is your responsibility."

Jiang Wang was not discouraged and said again: "Nalanlong's purpose is unknown. Good and evil are difficult to distinguish. He may not only have stolen my Taixu magatama. Can the Taoist Master do a little inspection to see where he is at the moment and what he has on him?" ?If it’s ours, we must recover it.”

Taixu Taoist responded: "I have no right to interfere in this world."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Ge said.

Taixu Taoist's voice disappeared directly.

After slowly drinking a bottle of wine, he ate all the Snow Country delicacies he ordered, paid, and left Wenxian Tower. Jiang Wang walked alone on the long street of ice sculptures.

I have too many questions in my mind and need too much information.

It was a pity that Taoist Master Taixu was too ignorant to help him find out what Nalan Longzhi had stolen. From that stolen object, we can definitely get a lot of information about Xie Ai.

Now I can only rely on myself...

In the Snow Country, he was unfamiliar with the place, and it was a very closed country. If he starts building an intelligence network from now on, he may not be able to get the information he wants until Taixu Cabinet Member's term ends.

Snow falls on the icy streets, and I walk alone in green shirts.

Jiang Wang clasped his hands behind his back, and in his empty fist, there was a translucent amber, in which the light and shadow were constantly changing, and the sound patterns were reciprocating like waves.

It is not just a spiritual realm, but a world.

After practicing quietly for three years, all three realms became true.

Not only is this speed unprecedented, it must also be rare in history.

Once Jiang Wang shows up in the Three Realms now, it will be difficult for him to describe how powerful he is.

Even for a big country like Snow Country, the only ones who could bring danger to him were Fu Huan and Xie Ai. There were only two people in the vast snowy land.

In Yunding Immortal Palace, Baiyun boy climbed up to the roof of Yunxiao Pavilion and looked up at the high dome, the dome of Wufu Sea. The stars were densely covered at the moment!

He grinned and admired the beautiful scenery. He knew that it was the immortal thought of the Immortal Master.

At this moment, countless voices surged through the entire Hanhua City, and countless messages were distributed in the huge Xiannian Galaxy. Immortal thoughts that analyze information extremely quickly are as bright as stars!

At the height of the endless galaxy, there stood a shadow of an immortal. Wearing dazzling divine clothes, he is extremely majestic.

The stars all over the sky are twinkling together, which is definitely a sight that has never been seen on earth. After Baiyun boy saw it once, he couldn't forget it.

Nice wind and snow, real world trip!

Overlooking the ice city Feibai, it is really a beautiful snow scene.

Jiang Wang walked alone among them, adding a layer of depth to the snow.

People see the green hair crossing the long street in one stroke, and the people in the painting are even more alien.

What Jiang Wang is doing at the moment is very simple and very stupid.

He is collecting the information given by hundreds of thousands of people in Hanhua City at this moment, extracting the information he needs - this is definitely a huge project, and most of it is redundant and useless information. Such as "Have you eaten?" and "The weather is really nice today."

Even the true soul cannot handle it alone.

That's why he activated the Immortal Technique·Xian Nian Galaxy.

When he traveled around the world with his sword and listened to the subtle self-narratives of the vast universe, this magical skill helped him capture too many valuable clues.

But it wasn't until the extremely complicated information surged in, causing his immortal thoughts to flash, that he remembered that he had overlooked some issues——

For example, does he really understand what the words "dragon and snake are mixed" and "all kinds" mean?

For example, can he really face the evil of human nature that happens every moment?

For example, in Snow Country, there is a special male building...

Compared with those desolate star fields deep in the universe, human life is much more complicated.

Baiyun boy only saw the Xiannian Galaxy flickering, flashing faster and faster, and he clapped his hands happily.

His immortal master was standing on the cold ice street, his face turning green and white.

Thanks to book friend "Pan Shao 520" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 642nd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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