Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2124 The world is in turmoil outside the building

Facing the gaze of Taixu cabinet member, Wei Yu finally said: "Out of curiosity, I did investigate, but the information I obtained is not complete and cannot be guaranteed to be accurate."

Jiang Wang was noncommittal: "Tell me and listen."

There are no pedestrians in the vast snowfield, and the deep and shallow feet are all in the snow.

Wei Yu had a vague feeling that he and Jiang Wang were old friends in the same industry, but when he looked up at Jian Xia, who had spread out to the end of his field of vision, this illusion was shattered.

He organized his language a little and said: "First of all, let's start with the situation in the Snow Country. The Snow Country is a country that combines politics and religion. The Winter Religion is the state religion, and the king is also the pope. But they have no gods. Not only do they not have the Cang Living gods like the God of Figures and the Original God of Heaven are not even as pure and selfless personal gods as the 'True Body of the Five Elements of the Five Elements and the Five Directions in All Heavens and All Realms'. The belief of the Cold Winter Sect is Winter itself."

"Almost all people in the Snow Country believe in religion, but there are very few fanatical believers. The Winter Religion is not keen on expansion. Since ancient times, the Winter Religion has never developed outside the snowy area. Unlike the Cangtu God Cult, it always wants to Go somewhere else to spread divine light. Personally, I prefer Winter Religion to be a fusion of lifestyle and survival philosophy. People have summarized ways to survive in the severe cold and continue civilization in the snowfield in the form of faith."

"The nominally most powerful person here is of course Hong Xingjian, the leader of the Snow Kingdom and the Pope of the Cold Winter Sect. In fact, it is the true king Fu Huan who can change the situation with a single thought and truly control the lifeline of the Snow Kingdom. But Fu Huan has been practicing in seclusion all year round, and usually He will not interfere in specific affairs. Now that the Winter Emperor has come out, he will basically ignore the government affairs."

Jiang Wang had known the information Wei Yu told beforehand, but he still listened very carefully.

The way a person tells and the perspective from which he describes is sometimes also a form of expression.

He was not only learning about the Snow Country, but also about Wei Yu, or... Qin Country.

"There are five dioceses in the entire Snow Country, namely Dongya, Linyi, Qingniao, Shuanghe, and Yuxin. The bishops of these five dioceses are the highest level of authority in the Snow Country. They are the five bishops and the Pope Together with Hong Xingjian, we will decide the direction of the entire Snow Country."

"Among them, Touya Parish is the core of the Snow Country and is also the parish where Jishuang City, the capital of the Snow Kingdom, is located. Apart from this information, everything is very mysterious."

Wei Yu simply outlined the situation in the Snow Kingdom and then turned to the topic: "Of the five major parishes, I only know a little about Shuanghe Parish. The three cities in the Snow Country that are open to the outside world, Hanhua, Xueji, and Bingyang, are all covered by this Diocese coverage. This is also the only one among the five major dioceses that will have contact with the outside world."

"The bishop of Shuanghe Diocese, named Liu Yanzhao, became a bishop only three years ago and was certified as Dongzhen the year before last. He is the most junior of the five existing bishops. And it was his predecessor, the former Bishop of Shuanghe Diocese. Bishop Tantai Fei led the pursuit of the Winter Emperor——"

"Is Tantai Fei still alive now?" Jiang Wang asked.

Wei Yu said: "The Winter Emperor was shot to death on the day he became enlightened."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Did it be Fu Zhenjun or the Winter Emperor who killed him?"

Wei Yu glanced at Jiang Wang: "Of course it's the Winter Emperor."

"Why did Tantai Fei pursue Xie Ai? What is the relationship between Liu Yanzhao and Xie Ai?"

"I don't know why Tantai Fei is chasing Xie Ai. According to Liu Yanzhao...he is now a member of the Winter Emperor." After Wei Yu said that, he spread his hands and said, "That's all I know."

Wei Yu must have known more than this, but Jiang Wang did not go into the details and just smiled and said: "In your opinion, if I want to promote Taixu Illusion in the Snow Country, where should I start?"

"If we can convince Fu Zhenjun, great things can be accomplished." Wei Yu said: "The second is to win the support of the Winter Emperor, and third... if Pope Hong Xingjian is willing to support, it will not be difficult to build the Taixu Corner Tower."

This suggestion cannot be said to be wrong, but it is all nonsense.

Who doesn't know that when doing things in Snow Country, it's most useful to go to Fu Huan?

The question is, if I can talk to Fu Huan, do I need to ask Wei Yu for advice?

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and looked forward, saying nothing at the moment.

After a moment, a line of black dots appeared in the field of vision in the distance, running like a surge. The black spots quickly approached and became clear into specific people.

Hundreds of cavalry troops spread out on the snowy field. Their black armor was probably intentionally different in color. They rode tall snow wolves with thick hair and galloped on the thick snow, as if they were flying on clouds.

The cavalry was still far away, but Hong Sheng arrived first: "Lü Kuiwu, the lord of Snow Silence City, with three hundred snow cavalry, has met Jiang Geyu!"

Jiang Wang smiled, put his hands behind his back, and took one step forward.

The three hundred snow wolves suddenly stood up on the spot as if they encountered the invisible screen.

Lu Kuiwu was a tall, round-waisted man, with a red nose that stood out in the cold wind. He turned over and fell down, bowing to Jiang Wang and saying, "I hope you will forgive me for missing you from afar!"

Of course, members of the Taixu Cabinet should be respected everywhere, but within the Snow Country, as an official of the Snow Country, it is not necessary to be so ardent. The lord of Hanhua City, Wang Di, has a thorn in his mouth.

Lu Kuiwu really makes people feel the rare enthusiasm of Snow Country.

Jiang Wang raised his hand to help him up: "Master Lu, there is no need to be polite."

Lu Kui said in a military voice: "I don't respect your status as a cabinet member or your character as a real person. I respect you as a hero of the human race! Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Master Jiang fought for the human race and achieved great success many times. I can't help him. That’s all, if you disrespect heroes, are you still a human being?”

Jiang Wang's eyes glanced at Wei Yu.

Wei Yu immediately said: "Zhenren Jiang, I respect you too!"

"Master Lu is really unfamiliar when he says this. I was born as a human, but I am just a bit lucky to do things within the human race." Jiang Wang's eyes fell back on Lu Kuiwu, and then he changed the subject: "Speaking of the human race's role, Internal affairs, the Taixu Illusion Realm is jointly promoted by all parties, the treasure boat of humanity, the origin of the torrent... the meaning is known to the world. What is Mr. Lu prepared to do for this? What is the Snow Country prepared to do for this?"

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Lu Kuiwu choked and coughed repeatedly.

Are all the big shots outside so direct? The pleasantries have just begun!

"Isn't it because you are unprepared?" Jiang Wang looked at him gently.

Lu Kuiwu shuddered, suddenly woke up, and said quickly: "How could it be? I have been working hard to promote this matter, and there are two Taixu corner towers built in the city..."

Jiang Wang walked forward directly. The snow wolves in front of him instinctively gave way, and the cavalrymen also separated on both sides and paid attention. Even the city lord Lu Kuiwu consciously followed behind.

It seems that he is the master of this snowy land.

"I heard from the Winter Emperor that there are no more than 300 people using the Taixu Illusion Realm in the entire Snow Country. And when Mr. Lu goes out of the city, there are 300 guards accompanying him -" Jiang Ge's voice was soaked in the wind and snow: "Lv Sir, are you indeed pushing hard?”

The two Taixu turrets in Xueji City have been agreed upon since the Taixu Sect era. Snow Silence City can also be said to be the only city in this large northwest country that is open to the Taixu Illusion Realm.

As a member of Taixu Cabinet, he naturally has the right to interfere with these two turrets.

Lu Kuiwu was very aggrieved: "The imperial court has an order. In order to avoid leaking military secrets, soldiers are not allowed to participate in Taixu Illusion. As for other people in the city, everyone is unwilling, and I can't help it. If a cow doesn't drink water, can't it force its head down?"

"Qi Jing, Qin Chu, Jing Mu, the top six in the world, are not worried about leaking military secrets. Looking at the world, all the countries and clans are all participating in Taixu Illusion, and none of them are worried about leaking secrets. Why?" Jiang Wang said: "If the military secrets of the Snow Kingdom can be Once it is guaranteed, can Taiyuan Realm be implemented here?”

"This...I can't make the decision on this." Lu Kuiwu hesitated.

"Have you ever used Taixu Illusion?" Jiang Wang asked.

Lu Kuiwu said: "I hold an important position, and I am not allowed to do so."

"The Winter Emperor asked me to see and listen to myself." Jiang Wang said quietly: "Master Lu, what do you think I should hear in Snow Silence City?"

Lu Kuiwu was careful: "What does Lord Winter Emperor mean?"

"No need to tell you what Mr. Winter Emperor means."

"Yes, yes. She had her own ideas, but I overstepped her authority."

Jiang Wang walked slowly and said lightly: "The Winter Emperor will not express his position on this matter, but I might as well tell you - I met her in Hanhua City and sat down to have a few drinks together. She made it clear that Taixu Illusion Land The resistance is not with her."

Wei Yu was expressionless on the side, feeling quite emotional in his heart. Who said that Jiang Zhenren was a pure Taoist, gentle and simple? This contact with the Snow Country opened his eyes.

For now, everything Jiang Zhenren says is true, but when expressed in this way, it gives the impression that the Winter Emperor is supporting Taixu Illusion!

Lu Kuiwu's eyes were already very solemn. You must have thought that you were involved in the line struggle among the top leaders of the Snow Country... You should be panicking now!

Jiang Wang Youran asked: "There are some things that the Winter Emperor cannot express clearly, and it is difficult for me as an outsider to say them. Can you tell me where the resistance in the Taixu Illusion Realm is? Is it here with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me!" Lu Kuiwu defended loudly subconsciously, but he instinctively woke up and looked around.

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Zhenren's voice was very gentle and could soothe tension: "From now on, everything you say and do can only be heard and seen by me."

Lu Kuiwu breathed a sigh of relief at first, but then he became vigilant and considered: "The resistance in the Taixu Illusion Realm is definitely not on me. They are all orders from the imperial court, and I am just following orders... You have to ask where the resistance lies, It’s not something I can explain clearly in just a few words.”

Jiang Wang thoughtfully created a safe environment for him to speak, but it actually made him alert.

From this point of view, although the Snow Country is closed all year round, there is still a lot of intrigue. Even this person who was assigned to guard the frozen meat was not that easy to fool.

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Wang smiled warmly: "Taixu Pavilion is not so overbearing in its work. If you don't want to say it, I will definitely not force it... Where is the Taixu Corner Tower? Please lead the way."

Lu Kuiwu felt relieved and quickly led the way.

Although Jiang Zhenren is young and gentle, he is a famous figure in the world. Facing the questions from such people, the pressure is so great that it is unbearable!

Compared to the prosperity of Hanhua City, Snow Silence City gives people the feeling of a snow coffin. It seems that every household in the city doesn't like to talk or go out, and they just keep their heads down and do things in silence. There were only a few scattered people on the main road of the huge city. One was dragging a cart of frozen meat forward, one was chipping ice in the corner with a chisel, and the other was holding an oil-paper umbrella and walking slowly alone on the street...

Snow rides into the city, and the sound of the wolf's feet on the ground is very clear.

Most of the houses in this city are square and square, with flat roofs - covered with the frozen meat of various snow beasts.

They are displayed naked on both sides of the street, as if displayed on a chopping board, describing the primitive coldness. Sometimes there would be some glances behind the doors and windows, but most of them would be quickly retracted, and even the curiosity would be very light.

The emotions of the people in this city seemed to be frozen.

"Brother Wei, have you been here before?" Jiang Wang said casually.

Wei Yu said: "I came here when I was buying frozen meat."

"Is this always like this here?"

"It's always been like this."

"Did you find anything special here?"

"Who is Mr. Jiang referring to?"

"Haha..." Jiang Zhenren watched as he walked, with a calm expression: "It's okay."

"Our Xuejing City's output accounts for a full 20% of the meat of the five northwest countries!" When Lu Kuiwu spoke, his rosacea also twitched. In such an environment, he looked particularly angry. : "Mr. Jiang, why don't you come with me to the mansion for dinner first? Try our special ice knife meat, which is known as the most delicious in the northwest——"

"Go to Taixu Corner Tower." Jiang Wang said quietly.

Lu Kuiwu's enthusiasm was interrupted, and he didn't show any annoyance at all. He just tightened his pace and stopped talking nonsense, and he quickly brought Jiang Wang to the northeast corner of Xueji City.

Two Taixu turrets stood naked in the field of vision, with no one in the buildings.

Snow Silence City is already deserted, and this corner has nothing but ice particles. As if to make room for the Taixu Corner Tower, everything here was cleared out - of course, from the traces that could not be completely erased, it was not difficult for Jiang Zhenren to judge that this place had been sealed off before.

"Snow Country regards Taixu Illusion as a scourge." Jiang Ge said with emotion.

Lu Kuiwu was speechless beside him.

"I am very sad to see these two Taixu Corner Towers empty." Jiang Wang said: "I have a Taixu Corner Tower that belongs to me in Qi State. Do you know how much I can earn in a month?"

"Can Taixu Corner Tower still make money?" Lu Kuiwu was very surprised.

Jiang Zhenren said casually: "When business was at its best, I earned more than 360 yuan stones a month. In recent years, the Taixu Illusion Realm has become more popular and accepted by the world. There are more and more Taixu Corner Towers. Profits just started to fall.”

Not to mention how shocked Lu Kuiwu, a "countryman" was, Wei Yu, a person from a big city, was also quite eye-opening. Isn't the Taixu Corner Tower an infrastructure built by the country? Can it also be used to make profit?

When Jiang Geyu was the Marquis of Wu'an, he really dominated the Qi State with one hand.

"The value of the Taixu Illusion Realm has long been recognized by hundreds of millions of people in the world. If the people of the Snow Kingdom were allowed to make their own choices, the Taixu Illusion Realm would have been popular in the Snow Country. The prohibitions imposed by your court for various purposes are against the trend of the times. . We don’t care about these things. The Taiyuan Realm is free and never forces anyone to participate. Moreover, if you continue to be locked up like this, sooner or later, the power of the times will push you away. This does not matter to me. Taixu Pavilion doesn't have to care about the slightest impact." Jiang Wang looked at Lu Kuiwu and said earnestly: "But the Shenxiao war is coming, we must seize the time, unite all the forces that can be united, and do all the improvements that can improve the overall strength of the human race. .This is the purpose of my coming here.”

He didn't care whether Lu Kuiwu or other people paying attention to this place heard it, and walked into Taixu Corner Tower with his hands behind his hands: "Master Lu, go back and do your own business. I can just sit here by myself."

Lu Kuiwu and his subordinates stopped outside the building, not knowing what to say. Wei Yu followed Jiang Wang into the Taixu Corner Tower.

He originally thought that Jiang Wang would use Taixu Corner Tower to do something, but after following him, he saw Jiang Wang randomly finding a place to gather cloud energy into a futon, and he actually sat down and started practicing.

Play hard to get? Just wait and see?

With all kinds of thoughts spinning in his mind, Wei Yu was not in a hurry to leave. He also found a place nearby to meditate and adjust his energy.

I sat like this for a day, two days, three days...

Jiang Wang has been practicing, morning and evening, day and night.

It's really... too boring.

After a long silence that lasted for five days, Wei Yu asked a few questions about spiritual practice, and Master Jiang patiently answered them.

Another five days passed like this.

"I'm very curious -" After Jiang Zhenren answered the ultimate question of God's presence, Wei Yu couldn't help but said: "Why is Cabinet Member Jiang willing to give me advice?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "You are the genius of the human race, and you have done nothing evil. It's not like you have a bad mind and it's useless to give advice... It's just a little effort, why wouldn't I want to?"

"What I mean is that in today's world of great competition, where geniuses compete with each other, and heroes rise together, we may face each other one day..."

"Then let's talk about it when we face each other." Jiang Wang said lightly.

Wei Yu smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, Cabinet member Jiang didn't think I would be his opponent."

Jiang Wang said calmly: "I don't think you are an opponent, but I also don't think you can ever be my opponent. It's just that our understanding of the 'era of great contention' is different. I'm not worried that my opponent will be too More, I don’t care who my opponent is, I just hope that the person standing in front of me is strong enough. Because only a strong enough opponent is qualified to verify my practice along the way."

Wei Yu was silent for a long time: "Your honesty makes me uneasy."

After another while, he said: "Why do I feel... Master Jiang is not in a hurry about the implementation of Taixu Illusion Realm in Snow Country?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "I thought you would always discuss cultivation issues with me."

Wei Yu said: "It's just a little personal curiosity."

Jiang Wang observed the changes in the sword prison in his palm and said casually: "Don't you understand yet? When I came to the Snow Country, the illusion of Taixu was so laid out that it became unstoppable. Am I representing myself? The decision of Taixu Pavilion, Is it just the attitude of the nine of us? All their resistance is just to buy time for themselves. I don’t want to push too hard and cause trouble for myself. I also want to see if they will use this time to What to do."

He retracted his gaze from the Sword Prison and fell on Wei Yu: "The 'them' I am talking about also includes 'you'."

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