Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2125 It’s too late

The largest mountain range in the snowy area is called "Polar Tianque".

It is also known as "Tianshan".

The highest peak in the Polar Tianque Mountains is called "Eternal Holy Winter." According to legend, it is also the oldest ice peak in the snowy area, standing since ancient times. Despite the vicissitudes of life, everything has changed, but it has always remained the same, and together with the ice and snow that has relied on it for many years, it has built the current polar sky.

It is also what Shopkeeper Bai often talks about as "the peak that never changes on the Tianshan Mountains".

The thick white snow cannot hide the steepness of this peak.

There is white mist going up the mountainside.

Above the vast white mist are thunderclouds that have persisted for years.

Higher up among the sea-like thunderclouds, the sun shines brightly and shines brightly for thousands of miles.

The part of Eternal Holy Winter Peak that protrudes from the Thunder Sea is still several thousand feet long. It is like the tip of a spear, with the sea of ​​thunder as its tassel.

At the top of the mountain, the snow has not melted. Sitting in the snow is a stern man with black hair hanging down his shoulders.

Of course he is Fu Huan.

The most powerful man in the snowy region, a Taoist sitting on the Shengdong Peak.

When the world of Shenxiao was upgraded, the top two races of the human race and the demon race met through the "karma skylight" built by Cicada's Dharma Fate and Monkey King Xingkong. He was one of the people who took action on the human race's side.

His qualifications are extraordinary. He was already a Yandao before the Snow Country was founded!

It was he and Hong Junyan, the Taizu of the Snow Country, who established this great northwest country that dominated the snowy region and guarded the polar sky.

He is also one of the few extremely powerful people who has been active since the beginning of the Taoist calendar.

During the period when modern times came to an end and the Taoist calendar began, too many outstanding people emerged in the world, and there was a surge of geniuses. But as time goes by, the pattern of the world becomes more stable, and the bright stars that once shone in the sky gradually dim. Those names that people are familiar with, the fall of the fallen, the seclusion of the seclusion, the latent cultivation of the latent cultivation, or the plan for eternal life, or the plan for transcendence, are not very obvious to others.

Those who are still famous, such as Zixu Zhenjun Zong Dezhen, almost never come down the mountain again after walking up Yujing Mountain.

Only Fu Huan is always active on the real stage.

It was he who assisted Hong Junyan in founding the country; it was he who wrote the teachings of the Cold Winter Sect; it was he who stabilized the situation in the Snow Kingdom after Hong Junyan's death; it was he who selected the "Son of Winter" once every hundred years and accepted him as his personal disciple. Cultivating generations of geniuses for the Snow Country; it was he who forced Beitian Master Wu Daoyou to write down a thousand-year promise to ensure the continuation of the Snow Country in the ancient Demon-Slaying Covenant after the death of the Frost Immortal Lord in the past...

One can imagine the status of such a character in the Snow Country.

He is history and the present, a beacon and a pillar.

He is not a god, but in the hearts of the Snow Country people, he has a higher status than a god.

At this moment, he was wearing a loose thin shirt, barefoot, sitting alone in the snow.

He seemed to have been sitting for a long time, motionless. His eyes were fixedly looking ahead, wondering what he was thinking. The sea of ​​thunder, the snowy land, and the sky are all in front of him, but they are not in his eyes.

Until a certain moment, snow began to fall in front of him, and the snowflakes fell into a human shape, sitting quietly on the ground.

Fu Huan blinked, and the world became vivid.

"In the Ming Dynasty," he said, "How many years have you been a bishop?"

Shen Mingshi, Bishop of Dongya Diocese, is the head of the five bishops of the Winter Sect, also known as...the number one disciple in the snowy region!

At this time, he knelt down in front of Fu Huan and replied firmly: "It has been three hundred and sixteen years."

His voice was like snow, still very clear in the air, but invisible after it landed on the ground.

"Time...time flies so fast." Fu Huan said in an incomprehensible tone, "You have watched Hong Xingjian grow up."

"Yes, the king is still very young." Shen Mingshi said.

Fu Huan asked again: "Is there someone from Taixu Pavilion?"

Shen Mingshi replied: "This is Jiang Wang. You took action from afar and brought him back to the demon world."

"Young hero!" Fu Huan made a brief comment and then asked, "What is he doing now?"

Shen Mingshi said: "He... didn't do anything. He was very busy on the first day. He went to Hanhua City, met with Nalan Longzhi, chatted with the Winter Emperor, and also caught some criminals and went to Hanhua City. The government office then took Wei Yu away - and then there was nothing more. The rest of the time was spent meditating and practicing in the Taixu Corner Tower originally built by the Taixu Sect."

Fu Huan burst into laughter: "He is a smart man, but we seem to be unsmart."

"The Taixu Illusion Realm has become a general trend, the torrent of humanity is unstoppable, and the full opening of Snow Country is inevitable." Shen Mingshi said solemnly: "Sooner or later. Are you... ready?"

Fu Huan did not answer, but just looked outside the mountain, looking at the distance covered by thousands of years of thunderclouds: "Look over there, what do you see?"

"Sky, thunderclouds and snow."


Shen Mingshi said: "Killing intention and resentment."

Fu Huan said: "In the past, the Human Emperor Suiren clan made an agreement with hundreds of ancient tribes and made a great oath, swearing that 'the human race will never be destroyed, and the hundreds of tribes will never be destroyed', so he won the support of the hundreds of tribes and raised the flag to defeat the monsters together. Later, he also won over the Dragon Clan. The rebellion eventually overthrew the ancient heaven and ended the Dark Ages.

"But the hundreds of tribes took credit for their achievements and were greedy, asking for and asking for things again and again. They were also unruly by nature and refused to obey discipline, causing many troubles.

"So the Suiren clan spent a huge price, bypassed the ancient vows, and joined forces with the ancient dragon emperor Panwu clan to start a war between hundreds of races. The so-called 'dragons and humans, destroy hundreds of races.' Some of the ancient races fled to the heavens, and some completely surrendered. After integrating into the human race, most of them were killed. The resentment of the dead strong men from the hundreds of tribes lingered in the darkness, and in the land of sunset... they turned into Shura."

"Ming Dynasty." Fu Huan asked: "Today's people look back on the past, and many of them can only guess. Do you think that hundreds of tribes in ancient times were indeed in trouble?"

Shen Mingshi said calmly: "Maybe."

Fu Huan sighed: "Yes, maybe."

"We have been ready to open for a long time, it just takes a little time." Shen Mingshi said softly: "With you here, no matter who you are, you should be more patient."

"The men are asuras and the women are Rakshasa. This clan is born for killing." Fu Huan said: "Everyone knows that the Qin State guards Yu Yuan and Wuguan locks the Weishui River. But they don't know that the Snow State also guards the entrance of Yu Yuan. Xu Wang killed A Ye and Ji. , shocking the world, haven’t I killed King Shura before?”

He stood up in the snow, stepped on the snow with his bare feet, and walked to the edge of the cliff: "What is the polar heaven? It is the gate of heaven on earth! The sun has set in Yuyuan here, so it is getting late."

"To a certain extent, this is fair." Shen Mingshi knelt and sat motionless: "We refuse to communicate with the outside world, and our honor is not known."

"There are three entrances to Yuyuan in the world, one in Qin Kingdom, one in Snow Kingdom, and one in Yujing Mountain. The entrance on Yujing Mountain has been completely sealed as early as the medieval era. So after the new beginning of Dao Li, It is the Qin State and the Snow State that share the heavy responsibility." Fu Huan said with emotion: "Hong Junyan regretted it until his death - it was a pity that he also guarded Yu Yuan and had the merit of suppressing Shura, so the Snow State failed to dominate the world. Not only did he fail to dominate the world, It is impossible to even establish a region side by side like Jing Kingdom and Mu Kingdom."

Shen Mingshi pondered: "The Taizu didn't go east back then, which is why I can't understand it."

Fu Huandao: "The main reason was our decision-making mistakes. During that period, everyone had generally realized that the national system would become the mainstream of the world, and the power of the times was reflected in the country. Ji Yusu established the capital in Tianjing and was the first country to be founded. In the following twenty years, various countries Various countries sprung up, and all kinds of careerists appeared, but they were all easily crushed in front of Ji Yusu's soldiers... It was not until the twenty-fourth year of Daoli that Si Yanqiu ascended the throne in the Eastern Region and established the Yang Kingdom. For once, Ji Yusu's crazy expansion momentum was truly curbed.

"The snowy terrain is difficult and easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is a good place for development behind closed doors. Hong Junyan and I chose to establish our country here to prevent the new regime from being easily crushed in the turbulent times and to seek a stable period of development.

"Back then, Ji Yusu, Ji Yanqiu, Ying Yunian, Helian Qingtong, Zong Dezhen... were all unparalleled heroes, each more fierce than the last. The heroes fought with each other, and there were beacons everywhere. They turned the world into a millstone of flesh and blood, and strangled countless people. careerist."

"Hong Junyan believed that we should accumulate strength and wait for the right time. When the world is in chaos and all parties are exhausted, we can then go east and south, clean up the mountains and rivers, and establish the cauldron in one fell swoop. So he locked up the country in the name of suppressing Shura, focused on the Yuyuan War, and drilled his troops.

"Unfortunately, the world was changing, and Tang Yu came out of nowhere. He suppressed the Heavenly King of Shenchi, conquered the Shenchi Shui Tribe, built a city called 'Jidu', and named it 'Emperor Suppresses Evil'. He gathered all the forces in Jingdi and established an unprecedented military empire. It also blocked our way out east.

"And there is Qiang Yong in the south, and the iron rope crosses the pass. Jing State only needs one army to rush to help, and we will not be able to advance south.

"The snowy land is our fertile soil, but also our prison. In the end, we can only watch the storm outside the pass, watch the world's pattern be determined, and become spectators of the times in the age of heroes."

Fu Huan's voice was full of regrets, but after thousands of years, it was faintly scattered in the wind.

It was also the first time Shen Mingshi heard about this period of history in detail, and he sighed for a moment: "The history books are so brief, and there are so many stories!"

Fu Huan looked at the thunder clouds for a while, then asked: "What is the Winter Emperor doing recently?"

Throughout the history of the Snow Country, among the strongest young people in the past, Xu Qiuci was the only one who did not come from Fu Huan's sect. Later, she also created the highest achievement of the genius of the Snow Country and became the famous Frost Immortal Lord.

And Xie Ai is the daughter of winter of this generation, and she is also the genius taught by Fu Huan himself, and she has performed well on the river viewing platform. But overnight, he suddenly became the reincarnation of Xu Qiuci, and now he is the Winter Emperor.

Shen Mingshi shook his head: "I only know that she is hunting down Nalan Longzhi, and is also tracking down the location of Tiantian Mansion... The whereabouts of Lord Winter Emperor is not something I can spy on."

"Shou Tian Mansion...Nalan Longzhi..." Fu Huan murmured: "When I was young, I met a man named Pu Shun'an. He said that he was the master of Tou Tian Mansion. But I still don't know what this sect does. ."

"Where did you see the master of Tou Tian Mansion?" Shen Mingshi said: "Perhaps we can deduce the location of Tou Tian Mansion from his whereabouts."

"I didn't meet him in reality." Fu Huan obviously didn't want to say more: "That was a long time ago..."

Shen Mingshi asked: "So, what was stolen from the Winter Emperor? They have never been content with the world, but this time they came to the door, will they--"

"Who knows? Maybe the Winter Emperor is willing to talk about it someday." Fu Huan said quietly: "Don't worry about Stealing Heaven Mansion, they never interfere in the present world."

Shen Mingshi nodded: "Then what should we do next?"

"Let's move forward as usual." Fu Huan said, "It's time to end all this."

The diligent Cabinet member Jiang practiced diligently for many days in the Taixu Corner Tower in Xueji City, and he waited diligently until the second Taixu meeting started.

While he was in the Snow Country, he did not arrive in person, but entered the Taixu Pavilion by entering the illusion of Taixu.

Still on the huge round platform surrounded by stars, cabinet member Jiang appeared and sat quietly in his chair - he subconsciously glanced at Li Yi's seat. It was still empty, but the other cabinet members had already arrived. .

When we meet again today, everyone is very hazy, unlike the first meeting, where everyone is in their true form.

"How is the progress of Cabinet member Jiang's work in Snow Country?" Dou Zhao looked sideways at Jiang Wang with a very unhappy expression. It seems that he has completely forgotten that the reason why Jiang Wang did this was precisely because of his strong recommendation.

Jiang Wang remained calm: "We are making steady progress."

Dou Zhao bared his teeth: "It's been a month, even if we send Qin Zhizhen, the matter should be settled!"

The main reason for his dissatisfaction with Jiang Wang was still due to intelligence issues.

After the man named Jiang went to Snow Country, he was very active at first and quickly obtained information about Wei Yu. But after receiving the high information fee, the situation immediately disappeared. No matter how much I urged, there was no new progress, not even a reply.

He originally thought that the situation in the Snow Country was too complicated, and Jiang was probably using his poor brains to battle wits and courage. It was very hard, and he expressed his understanding many times.

But later, when the Chu State's intelligence system was used to investigate, it was discovered that this guy had done nothing but lead Wei Yu to practice in Snow Silence City!

But still remember why you went to Snow Country?

Travel at public expense?

Or dating at public expense?

Qin Zhizhen frowned when he heard this: "Why do the cabinet minister's words sound so unpleasant to me?"

"If it doesn't sound good, just put some cotton in your ears!" Dou Zhao said impatiently, "How about that? You still want me to coax you?"

"Taixu Pavilion is not your arena." Ju Gui said in a stern tone, "Please don't start fights among cabinet members. If you do this again, I will impeach you!"

Qin Zhizhen was stopped before he could fight back, and he suppressed his words again.

Dou Zhao didn't seem to think that Ju Kui was criticizing him, and stared at Cabinet Member Jiang and shouted: "I have known for a long time that you are not serious. After the last meeting, you went to drink with Huang Sheli as soon as possible! Do you have any thoughts in your heart? Thinking about the mission?!”

Huang Sheli was not used to him: "Dou, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business! Is it your turn to be in charge of the private lives of cabinet members?"

Jiang Wang seemed to feel Zhong Xuanyin's gaze again, and said hurriedly: "We don't have much private life, we just have a drink together."

Huang Sheli spread his hands: "I didn't say anything else."

"Nothing else!"

Huang Relic smiled: "Okay, it's all up to you."

Later, Ju Gui would have a headache every day on the 9th, but at this time, he did not realize the seriousness of the problem. Just reiterate: "The second Taixu meeting has officially begun. Please stop talking about irrelevant things."

"Then let's continue talking about the mission." Dou Zhao pursued him fiercely: "Is it time for Mr. Jiang to report on his duties?"

Jiang Wang said quietly: "In order to ensure the smooth progress of the mission, I will try my best to avoid any behavior that may lead to leaks. After the mission is over, I will of course make a statement to you, but now - no comment."

"Okay." Dou Zhao smiled angrily: "Now tell me you have no comment, right?"

"Although the Dou Ge members are targeting me, I have no intention of targeting the Dou Ge members." Jiang Wang said calmly: "There are some secret arrangements that are difficult to disclose to the outside world in advance. I believe that with the wisdom of the Dou Ge members, it is not difficult to understand. In addition, even What I said has actually leaked the secret. You better pray that my next plan will not be affected, otherwise it will be difficult for me not to doubt the intentions of your question. "

Compared with the emotionally stable Jiang Geyu, Dou Geyu was obviously much more impulsive, and his eyes flashed fiercely: "What are you doubting? You might as well speak more clearly."

Jiang Wang shrugged: "It's useless to talk more. Let time test it."

After all, he didn't want to get into too much trouble with Dou Zhao, a big buyer of information, so he turned his gaze and said, "Hey, why hasn't Li Yi come yet?"

Dou Zhao was indeed angry: "This is contempt for Taixu Pavilion and contempt for everyone here. Remove his chair!"

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