Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2126 Just wish

The empty seats, which everyone tacitly understood and turned a blind eye to, were pointed out by Jiang Wang, which immediately aroused Dou Zhao's criticism.

Not only did he want to remove Li Yi's chair, he also shouted loudly - "His vote from now on will be mine!"

Although Cang Meng didn't open his eyes to look at anyone, he still enthusiastically helped to explain: "I understand Li Yi. He probably doesn't despise anyone... he just doesn't care."

"Ah, that's too much." Chong Xuanzun followed up with a criticism.

"Since he doesn't care so much, why doesn't he give up?" Qin Zhizhen said in a deep voice: "I would rather watch Chun Yugui or Chen Suan than face an empty seat every time and use the empty seat to remind us that he doesn't care. "

"Can I choose someone?" Huang Sheli said with some hindsight, "Then I think General Pei Xinghe should be chosen - among all the real people in Jingguo, he looks the most powerful."

Zhong Xuanyin wrote silently without speaking.

Ju Gui stood up again and tried to bring the topic back on track: "We have already set the rules last time. Three unexcused absences will result in impeachment and replacement. There is no need to say more now."

"Then let's continue talking about Cabinet Member Jiang." Dou Zhao did not change his original intention and replied again: "There is no movement at all in the Snow Country, and you have not dealt with anything in the Taixu Incident Pool. What have you done this month? ?”

It seemed that he couldn't read it back, which really annoyed him.

"I have my own plan and don't need to report it to you." Jiang Wang looked at him: "You have marked many incidents, but did you handle even one of them yourself?"

Dou Zhao had a look on his face that said, "You're confused": "You're recruiting people, and I'm stopping you?"

Zhong Xuanyin said at this time: "I also want to know why Cabinet member Jiang hasn't formed his own cabinet yet - is there no such plan?"

In his opinion, Jiang Wang was too indifferent.

Dealing with the Taixu incident is not in vain.

Matter power is real power.

Letting go of these events is actually letting go of all aspects of power covered by the identity of Taixu Cabinet Member.

"Do you care about this?" Jiang Wang looked around and chuckled: "Then I will tell you what I think. I really don't plan to form any subordinates. You are all among the best, and all of your subordinates are very talented. ...Xiji Terrace, Fenghua Palace, and Wanhua Palace are all full of talented people and extremely professional."

"Everyone, your cabinet ministers can handle all the big and small things in Taixu Illusion Realm very well. Why should I form a ragtag group and have to intervene? Is it just to fight for more power of the so-called cabinet members? "

"I don't need it, that's not my intention. Taixu Cabinet members have a thirty-year term, and I really want to spend it in harmony with you. In Taixu Pavilion, I will not miss the major events that need to be discussed together. Those scattered in the event pool I won’t fight over the things here. I will only fulfill my responsibilities and do my part. For the rest, let the people who want to care care about it!"

With Jiang Zhenren's current reputation, if he really wants to recruit subordinates, let alone in the name of Taixu Pavilion, even if he just opens the Baiyujing Restaurant... he can shake the world with just one call, and there are more than a thousand responses.

Even if you don't want to worry about outsiders, it's not convenient to go to the former subordinates of Qi to deal with Taixu Pavilion. In Bai Yujing Restaurant, who among Zhu Weiwo, Bai Yuxia, and Lian Yuchan is not a talented person? It will not be a problem at all to deal with the trivial matters in the Taixu event pool.

But in Jiang Wang's view, this is indeed not necessary.

Lian Yuchan has always been inseparable from Xiang Guo. Zhu Weiwo and Bai Yuxia both have their own ways and should not be burdened by trivial matters. Just open a Bai Yujing Restaurant and let them have fun. There is no reason to use his desire for power to trip up these talented people.

Besides...he really has no desire for power.

The road he seeks is to go straight on the road, to climb to the top alone, to reach the top of a mountain that is unique among billions.

He wants to go higher, not to trample others under his feet, but to ask where the top of practice is, just to see... the end of the sky.

To others, the status of Taixu Cabinet Member must also mean the extension of the influence of various forces. As far as he is concerned, he is just a member of Taixu Cabinet.

He only needs to maintain the iron rule of Taixu and the illusion of Taixu, and there is no need to consider the rest.

From this perspective, among the nine Taixu cabinet members, he is the one closest to Taixu Taoist Master.

So what is Xue Guo pursuing, what is Fu Huan planning, and what is happening in Qin State... Why should he care? He just needs to ensure that in the end, Xueyu is willing to open up to Taixu Illusion. He didn't want to interfere with what happened in this process, and he didn't think he could.

Heaven's behavior is constant, and people have their own plans, and they will not change because of others' wishes.

The last time something bad happened, it was just a coincidence that he stayed on the edge of the cliff as a spectator throughout the whole process. If he had known that Blood River would be like that, he would rather drag Senior Brother Zhu to Yu Yuan.

Jiang Wang's frank expression caused a moment of silence in the pavilion.

No matter what, a cabinet member who does not fight for power is always more approachable. Especially at a time when private competition between the various factions and pavilions is fierce.

Zhong Xuanyin sighed softly: "Jiang Cabinet Member is so frank and self-enviable."

"In this life, there are all kinds of troubles that cannot be let go of." Jiang Zhenren said: "If there are too many worries about the eternal holy winter, it will become a polar paradise."

Of course, this is just a harmless statement that shows the demeanor of a real person.

He may not remember saying such a thing afterwards.

But Zhong Xuanyin paused on the spot, feeling sad and thoughtful.

"Is there anything you can't let go of Mr. Zhong?" Jiang Wang asked immediately.

Jiang Zhenren is quite close to Zhong Xuanyin. After all, I have been memorizing "The Swordsman Cuts the Sea" written by my teacher for so many years...

Of course, most people are curious at this moment.

Zhong Xuanyin immediately calmed down his expression: "I'm quite old, there's nothing I can't let go of, but you young people... let's discuss it!"

"There are no major events this month." Ju Gui said: "Each hall is very efficient, and all the trivial matters have been cleared."

Cang Meng also said: "After the framework is set up, it is easy to do anything."

Ju Gui said: "There is only one thing that I need to inform you first - Wuxing Pagoda will no longer be responsible for the Taixu Incident Pool from now on, and will focus on the supervision of each palace. In order to make the rights and responsibilities clear, and not to call the law empty words."

Dou Zhao frowned: "Isn't there Taixu Dao in charge of this matter?"

Huang Relic also said: "Who can hide it from Chao Tuo?"

Ju Gui said calmly: "As we all know, Taixu Taoist Master will not interfere with reality. This is to prevent someone from using real methods to hide the activities in Taixu Illusion... This matter has been approved by Taixu Taoist Master, I am not bringing it out. What is discussed is just to inform.”

From then on, every event in the Taixu event pool will be verified twice after completion, by Taixu Dao Master and Wuxing Tower respectively.

This has once again reduced the power of each palace to deal with the Taixu incident, ensuring the fairness of Taixu Pavilion to the greatest extent.

Jugui added: "If there are any violations in the palaces, the incident will be restarted, or the names of the cabinet members will be revoked. For specific regulations, you can check them through Taixu Magatama, and I will not repeat them here."

Zhong Xuanyin waved his knife and pen and said casually: "It's something worth recording, otherwise I'm afraid others will think I'm writing some unofficial history."

In the entire Taixu Pavilion, he and Ju Gui were the only ones seriously promoting the meeting, which made them feel a little tired. Everyone else is just sitting here fighting for their rights. The competition is all left under the table, and everything is handled by the Cabinet members... Oh, Cabinet member Jiang may be an exception.

Zhong Xuanyin's glance seemed to wake Jiang Wang up. He woke up from his indifferent state and said, "If you don't have anything to discuss, I have one thing - please discuss it together."

Ju Gui looked over: "What's the matter?"

Dou Zhao smiled and said, "It's not that the matter in Snow Country can't be solved, so why don't we ask for help now?"

Jiang Wang was too lazy to argue with this guy. He just flicked his fingers and flew out seven immortal thoughts, hovering in front of each cabinet member: "Take a look before talking."

Zhong Xuanyin held this immortal thought in his hand, thought about it for a while, and said in surprise: "The method of star road?"

Everyone present was idle, how could they not see the value of this secret technique?

It can reduce the difficulty of building a star tower, make the completed star tower more stable, strengthen the connection between star towers, and allow the monks in the outer tower to get more star power support...

It cannot be said to be a huge change in the practice system, but it is definitely an important supplement to the existing practice system!

Jiang Wang took out such a secret method, what did he want to do?

The gazes of all the cabinet members were uncertain, each thinking.

"How much?" Dou Zhao didn't show any emotion and said directly: "I bought it!"

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Young Master Dou Ge is really sincere. I have nothing to hide in this Immortal Thought. You already know the secret method. Do you want to spend extra money to buy it again?"

"If you have money but are reluctant to spend it, it means you have no money." Dou Zhao's tone was very casual, but his attitude was serious: "I can't hold on to it for free!"

"I wish you peace of mind!" Jiang Wang put his hands on his hands and smiled: "It's amazing to have money."

Qin Zhizhen also said: "If Master Jiang is interested, the price can be easily negotiated."

The value of the Star Path method can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. It would be great if this matter could be solved with money.

Jiang Wang shook his head. He sat in his seat, suppressed his smile, and his expression became serious: "Today is the second Taixu meeting of Taixu Pavilion. You are all Taixu Pavilion members who are devoted to the human race... I need I sincerely introduce this star path method to everyone."

At this moment, he was not at all in a showdown with Dou Zhao, nor was he usually calm and easy-going. Instead, he had a rare seriousness that made the cabinet ministers present unconsciously become serious.

"This method was created by Xiao Shu, the genius of the Dan Kingdom. He once had the ideal of changing the Dan Kingdom and the world, but his ideal was shattered by a fake elixir, and it also collapsed along with his star tower. Shortly after his death, Danguo was also buried with him.”

Jiang Wang said extremely seriously: "But Xiao Shu did not die without leaving a trace, and he did not come to this world in vain. Before his death, on the long street of Buhu City, while he was dying, he taught me this secret method.

"I have personally verified the superiority of this secret method, and have continuously made adjustments and corrections. Finally, six years later, I can responsibly say to everyone that the Star Road method created by Xiao Shu can Regarded as an important supplement to the Wai Lou practice method, it can make the realm of Wai Lou easier to reach and strengthen the strength of all Wai Lou monks.

"It is an initiative of genius. It may not be apparent for a while, but its achievements will last forever!"

"Yes, it is as you think." Jiang Wang's eyes swept over each cabinet member clearly: "I will uphold Xiao Shu's legacy and share this secret method with practitioners all over the world for free. Xiao Shu He is dead, the Dan Kingdom is dead, and he has nothing to ask for. I am just a spectator who has the honor to see him off on his last journey, and I have nothing to ask for - I only hope that humanity will prosper, and that history will remember Xiao Shu."

What did Xiao Shu say before he died?

He said - "Anyone who is willing to risk my sympathy, I believe he has the courage to change the world."

At the last moment, he believed that Jiang Wang was the one who was different, the one who could change the world, so he handed over the method of Star Road and his lifelong ideal.

But, what a long way to go!

Today, Jiang Wang is famous all over the world, and he is at the top of the world in terms of strength and status. But I still dare not say that I want to change the world. The higher you stand, the more you see, and the more you see your own insignificance. The world does not need ignorant and arrogant people to change.

The further he goes, the more cautious Jiang Wang becomes, because his words and deeds will affect more people.

He does not regard the attention of the world as capital, but as a responsibility.

But he is very willing to do something that is clearly beneficial to the entire world.

It's like being in a wilderness or a flood, it's also like this.

To promote the method of Star Road, there is no better platform than Taixu Pavilion, and there is no better identity than Taixu Pavilion member!

Zhong Xuanyin said in a deep voice: "If this secret method is promoted through Taixu Pavilion, the reputation of Taixu Pavilion will be raised to an unimaginable level. All of us will benefit from this."

He did not say it more directly - today, when Xiao Shu is dead and the Dan Kingdom has been destroyed, Jiang Wangruo takes credit for it, and no one can refute it. And by virtue of his achievements in creating and popularizing the Star Road method, Jiang Wang can become a human race master-level figure and enjoy a great reputation that no other monk of his generation can match!

To take a step back, if you use this secret method to trade with any overlord country, you can get unimaginable huge wealth. The secret method that works on all monks in the outer building can help any force gain an advantage to a certain extent.

But Jiang Wang didn't do this either.

He contributed this secret technique without reservation, and decided how to promote it through the Taixu meeting, and only talked about Xiao Shu's merits throughout the process...

At this moment, Zhong Xuanyin seemed to suddenly understand why so many people supported Jiang Wang, and why he was the first person to pass the public election of Taixu cabinet members unanimously despite not belonging to any party.

You can love him, you can blame him, you can hate him or even hate him, but you have to admit - this is really a very reliable person.

The name Jiang Wang means "you can always trust".

"Is this your promise to Xiao Shu?" Huang Sheli asked.

Jiang Wang thought for a moment and said, "That's right."

In fact, when Xiao Shu died, he did not give any definite answer.

Because he knows the weight of a promise, he doesn't make it lightly.

Xiao Shu had no demands when he died, only expectations.

After traveling thousands of miles, the person who saw him off tried to respond.

"Let's vote." After a long silence, Ju Gui said seriously: "Whether we want to promote the Star Road method in the name of Taixu Pavilion. Please discuss it together."

"What reason can I give to refuse?" Cang Meng sighed: "I support this matter unreservedly."

Qin Zhizhen said: "I think there is no need to vote on this at all."

Chong Xuanzun sat upright silently: "I give this vote to Xiao Shu unconditionally."

Dou Zhao showed some seriousness for the first time today. He sat down and said, "From today on, I remember the name Xiao Shu."

Huang Relic always raised her hand high and never put it down.

Zhong Xuanyin wrote history on the letter: "Then, unanimously passed."

"Taixu Illusion·Chapter of Cultivation - Xiao Shu's Remaining Thoughts."

These words appeared in front of Wei Yu's eyes, and he recognized every word, but when connected together, the meaning was inexplicable.

What is the Chapter of Cultivation? Who is Xiao Shu?

After being exposed to the Taixu Illusion Realm for so long, Blessed Land has reached the 47th place. This is the first time I have encountered such a change.

There is no doubt about the safety of Taixu Fantasy Realm.

He relaxed his mind, felt these words, and then captured a message——

"According to the decision of Taixu Pavilion, all monks at the inner palace level and above who complete any Taixu Scroll mission can receive the legacy of Xiao Shu, the genius of the original Dan Kingdom, and learn [Star Road] in addition to the original mission reward. Dharma], complete the chapter on the outer building."

The message is very clear, which is equivalent to Taixu Pavilion giving this secret method to every Taixu practitioner for free.

What is the outer building chapter?

Does it represent the practice system of Wailou Realm?

This [Star Road Method] is so amazing that I dare to say such nonsense!

I have to ask Qin Zhizhen later...

Wei Yu thought. Isn't there a Taixu cabinet member next to him? Why sacrifice the near for the far.

Then he exited the Taixu illusion and looked to the side: "Where is Jiang Zhen...he?"

Wei Yu stood up suddenly. The building was empty, but there was no trace of it!

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