Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2127 Chilling cicadas in early winter

Jiang Zhenren strode into the wind and snow.

The snowy area seems to be a dream woven by wind and snow. The snow is always there and the wind is never quiet.

Wei Yu followed him for as many days as he practiced in Taixu Corner Tower.

So he didn't have to ask Wei Yu if there was anything else to do.

What Wei Yu wanted to do...has been done.

And he doesn't plan to stay any longer.

Every Taixu Walker who completes his mission will receive Xiao Shu's last thoughts - that is Xiao Shu's voice in his memory, simulated by Jiang Wang.

With only one sentence, he would ask everyone - "Do you still have the courage to change the world?"

No answer is needed.

The Dharma of the Star Path is given equally to everyone, whether he thinks or not.

Will the world be changed by young people, for the better? Or worse?

There is no answer yet.

But it’s time for a change in Snow Country.

The [Star Road Method] that can complete the Chapter of the Outer Building is Xiao Shu's gift to the world. No practitioner should miss it.

If the Snow Country continues to lock itself down, it will be actively falling behind the times and disregarding the fundamental interests of thousands of practitioners in the Snow Country.

The Taixu illusion itself has such a meaning, but it is not as intuitive or as naked as the Star Path method.

Just like if you say that children must go to school and study to find a way out, not many people may pay attention to it. But if you say you come to school and give me eggs... the threshold will be broken immediately.

Turning around this street is the main road of Xuejing City.

On the main road, which was spacious enough for eight horses to gallop together, Lu Kuiwu stood in the middle of the road.

At this time, Lu Kuiwu was wearing heavy armor, with a black helmet tucked under his left arm. He was holding a jar of old wine with mud on the edge in his right hand, and was drinking with his head tilted back. The Adam's apple is bulging, the wine is gurgling, the aroma of wine is overflowing, and the rosacea is getting redder.

The frosty wind blew away the thick fog.

The long street opens up.

Behind him were rows of soldiers wearing cold armor. They are as cold as ice. Stretching to the end of the field of vision.

"Master Jiang!" He held the jar of wine high: "Do you want to drink it?!"

The vapor of wine turned into white mist, which was quite a sight to behold.

The cautiousness, apprehension, and shyness of the past few days didn't seem to be him.

But Jiang Wang is still the same Jiang Wang.

"Drinking is a waste of time." Jiang Wang continued to walk forward, as if taking a leisurely stroll to enjoy the scenery: "General Lu, since he has important matters at hand, he'd better drink less."

"This jar of wine has been with me for many years. The snowy region is difficult, and it is difficult to resist the cold weather without drinking some strong wine!" Lu Kuiwu put down the jar of wine and hung it by his side: "You will not eat the delicacies of the snowy region. Snow. You will not drink the fine wine of this region. Why did you come to the Snow Country?"

Jiang Wang was alone in front of thousands of troops, looking up at the snow in the sky. Although he was in the city, he seemed far away inexplicably: "Treat me as a spectator! I represent Taixu Pavilion, and I only want one result."

Without seeing any movement, he had already passed by Lu Kuiwu's side, passed through the military formation, and walked forward.

Thousands of troops lined up just waiting.

Lu Kuiwu put on his helmet, threw the wine jar on the ground, pressed his knife and looked back in the wind and snow. He only saw a lonely blue shirt walking out of the city gate.

"General?" the deputy general asked lowly.

It wasn't until the green color in his field of vision was completely buried by the snow that Lu Kuiwu raised his gauntlet. Watching the falling snow melting on the steel, he whispered: "The snow is too light, and it has no weight when it falls."

The lieutenant said: "But when an avalanche occurs, everything will be buried."

Lu Kuiwu covered his breastplate with his hand and said in a pious voice: "Thank you to the cold winter for giving poetry to the wilderness; thank you to the cold winter for giving all things sleep..."

The military formations on the long street all began to chant: "Thank you to the winter for making this world white; thank you to the winter for walking with me..."

Lu Kuiwu pulled out his saber: "Let's start from here. It has been many years and my bones are all rusty!"

The city of Snow Silence begins to bustle in October, the first month of winter.

There are cicadas chirping in the long street.

When cicadas chirped outside the building, Wei Yu had already done what he had to do and accepted the fact that he was left behind by Jiang Zhenren.

He has been sitting in this Taixu turret for thirty-one days.

This is thirty-one days that go round and round, and no day is the same.

People from Snow Silence City never came to disturb him, and Master Jiang never moved away, practicing every moment. Occasionally he would ask questions, and Master Jiang would basically answer them, but after answering the cultivation questions, he would continue practicing.

Wei Yu asked herself that her cultivation was considered diligent, but operating like a puppet day and night was really scary...

He really once suspected that Jiang Zhenren was ruthless and had nothing else in mind except cultivation.

It's fine now, the doubt is lifted. Jiang Zhenren still remembered the mission.

But the bad news is - Jiang Zhenren doesn't play with himself anymore.

The hard training is over, and now I have begun to miss it.

Wei Yu silently took out the long sword. Of course he could understand the cicada's chirping.

March 9th is the coldest time of the year, but cicadas always sing in summer.

There is only one winter-singing cicada in the world, and it is the Xian Shu Sanjiu Han Cicada.

This technique exhausts the principles of life and death, making people like summer cicadas who live through the three nines, withering and growing without shedding. Winter Immortal Palace is also known as the "Longevity Palace" because it relies on these core immortal arts.

Xueji City is not a normal city, and Lu Kuiwu is not from this era. He didn't live a long time, but his life was frozen. It's the cicada that sheds its skin again, and the old man wakes up again.

The world doesn't know something, but Qin knows it very well.

In the Snow Land, the first person to truly inherit the Winter Immortal Technique and completely restore the Winter Immortal Palace was not the Frost Immortal Lord, but Hong Junyan, the founding ancestor of the Snow Country!

Xu Qiuci, who lived more than 2,000 years ago, was the successor of Hong Junyan. The Winter Fairy Palace in her hands was also inherited from the Secret Treasury of the Snow Country.

And the reincarnation of Frost Immortal Lord...

The cicadas are chirping... getting louder.

"Don't destroy the Taixu Corner Tower and cause Master Jiang to return. You guys... are frozen meat!"

Wei Yu picked up her sword and jumped down from the window.

Jiang Zhenren was outside the city, putting the huge Snow Silence City behind him.

At a certain moment, he looked back. The lonely city in the ice and snow seemed like a huge tomb.

Of course, he was not paying attention to this city.

The flying snow drifted in front of him, and was blown away by the wind, faintly disintegrating into a human shape.

Xie Ai's extremely beautiful face became concrete in the shape of this person, with clear and delicate outlines, crystal clear and still a bit chilly.

As soon as she appeared, she reached out and reached out.

Jiang Wangjing stood still in the snow, holding his sword in his hand, while the shadow of an ancient attic loomed behind him!

Time and space seemed to stand still.

In the wind and snow, the extremely beautiful and sad woman and the extremely quiet and peaceful man looked at each other like this.

Woman in the air.

Man in the snow.

Behind the woman is a city that is changing, taking root in the earth.

Behind the man is a seemingly eternal attic, looming in the void.

This is a complex, contradictory, contradictory and still painting.

The woman's slender fingertips gently brushed the man's shoulder, brushing away a piece of snow, and said quietly: "How did you find the truth you were looking for?"

The wind, snow, and people are alive again.

Xie Ai could brush off a piece of snow for him under the seal of Taixu Pavilion, and of course he could also take off his head.

But Jiang Wang was not moved.

He stood quietly in the snow and said only: "I don't want to look for the truth, I wait for the truth to be spread out in front of me. I don't push for change, I wait for change to happen."

In the Wenxian Tower in Hanhua City, Xie Ai had already hinted at who the resistance to the Taixu Illusion Realm in the Snow Country came from. But Jiang Wang did not pursue the truth as she thought. Instead, they caught a few criminals in an anticlimactic manner, and then took Wei Yu to the Taixu Corner Tower, where they stayed for thirty-one days.

A chess piece that was perfect for disrupting the game jumped out of the chessboard.

Today, he cannot be said to be the chess player in the world, but if you want to use him as a chess player, you have to ask him if he is willing.

"Since ancient times, dragons and tigers have gathered together, and heroes have become whirlpools." Xie Ai sighed: "You came to Snow Country with great fanfare, but you behaved so quietly, which is really beyond my expectation."

Jiang Wang looked at the sky: "It's too windy and snowy here, why don't we find a place to take shelter?"

Xie Ai said: "If you want to avoid the wind and snow, why come to the snowy area?"

"After all, Taixu Pavilion has an attitude." Jiang Wang said, "I have an attitude."

"Are you not going to continue investigating the Zhao Wuyan matter?"

"I thought about it again and again, and I decided to wait until the business trip is over before considering personal matters. I'm a stupid person who can't be distracted."

"You're so humble! You escaped in time."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment and replied: "I bought a ticket to watch the show, not a salary for being on stage."

"How do you explain the method of Star Road? With a stroke of God, you have opened the door of Snow Country with a stroke of God. You have made us all lose time."


"You want to know the answer?"

"...I don't want to. It's reasonable for theatergoers to knock the gong to encourage the show, right? I can't sit down like this all the time. After the show, I have to go home early and go to bed."

Xie Ai asked: "You said you were waiting for changes to happen... What changes do you hope to be?"

Jiang Wangdao: "No matter what changes happen, the opening of the snowy areas is a foregone conclusion. I just hope it happens as soon as possible and ends as soon as possible."

"You don't want to participate?"

"Why should I participate?"

Xie Ai suddenly smiled: "It's not up to you!"

Then he rolled up his robe sleeves and everything was instantly transformed.

Jiang Wang has been carried high into the sky.

Thousands of miles of snowy land is vastly white!

Looking down at the earth and seeing nothing, I waved my sleeves in thanksgiving——

The fog has gone and the clouds have opened.

The vast and sparsely populated Snow Country has thus solved the mystery that has shrouded it for thousands of years.

Jiang Wang was able to see clearly the territory of Snow Country for the first time.

I saw the scenery farther west of Hanhua City, saw the glimpse of the city beyond Hanhua, Xueji, and Bingyang, and also saw the complete five major parishes.

He wanted to close his eyes immediately, but he was surprised to find...

The entire Snow Country is just one big formation. At this moment, the formation has been activated, and the entire snowy area is covered by the formation!

What's more debatable is... this is not a national defense formation.

He has conquered east and west and experienced many great formations personally. The scale of this formation is so large, but it is not of the same nature as the National Defense Formation.

Each city is the node of the formation, especially to the west of Hanhua City, which is completely uncovered. Anyone who is proficient in formations can feel its formations by walking only four or five cities.

No wonder only three cities are open to the Snow Country, and no wonder outsiders are not allowed to go west. If it was to hide this formation, then everything would make sense.

From such a high place, the Winter Emperor's voice sounded as if the wind was chilling: "I have expressed my attitude in Jishuang City, and the country's leader Hong Xingjian has issued an order - after seven days, the snowy area will be officially opened, and everyone in the snow country will fully welcome Taihuan." We must go all out to build the Taixu Corner Tower. Mr. Jiang, your mission has been completed. Is everything as you wished?"

Jiang Wang suppressed his emotions and said firmly: "This is a move that is in line with people's hearts. I am also a member of the world, so of course I am happy to see it."

"Then it's time for you to fulfill my wish?" Xie Ai asked.

Jiang Wang just said: "We all have our wishes."

"Look -" Xie Ai didn't seem to be trying to force anything, and pointed out: "This area is Dongya Parish, which is shaped like a snowflake; this area is Linyi Parish, the largest glacial lake in the Snow Kingdom, right here In this parish, it is also the coldest one; this one is the parish of Blue Bird, with terrain like a flying bird; this one is the parish of Shuanghe, does it look like a mirror? This one is the parish of Yuxin, the Polar Tianque Mountains, in this parish Here, Hong Junyan, Taizu of Xue, once wrote a poem that said, 'The gate locks the moon and worries about the golden crow, and the husband draws his sword across the sky gate'..."

Jiang Wangdao: "I can feel your emotions for this snowy land. It must have appeared in your dreams again and again during the days when you left the snowy land."

Donghuang was stunned for a moment, probably not expecting Jiang Wang to suddenly talk about this.

"Yes, how could Xie Ai not love the Snow Country?" She said and continued to point out: "Have you seen those cities?"

The cities she specifically pointed out belonged to the five major dioceses. They were obviously extraordinary in the vast snowy landscape.

The unparalleled formation that was opening was radiating like water, clearly tilting towards these five cities.

The voice of thanksgiving said: "These five cities are respectively Extreme Frost City, Winter City, Freeze Spirit City, Snow Silence City, and Hanyu City."

There is snow silence among them!

Jiang Wang stayed there for thirty-one days, and during these thirty-one days it was always cold and calm—it was booming at the moment.

Just like the process of unsheathing a long sword, there is an edge that is ready to come out.

Its huge outline bulges out from the snowfield, shaped like... a coffin!

Jiang Wang looked at the other four cities, but he didn't know if he had any preconceived impressions. He saw that each of the uprooted cities looked like coffins, coffins of different shapes.

Just like when he looked at those igloos half buried underground, he always felt like tombs...

He withdrew his gaze and brought himself closer to an indifferent passerby.

"Aren't you curious about what's going on inside?" Xie Ai asked.

"The Snow Country has been locked away for so many years, and its secrets are finally revealed. Who can not be curious?"

"It's better to go and take a look."

Jiang Wang remained tense: "If the Winter Emperor insists on forcing me to watch, I will have to watch. But I just want to sit under the stage and stay far away."

"These are five coffins." Xie Ai said, "Can you guess what they bury?"

Jiang Wangdao: "I'm clumsy."

"You're just too smart!" Xie Ai pressed Jiang Wang's shoulders and flicked his hand. Jiang Zhenren flew out involuntarily - his straight body was like a blue spear.

Throw the spear directly at Jishuang City!

The high dome descends thousands of feet, passing through clouds, wind and snow all the way. It's like a comet falling, leaving a tail rainbow.

What a great Jiang Zhenren!

At the moment when he approached Jishuang City, three bright balls of light flew out from outside him. The three realms flew around and merged into one. The Taoist body under the green shirt suddenly erupted and shook like a volcano. The breath of heaven and earth. It actually got rid of that terrifying inertia, stopped abruptly, and hovered over the ascending Jishuang City!

Jiang Zhenren's response to the battle is unparalleled in the world. At the critical moment when he broke out and got rid of his "gun-throwing identity", he had already reached out to touch the Taixu magatama——

The world is vast and there is no distance between it!

Dear Winter Emperor, wait until I, Yan Dao, come to see you!

Jiang Zhenren's movements were smooth and flowing. Even in his busy schedule, he still had time to look back at the sky. Shi Shiran raised his steps and moved——

Still in place.

His hands were empty.

Where is my jade? ! ! !

[Thanks to book friend "20201114061015853" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 643rd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Never Give Up If You Are Obsessive" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 644th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[It’s always difficult to write when entering a new plot. It’s really a brain-consuming task to make the plot less boring. But if you look at me doing 4K6, 4k8 basically every day this month, and sometimes even 5k, you will know that I am really working hard. Of course, this is not enough. No updates have been added this month yet, and they will be added at the end of the month. Be sure to save your manuscript starting today! And I won’t have a holiday during the National Day. come on! 】

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