Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2128 Fighting for the Future

Damn Nalan Longzhi! !

Taixu magatama is not an ordinary object, it is a token of Taixu that is neither virtual nor real. Rather than saying it is a jade pendant, it is better to say that it is the embodiment of rules and the concrete representation of authority.

It's not easy to steal.

Other tangible items, even if hidden in storage boxes, may be taken away.

Qin Zhizhen, who possesses the magical power of refining the void, has the ability to easily invade the storage box. Not to mention Qu Shunhua, who was pregnant with his wife, it was easy for her to move out the storage space. Zuo Guangshu couldn't hide his private money at all.

But Taixu magatama usually does not appear as a physical object. It is the meaning of a key and a symbol of authority. How to steal it?

The matter of stealing the Taixu Magatama is like someone sneaking into Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace and stealing the Sun, Moon and Stars that he condensed into the Little Zhoutian. Without unique principles, it would be impossible to accomplish such an outrageous thing.

More importantly - just a short time ago, outside Xueji City, Jiang Wang used Taixu magatama to move Taixu Pavilion. In just the blink of an eye, Taixu Magatama was stolen again?

Having had the previous experience of being stolen, he has paid more attention to Taixu magatama, and during this period, he has been beside Xie Ai!

Who can be so good at coming and going with empty hands?

The only way is to steal Tianfu and Nalan Longzhi!

But how can one be two?

It could have been said to be a joke last time, but this time, it was clear that he was taking advantage of the time and deliberately let him sit on the wax.

What kind of bad taste is this?

It is unbearable!

But at this moment, Jiang Zhenren needs to face the problem at this moment——

He hovered menacingly over Jishuang City, which was undergoing drastic changes, and came face to face with countless princes, ministers, elite soldiers and generals in the city.

It's like one person against a city.

A middle-aged man wearing a frost-patterned robe stepped forward and faced the sky: "Zhenren Jiang! I am Bishop Shen Mingshi of Dongya. I have heard your name for a long time! The Snow Country will open in seven days. You can visit now. Are you a little too anxious in the snowy capital?”

There was not only Shen Mingshi in front of him.

And at the top of Jishuang City, the man in dragon robe is looking at the place with his hands behind his back like the stars over the moon! Hong Xingjian, the leader of the Snow Country and the contemporary pope of the Cold Winter Sect.

This man has deep facial features, thick hair and thick eyebrows, which is the cultivation of a real person. He shoulders the power of the Snow Country, and his majesty is much better than that of Shen Mingshi.

The rumbling Jishuang City was like a huge warship, carrying him up to the sky again and again.

There are also strong bows and crossbows erected on high walls, and horses are racing at the top of the city. Elite teachers, stand on the wall!

"Misunderstood!" Jiang Wang said in a long voice: "Taixu Pavilion is a public servant, and Mr. Jiang is a man of integrity and has always been neutral! This trip is only to enjoy the scenery of the Snow Country and does not involve the affairs of the Snow Country!"

After leaving him behind, the Winter Emperor had disappeared. At this moment, even the traces had been wiped clean. Jiang Wang did not say anything about who he was, nor did he say anything about Nalan Longzhi, so as not to be implicated again.

It was not his intention to come to Jishuang City, so he could just explain the accident. Now think about it, if Taixu Wujuan had just been successfully activated, this subconscious reaction would not be so wonderful, and it would easily make the people of the Snow Country suspicious-did Jiang Wang get a glimpse of the secret and go back to bring in reinforcements?

"The clouds and mist in the sky were pushed away by others. I came in unintentionally." Jiang Wangyu Gaoqiong cupped his hands: "If your country cares, I will stay away!"

Shen Mingshi frowned: "Zhenren Jiang has already seen everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to leave like this..."

"I promise you in Jiang Wang's name." Jiang Wang said loudly: "Until the dust settles on the affairs of the Snow Country, what I have seen and heard will not be known to others!"

Shen Mingshi said in a deep voice: "Zhenren Jiang's reputation is recognized by the world, and I believe in it! But when we do great things, how can we not be careful and rely on others?"

Jiang Wang suppressed the polite smile on his face and gently flicked his sleeves: "Why, do you still want to keep me?"

"Xueguo does not want to be an enemy of Master Jiang." Shen Mingshi's expression was very serious: "I just want to invite Master Jiang to come to the city and wait for seven days-"

Jiang Wang glanced at the heavily armed Snow Country capital, as if a giant beast had risen into the sky, about to choose someone to devour, and interrupted: "What if I say no?"

Shen Mingshi wants to do great things, so he cannot be trusted. How could he sneak into the tiger's den and trust the unfamiliar Shen Mingshi with his own safety?

Under normal circumstances, of course no one would dare to touch the Taixu cabinet members. Just be afraid, someone will go crazy.

Shen Mingshi stepped forward: "Please don't embarrass Shen——"

Jiang Wang remained motionless, holding his sword in his hand.

In an instant, the sword energy filled the clear sky!

Let the snowy sky seem like the old veil has been torn off and put on a new robe.

"It doesn't matter!" Hong Xingjian, who was standing at the top of the city, waved his hand: "Since Mr. Jiang wants to watch, then let's do it. How can we let people look at our grand and great cause? Mr. Jiang! On behalf of Taixu Pavilion, come to witness Lin Dong Xiong Tu!”

Shen Mingshi stopped.

Jiang Wang also just smiled lightly and flew a thousand feet away: "I'll wait and see."

It seemed that it was not him who filled the sky with sword energy just now.

The Winter Emperor wanted him to stay, and Nalan Longzhi also wanted him to stay. He was not as skilled as others, so he had to stay. But I have made up my mind not to participate in anything.

Xie Ai said that the five cities that are changing at this moment represent five coffins.

What's the difference between these five coffins?

As the capital of the snowy region, Jishuang City represents the most important coffin.

Looking back at history, Hong Junyan sat on the dragon throne in Jishuang City in the 34th year of Daoli, and the Snow Kingdom was officially established. At this point in time, it was earlier than Jing State and earlier than Chu State. Its long history was not comparable to that of Qi State, which only had a history of two thousand years.

And it locked the country after its founding. In its 3,892 years of history, except for Zeng Dong's departure, he was blocked by the Jing Kingdom. Apart from supporting the Five Northwest Alliance several times, it has hardly experienced any real-world wars.

So much so that the understanding of the Snow Country by all the countries in the world is not as detailed as that of Shura from Yu Yuan.

"Everyone in the world regards the Snow Country as a mysterious country. They want to get a glimpse of its appearance but cannot see it. So the knocking on the door becomes more and more urgent and closer! The hearts of the great powers want to open up the Snow Country, and the world is thinking of it!" Hong Xingjian stepped onto the high wall, his robe corners flying: "Now this mysterious country is ready to open itself up. Master Jiang! You are a member of Taixu Cabinet, a person who is at the forefront of the times. Can you tell me—— But is the world ready to welcome it now?"

Jiang Wang didn't expect that he would like to retreat to the horizon. As a pure spectator, there would be a question and answer session.

But this question is indeed interesting.

At this moment, he not only represented himself, but also needed to represent the attitude of Taixu Pavilion, so he said loudly: "The world is so vast and can accommodate any ideal and any kind of power. This world is of course ready to welcome the Snow Country, including the Snow Country Either side. But the premise is that you embrace it instead of hurting it."

"Of course, we are willing to embrace the world! It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future!" Hong Xingjian opened his hands broadly and smiled into the wind, as if he was really embracing the world.

The majestic posture of Jishuang City just stopped in the sky.

Jiang Wang turned around and saw the other four cities pointed out by the Winter Emperor, also flying in the air at this time, hanging motionless. They are exactly at the four corners, anchoring the four directions, evenly surrounding Jishuang City in the middle.

The great formation that covers the entire Snow Country is wildly sweeping the vitality of the world. The terrifying power surged like an ocean tide.

"I summon back the heroic spirits with my imperial decree. The cicadas shed their skin again, and the old man awakens anew!" Hong Xingjian shouted: "We are waiting for the day, sleeping in the frost. We, the warriors of the Snow Kingdom, are about to attack!"

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

The vast snowy land seemed to be beating a floor drum.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Jiang Wang gradually felt that it was not an earth dragon turning over, but a powerful, slowly reviving... heartbeat!

If the Snow Country were a giant spirit, it would be waking up right now!

Although Master Jiang is standing alone in the sky, only his green shirt is moving. But his perception has been expanded, his eyes are all over the snow country, and his ears are Guanyin, capturing everything he sees and hears.

Hong Xingjian asked him to witness it, so he would take a closer look at what kind of plan the so-called "Winter Ambition" was!

The entire snowy region is undergoing drastic changes, not just the vitality, land, and strength, but the overlap of past time and space with the present, causing ripples of time and space to collide layer by layer!

Above the Snow Silence City, which belongs to the Shuanghe Diocese, white mist rolled first and took the shape of a dragon. On the dragon's spine, there was the shadow of a huge ice coffin.

The cold dragon carries the coffin, and then it becomes clearer and clearer.

The mist dragon turned into an ice dragon, and the ice coffin was exquisite. The picture engraved on it was a miniature of the entire Shuanghe Parish. The ice coffin is not completely transparent. You can only see the thick black shadow in it, but you don't know what's inside.

But a terrifying aura spread out first, and pieces of ice flowers fell around the coffin.

The terrifying heartbeat had a specific location in this ice coffin and became extremely clear.

In Xueji City, Wei Yu, who had once reached the main street, had bravely fought back to the Taixu Corner Tower, and held the sword at the Hengmen: "This is the Taixu Corner Tower, the foundation of the Taixu Illusion Realm. Jiang Wangjiang, the cabinet member, sat here and said As proof! Everyone, please calm down when fighting! If you dare to destroy the Taixu Turret, it will be against the human race’s plan of ten thousand years, and you should be punished by all parties!"

Taixu Corner Tower has been completely surrounded.

The corner tower where Jiang Zhenren once sat and talked about Taoism is like a lonely boat in a sea of ​​people.

From the portal of Taixu Corner Tower to every main road extending to the city, you can see that they are all densely packed with armored warriors!

The visors covered the expressions of these warriors, but the cold eyes under the visors showed some obvious lag. Like an ice layer that has just been broken open, the water is slowly coming to life, but it is not yet completely alive.

These damn warriors were all warriors from more than 3,800 years ago.

What a great gesture from Snow Country!

Although Wei Yu had already expected it, he was still stunned by what he saw.

The Snow Kingdom now has two powerful armies in the world, one is called the "Snow Blade" and the other is the "Lin Feng". They are both armies that have been killed in Yuyuan for a long time and can compete with other powerful armies.

And this time, the Snow Country will unveil the layout from the founding of the People's Republic to the present... Who knows how many soldiers and horses they have hidden during these more than 3,800 years?

According to historical records, in 114 Dao Li, Hong Junyan was defeated by Jing Taizu Tang Yu and died of Dao Jie after escaping back to China. Was it because his mother died of exhaustion?

So many people are freezing!

"Lu Kuiwu, if you have the ability, challenge me to a duel! No matter what year you are a frozen meat, let me show you the genius of the world! Let you understand why the present must be better than the past!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Wei Yu no longer cared about the family style and started shouting randomly.

Lu Kuiwu didn't even show up at Taixu Corner Tower, and of course he wouldn't respond. Only a vast number of soldiers, like a determined tide, invaded the turret one after another.

"Jian Zhenren! I know you have very good ears, you must be able to hear it!" Wei Yu blocked the door with his sword and killed the soldiers one after another, shouting repeatedly: "Come and save me quickly, I will never forget this. !”

After a pause, he added: "I will repay you with everything I have!!!"

Jiang Zhenren, who was far outside Jishuang City, twitched his ears... Huh?

But before the unparalleled real body movement in the world was launched, a male voice sounded, covering all the sounds in Jishuang City, and also burying Wei Yu's cry for help. The voice was muffled, low and thick——

"There are so many things to say, it would be better to say that you are the Queen of Wei Shu! Maybe I can still remember a few points about our friendship back then!"

It's the voice from that ice coffin!

What era is this old monster? Actually have friendship with Wei Shu?

Wei Yu listened to the advice and immediately shouted: "I am the Queen of Wei Shu! I am the direct descendant of the ancestor of Wei!"

"He must be a descendant of Guard Dog!" The lid of the ice coffin suddenly opened, and a bald man wearing heavy armor sat up from it. He roared angrily: "He was the one who hurt me at the beginning and forced me to sleep!"

Wei Yu immediately locked the door without saying a word, cursing her mother in her heart.

After the stratus clouds covering the snowy area were pushed away, the brilliant scorching sun stood directly in the northwest, shining like gold.

At this moment, it seemed as if it was echoing in the scorching sun, and Fu Huan's voice spread with the sunshine——

"Wei Qingpeng! Don't tease young people, it's a waste of time!"

The first generation Bishop Dongya of the Snow Kingdom, the true king Wei Qingpeng!

The strong men who followed Hong Junyan and Fu Huan to establish the Snow Country also fell in Yu Yuan shortly after the death of Hong Junyan.

Unexpectedly, he did not die at all, but slept in the snowy coffin for 3,800 years.

"Brother Fu! This sleep is so long!" The bald man laughed loudly, pressed his hand on the edge of the ice coffin, stood up, and the ice coffin was crushed! The frost dragon nodded, its eyes suddenly lit up with flames, and it roared loudly!

Wei Qingpeng reached out with a palm from a distance and pressed towards Winter City.

There was an extremely cold beam of light that shot straight out, penetrating directly into Winter City, but like a spear, it was raised upwards - raising the shadow of another ice coffin. There is also a cold dragon carrying this coffin, with a powerful aura, like an immortal coming to the world.

What a big show!

Xie Ai and Nalan Longzhi didn't let me leave, just because they wanted me...or did they want Taixu Pavilion to see this?

With a thought in Jiang Wang's mind, he held a real object in his palm again. His sense of Taixu Pavilion and his grasp of Taixu's illusion also returned again. Taixu Magatama is back!

But there was still no sign of Nalan Longzhi in his eyes.

Nalan Longzhi's voice was not left in his ears.

He stole the Taixu magatama rashly and returned it quietly, as if he had never appeared at all. His actions and intentions are all incomprehensible. Just like the looming Toitian Mansion in history.


The shadow of the ancient attic descended from the void.

Without saying anything, Jiang Wang summoned Taixu Pavilion first so that he wouldn't need it when he wanted to.

Standing on the eaves of the roof, it looks like a patch of green feathers. Rely on the power of the Cave Heaven Treasure to fight against the powerful auras that come and go in the Snow Country.

At this time, when I looked at the Winter City again, I saw an ice coffin pushing open its lid, and a scholar-looking man sitting in it. He also stretched, then jumped out of the coffin nimbly, walked on the dragon's spine step by step, and stood between the dragon's horns.

He looked around coolly, then took out a folding fan handle from the back of his neck, and opened it with a "snap" in the freezing cold wind.

There are no poems or paintings on it, only three words are written on it, his name - Meng Lingxiao!

Active between 1,200 and 1,500 years in the Taoist calendar, he was a top real person who had fought against Xu Yuanzhi and discussed with Wu Zhaixue.

Time passed by, and everyone thought he had died at the end of his life.

Who would have imagined that he would have cultivated the Way of Evolution, only to be frozen in an ice coffin and wait until today to be born!

This is a "surprise" that spans time and space.

The "Longevity Palace" in the Nine Immortal Palaces is really an expert in longevity!

Meng Lingxiao stood up from the ice coffin, and flicked his folding fan casually, and a wisp of cold wind materialized, penetrated the void, and landed in Dongling City.

A breeze blows through all things. This fan seems to have swept away the dust of history.

In the sky above Dongling City, an ice coffin also appeared, and there was also a cold dragon carrying it.

The cold wind blew over and lifted the lid of the coffin, but there was nothing inside!

Is there something wrong with Snow Country's plan?

At this moment, Hong Xingjian, the king of the Snow Kingdom, raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Wang from afar: "Master Jiang must see clearly and record everything truthfully."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said cautiously: "It is not my responsibility to record history, and I don't have a single word of knowledge about the Spring and Autumn Period."

Then he reached into the attic and pulled out a person from the void!

Zhong Xuanyin, who had always had a long beard and was steady and steady, was caught off guard and pulled out.

This real person who compiled history, his long coat was a little scattered, and there was a knife and pen with bamboo chips hanging in his hand. There was a clear confusion in his eyes - what's going on? Once a month, Taixuwuya, why did you activate it on your own?

"With the consent of Taoist Master Taixu, we urgently recruit cabinet members to help -" Jiang Wang dragged him to the top of the attic and clapped his hands: "Please come and watch the show together!"

Zhong Xuanyin was about to say something.

Over there, Hong Xingjian had already flown high into the sky, pulling out a huge chain of frost from the city with his backhand. The chain was clanging, and I don’t know what it was connected to, but his voice was loud in the snowy area: "This great formation that will overwhelm the country. It's called [Han Cicada]" "Winter" is an immortal formation created by Hong Junyan, the Taizu of this dynasty! At that time, Taizu made a grand strategy. Don't fight for the moment, but fight for the future! Therefore, Chen Bing has been fighting for three thousand and eight hundred years, and the strong men are in the snow coffin. Snow Country With the resources of a corner, accumulated over time, we have obtained the hero of the struggle for hegemony - the cicada has been dormant and has not made a sound for four thousand years. If it sings now, it should be known to the world!"

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