Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2129 Big Avalanche

Zhong Xuanyin is a person who knows history.

What does it mean to "build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly"?

At that time, when the world was in great conflict and dragons and tigers met, Hong Junyan, the great ancestor of Xue, took power in the northwest. However, in his first step, he chose to seclusion in the country and falsely claimed that he was dedicated to dealing with Shura and had no intention of gaining power in the world, thus gaining a stable development time. The idea is to watch the tigers fighting from a distance, and wait until all the powerful forces are exhausted, and then clean up the broken mountains and rivers...

This steady and sophisticated Xu Tu's strategy has almost become a joke due to the rise of Jing Taizu Tang Yu.

The great powers were indeed exhausted, and the world was given a chance, but the fake Suo Guo became the real Suo Guo.

Hong Junyan was unable to leave at first, but in the end he had no way out.

It's not that they haven't tried it before, but several strategies of going eastward were smashed to pieces by the Jing Kingdom.

Many people were laughing at him behind his back, and some were not even secretly laughing at him - Hong Junyankong had great ambitions and powerful generals, but his influence had never left the Snowy Land. Born in a turbulent era, I was a bystander in vain.

But who could have imagined that Hong Junyan's troops and grain collection reached the limit, and one settlement lasted 3,800 years!

When the former hegemons abdicated one by one, died or disappeared, he would come out to fight for hegemony.

Meng Lingxiao has already said that Wei Qingpeng is still alive, and Hong Junyan, who grasps the core secret of Longevity Palace, must not really be dead. The only suspense is how he will return.

And Zhong Xuanyin will witness history with her own eyes!

For historians, this is simply a huge resource. Mr. Jiang did a great job!

As an 'old man', Zhong Xuanyin has the stability of an older person after all. He quickly captured all the information in front of him, straightened his clothes without leaving any trace, and his expression was very calm: "I see! You have treated the strong men in history with awe-inspiring The Winter Immortal Technique is frozen and gathered in the present. It lays out the present in the past, and uses history to support the future... If I guess correctly, the person who returns to this empty coffin should be the Winter Emperor?"

Under the watchful eye of the country's civil and military ministers, the contemporary Snow Lord Hong Xingjian pulled the chain with his backhand and flew higher alone: ​​"Winter coffin, frozen coffin, snow silent coffin, cold feather coffin...these four coffins are the masters of the four directions." The last step of Hanchan Dongzai's Immortal Formation requires the support of four powerful Yan Dao masters to summon the Extreme Frost Coffin and welcome back Taizu's peak power."

"The person lying in this frozen coffin should be Lord Frost. It's a pity that she died in the battle to suppress demons more than two thousand years ago. Her spirituality is so small that she cannot be returned to this coffin..."

Hong Xingjian looked up to the sky and screamed: "Where is the Winter Emperor? The reincarnation of the Frost Immortal Lord is the responsibility of the Frost Immortal Lord!"

Its sound shook the sky.

And a slender and cold figure descended from the sky: "Snow Country has such a great cause, how can I be absent to express my gratitude?"

Jiang Wang finally saw Xie Ai again.

This beauty carved in ice appears above Dongling City, like winter's clothes, and the image of winter is indeed the daughter of winter and the contemporary Winter Emperor!

"I just found traces of Nalan Longzhi... but I still told him to run away." She explained so plainly, then raised her hand and pointed towards Hanyu City.

With one finger, a new sky appears in the snowy land.

The power of the Han Chan Dong Zai Immortal Formation was drawn, and it roared to Freezing Spirit City for a moment.

The city's feet are covered with frost, its walls are covered with ice, and air-conditioning rises into the sky. Suddenly, a shadow appears across the sky - the fourth coffin has been summoned!

The cold dragon carries the coffin, and the true king returns to his throne.

Yandao monks are not cabbages, they cannot grow from crop to crop. It is even more difficult to hide it from the world.

Immortal Lord Rushuang Xu Qiuci died in the spotlight, and there was no possibility of escaping back to the immortal coffin.

After the Snow Country was founded for so many years, the only true kings who have been hidden are Meng Lingxiao and Wei Qingpeng. One is a real person cultivating in seclusion, concealing the truth from the sky, and the other is seriously injured and dying, pretending to be dead and sleeping.

The real core of Hong Junyan's plan to strive for future hegemony is not the pinnacle of Yandao that people look up to. And it was those "past soldiers" who Wei Yu dismissed as "frozen meat"!

These powerful armies accumulated over the long history of the Snow Country, as well as the families who sleep with them, are the foundation of hegemony.

They will fill this vast and sparsely populated country, giving the Snow Country real potential to compete with the Overlord.

Just like the Snow Silent City that is now packed into an airtight city.

Move the potential of the past years to the present. Three thousand eight hundred years of time and space merge into one piece.

This is the true "use of history to support the future."

Of course there are many unpredictable risks in the process. For example, before he could wake up, the Snow Country had already been annexed. For example, when these people wake up from hibernation, the world has been unified...

Fu Huan is the one who stays to control risks.

He sat on the Eternal Holy Winter Peak and watched this country for a long time to ensure the smooth implementation of the "Struggle for the Future" plan.

Perhaps he is never alone, because his comrades are always there when called.

The last step of the Higurashi Dongya Immortal Formation driven by the power of the snow domain requires the protection of the four true monarchs.

And this fourth one... naturally can only be Fu Huan.

The power of the great immortal formation roars in this space and time.

A cold wave swept across the snowy area, turning the sky into a mirror of ice.

Everyone is looking towards the high dome, in which there are reflections of the Polar Tianque Mountains, and people are staring at the unchanging peak alone.

Xue Taizu Hong Junyan's strategy is indeed grand, and hiding his troops for 3,800 years is a great deal, but can the Jing Kingdom allow it on the other side of the bed? How will the Five Northwest Alliance deal with the awkward situation between the two major powers?

This time Taixu Pavilion introduced the method of planetary path, Snow Kingdom immediately decided to switch it on and off, setting it to fully welcome the Taixu illusion in seven days. What's more, the Higurashi Fuyuya Immortal Formation is activated now, obviously to prevent other countries from having time to react.

The Snow Country is confident that within seven days, "the cold cicada will shed itself again, and the old man will wake up again" will become an established fact.

Did Jing have time to intervene?

Jiang Wang was just a spectator throughout the whole process, and Zhong Xuanyin even took care of the records. There was no need to go back and report on the work - couldn't he just read the history books?

But he had a strong feeling that changes were about to happen.

So far, Snow Country has been going so smoothly that it’s almost ridiculous. It's almost like someone is helping them clear the way.

How can the world be such a peaceful world if there is no obstruction inside or outside?

The world 3,800 years from now will not necessarily be any easier to compete with than it was 3,800 years ago!

Living up to the expectations of the Snow Country people, Fu Huan had already stood up on the Eternal Holy Winter Peak.

This true king has existed since the founding of the Snow Country, and he is also an unfailing hero in the hearts of the people of the Snow Country.

It was most appropriate for him to complete the last step of Higurashi Touzai's Immortal Formation with his own hands and welcome back his old friends.

"In the glorious world, the winds and clouds are surging, so many heroes have lost their success or failure!" He stood on a high cliff with bare feet and thin shirt, overlooking the lightning flash, like a traveler who finally reached the end of the sky and came to the shore of the Thunder Sea: "I have seen the human race defeat the demon race, and the country's gate suppresses the demon gate. He is the first person to found the country! I have seen the descendants of sages in the east, and they have also tried their luck with the world's best; I have seen the peerless killing the peerless, the emperor suppressing the evil and establishing hegemony; I have seen those with infinite power lift the Nine Cauldrons, and the name of bravery spreads in the sunset; I have seen those who were born with a pair of sky eyes, attracting divine brilliance to become emperor's robes; I have seen those who are the only ones who do not submit, holding the flag alone in the southern border!"

"I've seen so many heroes, and so many enchanting people, but I'm just a spectator on the shore!"

"How can a hero's ambition be extinguished? The frozen snow will not wither, but the wildfire will sway!"

"I have waited for 3892 years, Hong Junyan has been sleeping for 3812 years, and many Snow Country warriors are like cicadas hiding in the deep snow - it is time, the world should hear , the voice from the northwest, the snowy land! This is our unfinished hegemony at the beginning of the Dao calendar, this is an unprecedented avalanche!!!"

Relying on the authority left by Hong Junyan, he managed the entire Higurashi Dongzai Immortal Formation on his own, and finally succeeded in harmonizing everything at this time. On the Eternal Holy Winter Peak, he shook his hand and pressed his palm——

With this click, the human world was changed.

The cold air is steaming and gathering clouds, and the vast sea of ​​clouds is like an avalanche!

For a moment, there was an overwhelming trend.

Large swaths of frost clouds fell down, like pieces of cold feathers, falling towards Hanyu City and returning to Hanyu Coffin!

"Sorry to interrupt."

At this extremely shocking moment, such a voice suddenly sounded in the void.

This voice is not very majestic, but somehow makes people feel close to it.

Like a friend you haven't seen for a long time, like an old relative from your hometown.

But it stopped everything, like an invisible long knife, cutting off the so-called "big avalanche".

This sound sounded, and the cause and effect was severed. All the frost clouds falling from the sky have stopped. Like a bunch of marshmallows supported by wooden sticks, waiting for children to eat, they are displayed in the sky.

Then it was empty in an instant!

Without a trace.

The sky is a mirror.

From the reflection of the Bingjian sky, people could see that the entire polar Tianque Mountains had a moment of violent distortion along with the space. When it calms down, it's like a declaration of sorts.

At the top of the eternal holy winter, the sea of ​​eternal thunder clouds gathered around the peak naturally parted a path.

A man with empty hands, wearing a black majestic uniform and a smile on his face, walked step by step from the end of Leihai Road to Fu Huan.

He said: "In principle, I am not willing to kill other people's ideals, not to mention that you have been planning for so many years. But Fu Zhenjun, I have to say that your plan is probably a little taken for granted. In the past 3,800 years, you have hidden How many soldiers are there? How many strong armies are there? Two? Three? Four?"

This person is able to penetrate the sea of ​​thunder, his eyes open to the sky and the earth, and his power is overwhelming. He naturally has a convincing power: "You, Fu Huan, can be considered to have participated in the era. In the past 3,800 years, you have practiced law, military formations, ordnance, Pills and tactics have been changed for many generations. Don’t you know? Are the strong armies of the past still strong today? I dare say that if you only send these frozen meats to fight, you will not even be able to defeat the cold country. How can you talk about it? Hegemony?"

Fu Huan raised his eyes and looked at the uninvited guest: "You also know that I have participated in the times - I am the one who ensures that they keep up with the times. As long as I have three to five years, I can naturally make them adapt to contemporary warfare methods. , used to the latest military formation. They just slept, not really dead."

"Does your problem stop here?" The man walking from the sea of ​​thunder raised his hand and pointed at Snow Silence City. To be precise, it refers to Wei Qingpeng, the first Bishop of Dongya: "Wei Qingpeng was also considered a famous general at that time. He was good at attacking and breaking formations. He was famous for his heavy cavalry on the battlefield of Yuyuan. But the art of war has changed over the past 3,800 years. We The formations used now are no longer on the same level as those back then. I dare say that if each led a cavalry army to fight and decided the outcome only with the formation, he might not be able to defeat Wei Yu. Wei Yu, you may not I know—he is the kid who is hiding in Taixu Corner Tower and pretending to be dead."

People subconsciously looked at Taixu Corner Tower.

Wei Yu only hated why the corner building didn't have a basement. He really wanted to get down lower.

That's not the case in the script - he was supposed to be the genius of the Qin Dynasty who bravely stepped into the Snow Country, had a deep understanding of the Snow Country, and logically participated in running the Snow Country after the war. In a sense, Jiang Wang's casual statement that he wanted to come to the Snow Kingdom to be the emperor was not entirely bullshit.

According to the script, he should have a relatively clear identity, triggering changes at critical moments, causing chaos in the snowy world, and winning the hearts of the people.

Why are the old guys in the limelight now?

The older ones turn the world upside down and turn their hands to make clouds and rain fall.

As young as him, he can only be besieged, watched, and pointed at here!


Different from Wei Yu's embarrassment.

Many people noticed that Wei Qingpeng, who was known for his violent temper in history, did not refute anything.

Those who truly know how to fight must know how terrifying the innovation in warfare can be. When he was still fighting on the front line, he never dared to relax for a moment. He studied and researched all the time, and never left his hand with daily military reports, for fear of falling behind the times.

How could there be no price for sleeping for 3,800 years? The missed 3,800 years of development of the times is the heaviest part of it!

He respects the truth. But if someone is as good as him, he can definitely come back.

The development of the times of 3,800 years has become his teacher again. He can once again study history with an unparalleled vision. How is this not a good thing?

So he just grinned, he didn't speak.

The man walking in the sea of ​​thunder pointed at Meng Lingxiao, who was shaking the folding fan in the sky above the Winter City, and chuckled: "Meng Lingxiao? The most outstanding person in Daoli 1500? It's a pity that he is now Daoli. In 3926, the limit of extreme was broken again and again. Meng Lingxiao is still a real person today——"

He turned his hand and pointed at Jiang Wang, who was watching silently: "I may not be the opponent of this twenty-six-year-old Jiang Zhenren!"

Meng Lingxiao turned to look at Jiang Wang, who was standing on the eaves of the attic, with surprise in his eyes: "You look young and beautiful, but you are really only twenty-six years old?"

Even if you use the method of overdrafting your potential, it is really scary to make it come true at the age of twenty-six.

Wei Qingpeng also widened his eyes and looked over here, wanting to see clearly what kind of freak this was - this time he realized that the world has really changed. Is there a real person who is twenty-six years old in the world?

The man in the thunder sea is still boasting: "When you were frozen, there were no real people under thirty years old in the world. But now, more than half of the nine cabinet members in Taixu Pavilion alone are such real people! And the Jiang Wang you see came true at the age of twenty-three! What era do you think this is? Humanity is at its peak, this is the most glorious world! Some outdated people, with some outdated ideas , grasping some rigid power, actually trying to establish today's hegemony?"

He is generous with his, and the people of Snow Country are cautious with Snow Country. Jiang Wang quickly drove Taixu Pavilion and stepped back a thousand feet: "Just because I smile doesn't mean I agree, and just because I don't smile doesn't mean I object. Silence is not acquiescence, and speaking out is not resistance. I'm just explaining myself - before today, I I don’t know any of you, and I don’t take any position. I have no idea about the general trend of the world, and I don’t understand politics. You talk about your business, and don’t pay attention to me when we fight. Taixu Pavilion is absolutely neutral, and I am just Passers-by!”

He was too cautious today and was about to leave Snow Country!

Everyone withdrew their gaze.

At the top of Eternal Holy Winter Peak, Fu Huan acted very calmly: "You don't need to worry about these issues. Those who have reached the top before will definitely be able to reach the top again. All they lack is knowledge. We have been prepared. I’m also willing to learn again.”

"Yes, in the final analysis, it is still time. As long as you give some time, I believe these elites of the old world can also adapt to the new era." The man in the black uniform took one step forward and set foot on the Eternal Holy Winter Peak face to face. : "But you have seen me, Your Excellency, do you think you still have time?"

He faced Fu Huan, but with his hands behind his back, he said calmly: "Xu Wu from the Qin State, under the orders of the Emperor of Qin, I came here to take over the Snow Region!"

Da Qin Zhenhou Xu Wang!

Xu Wan, who is leading the army to fight in Yuyuan, recently killed the Shura King Ayeji!

He actually fought his way through the extremely dangerous Yuyuan, fought his way out of the entrance of Yuyuan guarded by the Snow Kingdom, and came to Fu Huan!

The Snow Kingdom wants to continue its hegemony established in the new year of the Dao calendar. The first one to stand up and stop it is not the Jing Kingdom, which has been planning the Snow Kingdom, but the Qin Kingdom far away on the other side of the western border!

But there is another even more terrifying thing - did Xu Wang come alone?

The fall of Shura King Ayeji turned out to be just the beginning of writing.

What kind of game did King Xi Xu of Buyimou and the Zhenhou of Great Qin set up!

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