Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2131 Cold days and short days

Hong Junyan has been sleeping for 3,800 years. During these 3,800 years, the practice methods have been continuously innovated, and the cutting-edge Taoist techniques in various countries have changed one after another.

But three thousand eight hundred years is not more than half of True Lord's long life. The Winter Immortal Technique even made his lifespan pass slower than time.

After all, he is the founder of Snow Country.

After all, he was someone who had faced off against an unparalleled hero like Tang Yu.

Three thousand eight hundred years later, in the Snow Kingdom, the dominance of top-level Yandao is still demonstrated!

At this moment, he used two fingers to catch the knife bound by fate and firmly moved it away.

In this way, he could look at Xu Wang without any cover-up.

"What are I doing?" Hong Junyan said in a deep voice: "Even in the year of Ying Yun, I will drive him away. Who is the contemporary Emperor Qin's name? Why don't you conquer it yourself? You want to take over my snowy land, just by yourself. ,enough?"

The 3,800 years of key information transmitted by Fu Huan were now all spread out in his mind.

The terrifying flow of information was quickly digested and absorbed, and the sudden strong wind made his snow dragon robe flutter.

Hanchan Dongya Immortal Formation completely preserved his peak power. As he absorbs this critical information, he is quickly adapting to this era. He is already strong, but he is still getting stronger!

And the way he looked directly at Xu Wang was so calm and unruffled, like the frozen time.

"Today is different from the past!" Xu Wang closed his palm under the snow mirror of the sky, and the long knife clamped by Hong Junyan's two fingers returned to the world of heaven and earth.

The sword cut through the vast snow country, and the sword was closed in a corner.

Then he held it three inches in front of him, used the edge of his palm to show all the causes and conditions, and then made a knife——

The black Great Qin Marquis's uniform covered the sky and the sun. For a moment, only his sword moved in the sky, covering up everything.

The thread of causality was originally only perceptible, not visible, but now it is colorful.

It can be seen that Hong Junyan's whole body is bound by more than thousands of lines of fate. It’s impossible to count!

These lines of fate connect all aspects of the vast snow country, and they are all stretched straight, as if they run through Hong Junyan. Like thousands of ox hair fiber needles, pricking Hong Junyan into a ball of thorns.

Xu Wan's palm saber fell.

The countless threads of fate were all cut off at this moment and scattered like strands. Hong Junyan is like a pom-pom again.

The relationship between Taizu Xue and the Snow Kingdom was briefly severed.

At this moment, the power of Snow Country could no longer support him. In other words, facing this sword, Hong Junyan could only use his own strength.

When the emperor eliminates the country, the white dragon fish will also serve.

And Xu Wang is already facing him!

He wanted to try the purest fighting power of the Taizu of Snow Country more than 3,800 years ago. In the name of Xu Wang, he tests his age and decay, and uses the method of cause and effect to measure Tyranny - and the way of judgment is life and death.

This step of tracing the cause and effect spans the long distance between Eternal Holy Winter Peak and Jishuang City, ignoring the meaning of space and time, and tracing purely on the level of cause and effect. A corner of the black robe was fluttering in front of the golden dragon chair of the ancestor emperor of the Snow Kingdom.

Da Qin Zhenhou extended his sword flat, like a narrow and straight sword he was actually holding, and it penetrated Hong Junyan's heart!

Hong Junyan raised his hand indifferently, as if he was holding the universe in his palm.


It was a sound like a bell.

The tip of the palm knife was tightly grasped by Hong Junyan's left hand, hovering just an inch away from his heart.

This inch is the distance between heaven and earth, far away from the stars.

At this moment, Hong Junyan was still sitting on the golden dragon chair, and the jade flat crown gently shook the beads, making his face appear far and near in Xu Huan's eyes.

The black court uniform of the Marquis of Da Qin and the snow-colored dragon robe of the Taizu of Snow Kingdom are like two distinct chess pieces on both sides of a game of chess.

"From my point of view, this world is no different." Hong Junyan said indifferently, then he grabbed the palm knife and brought it in front of him, clenched his right hand into a fist, and struck Xu Wan directly in the face.

Capture him in front of the throne and kill the rebels with fists.

He really has the power of the founding emperor!


With the power of a punch, Xu Wu reached the Eternal Holy Winter Peak. This distant path and the entire human-shaped space collapsed together!

What the spectators could see with their naked eyes was that the road from Eternal Holy Winter Peak to Xu Huan's close-up sword was twisted, like a human-shaped tunnel appearing out of thin air.

But Xu Wang has disappeared.

He comes looking for causes and conditions, and also disperses as causes and conditions themselves.

Rumble, rumble!

Above the twisting passage, a looming fantasy palace appeared in the sky, with the smoke in the desert, the bright moon over the sea, and countless scenes in it. And Xu Wang, wearing the robes of a marquis, stood on top of this palace. The black uniform is intertwined with unpredictable light, describing him at this moment... he is the director of Karma, with sole authority.

Jiang Wang, who was above Taixu Pavilion, was staring more closely than Zhong Xuanyin next to him at this moment. His sight almost turned into reality, wandering around this fantasy palace. Even the boy Baiyun, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up to watch——

This is the only fairy palace in the world that is still intact, or perhaps at its peak, the Karma Palace!

Xu Wang set foot in the Immortal Palace of Karma and looked down at Hong Junyan: "You are right, this world is no different! You were not qualified to meet the Taizu of the Dynasty back then, and you are not qualified to meet the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty now. Back then you could only watch from inside the pass. Play, now—go on and watch the play!”

The entire Karma Immortal Palace was trampled down by him, rumbling towards Hong Junyan.

At this time, he was looming together with the Immortal Palace of Karma.

He obtained the Immortal Palace of Karma, but never used the Immortal Magic of Karma. It's not that he can't bypass the lost jutsu and recreate the ancient times. It's just that he has a higher goal - the magic of karma is just a kind of karma. Karma Immortal Palace is nothing more than a sword.

He is Souji Karma's Xu Huan, not the Karma Immortal.

At this moment, he took over all the causes and conditions in the snowy plain. He was in a state of being invisible and invisible, but the blade of the blade was sure to hit the cause and effect.

This is the real sword of destiny sent from heaven, which cannot be avoided or abandoned.

All the connected causes and conditions are fixed and become a cage that locks the target.

Everything created by Hong Junyan has become Hong Junyan's shackles!

"It's a pity. You are lucky to have the Immortal Palace, but you don't respect the ancients." Facing such a sword, Hong Junyan had time to sigh: "It's a pity that my Winter Immortal Palace has been destroyed. Otherwise, I should teach you, this junior... what is immortal magic. !”

The bead of the Pingtian Crown shook slightly, and the entire snowfield seemed to have an earth dragon turning over, making a long earth-rumbling sound.

Everything freezes and thaws.

All the rules are reorganized and the karma is restored.

The emperor's destiny is the destiny of heaven!

As a participant at the beginning of the formation of the national system, and as a pioneer standing at the source of the contemporary humanitarian torrent, he stood up directly on the dragon throne, his crown and robes fluttered, and he punched the sky——

He directly broke the "state of being visible and invisible" and took over the Immortal Palace with his fist!


The shadow of the vast snowfield appeared behind him, and his fist hit the Karma Palace, smashing this fantasy palace together with Xu Huan back into the sea of ​​thunder!

At this point, no one can doubt Hong Junyan's power.

He responded head-on to Xu Wang's challenge and got closer to the top every time!

"With such an ambitious plan for the Snow Kingdom, how can it be possible that the sky will not weep blood and the gods and ghosts will not be frightened?" Wei Qingpeng, the first-generation Bishop of Dongya in the sky above Snow Silence City, touched his bald head and smiled ferociously: "Your Majesty returns to the world and resumes his dominance. If you don’t kill anyone who is not strong, then you should sacrifice this thief to the flag!”

He stepped heavily on the ice dragon under his feet. The ice dragon sank several feet, whined, and then suddenly pulled up! Carry him straight into the sea of ​​thunder and kill Xu Wan.

He shouted: "Brother Fu, how can we show mercy when the two countries are at war? Kill him together! I will accompany you to help Winter City!"

"No need?" A voice said at this time.

Behind the ever-changing Karma Palace, a tall and thin shadow rose out of the sky.

He tied his hair with a wooden hairpin and wore a white mask. The small black seal on the mask wrote an article that no one could read. Just like his temperament, it is as quiet as the deep sea, but it feels very turbulent.

Buyi seeks King Xi Xu!

Now that he is here, is the Qin army still far away? !

He just glanced at it casually, and the ice dragon carrying Wei Qingpeng into the sky stopped in mid-air. There is a seal character in each of the two dragon eyes, which is exactly "no" and "must".

Wei Qingpeng did not continue to torment this poor ice dragon. After all, it was a mutant rather than a true pure-blood dragon, and it could not bear too much conflict.

He didn't say anything else, he was bickering and writing at the same time - modern people are really in trouble.

So he jumped up, like a stone bullet thrown by a trebuchet, but disappeared with a bang, and unexpectedly crashed into the Immortal Palace of Karma!

This was too sudden, both in terms of physical skills and results. Without any change at all, he had already broken into the Immortal Palace of Karma and made a sound like a drum.

The Immortal Palace of Karma rolled violently, and Xu Wang returned and entered it!

"I'm afraid you have no say in whether this is necessary or not, right?" Meng Lingxiao, who was above Winter City, put away his folding fan but did not ride on his dragon. Using the dragon's head as a step, he walked through the air and reached the sky above the Leihai Sea in one step, face to face with Wang Xixu.

Both he and Wei Qingpeng also need time to digest the differences in this new era. Although he is not as good as Taizu Xue who has been able to absorb a single thought for thousands of years, during the time when Taizu and Xu Wang were fighting each other, he gradually understood the new era and was able to demonstrate his power more completely.

"I'm afraid it's necessary." Wang Xixu replied calmly: "Because Winter City has been captured. In addition, we are not the same age. There are two reasons. First, you are much older than me. .Second, I am not your Confucian scholar, I am a hexagram master."

Meng Lingxiao was not surprised by the gains and losses of Winter City, and only said: "Gua Master? Every scholar who has achieved nothing will end up selling calligraphy and measuring calligraphy to make a living. This was the case in my time. I wonder if it has changed now?"

Wang Xixu really thought about it: "It seems to be similar to what you said - but as long as you can support yourself and your family openly, it doesn't matter what you do. Being an official is no more noble than selling a job."

Meng Lingxiao added: "In terms of good or bad luck, your face with black characters on a white background is not very auspicious."

Wang Xixu said: "But he is very innocent and has no regrets when he writes."

"I don't know whether you are innocent or not..." Meng Lingxiao had been looking at it for a long time, then he raised his hand and said, "But I think you should regret it."

As his palm turned over, the entire sea of ​​thunder turned upside down!

No, not the Thunder Sea inversion.

It was Wang Xixu, Xu Wan, and even Xu Wan's Karma Immortal Palace, all became reflections, reflected in the roaring sea of ​​lightning. But their original reflections stood on the sea of ​​thunder, thinner than paper.

On the side of the thin reflection is Wei Qingpeng, who is eager to kill - he has entered the enemy's lair and wants to take advantage of his illness to kill him. However, in this very short period of time, the injured Xu Wan was slashed with blood all over his body. The blood ignited his murderous nature. At this moment, blood streaks appeared on his bald head, and his body swelled a little more.

Meng Lingxiao cut open the reflections of Wang Xixu and Xu Wang with a swipe of his index finger.

Destiny is affected in some way.

This is also life-threatening!

But reflected in the battle situation, there was only a piece of paper cut in half, floating down in the sea of ​​thunder.

Meng Lingxiao clearly saw that there happened to be one word on both sides of the paper, which were "nothing" and "regret".

He had already noticed that at the moment he took his life, the fates of Wang Xixu and Xu Wang disappeared in the long river of fate. So he cut it empty with one finger.

He is truly an incredible divination master and a top cultivator of star divination!

Wang Xixu's reflection in the sea of ​​thunder raised his hands and spread out his fingers, as if using the sea of ​​thunder as a mirror. Looking at the mirror from a distance, the seal characters on the gloves slowly flowed: "Should I regret it? Why do you Why don't you ask your ancestor, His Majesty the Emperor?"

The densely packed Qin Zhuan script flew out of his hand, like a fish diving in the deep sea... but actually swam out of the water.

Small seal script prophecies.

The word says——

To stir up trouble in the world, trace back the light of the universe. Past and present life, karma and dreams.

The stars are changing, and the road is prosperous. It is a pity for the winter country, the years are cold and the days are short!

The day is over.

Meng Lingxiao looked back in horror!

He saw that the entire snowy region fell into a long night, which seemed to describe the end of the Snow Kingdom.

Every household in the snow country lights up, and the Winter Cicada Immortal Formation also lights up the snowy fields. But the halo of the sky's snow mirror is no longer translucent - the formation of starlight spread out in the endless night. The contemporary star formation forcibly interferes with the ancient immortal formation!

He saw the qualitative changes taking place in the Han Chan Dong Zai Immortal Formation, and His Majesty, the ancestral emperor of the Snow Kingdom, had frost on his brows.

The terrifying power that was still growing in this peak body was covered by a cold wave from the inside out - Hong Junyan was frozen!

The powerful body that had easily defeated Karma Immortal Palace just now fell back and sat back on the golden dragon chair.

Dragon claws protruded from the armrests and clasped his wrists firmly. The keels protruded from the back of the chair, staggering and tying his body to death. The cold wave in the body overflowed, gradually turning the body into ice.

Seeing that Hong Junyan has been firmly imprisoned on the Dragon Throne, he is about to return to Yu Dongshi again!

Meng Lingxiao turned to look at Dongling City.

Unless transcendence takes action, it is almost impossible for a being as strong as Hong Junyan to be suppressed like this by external forces. There was something wrong with his Golden Dragon Chair, Emperor's Crown, and his newly revived Peak Dao Body!

Besides Xu Qiuci, who else in the world can manipulate the winter magic?

And sure enough, he also saw the Winter Emperor raising his feet in the sky above Dongling City.

She is the coldest piece of snow in winter and a flower that never freezes in the cold wave.

Blooming in the snowfield with ultimate beauty. Every step is establishing her path.

There is a bridge of ice and snow under her feet, extending as she goes to Jishuang City and towards Hong Junyan. This bridge spans the snowy field and hangs high, reflecting the skylight and creating a rainbow.

"Winter Emperor, what do you mean?" Guan Daoquan took a step forward and stopped in front of the ice and snow bridge. Although he was only one person, he was like a mountain made of iron. Once the fists are opened, it is a copper wall and an iron wall.

The Winter Emperor raised his eyes and looked at him: "You haven't officially joined the Snow Country yet, why bother trying so hard?"

Guan Daoquan's voice was like a rolling stone: "On behalf of the Five Northwest Alliance, I have made an agreement with True Lord Fu Huan to annex the country. These fists of my heart are now protecting my king."

In the last war of Jing Kingdom's westward expansion, the Five Northwest Alliance, which was defeated and lost its armor, territory and people, and the Snow Kingdom, which relies on the past to support the future and needs time to adapt to the new era, are indeed a match made in heaven.

It's just that it's not easy to make this kind of determination. Moreover, for the Five Northwest Alliance, if they want to merge with each other, is Snow Country really the best choice?

"When did it happen?" Donghuang's eyes were frosty: "I didn't know?"

Guan Daoquan did not hide anything: "When you challenge Zhong Jing."

Fu Huan, who was on the Eternal Holy Winter Peak, actually explained aloud: "This matter was confidential. Only Guan Zhenjun and I knew about it at the time. I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Donghuang still looked at Guan Daoquan: "At that time you knew that Hong Junyan was coming back?"

Guan Daoquan said expressionlessly: "Fu Zhenjun gave us the greatest sincerity."

"It seems that the excessive oppression of the Jing Kingdom has helped you make up your mind. Also, you are losing blood day after day, and your body is tired. Why bother?" The Winter Emperor nodded and added: "But then again, we have not yet truly united the country. It's just an agreement, you can write it or erase it. You have many choices, Jingguo, Jingguo, or Qinguo. Why not wait and wait for the price to sell?"

Guan Daoquan stood still.

The Iron Kingdom is not a country of merchants. The word "iron" in the Iron Kingdom represents the will of the people of the Iron Kingdom.

Behind him, a voice sounded: "I'm curious - who are you?"

Hong Junyan’s voice!

He was obviously an ice sculpture and had been imprisoned on the throne, but there was fire in his eyes, burning in the ice.

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