Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2132 Shangsheng Warden

"I am Xie Ai from the Snow Kingdom, my name is 'Winter Emperor', and I am the reincarnation of Frost Immortal Lord Xu Qiuci, Your Majesty the Ancestor Emperor!" Xie Ai stood on the ice bridge, very sure of his identity.

Guan Daoquan turned sideways slightly, allowing Hong Junyan on the throne to look at Xie Ai.

"You're not." Hong Junyan said indifferently.

"Why did the ancestors say this!?" Donghuang said with surprise: "Is it because I resisted you? Why should I not resist? My allegiance is to the current sage! I, the sage of the snow country, have a civilized martial ethics and love the people like a son. . Since he succeeded to the throne, he has worked diligently and thwarted the plans of great powers many times and preserved the territory of the Snowy Region. He has worked hard to govern and prosper the Snowy Region. He has established schools, benefited business, and provided recuperation for the people. He has won the hearts of the people!"

She pointed her halberd forward: "Just because you, an old and immortal person, returned from Jieshuang, the majestic emperor knelt down and surrendered everything! Why do you have that? When the world was in chaos, you were not here. Those heroes and wise kings, you Avoid the edge, you have escaped for more than 3,800 years, it is not you who protects the Snow Country, and it is not you who develops the Snow Country, so how can you say that the Snow Country is yours?!"

"I am not disloyal, I am loyal to this king! How can I bear it when the master humiliates me and dies? Of course I have rebelled against you!"

She made an impassioned speech, raised her hands on the ice bridge, and appealed to all people: "People of the Snow Country, make your voice heard! It's time to make a choice. Should you follow the contemporary Snow King who truly takes you into your heart, or should you follow This old zombie crawling out of the coffin!?"

"Emperor Ancestor, don't listen to this person's instigation! I have nothing to do with her. We welcome Taizu's heart, and the sun and the moon will shine -"


In front of the throne, Hong Xingjian knelt down and firmly clarified: "Hong Xingjian, the descendants of future generations, are willing to serve as His Majesty's pawn!"

Hong Junyan did not look at his descendants, only looking at Xie Ai.

The Winter Emperor still had the same beautiful yet fragile face, but his temperament was completely different. She raised her hand and nodded at Hong Xingjian, with an angry look on her face: "Ah, you Hong Xingjian, you are so boring and useless. I support you so loyally, but you stand upright and are so tough. , what will happen if you express your resentment loudly? Are you still worried that no one in the civil and military circles will support you? You have been in vain for so many years as a monarch!"

Hong Xingjian knelt straight and raised his fingers to the sky: "The descendants of future generations will kneel to their ancestors, and the subjects will kneel to the king. Xingjian has no resentment in his heart! Only under your leadership can the Snow Country have the possibility of achieving hegemony. She is provoking Divorce, with evil intentions!"

"My Majesty, isn't it time for you to point out the country and praise and criticize the world?" The Winter Emperor shook his head: "You are not even willing to honor me as 'Winter Emperor' now, which chills my heart!"

Hong Xingjian still needs to explain.

Hong Junyan said calmly: "Xingjian, you are very smart and cautious. But can you trust your ancestor? How can I feel resentful because of a few words of a fake? Stand up, you are the emperor of Snow Country, You shouldn’t be kneeling.”

"Although your Majesty has no doubts about me, I am afraid that the people will be confused by him - the emperor's lesson is correct. Please allow Xingjian to serve you." Hong Xingjian stood up and stood aside respectfully.

"Fake?" There was some real dissatisfaction in the Winter Emperor's tone: "My identity was confirmed by Fu Zhenjun. My Emperor of the Snow Country, how long have you been in contact with me, and how much evidence can you have to deny me like this? Neither Xu Qiuci nor Xie Ai have met His Majesty before, are you so arbitrary?"

"It is not easy to deny you." Fu Huan, who was on the Eternal Holy Winter Peak, finally said: "I have witnessed Xu Qiuci's growth and death. She did conduct research on reincarnation during her lifetime, and she did advance it. We have reached a very critical step - so when you deliberately show an abnormality in thanking you, causing Tantai Fei to chase you and constantly verify Xu Qiuci's reincarnation identity, I am willing to take another look.

"How I hope you are the reincarnation of Xu Qiuci, how I hope she succeeds!

"That doesn't just mean that the strong man from the Snow Country has returned, nor does it mean that I have reunited with a trustworthy comrade - that means that she truly made reincarnation possible. She interfered with the Origin Sea and changed the foundation of the world of cultivation. , and it will eventually affect the entire world!"

He cast a disappointed look from the Immortal Peak: "But you are not her after all."

"Why do you see it?" Winter Emperor asked quietly.

"You do know the Winter Immortal Technique very well, and your attainments in the Immortal Technique have been reflected in the changes just now. You also know Xu Qiuci's life, know many of her secrets, and even completely reproduced Xu Qiuci's Way of thinking. Even I can't tell the truth from the false. So I am willing to place my hope in the unlikely event, so I often ask myself - is it really possible?" Fu Huan sighed softly: "But Xu Qiuci will not betray Snow Country .”

"Well, this is a good way to judge. People's words, actions, expressions, and words may all be lies, but they choose not to lie..." Winter Emperor said: "So you are not sure about me until now. Isn’t it Xu Qiuci’s reincarnation?”

Fu Huan responded seriously: "Your performance is impeccable. Your understanding of Xu Qiuci is second only to Xu Qiuci himself. I believe you must have put in a lot of effort for this. I can never completely deny you. Of course, there is always doubt Existence. After all, there is no precedent for reincarnation. I have never seen the possibility of success."

"In this case, I feel much better. At least there is nothing wrong with my performance - no matter what, I want to thank you." The Winter Emperor said coldly but politely: "After all, Xu Qiuci's reincarnation status is because of you It’s only through recognition that I got a lot of recognition.”

"You're welcome." Fu Huan responded politely: "You have indeed done a lot of things that Xu Qiuci should have done in his reincarnation and contributed to the Snow Country."

"This is my honor." said the Winter Emperor.

Compared to Xu Wang and Wang Xixu who were still reflected in the thunder sea at this moment, and Wei Qingpeng and Meng Lingxiao who flew to the extreme sky to prepare for a life and death fight, these two people were too polite.

The other Zhenjuns are almost losing their minds. If they continue to chat, they may have to check their horoscopes.

"So who are you?" Guan Daoquan directly stopped their greetings: "Jing people? Jing people? Qin people?"

"Is the scope of your suspicion so broad?" The Winter Emperor spread his hands and said humbly: "Then let me introduce myself again - I am Qin Guoning, Dao Ru."

Ning Dao Ru?

Everyone who heard this name had a blank look on their faces.

There is no such person in the Qin State today.

Jiang Wang is familiar with "History's Swordsman Cutting the Sea" and is also very familiar with "Qin Lue". He can react to things like Wei Shu as soon as he hears it. He had never seen the name Ning Daoru in history books.

Being able to disguise himself as the Winter Emperor means that he at least has the ability to develop the Dao. Being able to understand Xu Qiuci's life in this way made it difficult for Fu Huan to tell the truth from the truth, and the resources he could mobilize were also terrifying. Such a person cannot remain unknown.

There has never been a nameless way in the world!

Unless, like Meng Tianhai, he uses extraordinary means to force his name to be erased in the long river of time.

But Qin has been the focus of the world since its founding. Over the years, all countries have written histories. Others will remember the things you erased, so how can you hide your name? Besides, Chen Pu and Zuo Qiuwu found out the real name of Meng Tianhai 54,000 years ago?

The traces along the way can naturally piece together the outline of life.

If what the Winter Emperor is talking about now is his real name, then there shouldn't be any clues.

Hong Junyan looked at Fu Huan, who also shook his head slightly.

"I never knew that this person existed in Qin." Fu Huan said: "There is a disciple of Sima Heng over there. You might as well ask him to answer - Mr. Zhongge! Do you know who Ning Daoru is? Can you introduce him to us?"

Zhong Xuanyin stood gracefully on the top of the building with a knife and pen in one hand and a bamboo slip in the other. He looked very distinguished and elegant.

Hearing Fu Huan's words, he only said: "I'm ashamed. Zhong has a bad name as a teacher."

His eyes looked at the Winter Emperor, and his actions showed his attitude - he was consistent with Cabinet Member Jiang, absolutely neutral, and never spoke lightly.

Although Fu Huan asked him to check the history, he would not speak unless the Winter Emperor nodded.

The Winter Emperor said softly: "If you can explain a few things, a certain family won't mind."

Zhong Xuanyin said directly: "There is no record in history, and there is no such person in the investigation."

"This is your fault." Fu Huan looked back at the Winter Emperor: "Since you don't want to say it, why use a false name?"

Donghuang said: "No, I am indeed Ning Daoru, but it is also 'unprecedented in history' - at such a tense moment, are you interested in my story?"

There was a faint smile on her face: "You are all important figures who have left your name in history. Ning Daoru is just an unknown person left behind in history."

"You might as well tell me." Hong Junyan said: "If my hegemony is going to be in vain, I should also know who changed everything."

The Winter Emperor didn't seem to be in any hurry, so he stood on the half of the ice bridge that could not be extended and said calmly: "I was born in the year 119 of the Dao calendar, and I became enlightened in the seventh year of the Dao calendar year. , happened to be the year when the Flying Sword Era began. There has never been such a short era in history, and this era itself is as fleeting as the Flying Sword. It is so short that it seems to end in the blink of an eye, but it is imprinted on this world, The one hundred and seven years it has gone through are called an era."

"I should be an annotation of this era. Because in my first battle after becoming enlightened, I faced the leader of the swordsman Weiwo. With my disastrous defeat, I verified the edge of the flying sword."

She looked at Zhong Xuanyin: "Should there be records in the history books? In the 733rd year of the Dao calendar, the flying swords defeated the true king in a row, and the three flying swords were the best in the world. Only I, the sword leader, defeated the three true kings within one year. Among them. Both have names and surnames, only one has been withheld.”

Zhong Xuanyin nodded solemnly: "There is indeed such a record."

He has studied this history.

There are notes handed down from the disciples of Weiwo Jiankui, and there is this record in them - Weiwo Jiankui once said, "My sword defeated the Three True Lords, which is known in history, and Feijian has been around ever since."

But the names of the three true kings didn't match up at all.

He once thought it was a miscommunication, a clerical error, or just an imaginary number casually said by Weiwo Jiankui.

Now the Winter Emperor has restored that period of history. Of course, whether it is true or not will have to be cross-verified through multiple historical materials after we go back.

The Winter Emperor continued: "After the defeat, I asked Weiwei Jiangui not to spread my name, because I was eliminated, and the Qin State was troubled internally and externally and could not bear more risks. Oh, my identity at that time, He is the 'Shangsheng Warden' of Da Qin and is in charge of the Prison Department of Da Qin."

Everyone knows the reputation of the Prison Secretary of Da Qin.

The Shangsheng Warden is a powerful man in the shadow of Da Qin.

If Ning Daoru had this identity back then, it would be understandable that her real name was not recorded in history.

Zhong Xuanyin concentrated and said: "Around 733 in the Dao calendar, the Qin State Prison Supervisor showed no signs of being affected. The prison warden at that time should be a person named 'Snake Head'."

"You are worthy of being Sima Heng's personal successor!" After Xu Wang was reflected in the sea of ​​thunder, he seemed too lazy to come out again, so he clapped his hands and praised: "You know the history of Qin better than I do. I am the lord of the capital. Don’t remember any of this.”

"'Snake Head' also means 'Tao'." Donghuang said: "That is exactly my pseudonym. As for the Prison Suppression Department not being affected much...that means they have done a pretty good job."

"What happened next?" Meng Lingxiao listened carefully: "How did you become like this?"

The Winter Emperor said: "My Tao was cut off, my cultivation was in vain, the Prison Suppressor could no longer be in charge, and my lifespan was rapidly fading. As a last resort, with the help of Gongyang Xianlong, I froze my remaining body to extend my lifespan. Yuan is withering fast, but it’s just lingering. After all, he can’t sleep like a three-nine cicada, and he can’t live long while sleeping.”

Gongyang Xianlong was the founder of the Gongyang family in Qin.

"He said he would help me find a way, so I can count on him." Winter Emperor continued: "I gradually lost consciousness, and then I fell into a long sleep. It wasn't until Fan Si Nian woke me up thirty years ago. I didn't know ,I'm alive."

She looked at Hong Junyan: "In a sense, am I not Xu Qiuci? I have experienced the deep sleep that she did not have time to experience."

Jiang Zhenren's eyelids twitched slightly. Fan Sinian was actually involved in this game!

Also... the Qin State has built the Great Wall in Yuyuan. This decision cannot be decided by just a few people. It must implement the will of the entire Qin Empire.

Hong Junyan's eyes flickered slightly: "So as early as the seventh and third year of the Dao calendar, Sanjiu Hanchan's magic has been leaked?"

"I don't know the specific time!" Donghuang said: "After all, Gongyang Xianlong died in Yuyuan a long time ago, and I can't ask when he helped me extend my life. But after waking up, Fan Sinian gave me He gave me a lot of information about Xu Qiuci, so let me weave a myth about Xu Qiuci's reincarnation. The details of that information are shocking—"

"Your Majesty, the Ancestor Emperor, you are in danger now." She sighed softly: "Do you know how many pairs of Qin people's eyes there are in this Snow Country? You are closed to the outside world, but you have no secrets."

"In other words, you started preparing for Xu Qiuci's identity thirty years ago. And the Qin State may have started planning today's changes in the seventh and third year of Dao Li? This is indeed shocking and makes me uneasy." Hong Junyan spoke uneasily, but his voice remained calm: "What happened next?"

"Maybe it's earlier than you expected, maybe it's later, who knows? I'm only responsible for one of the links." Donghuang said quietly: "What happened after that was very simple. The Imperial Medical Office continued Gong Yang Xianlong's work, Repair my injury; Fan Sinian erased all the history about Ning Daoru. Fortunately, he used to serve in the Prison Suppression Department, and a long time has passed, so this matter is feasible; Xu Wang’s reason for capturing Xu Qiuci , added to this body; Wang Xixu helped to graft the flowers and trees to guide the secret of heaven... plus a little bit of my personal efforts, I became enlightened again. This is how the Winter Emperor was born."

The Winter Emperor said, lifted up his suede boots, continued on the previous path, and continued her ice and snow bridge: "I am so frank, can I exchange for frankness? Your Majesty, the ancestral emperor of the Snow Kingdom, if all the hands and feet I made through the winter magic were If you fail, this Jiuyou Xuanbing can’t actually freeze you, so don’t freeze there anymore - don’t tell me to be happy, okay?”

"But I still don't know something." Hong Junyan said slowly and calmly: "Ning Daoru, since you are not the real reincarnation of Xu Qiuci, why don't you stop the Han Chan Dong Zai Immortal Formation and instead push the Frost Coffin to welcome me back?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Winter Emperor asked.

Hong Junyan said: "Listen together and you will understand. I want to hear it all."

"So this is how the word is used..." Donghuang shook his head: "To tell the truth, I know that you, Hong Junyan, are not a simple person, and you must have back-ups. Wang Xixu also figured it out, you Hanchan Dongzai The Immortal Formation has means of counterattack. If I acted rashly, I might have thrown myself into a trap. If I continue to support you and add a little bit of information during your return to influence your Dao body, it is more likely to succeed - of course it is probably now It also failed.”

"It's a lie. I, the Great Qin Empire, have the might of the world. I am not willing to bully the weak. I just want to defeat you when you are the strongest, let you show everything, and make you convinced that you have lost!"

"Are you going to defeat me when I am at my strongest?" Hong Junyan chewed these words slowly, the flames in his eyes flickered for a moment, and then stopped: "Then, I will do as you wish."

The Nine Nether Black Ice that had frozen him to death was flying like stars at this moment.

The dragon chair that locked him melted into liquid gold and dripped into the sky.

He simply stood up. Standing there, he already felt infinitely majestic and surging.

The crown of Pingtian seems to be level with the sky!

All the tricks the Winter Emperor did during his return were successful. But it didn't really affect Hong Junyan.

Just like a drop of ink, it can change the color of a glass of water, but it cannot affect an ocean.

At this moment, Hong Junyan showed his full strength, and this snowy land could not accommodate him. Just the spread of the atmosphere makes people unable to breathe. The stronger the person is, the more powerful he is, and the more powerful he is, the more he is oppressed!

Great light in heaven and earth.

The array of stars covering the sky collapsed directly.

The night in the snow country returns to light!

At such a moment, the Winter Emperor looked at Jiang Wang, as if he was the only acquaintance here, and said in a suspicious tone: "Jiang Cabinet Member, what I just said was a lie, right?"

Jiang Wang hesitated and said: "It seems..."

A hand appeared in his field of vision, an emperor's hand that grasped the world and controlled the eight handles. This hand was just a bunch——


Time and space are misplaced, and what I see and hear is also tortuous.

This hand turned out to be infinitely big, and the Winter Emperor turned out to be infinitely small.

Her Tao, her strength, her flesh and blood... collapsed almost infinitely in this palm that seemed to encompass the world.

Right in front of Jiang Wang's eyes, the powerful body of the Winter Emperor was crushed!

"...Right." Jiang Wang finished this sentence forcefully, silently pushed Taixu Pavilion, and then retreated several hundred feet.

The ancient attic seems to be alone in the world, and the green shirt is like a corner of clouds in the distant sky.

The sky is turned upside down and the clouds are rolling and relaxing.

"You have made a lot of preparations in the snowfield. You may still have many trump cards, but I don't want to see them."

Hong Junyan crushed the Winter Emperor, raised his eyes indifferently, and looked at the two reflections in the sea of ​​thunder.

The thunderclouds that had lasted for thousands of years, like a sea of ​​lightning that was always shining, began to freeze and frost because of his gaze. Lightning jumped in the shape of lightning, frozen in the thick ice.

As strong as Wang Xixu, he could escape the attack in the River of Destiny, but he had to rewrite the article and jump out of the thunder sea in advance!

As powerful as the Chief Secretary's karma was, he couldn't eliminate the karma of this glance, so he had no choice but to control the fairy palace and break through the ice. He wanted to test Hong Junyan's strength, and now he could see it clearly!

More powerful than imagined, more majestic than legend.

In the glorious era of Dao Li's new beginning, the existence that stands at the highest point in the world still has invincible power. The snowfields are shaken with the palm of the hand, and the world is frightened by the eyes.

The so-called "top" means reaching the extreme height of this world.

Every top monk has reached the limits of this world.

They climbed to the top through one or several roads, with different directions and different roads, but the final height was similar - the sky is so high, it cannot be higher unless the sky is broken.

That's why the leap to the top is so difficult. It is a shackle against the whole world.

But does the ultimate mean the ultimate?

The fall of countless Yan Dao throughout the ages describes the strength and weakness of Juedian.

In this world, there are not only extraordinary peaks and extreme heights of the essence of power, but also vast mountains and rivers, boundless expanse.

The "quality" of force cannot be improved, but the "quantity" of force still has many possibilities.

Therefore, Meng Tianhai, who had accumulated 54,000 years of experience, finally tried to prove the Tao with his strength, because purely in terms of strength, he indeed surpassed the ancient and modern Tao.

To use a simple and easy-to-understand analogy - at the same height, which mountain is more majestic depends on which mountain covers a wider area. The strength and weakness of the top monks can also be compared to this.

And detachment has already broken the limit. No more comparison in this dimension.

There is indeed no height difference between Hong Junyan and Donghuang, but there is indeed a huge gap in thickness and breadth.

Why is Hong Junyan always so calm despite Qin's plans one after another?

Because of power.

Snow Country's biggest trump card is his peak combat power when he faced off against Jing Taizu!

This kind of power can ensure that the Snow Country will not be easily taken over by any party, and can ensure that any force that wants to annex the Snow Country will pay a huge price!

that's enough.

The Great Qin Empire certainly has the power to crush the Snow Country, even if it is facing Hong Junyan like this. Yu Yuan's opening up did indeed turn the enclave into a close neighbor, and the Qin people could send out ten troops - but when is it now?

The war in Shenxiao is imminent, and the world is preparing for war!

There is a clear consensus at present - "A country that dominates will not conquer it."

In fact, it’s not just hegemony. For example, Wei, Song, Sheng, and the Five Northwest Alliance all tacitly agreed that they would not use weapons during this period, because they were the backbone of the human race.

Qi's Conquest of Xia, Mu's Conquest of Sheng, and even the Jingmu War, these massive wars are absolutely unfeasible at present.

This was the time Fu Huan chose.

Hong Junyan is indeed qualified to say that he does not need to look at the Qin people's trump cards.

With such strength, Snow Country will definitely be able to stand firmly here.

This is the overall situation of this world and the foundation of the human race. No matter what conspiracy or plan it is, it is all useless as long as it cannot easily overthrow him, Hong Junyan!

Just like Jiang Wang and Zhong Xuanyin, who represent Taixu Pavilion, are standing here, no storm can really involve them. Because the Taixu cabinet members recommended by the public are themselves the embodiment of this tacit understanding.

So Fu Huan has been calm all the time, while Hong Junyan still has time to listen to stories.

When he listened to Qin's plan, he formally showed his strength and declared the end of this game.

And Ning Dao Ru——is the price of offending.

Thanks to book friend "Yan There is a Little Yuanyuan" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 645th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol!

This chapter costs 6k, of which 2k is added for the leader of the alliance, the "grinding soymilk machine"!

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