Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2133: After all, how many people really got the deer?

In the 733rd year of the Dao calendar, the body of the Qin State's Shangsheng Warden and the Winter Emperor who became Dao again was crushed into pieces by the Taizu of the Snow Country. This scene made the snowfield even quieter.

The Eternal Holy Winter Peak, the Immortal Palace, the Attic, the Five Hanging Cities and the Five Coffins... Putting aside these wonders, what is truly majestic in this snowy land of thousands of miles are the more and more awakened "soldiers".

They were wearing the Snow Kingdom War Armor from the new era of Dao Li - which was of course a bit outdated. It was bulky and had insufficient defense. It couldn't even match the most advanced war armor, which could even respond to the formation and reduce the blood loss of the warriors.

Almost relying on instinct, they searched for the positions in their memories - the military formations represented by these positions may have been buried in the pile of old papers by the times.

Under their battle helmets, their eyes looked at the world in confusion. This world is familiar yet strange to them. What is familiar is the snow, what is unfamiliar is everything except the snow.

But no harm.

Snow Country has always lagged behind the times.

Their bodies are still considered strong, and their reawakening will is not inferior to that of contemporary soldiers.

Countless "returning" warriors in the vast snowy land are arrayed neatly, as small as ants in the vast world, and also gathered like ants.

War is their life, and the snowy land is their home.

Generals like Lu Kuiwu who were dormant with the ancestor emperor were constantly fine-tuning their military formations through simple instructions. Like a giant that has been dormant for a long time, it starts with its fingers.

The blood pumped, the breath revived, and the soldiers' eyes gradually became clear.

The ancient empire in the vast snowy land is waking up at a terrifying speed!

However, Hong Junyan forced Xu Wu and Wang Xixu out at a glance, but did not take any further action and drove them to death. Ning Daoru, who pretends to be Xu Qiuci's reincarnation, should be within the tolerance of Qin State. The defeat of Xu Wang or Wang Xixu may make the Qin people desperate.

Standing high in the sky, with his dragon robe fluttering, looking at the snowy field, Hong Junyan's field of vision seemed to accommodate everyone, but also seemed... just looking into the distance.

He said: "The strength of the Qin people is known to all the world. The evil of the Jing Kingdom has been at stake for thousands of years. The Jing Kingdom is number one, and it has been a new beginning to this day! I sincerely know that the Snow Kingdom is a region that cannot resist the world. The Snow Kingdom of yesterday will be overturned in the next day!" He is about to die, how can he be loyal to him?"

He walked like a dragon in the air with his hands behind his back, gazing at the mountains and rivers: "It is difficult to be a sage even if you are poor and have a lot of resources. There are so many sages in the world, how can they all be born in the snowy land? Therefore, before today, there are those who descended from Qin and brought thorns to the scenery. , let bygones be bygones, this is Article 1 of the Credentials! You must destroy the evidence on your own, there is no need to hurt yourself."

It's not Qin's trump card, and he doesn't want to see it.

But when you see some "cards", you have to deal with them.

Fu Huan chose the right time, and he also used his strength to grasp the fundamentals and overturn all plans. But the situation in Snow Country is indeed shocking.

For example, how did the Winter Immortal Technique leak out?

How did the detailed information about Xu Qiuci leak out?

Ning Daoru wants to completely recreate Xu Qiuci's identity. Without the help of someone familiar with Xu Qiuci, how can it be possible?

To manipulate the Han Cicada Dong Zai Immortal Formation and influence Hong Junyan's return in every aspect, how could the Winter Emperor do it alone?

After Ning Daoru became the Winter Emperor, he was already the de facto second-in-command in the Snow Country. How many people in such a huge Snow Country were subordinate to him? This is not something to think about at all!

Hong Junyan, in his capacity as the Emperor of the Snow Region, publicly stated that he would not pursue the past, which truly eradicated people's panic. The Snow Country has accumulated thousands of years of savings, and it can be said that there is no shortage of people, but it cannot use all its old people.

"The new people and the old people are all one. Everything in the past has become yesterday! Everyone -" Hong Junyan looked at his subjects: "Now is the new Snow Country!"

Wei Qingpeng clenched his fist and raised it high - "My emperor will live forever!"

The entire Snow Silence City, the entire Jishuang City, the entire snowfield——




The voices of soldiers and civilians in the snowy land, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami.

Everyone who witnesses this scene must realize that the rise of Snow Country is unstoppable.

When Hong Junyan returned, he brought back not only his peak strength, but also the ambition of a group of people who raised the flag in the northwest.

But are the Qin people just going through the motions in vain?

With such a hegemonic country, don't you have any expectations of Hong Junyan's strength?

Hong Junyan looked at Xu Wan and Wang Xixu on the Leihai Sea, but Xu Wan and Wang Xixu's eyes were looking at the place where the Winter Emperor was crushed.

So Hong Junyan also moved his eyes away——

Where the Winter Emperor was crushed, a flower bloomed.

The three bracts are pedunculated and divided into three colors: yellow, red and white. The stamens are as bright as a dream, making people forget their worries when they see it.

Not many people recognized this flower at the scene.

And Jiang Wang had seen it with his own eyes!

The most important thing that Chai Yin and Ying Yunian fought over at the beginning was the Sansheng Orchid Flower!

The flowers are blooming at this time.

A clean hand reached out and took the flower in the palm, and then used this hand to draw a specific person. This figure looks like a white-faced scholar, wearing ordinary clothes, with soft facial features and a gentle temperament.

The originally tense and vicious atmosphere became very gentle due to his arrival. People's murderous intentions disappeared silently.

He was holding the most precious Sanshenglan flower in his hand, with a casual attitude, like a branch he picked casually during an outing. Looking at Hong Junyan with a smile: "Long time no see, Brother Hong!"

Xu Wang and Wang Xixu, who were above the sea of ​​thunder, lowered their heads for a moment as a salute.

For the first time, a solemn expression appeared on Hong Junyan's face. Although he was wearing a snow dragon robe and was respected in the world, he could not show his dignity in front of this person.

"Ying Yunnian." He called out the name almost word by word: "I should have thought that you would be the one to win this round - no, you would be the one to win this round."

Xu Wang said earlier that Hong Junyan was not qualified to meet the Emperor of Qin, which was of course just a scolding.

How could it be possible that existences like Hong Junyan and Ying Yunian, who stood at the top of the world, had never come into contact with each other?

Ying Yun is too old to be a king, especially not the founding emperor. He is not majestic or domineering at all. He looks very good, but gives people a weatherless look.

At this moment, he was facing Hong Junyan, and he was not at all tense. He just smiled and said: "Ashamed, I did take advantage of the situation to set up a situation."

"Are you Ning Daoru?" Hong Junyan asked.

"No." Ying Yunnian raised the flower in his hand: "This is the 'now' of this Sansheng Orchid Flower, and it is Ning Daoru."

There was a flash of realization in Hong Junyan's eyes. He shook his head mockingly and said in a deep voice: "It seems that I have made it possible for you."

What riddle are these two playing?

Jiang Wang was confused when he saw it, but now he was even more confused when he heard it.

But after all, he is mature and cautious now, and he doesn't say anything. He will write down what he understands or not before talking about it.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Xuanyin next to him interrupted the 'old friends meeting': "Two Taizus! Can you explain it more clearly? What is Ningdaoru now, and what is Chengcheng?"

Ying Yunnian and Hong Junyan both looked over.

Zhong Xuanyin raised the bamboo slips and knife and pen in his hand: "On behalf of Taixu Pavilion, I am here to note something, and I will write it straightly! But I am afraid that I don't know the truth, and I will make mistakes and omit the engravings in my writing, which will lead to misunderstanding by future generations. Since we are face to face, if it is convenient for you two, please tell me Just be clear."

Jiang Zhenren heard what this colleague was clearly saying - If you two don't make it clear, don't blame me for making it up.

How can he be so brave despite his age?

He reached out and pulled Zhong Xuanyin's belt from behind, reminding the old man to be cautious. The old man could not move, and his intention was very strong.

Hong Junyan said: "He is Sima Heng's disciple."

Ying Yunnian also suddenly realized: "So, that means the style is very familiar!"

The legend was good-tempered and said quite seriously: "Ning Daoru does not actually exist. He is a character created by me using the 'present' flower of the Sansheng Orchid Flower. His words, choices, and temperament, Character, even gender, was constructed solely for his own purposes—and now, of course, he was real.”

As Ying Yunnian spoke, he picked off a petal, flicked his fingers, and let it fall on the Eternal Holy Winter Peak Mountain. He said, "Thank you for returning to the Snow Country. It's been a long journey, a long night of peril, hard work!"

The petals fell gently next to Fu Huan, and the glow spread. Xie Ai, who had the fragile beauty of glass, was caught by Fu Huan. His eyes were slightly closed and he was still sleeping, but his breathing was steady and his vital signs were active.

Fu Huan obviously didn't expect that Xie Ai would come back. His expression was complicated at the same time, he was happy and worried at the same time. Fortunately, the disciple Xie Ai is still alive, and the experience of being used as a body by the "Three Lives Orchid Flower" will undoubtedly be a rich resource for her future practice. What's worrying is that after today, Ying Yunian, who has no fireworks, may have come close to that step, or even come to that point...

It's like the spring breeze blowing through the snowy field, and the flowers bloom on different branches.

People have their own moods, but they are all silent, like sprouts in the snow.

Ying Yunian was calm and continued: "I created Ning Daoru, but I do not interfere with his choices. He has his own cognition and thinking, his plans and choices. Of course, we all have one The common goal is to use the fake to cultivate and make it real."

There was no expression on Hong Junyan's face: "Ning Daoru said that he was born in the 119th year of Daoli. In other words, I have only been dormant for five years, and you have set your sights on me."

Ying Yunnian was slightly apologetic: "You know, back then, I grabbed half of the three-sheng orchid flower in the present and the whole flower in the past. Based on this, I looked into the future. Your future plan for hegemony is right in front of you. I am very happy. It’s hard not to be moved.”

"Hong Xingjian, please remember." Hong Junyan said calmly: "Don't think that polite people are good people. Some evil people will even apologize to you!"

Hong Xingjian didn't dare to speak, and he didn't dare not to speak. He lowered his head to show that he remembered.

Ying Yunnian just smiled: "So Ning Daoru was lying to you before. The reason why he turned into the Winter Queen and pushed you to return is because of my request - I am very willing to help you return and I am very willing to fulfill your request. The ‘Strive for the Future’ plan is really a grand idea!”

Hong Junyan was noncommittal and just asked: "What else did he lie to me about?"

Ying Yunnian thought for a while and said: "Because of the power of Sansheng Lanyin's current flower and a little help from me, Ning Dao Ru became a real cave as soon as he appeared, and soon spread again. But there is no tree without roots in the world , there is no sourceless water. He doesn't even have an identity, and he can't be regarded as a real person. In the seventh and third year of the Dao calendar, the Shangsheng warden "Snake Head" challenged the Weiwo Sword Leader, and died after returning home. Ning Daoru took this identity. He said he was the 'Snake Head', and he also lied to you, just to make you believe that Ning Daoru really exists."

Hong Junyan said: "Then this knowledgeable historian has also become a piece of evidence for Ning Daoru's identity."

Zhong Xuanyin kept turning the book and knife, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Ying Yunnian said: "It doesn't matter when the Winter Emperor dies. She died as Ning Daoru, which is very important. So I must thank Brother Hong. Your strength and status gave her the greatest fulfillment, so that Ning Dao, you really exist."

His thank you was not a light politeness, but sincerity from the heart.

Hong Junyan could hardly tell whether this thank you was a mockery.

And Ying Yunnian added: "Actually, it's not just Hong Junyan's accomplishment. There are so many people here who are witnesses. Your gaze is all about fulfilling Ning Daoru's identity."

He looked at Zhong Xuanyin: "This Mr. Historian is powerful when he writes, and people are impressed when he writes. And this is the most famous young man today——"

His eyes turned to Jiang Wang: "The Winter Emperor forced you to stay because he hoped that you could watch her changes. Your sight is very important. You are a representative of the current of the times. She needs your witness very much, so that she can clearly understand Engraved in the times. I think she owes you a favor, but of course, I’m not sure if she can repay the favor. Because I haven’t seen the real her either.”

Jiang Wang said: "If she is the Winter Emperor, she doesn't owe me anything. She saved me once when I was in the world of Shenxiao."

Ying Yunnian said warmly: "It depends on how you feel."

After he carefully stated everyone's contribution, he picked off another petal. The process of loosening his fingers was like the opening of a flower.

The petals fluttered in the air like dancing, but finally fell down and turned into a thin man in Taoist robes. His blood was like a flood, and his aura was soaring to the sky. He stepped in the air and said with great joy, "Today is a new life!"

The man quickly calmed down his emotions, suppressed his strong aura, and bowed to Ying Yunnian: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your support!"

From Daoli 119 to now Daoli 3926, he has also gone through a long time before he truly became Ning Daoru!

Of course he would like to thank Ying Yunian for his help. Because without Ying Yunian, the Sansheng Orchid Flower would be just a flower, or even half of it. Although it was extremely precious, it would only have the fate of being swallowed.

He died as Ning Daoru, and the things he did and the trajectory he experienced in this life were historically confirmed in such a major historical event as the Snow Country's struggle for hegemony in the future - the "present" of Sansheng Lanyinhua, It's truly done.

Ying Yunian didn't have to use a precious petal to confirm the birth of Ning Daoru, but Ying Yunian did it anyway.

This was the reason for his thanks.

Ying Yunian smiled and said: "Life is full of grass and trees. It is a blessing to be able to meet each other! If you want to thank, you have to thank too many people. There is no need to thank, and keep on the road!"

Ning Daoru saluted him again: "Fellow Taoist has helped me, can I be useful next? Where do you need me to go?"

Viewers have different thoughts... The people of Qin have another true king!

But Ying Yunnian said: "We complement each other. You were born free, and you should be free when you are born. Look how vast this world is! Go! Anywhere you want to go is your direction."

Ning Daoru looked at him deeply, bowed and saluted, turned around and walked away. Sing loudly and say -

"Here, the world is like a hut, and the world's affairs wear away the green hair. After all, how many people really have a deer, and they don't know that they dream of being a fish all day long!"

Today, the butterfly turns into a human, the fish turns into a roc, and it can fly ninety thousand miles.

Jiang Wang looked far away from the eaves of Taixu Pavilion, and felt that all his previous impressions of Ning Daoru were blurred, leaving only this free and natural back, like the rebirth of a flower. For some reason, the sky seemed to be much wider after the man was further away.

Give up a petal to be reborn, put a statue of Yan Dao to be free.

Ying Yunian seemed to have nothing to ask for.

Or... none of this is in his eyes.

Hong Junyan looked at Qin Taizu, whom he had never been able to see through, and asked the question that everyone was most concerned about: "This is really an unimaginable state... So are you going to transcend now?"

Ying Yunnian smiled slightly: "Detachment is indeed not an easy thing."

He gently held the dreamlike flower in his hand and put it into his palm: "I am ready to welcome that moment."

"This body, heaven and earth are just like a hut..." - Huang Tingjian's "Seven Miscellaneous Poems·Part 1"

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