Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2143 The cold spring is unexpected

King Bian Cheng of the Sixth Palace!

There is no door in the entire hell, and the most unique, most ferocious and evil one is Yama.

Other Yamas are not allowed to kill indiscriminately, and they say that the killer will make money for everyone he kills...but he kills the entire family at every turn!

The most perverted thing is - he not only kills the target, not only kills all the targets, but also kills Yama who is in the same organization without sparing a hand! It is said that he killed more than half of the early Yamas who fell.

He also sent his pet, a Yan Xiao born from pure evil, to supervise the organization and enforce his quirks.

So much so that his eccentricities became a kind of rule, which strangely persisted in an organization like Hell No Gate.

The old Yama has long been used to it. Although the newly arrived Yama is dissatisfied, he still knows how to be patient until he can find out the truth - but King Bian Cheng rarely goes out on missions, so it is too difficult to figure out the truth! Only his immortal and most evil pet still describes his terror from time to time.

There is no gate to hell now. To become Yama, the threshold is already the presence of God. After all, King Bian Cheng's pets all have divine combat power, so Wailou really can't get in. Even if you sneak in, you will be eliminated quickly in the extremely cruel mission.

Like the previous Taishan King and City King, they were not simple characters. They each had their own life stories. They were considered to be rare masters in the Wailou Realm... but they also fell very simply.

If the Tenth Hall Chakravartin King had not broken through to the Divine Presence at the critical moment, he would not have been able to survive until now. But his inheritance from the Mohist family has been exposed, and now many people are guessing which member of the Mohist family he is.

The evil gentlemen of the former Song Dynasty emperors all died in a battle because they could not escape home.

Serving in Hell's No Gate, the rewards are indeed considerable, but the mortality rate is also high.

It is human nature for the new Song emperor to want to improve his treatment.

King Bian Cheng can understand it, but I don’t know if King Qin Guang is willing to understand!

The moment King Bian Cheng appeared, the King of Wheels who was sleeping on the ground, the King of Pingping who was sitting in a corner in a daze, the King of Yama who was playing dice carelessly...these Yamas with some qualifications all sat upright.

With King Bian Cheng participating, this mission is no small matter.

The leader of the organization, the Guan Wang, even stood up without hesitation. His borrowed body could not conceal his shock: "King Bian Cheng! You——"

King Bian Cheng outside the tent raised his eyes: "Me?"

"I've got a seat for you! Come and sit down!" The Rogue King quickly wiped away his surprise and smiled humbly.

His hoarse voice became flattering, and there was a disgusting feeling about torturing people to death.

After noticing all this, the new Emperor Song couldn't help but adjust his posture and observe the notorious Yama outside the tent with a look that was as non-offensive as possible.

But as soon as he raised his eyes, he was caught.

He saw a pair of cold eyes, crushing his vision, and pushing back resolutely, like ice that would never melt, making people feel chilled all over.

"I support your idea." King Bian Cheng slowly walked into the tent, emphasized it to Emperor Song who seemed to be standing there, and added: "You can mention it to King Qin Guang later."

"This..." Emperor Song's current state is stiffer than the body borrowed by King Wu Guan. He hesitated for a moment, not understanding what the position of King Bian Cheng was.

The truth? lie? Or fishing?

"If you have an opinion, mention it. Why don't you mention it? Why are you hesitating?" King Bian Cheng said coldly: "If you mention it, I will save your life. If you don't mention it, I will kill you now."

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly became cold.

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty could not see through King Bian Cheng's cultivation at all, but he completely believed that he had the ability to kill him, and he was a ruthless person who could do what he said.

But is King Qin Guang a kind and soft-hearted person?

The first business that Hell No Gate did when it was established was to assassinate the general of Quguo Zhenbian, in order to gain a reputation.

He, the Taiwei of Qu State, was also responsible for suppressing bandits, but he never found anyone. Qu State had no external influence at all, and he basically escaped from Qu State. It had nothing to do with them - but now he has found someone. , and even meet with leaders from time to time. But he himself became a member of the bandits, and this broken organization expanded into a giant.

He almost watched King Qin Guang grow up with his own eyes. Without more support, how could he dare to negotiate?

This King of Bian Cheng said he was protecting his life, but was he keeping his integrity? Does the warranty guarantee life and limb integrity?

He looked left and right for a moment, but no one in the tent caught his eye.

Before joining Hell No Gate, Kuang Yu never imagined that being a killer would be such a dilemma!

Fortunately, a familiar voice rang out, relieving his embarrassment - "Do you want to play so big?"

Yama, the only unmasked person in the gateless hell, descended into the tent at this moment.

King Qin Guang, who has long hair hanging down his shoulders, looks like the kindest one in Hell, with a faint smile on his face: "Both Yamas, please calm down. This is your first meeting, I really I don’t want it to be the last time.”

Emperor Song said: "...I'm quite calm, boss!"

King Bian Cheng showed no emotion at all: "I think what he said makes sense. As the size of the organization keeps up, your treatment must also keep up."

"The treatment is absolutely top-notch in the industry. Go out and ask, which killer organization can make more money than our members?" King Qin Guang reasoned with a smile: "It costs money to maintain such a large organization, right? Beforehand, Intelligence, post-event finishing, route planning, members' equipment, various magical weapons, organization's support... In all aspects, what is not expenditure? Yama only needs to focus on killing people, and the 50-50 split is very reasonable. Don't believe me Let me show you the ledger."

"I'm too lazy to look." King Bian Cheng said in a cold voice: "I only know that Yan Luo, who is currently working on the front line, is already dissatisfied because of his treatment. As a qualified organizational leader, you must consider the emotions of your members. Don't talk about those who don't. use."

"Is this so?" King Qin Guang looked a little troubled: "...Then I'll kill him."

Emperor Song suddenly took a step back, his back almost touching the tent wall!

"Hahahaha, I'm kidding you." King Qin Guang looked at Emperor Song with a smile: "I'm not a bad character like King Bian Cheng who kills people for fun. I'm very expensive! By the way, you wanted to tell me earlier What's coming?"

"It's nothing. I feel that this organization is very warm!" Emperor Song said.

"You will know if you stay here slowly. Everyone is very kind and easy to get along with..." King Qin Guang waved his hand: "Sit down."

Lieutenant Qianqu Guotai sat down with his hands on his knees, maintaining a very humble posture but capable of escaping at any time.

King Bian Cheng ignored them for a long time and walked directly to King Wu Guan: "Long time no see, Wu Guan. Many Yamas have been replaced, and you are still here, which is really a disaster for thousands of years!"

The King of Wuguan smiled unpleasantly and said, "I'd like to lend you some good words!"

King Bian Cheng sat down on the seat he gave way to, stretched out his hand to warm himself by the fire, and said in a leisurely tone: "You are much wiser now. Then let me test you - who will you be on the team with for this operation?"

You are repaying kindness with enmity!

The Rogue King did not dare to speak his mind. He thought about it again and again, and finally said: "Of course I also want to join your team. But I feel that the Song Emperor has just joined the organization not long ago, so he needs to learn from your experience."

The Emperor of Song Dynasty suddenly turned his head and almost called the Rook King to go out for a duel. "Are you sick? King Bian Cheng is talking to you. What are you doing to me?"

I, the dignified Taiwei of the State of Qu, cannot defeat King Qin Guang, I dare not offend King Bian Cheng, and I cannot defeat you, the King of Guan Guan? He manipulates a corpse to act like a ghost all day long!

The King of Warlords smiled sadly: "King Biancheng, he seems to be unwilling to follow you."


In an instant, in front of everyone's eyes, the entire body of the official king, from top to bottom, suddenly emptied out and disappeared beside the bonfire without any ripples!

The Song Emperor was speechless for a moment.

Just now, he seemed to have seen a sword, suddenly coming out of the void, crushing the King of Wanguan from top to bottom... But there was nothing in his field of vision.

It's obviously just the breath of God's presence.

But, is there really such a divine presence in the world?

The whole tent was quiet, and the sound of Mars beeping was very clear.

King Bian Cheng clapped his hands lightly: "Be careful and don't act in front of me. If you do it next time, I won't behead the corpse."

A blood-colored coffin was opened in the void, and the Rogue King jumped out of it, bowing his head, very humbly: "I have heard your teachings, and I will definitely keep them in my heart and never forget them."

"No one seems to want to join my team?" King Bian Cheng said quietly: "Am I being isolated?"

"How is that possible!" The Riguan King suddenly raised his head and shouted in falsetto.

Emperor Song denied it flatly: "No, absolutely not."

Even King Chakravartin, who never spoke much, spoke up in a rare move: "Our organization is very united and everyone is warm and friendly. There is no such thing as isolation."

His current voice seemed to be accompanied by the rotation of gears, with a very practical feeling.

"We all respect you." said the King of Equality, who became taciturn after joining Hellless Gate.

"Oh! Then who is on my team?" King Bian Cheng asked.

The tent became quiet again, even the heartbeat was silenced, and the several Yamas, like clay and wood sculptures, fell into a dead silence.

King Qin Guang laughed happily.

King Bian Cheng glanced at him lightly, and then said coldly: "You don't have to be so nervous. I will do this operation myself."

He raised a slender index finger, and the black substance flowed into a small tailless swallow, resting on the back of his finger: "Yan Xiao, follow me."

"Okay!" King Qin Guang clapped his hands and attracted the attention of all the Yamas: "It's still the same old rule. If you don't want to participate in the mission, just leave early. Our organization is very free - considering that King Bian Cheng has already arrived. , the importance of the mission has been established, and everyone present at this moment is deemed to have agreed to participate in this mission. Let me talk about the details of the action..."

Yin Guan first heard about the Jinghai plan from a certain being of Yizhen Dao, and it is said that it was formulated by Lu Qiu Wenyue, the Prime Minister of Jingguo. You Guo's giant turtle is part of Jing Guo's plan to heal the sea - and I don't know if Jing Guo's plan will still go ahead according to the current situation in the Mysterious World.

To further understand the truth about the Jinghai plan, Ji Yanyue, who personally led the plan, is obviously the key.

In terms of Yin Guan's personal hatred, after killing Zhao Cang and overturning the giant turtle, Ji Yanyue was also the target he must kill quickly.

The Yamas settled in the grassland, and Ji Yanyue, as the representative of the Jingguo royal family, is now in the Shengguo...

Once personnel begin to gather, action is not far away. Every Yama is an existence that can continuously bring wealth to the organization, and will not waste time here.

From the grassland to Sheng and then to the scenery, the route planned by King Chujiang has been as hidden as possible. The killers are like venomous snakes swimming in the deep grass, quietly swimming towards the target, and only wait until the moment they show their fangs to announce the final result.

The Rogue King would obviously not forget this route, but he had no chance to relive it. This time they went alone.

Flying quickly under the endless starry sky, the huge tailless swallow spread its wings.

King Bian Cheng was wearing a black robe and standing on Yan's spine with his hands behind his back.

This time during Operation No Way to Hell, he was responsible for holding down the formation and did not do any specific work, so he did not have to go with any Yama... He was temporarily with King Qin Guang.

"Ji Yanyue's visit to Sheng is not an open itinerary. How did you get the whereabouts?" he asked under the night sky.

King Guang of Qin stood next to Yan Xiao and flew into the wind. He did not say anything, but pointed horizontally in the air and wrote "one".

"You wanted to find Ji Yanyue, so you asked them for information. Or did they hire you to kill Ji Yanyue?" King Bian Cheng asked.

"We never take the initiative to contact customers. As Hell No Gate, we should not know who the customers are and what they can do." King Qin Guang said: "So it's a coincidence, isn't it? It's the latter."

King Bian Cheng said: "You never hide yourself. Everyone knows that King Qin Guang is Yin Guan, and the matter between you and You Guo is not a secret. Is this a coincidence?"

King Qin Guang said calmly: "Anyway, we still have to do things. Why not get an extra reward now? Don't worry about other things!"

"Seek skin from a tiger." King Bian Cheng commented concisely and comprehensively.

"It's cold in spring, and even more frosty in winter. If you don't do this, you will definitely freeze to death in this spring." King Qin Guang's voice was a bit cold in the night: "I have been like this all my life."

King Bian Cheng was silent for a moment and then asked: "How much business have you done with them in the past few years?"

King Qin Guang said: "Occasionally we cooperate."

"The last person I knew who cooperated with them was Zhuang Gaoxian." King Bian Cheng said coldly: "Zhuang Gaoxian kept calling until he died, but no one answered him. Do you think your end will be better? ?”

"I don't expect them to respond to me." King Qin Guang smiled: "So isn't this asking you to come out of seclusion?"

"Why do they want Ji Yanyue to die?" King Bian Cheng asked.

"I don't know about that." King Qin Guang said, "Have you forgotten my professional ethics?"

King Bian Cheng turned to look at him.

He smiled: "Everyone gets what they want, why should I ask? I have to take the trouble to guess whether they are telling the truth. Besides, I'd better not know the secrets of an evil organization like theirs... Look at what I'm doing. ? What's your look? Hell's No Door is a serious business organization. We have money and goods, we are innocent, we are not running a black shop, and we will not tolerate your slander!"

"Have you ever thought about what happened after killing Ji Yanyue?" King Bian Cheng asked: "She is different from You Que, whose family is in decline. She is a serious royal person. How will Jingguo react when she is assassinated? "

"Why, do you think I'm the kind of person who goes crazy without even thinking about it?" King Qin Guang smiled: "I'm not as impulsive as you."

Under the night wind, his hair grew like crazy and danced wildly in the sky——

"After I thought about it, I insisted on going crazy!"

In the long night, his figure has gone far away, and his traces are hidden.

But his voice stayed.

"Probably there will be another batch of Yamas."

"Maybe me too."

"After this time, there will be no more King Bian Cheng in the world."

[Thanks to the book friend "Modern Painting Lantern Club" for becoming the leader of this book, which is the 652nd alliance for the "Sincere Heart Patrol"! 】

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