Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2144 The bright moon is like a lamp and sheds tears

The Dasheng Empire, which used to be the strongest vassal state and was known to cut across the grassland with one sword, was completely damaged by the year-long round of battle between Mu Sheng and its momentum was not as strong as before.

The name of the so-called "Second Dao Sect" was never mentioned again.

Only by feeling the edge of the Muguo's cavalry can we deeply understand the power of the Central Jingguo.

Finally, I know that the hegemonic country is the hegemon, and the world cannot be equal to it.

Ji Yanyue's secret visit to Sheng was with a mission and her whereabouts were very hidden.

The person responsible for receiving her was Li Yuanshe, a powerful man in Shengguo Zhenguo, who came from the Dasheng royal family and was revered as the "King of Xun".

In other words, this is the highest level secret meeting in Shengguo.

The only people in the Sheng Kingdom who knew about this secret meeting were King Xun Li Yuanshe, Emperor Sheng, and Queen Mother Sheng.

The importance of this meeting is self-evident.

Ji Yanyue did not fly in the sky, although as a member of the Jingguo royal family, she had the qualifications to fly across the central region without caring about any forces. But the secrecy of this industry made her restrain all her aura and sit in a carriage like an ordinary person.

This was a very ordinary carriage, and every detail in the carriage made her feel uncomfortable.

Although real people are not stuck in things and don't care much about worldly enjoyment, there is no need to... suffer in this environment.

Without any arrangements from Shengguo, this was a convoy that Ji Yanyue randomly selected by herself - the original owner of the carriage was huddled in the corner and had already fallen into a coma.

The reason for being so careful is not that she might encounter any danger on the road. But "If a few things are not kept secret, it will cause harm." This truth does not need to be taught.

This trip was so critical that no strong person from the Yan Dao was allowed to be the representative, but she, who had no official position and was always regarded as an idle person, was asked to come here, just to try not to attract attention.

For her, retreat is normal. No one knows what she is doing when she sends a letter to the dojo. After all, she can be regarded as today’s sister-in-law. Who else dares to go deep into the mountain gate and pry into the privacy?

The destination of this convoy is Li Tianfu, and the commodity transported is wool. Litianfu has the largest weaving office in Jingguo and is responsible for the largest share of Jingguo's garment business. There are complicated commercial regulations between Jingguo and Shengguo. The cost of transporting wool from Shengguo to Litianfu is higher than that of neighboring prefectures. Even lower...

Ji Yanyue didn't care about this, and she didn't need to understand what Lu Qiu Wenyue was doing among the various kingdoms. She just silently calculated how long it had been since she left Shengguo and how long it would take before she officially entered Jingguo. After entering the territory of Jingguo, how should we return to the dojo, which route is appropriate... Things such as people's livelihood need to be concerned only if they are qualified to compete for the big position.

A clan like her who is far away from the emperor's bloodline, was born with the goal of practicing. Imperial power is the common interest of all royal families, and self-possessed force is the basis for protecting imperial power.

There were some bumps on the road, and the carriage rose and fell. The Chidao that leads directly from Jingguo to Shengguo is always damaged inexplicably and will be overhauled in a few months. Anyone with a discerning eye knows why.

Just as Ji Yanyue had secret talks with Li Yuanshe on behalf of the Dajing royal family this time, it does not mean that the interests of Jingguo and Shengguo are completely consistent.

Jingguo, Jingguo royal family, Shengguo, Shengguo royal family... These are concepts that can be discussed separately. If you cannot understand this, you cannot understand the Dao Mai Kingdom.

Of course, Taoism can also be discussed separately, such as the three meridians of Taoism, such as...


The car body suddenly jolted, and the wheels rolled over a piece of gravel. After rolling down, there was a fragile squeaking sound.

Ji Yanyue immediately noticed that the right wheel and support shaft of the carriage were cracked and in danger of falling apart... It seemed that the owner had bought a defective vehicle.

With a slight movement of mind, the wood elements gather together to repair the cracks naturally. She never thought that one day she, Ji Yanyue, would be repairing a car on the road - even after paying for the car.

But things are not that simple.


Before Mu Yuan could touch it, the wheel collapsed first.

The high-speed carriage rolled over on the spot!

Not an accident, but no trace of any supernatural power either. It was purely through exquisite craftsmanship that the wheel broke precisely at this moment - this place has been in Shengguo for a long time, and is still far away from Jingguo. The strongest force nearby is Qingya Academy.

Ji Yanyue pulled her thoughts away from thinking about state affairs and gained insight into everything in an instant. She had no intention of watching the accidents that were coming one after another like waves, nor did she intend to give them a chance.


The brilliant light flies through the air, and the vitality travels like a dragon.

With her as the center, a glorious world took shape in an instant.

What she was sitting on was not a carriage seat, but a majestic palace, the highest seat of honor.

What she is wearing is not an ordinary ruqi, but a royal dress and a grand palace dress.

What she grasps is not Hua Tai Qiong Tower, but earth, wind, water, fire, and eternal power!

The entire caravan that was selling wool from Shengguo to Jingguo, from the leader of the caravan to the beasts of burden, all landed in the palace.

There is a dragon passing by outside the palace gate. The golden scales are like mountains, scattered and far away, and the dragon roars for nine days.

This is the world opened up by Ji Yanyue, called [True Life King Realm]!

The surname Ji belongs to the royal family and sits high in the Nine Heavens. The true destiny lies in the scene, and all nations are subject to it!

Where have everyone in the caravan seen such a scene? He was so shocked that he fell to the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Come out." Ji Yanyue stood high on the throne and said indifferently: "Hiding in the queue of mortals is not a hero. Who wants to deal with me? Why don't you reveal your face to see him?"

The people in the caravan were all giving explanations. They had no idea what happened. They didn't even recognize who Ji Yanyue was or why they were here.

Ji Yanyue was shouldering a heavy responsibility and had no time to waste, so she raised her hand and flipped over, pressing the power of the world into reality, crushing him ruthlessly, and killing them together!

All the caravans crowded in the majestic hall had no time to digest the shock of breaking into the True Life King Realm, and they had lost the possibility of digesting their emotions forever.

The beasts of burden were crushed into paste, the wool was wet and turned into velvet, the corpses of humans and beasts could not be distinguished, and the broken souls could not be seen.

Ji Yanyue, however, did not find the person lurking in the caravan.

Is it really just an accident?

Ji Yanyue suddenly raised her eyes, her gaze had already penetrated the dome of the hall, and she flew out of the hall, passing over the mountains where the dragon was swimming. Finally, she saw a little blue light in the burning bright moon——

The green color spreads at an alarming speed, and the magic power invades crazily!

The bright moon of red flames hangs high in the sky, and the dragon is in order to terrify the world. She has been operating in this realm of true destiny for more than two hundred years.

In this world, she has absolute authority and the confidence to face all enemies.

But where did the change come from?

She couldn't remember it and didn't notice it.

At this moment, the red flame was actually dyed into green flame, and dripped bit by bit - the bright moon shed tears like a candle!

She felt her red flame and bright moon, and she felt a strong feeling of self-loathing, wanting to destroy herself in the sky and this world. The dripping green flames are the accumulation of the Red Flame Mingyue itself for more than two hundred years! This emotion affects the entire True Life King Realm, and even spreads through this realm to the Realm Lord...

I remembered!

In this vivid blue color, Ji Yanyue thought of the person she met when Youguo changed. The man named Yin Guan who overthrew the Youguo court and released the Eye of Thousand Calamities, a secret treasure of the Immortal Palace.

At that time, Yin Guan spoke for a long time, and the last sentence was - "We will meet again. I believe that day will not be far away."

This wait is almost six years.

Sure enough, it wasn't that long ago.

It’s a good thing to identify your opponent!

At least it's not the worst outcome.

It would be best if Yin Guan came for revenge and had nothing to do with this trip.

If Yin Guan was hired by someone to carry out the assassination with Hell No Door, it means that the person behind the scenes still has scruples. This crisis is not a desperate one.

With a change of heart, Ji Yanyue cut off the connection with Crimson Flame Mingyue and imprisoned her to prevent the evil power of self-loathing from being infected.

He turned his palm and raised a bronze palace lantern, raised his gaze, and lit the wick.

This lantern is called "Huaiyue", which was a palace decoration when Taizu Jing was in court. It was made with the power of the country and mixed with the spirit of the dragon. It has been discussed by the court many times and witnessed the world's ups and downs, so it has the power to burn mountains and fill the sea. , non-bloodline members of the Ji family cannot be activated.

The five-color flames between reality and reality leaped up according to the thought, stretched into the shape of a dragon in the air, opened his mouth with a long chant, and instantly swallowed the green flames all over the sky without letting the power of the spell wander.

Among the five-color flames, red separated, leaped into a crescent moon, and hung high in the sky. For this life, light the bright moon again and renew the sky lantern!

At this time, there was only a twisted void hanging above the Chi Road, and Ji Yanyue's True Life King Realm was hidden in it. When the incident happened suddenly, she immediately wanted to hide her whereabouts, hoping to solve the problem quietly.

The entire caravan was swept away by the Realm of True Destiny, so the road was empty. But at this moment, at the end of the road, two people came together on horseback, both wearing black robes and masks on their faces, with the names Zhuanlun and Taishan engraved on them.

The two men came forward and dismounted.

The wheel-turning king took out a red wooden board and placed it vertically in the middle of the road. There is a line of large characters written in black script on the wooden board——

"The Chi Dao formation is being repaired, please take a detour."

The signature is "Central Formation Division", and there is also a decent Jingguo inscription.

"Do it decently," said the Wheel-turning King.

King Taishan didn't say anything, he just squatted down and placed his palms on the ground——

The earth made a dull roar, and the Chidao cracked in front of the warning board.

Looking at the deep ravine in front of him, Chakravartin sighed: "It's too decent."

He raised his hand and erased the word "formation" on the wooden board, turned around and headed towards Ji Yanyue's hidden little world with King Taishan.

The caravan was naturally his handiwork, and there were indeed many agencies that had no time to activate. This time, the organization's intelligence was very good. Although Ji Yanyue randomly selected the caravan, within her range of choices at that time, All are organized. These are all little tricks played by mortals, and monks who are used to catching Dao Yuan's fluctuations often tend to ignore them. Of course it can't cause any harm, but it's enough to trigger subsequent reactions.

Killing is a technical job. Hell No Gate is studying this every day.

At the other end of the road, King Yama and King of the City, who had done the corresponding work, were coming towards them.

Among them, the City King was still placing formation disks along the way, and the King of Yama quickly walked to Ji Yanyue's small world, reached out in the void, and took out a deck of Pai Gow. But instead of pushing the cards, he stacked them up like a child stacking up a city wall, blocking them in front of the small world that looked distorted and blank.

At this point, this section of the Chidao, which is about ten miles away, is being repaired in the eyes of mortals, and no longer exists in the perception of extraordinary monks.

After the four Yamas gathered together, the City King raised his index finger, squeezed out a drop of blood from his fingertip, and flicked it... One drop of blood was divided into hundreds of drops, and the array disks lit up along the way.

At this time, in the Realm of True Destiny, Ji Yanyue cut off her connection with Chiyan Mingyue.

Chakravartin King had been looking left and right for a while, and at just the right moment, a rune snake rushed out of his left eye. The whole body of this snake is composed of tiny runes, forming a circle in the air.

As if he was carrying a huge weight, he reached out his hand with difficulty and uncovered the "circle", revealing the dark hole behind it!

The hole is still expanding rapidly.

King Taishan took a deep breath, stretched out his hands, and lifted him up - his muscles rose high, stretching the black robe open, his energy and blood burned to the extreme, and blood mist exploded outside his body. With a low roar, he was already Lift up the entire stretch of nearly ten miles of road!

Miraculously, the twisted blank space representing the True Life King Realm seemed to be integrated with Chi Dao and also rose up.

This ten-mile stretch of road is not too heavy. What is really embarrassing is this space, and even more so the small world of real people in this world.

With the help of several other Yamas, the new King Taishan lifted these things almost in a desperate manner, and with another low roar, it was like lifting a log or throwing a javelin, and threw it into the hole. !

There were blood lines in King Chakravartin's eyes, the dark hole closed instantly, and the four Yamas also disappeared. Nothing is left in place, even the traces have self-destructed.

The Yamas now know who the target is and fully understand the dangers of this trip.

But in this profession of killer, all you earn is money from selling your life, so how can you be qualified to abhor danger?

The only way to survive now is to kill Ji Yanyue cleanly.

And the most dangerous things, the most dangerous people are doing——

In the Realm of True Destiny, Ji Yanyue pulled out the Huaiyue palace lantern, swallowed up the green flames, and opened the new moon. This process is like a doctor removing a sore, a painful act that must be endured. Get rid of old troubles and gain new life.

But when she pulled out the bronze palace lantern.

The "meat sauce" in the hall seemed to have a common will and turned into a complex whole, suddenly "swimming" and constantly expanding!

No one can see this weird scene for the time being, but the "meat paste" exuding the smell of corpses is actually spread on the ground, crawling on the walls, and smeared on the courtyard pillars...

These people and beasts of burden have just died, and they already have corpse odor!

The corpses of the entire convoy and the beasts of burden were not much flesh and blood, but they quickly filled the vast hall. It has covered up the splendor and defiled the magnificence, turning this majestic place into a place of filth!

They were all corpses, but they acted as living people, and they were able to hide it from the eyes of real people. What kind of magical power is this?

Mountains of corpses and seas of blood filled the hall. A bloody coffin slowly appeared on the throne.

At this time, Ji Yanyue, who was high in the sky and burning the magic power with the palace lantern, felt something was wrong.

What she felt was wrong did not come from the majestic hall, but from the strong desire to self-destruct that suddenly arose deep in her heart!

She wants to die!

She is tired of this ugly world, tired of the tired life, and wants to die and escape!


Ji Yanyue suddenly woke up, wrapped her hand in five-color flames, grabbed her heart, and pulled out a snake-like, green thread that was constantly twisting!

That was such a strong spell. With her real eyes, she could see that the countless strands involved in this blue line seemed to be rooted in this body.

At first she thought that the curse power was infecting herself from the red flame moon, but now she suddenly realized that she already had the curse power, and there was too much curse power——

That was the curse that Yin Guan had been cursed with day and night for nearly six years!

It’s doubled in the last two days, please give me a monthly ticket!

There will be an update at 8pm.

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