Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2145 Underworld

The geniuses who died in the mouth of the giant turtle did not appear again, but the geniuses who escaped the mouth of the giant turtle came back.

If your country is weak, your superior country will show no mercy, and your ruler will show no mercy.

But people have their own loves and hates.

In the end, it is like wildfire igniting withered grass. After many years of wind, it has set a prairie fire in one night.

Yin Guan had obviously escaped at the beginning, but he still did not hesitate to use the treasures he had obtained from the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace to challenge Ji Yanyue.

As a result of the challenge, Ji Yanyue was unscathed, while he, thousands of miles away, was seriously injured and vomited blood on the spot.

So did the "Eye of Thousand Calamities" really come back in vain?

At this moment, Ji Yanyue's body is constantly twisting, like the veins of leaves and trees, the magic power is the echo.

The mouthful of blood that Yin Guan spit out in the nameless restaurant was the real announcement of this challenge.

From then on, his curse on Ji Yanyue never stopped for a day.

Water droplets can penetrate rocks, and soil can form mountains.

In the year 3918 of the Dao calendar, he had already realized the presence of God and turned the rugged road into a path to heaven.

In the year 3921 of the Dao calendar, Guiyou killed the king, each other, and generals, overthrew the old court, and escaped with his whole body.

In Daoli 3923, he participated in the Zhenzhen War and was able to influence Zhuang Gaoxian with his spell.

Today is the year 3927 of the Dao calendar!

I have been cursed by Yin Guan like this for nearly six years... The power of the curse is like a disease, and I am already terminal!

At this time, the spell power in Ji Yanyue's body was not spreading or invading, but was being awakened and active.

It's like another instinct in the body that awakens in the experience of life.

Survival and destruction are both instincts!

The cultivation of the mind is all about surrendering the instinct. How can one resist the instinct?

"I really underestimated you, Yin Guan." Ji Yanyue resisted the strong urge to self-destruct and directly raised her fist.


The palace lantern has been broken.

The five-color glazed fire came out of the cage, leaped into the air, and rolled into flames, and she stepped into it!

Burn the body with fire, burn the curse with truth.

Above her head, there were wisps of green smoke, like mayflies in the distance.

That's the spell being exorcised.

In this swaying five-color glazed fire, Ji Yanyue stood tall and proud, showing a kind of sacred beauty: "Yin Guan, you have been lying in wait for six years, why don't you come out to harvest it yourself? How can I repay you at this level?" hatred?"

What responded to her was rain, green raindrops falling from the sky.

There is resentment and madness in every drop of rain.

It rained heavily.

This world is cursed... No, this world is cursing Ji Yanyue!

At this time, Ji Yanyue also smelled the stench, and the palace where she was sitting in this world seemed to have turned into a toilet. The filthy and disgusting viscous corpse liquid overflowed from the cracks in the palace and flowed in all directions, contaminating everything it came into contact with.

Ji Yanyue frowned. She didn't feel scared, but she felt sick.

And in the sky, the bright red moon that she cut off in time also jumped out of its restraints. Yin Guan has completely plundered it. At this moment, the moon of green flames is curved like a knife, and it suddenly cuts down!

"That's all..."

Ji Yanyue frowned and sighed. With a squeeze of her right hand, the whole world shrank infinitely——

The dragon screams, the mountains collapse, and the iron of the world easily disintegrates. Like a gangrene attached to the bones, the power of the curse that clings to this world is also mixed into nothingness. Those stinking parts, along with the bloody coffin, were naturally wiped away.

After all, she holds the highest authority in the world and has the most choices. And she chose to abandon the accumulation of more than two hundred years and restart this life, so that Yin Guan's subsequent methods would die in her womb.

But after she put away the [True Life King Realm], what she saw in front of her was no longer the same road from prosperity to scenery. Instead, it is a forest of green trees, green grass, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and a gentle breeze... such a peaceful place!

Her expression was serious.

In front of her, stood Yin Guan with a mask hanging on his waist and an expressionless face.

It was obvious that Yin Guan was standing here just now, triggering a curse and fighting her in another life.

This was their first real meeting. Before this, the young man named "Yin Guan" had never dared to stand in front of her. There is only the illusion of the last hasty farewell.

She looked at this person and the world seriously. Trying to grasp a reality.

Behind Yin Guan, there were seven people lined up, some standing or squatting, some on the treetops, some on the grass. Everyone was wrapped in black robes, and everyone showed the aura of divine presence.

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty is holding two swords in his hand, the Prince of Wu Guan is carrying a blood coffin, the King of Yama is spinning the dice constantly in his hands, the King of Taishan is full of blood, the King of the City is holding the formation disk in his right hand, and Equality is shining brightly like the scorching sun. King, the wheel-turning king with rune chains wrapped around him like a snake.

Ji Yanyue's eyes swept over them one by one: "Ten Palaces of Yamas, why are there two others not here? Do you despise me so much? Where are King Bian Cheng and King Chujiang?"

No one answered her.

Yin Guan was alone in front of all the Yamas. Under his feet, an evil altar burning with green flames rumbled up.

His eyes turned green, his long hair hung down to his ankles, and he just opened his hands: "Welcome to my world - this is also your hell!"

The little bird flying in the air suddenly sprouted barbs and fangs. The soft green grass suddenly grew wildly, like a group of snakes dancing wildly. The emerald green tree suddenly opened its teeth and claws, twisting like a demon——

boom! Boom...boom! boom!

In this world, ten gloomy palaces rise and hang in the sky, making the bright world suddenly dark. The shadows cast by eight of them enveloped the eight Yamas. And there is a blood moon on the horizon, with a hint of shadow floating on it.

Everything here is twisted.

Behind the peace is madness.

This is the world of magic that belongs exclusively to King Qin Guang, and its name is [Yincao]!

Only then did Ji Yanyue realize how many things Hell No Gate had done when she was fighting against the curse in her body and her desire to self-destruct.

Her true destiny was moved to the underworld, her palace was defiled by the dirtiest power, and the curse that lasted for nearly six years broke out in the Tao body at once...

But is this enough to kill her, Ji Yanyue?

She didn't want to run away, but rushed forward: "You have invited me, how can I refuse! Then let me see with my own eyes what hell is like!"

There is no road ahead.

Standing in front of her was a domino, as big as a door panel.

The back of the domino faced her, and the front faced the Yamas.

King Yama exuded a faint golden light, and stepped out from the crowd, his black robes flying, his strength surging, and he said in a cynical tone: "Guess the odd or even number!"

call out! call out! call out!

One by one, dominoes flew out one after another, like a never-ending door.

His power is strengthened in the underworld.

"There are thirty-two cards in a deck of Pai Gow. In other words, there will be thirty-two games between us. If you guess it right, the damage will be reduced by one time. If you guess it wrong, the damage will be doubled this time." King Yama introduced the gambling game Rules: "If you cross the dominoes without authorization, you will be considered a failure and will be attacked immediately. If——"

Before he could finish his words, a real figure had already crossed his mind. Ji Yanyue walked across the wilderness indifferently, leaving the dominoes behind easily.

King Yama insisted on finishing the rules: "If you refuse the bet, you will lose by default. All damage will occur at once."

All the dominoes hanging in the air disappeared in an instant.


The phantoms of thirty-two dominoes exploded in Ji Yanyue's body at the same time. Terrifying explosions were happening and kept adding up - but they stopped suddenly.

Because what happened with it was a red, white and blue flag that suddenly fluttered.

This flag is flying high in the sky, and it is unstoppable.

All the harm caused by this gamble occurred on the flag, and not at all on Ji Yanyue.

This is the secret of the royal family of Dajing, the earth-level Taoism, and the banner of the King of Destiny!

In the horrific explosion, the flag was broken, but the flagpole turned into a spear, streaking across the sky like lightning, piercing through King Yama! Beat him and his dice to nothing.

Ji Yanyue's choice seemed to have suffered the most damage from this deck of Pai Gow, but in fact it was the most correct decision.

Only when you really make a bet with King Yama, and are really exposed to the word "gamble", will you face the worst results.

Because there is no end to gambling. This deck of Pai Gow is just the beginning. The ever-increasing bets and ever-increasing greed are the magical means by which King Yama kills people invisible.

Ji Yanyue killed King Yama cleanly without being disturbed in the slightest. It can be said that she fully demonstrated her strength and insight, but her frown did not open.

Because she has already discovered that she failed to really kill King Yama.

The special power of [Yin Cao] hangs the life of King Yama.

Over there, King Qin Guang had already grabbed the flag of the King of Destiny that had fallen to the ground and was trying to penetrate this world. His pair of evil green eyes gradually became crazy, and instantly dyed the flag green, and then he rolled up the flag and used the tip of the flag. For the tip of the spear, I picked it up——

What a shot!

It is like a lone star blocking the moon, like a strong man holding his bow.

Meteors fly across the sky, and the whole world has been destroyed.

Ji Yanyue raised her palm with a knife in front of her eyebrows, cutting off the flag of the King of Destiny she had sent out, and stabbed King Qin Guang in the face with the knife. King Qin Guang leaned back and let out a dazzling light!

The sun is rising!

King Pingping stepped out of the fierce light, with infinite light and heat on his body. He held the fierce light and grew a spear to replace King Qin Guang's spear, and then killed Ji Yanyue between the eyebrows.

At this moment, he was so brilliant and brilliant, just like the proud figure running on the battlefield of Qixia.

But the blazing spear he saw turned into blood - just like the bloody spear on the battlefield in Qi Yang.

This blood color is not stained by the enemy, but comes from oneself.

King Ping Ping's body was torn apart, and there was a sound of the water bag being cut open. The blood was sprinkled on the Fierce Light Spear, and then dispersed without a trace.

Not really killed yet? Still only managed to get out of the underworld, but failed to kill the soul of life?

Ji Yanyue's mind was slightly disturbed, but it did not affect the battle. At this moment, she had already entered Yama's team, and suddenly she was filled with five colors, like a lotus growing, and the fire of glazed glass spread all over!

The lamp of Huaiyue was squeezed out of its last value at this moment, and the five-color glazed fire covered all the Yamas, and even swallowed up the sky, forcing it towards the Yama Hall.

For a time, all Yama and Luo shunned him.

Only King Guang of Qin came on the flames.

His eyes were so crazy and confused, but his steps were so leisurely. Find order in chaos and use pain as a ladder. This was the way he had come in his life, and he was heading towards Ji Yanyue in the same way now.

Ji Yanyue raised her hand and raised her palm in front of her.

A wooden door rose out of the air and was locked, blocking King Qin Guang from the door.

Looking at Yin Guan through the door is like looking at ants on a high mountain. Yin looked at the wooden door, but it was as misty as mist.

Earth-level Taoism, Misty Gate!

This door is difficult to reach and cannot be seen from a distance, which is a first-rate way to block the enemy. It can best cut off the breath machine and hide the movement.

Yin Guan just turned his evil eyes and printed the blue color on the lintel. The green light wandered over the Misty Gate, using curses to establish the initial connection, like holding an iron rope in the fog, and then strode closer.

Ji Yanyue ignored it, and only roughly judged the time, then turned around, randomly selected a Yama, and killed it.

The person she chose was none other than the City King of the Eight Palaces.

Seeing this real person coming over, the city king was not afraid to laugh. He spread his hands in front of him, and there were a total of eighteen arrays arranged in a fan shape.

This is not a simple stack of formation disks. Each formation disk is made by his own hands. There is an inseparable connection between the formation disks.

In this battle, all losses were reimbursed by the organization, which was a rare luxury for him.

This formula is inherent——

Continuous Killing!

The heart of the gods responds to heaven and earth. The array patterns light up one after another, stimulating the energy like a tide.

The so-called thunder from the sky and fire from the earth are like hail withering flowers.

At this moment, the eighteen formations burst out with bright light, like thousands of troops and horses mixed together——


Ji Yanyue's index finger inserted straight into the City King's eyebrows, making a crisp sound as the finger broke the skull.

In this sound, the formations stopped one by one and were destroyed one by one. Without the power of master control, the group was leaderless and collapsed like a defeated army.

The City King's body hung down and slipped from Ji Yanyue's fingers.

You can see that this finger looks like it is made of gold, emitting a brilliant light that is difficult to look at directly.

The secrets of the Dajing royal family cannot be used unless they are of the emperor's blood. Emperor Gao has cut off his life!

Through the dragon's energy and the emperor's power, he can destroy the path of life and destiny.

After failing to kill Yan Luo twice in a row, Ji Yanyue has grasped the truth and found a way to break through the rules of Yin Cao. She used this technique of Gao Huang's Life-cutting Finger to break the illusion, penetrate Yin Cao, and truly kill her opponent!

The City King of the Eighth Palace died in battle!

The so-called Yama is extremely vicious and murderous. Never care about human life, as long as the reward is enough, you can not care about your own life. But don’t expect them to have any camaraderie.

In fact, except for the King of Eunuchs, there was no one who was willing to collect the corpses of his colleagues.

When the king of the city died, Yama was left as a bird and a beast. There is no such thing as sadness when a rabbit dies and a fox dies. It’s about seeing who can run faster when a disaster is imminent.

But Ji Yanyue ignored them and spun around in the air, facing the misty door.

Killing one or two Yamas is not her goal. Using the death of the City King to verify the rules of the underworld is what she wants!

At this moment, she had gained some insight and was about to fight her way out of this gloomy hell. His long sleeves fluttered, and he stretched out his bare hand. He held the restarted [True King Realm] in his hand, and curved it backwards to form a narrow knife engraved with dragon patterns.

At this moment, Yin Guan was able to get close to the Misty Door. She pushed the door open directly, raised her knife and fought out.

It's like the divine power descending from the nine heavens to slay the disobedient ants in the mortal world.

It’s the so-called Tianhuang Dust-Slashing Knife!

At that time, Jing Taizu Ji Yusu cultivated the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, created the [Heaven Realm] on his own, and ruled all directions. He was known as the strongest Yandao in ancient times and was invincible regardless of the power of the country.

Although her True Life King Realm is far from comparable, and having experienced a restart, she is as weak as ever. But at this moment, holding it as a narrow knife, you can also see the power of gods and ghosts to ward off changes!

[This chapter is 4K, added for the alliance leader "Taiwan Junior Brother" and the alliance leader "Eternal Silence". 】

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