Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2146 Remembering Death Today

The so-called Tianhuang Dust-Zhancing Sword is said to be able to kill all living beings in a grain of dust. It is also said that there are all dust particles under this knife. It is an extremely fine sword technique.

Ji Yanyue holds the [True Life King Realm] as a sword, which also embodies extremely powerful killing power.

Therefore, when the wooden door is pushed, life or death will be determined!

Naturally, she didn't want to waste too much time on the enemy's preset battlefield, so she allowed those Yamas to escape - although there were many Yamas, there was nothing to worry about, but Yin Guan could not let them go.

The door opens at this time.

The narrow knife engraved with dragon patterns can cut out thousands of radiances in an instant, truly sweeping away dust and clarifying everything it sees.

This knife and this mark are all reflected in the jewel-like green eyes.

And at the next moment, the long knife slashed across, the head flew high, and the sky... was filled with blood!

Where is the blood?

Every drop of blood twisted and exploded into a line of magic power as thin as a cow's hair. Zhang Zhi's spell was like a net, covering Ji Yanyue in reverse.

And Yin Guan's black boots were walking on the spine of the sword, like a lonely shadow walking alone on the Tianshan Mountains, so his knees flew in the air and hit his skull with one knee!

Only then did Ji Yanyue realize that her Tao body was slightly unbalanced! Therefore, with that sword strike, a gap appeared and was broken through by Yin Guan.

What is mantra?

In fact, everyone has one, and almost everyone has used it.

For example, "Damn", "Death to the whole family", "Death without a burial place", "Giving a son without an asshole".

These curses can often only be used verbally and cannot hurt people in the slightest.

But do they really have no power?

Not so.

Its power is the most subtle and the most lingering.

Verbal praise from others can bring temporary pleasure, but the happiness will dissipate.

The recipients of other people's verbal attacks are often only temporarily angry, but the negativity will stagnate.

If a person is cursed by the person next to him for many years, he will definitely not live long.

If a person lives in an environment where he is belittled and insulted all year round, he will definitely not die well. Either it breaks out in anger, or it collapses in a long silent night.

As a practitioner who pioneered this path alone, and the first person to push the curse to the level of gods and caves, Yin Guan is undoubtedly the person who knows best about curses in the world.

His curse on Ji Yanyue was like cursing "Old Qianpo deserves death" every day.

It seems like a breeze is blowing through my ears, but there is indeed no trace. Even a real person in this world would not be able to detect it.

But the curse has happened, the negative effects are complete. It accumulates over time, year after year, and finally becomes a part of the Tao body, strengthening the instinct of self-destruction.

Ji Yanyue thought that her glazed fire burned everything, but it didn't.

She can't kill her instinct!

It's like the spring breeze blowing and giving birth again.

Yin Guan manipulates her self-destructive instinct and fights her. She has to fight against her opponent and herself at the same time.

Then a knee hit the skull!


Like the long sound of a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

Ji Yanyue's palace attire was now bright and bright, with embroidery of dragons and flying phoenixes. The glow formed an illusory jade plaque with the words "Three Purities Xuan Bao" engraved on it, which was blocked above the skull gate, just blocking King Qin Guang's knee.


The jade plaque was quickly soaked in green light and shattered on the spot.

Ji Yanyue's palace attire was dimmed, but she successfully returned to the Misty Gate.

The blue color fell from the sky, and the blue mantra net directly covered the door. Yin Guan's long hair was flying, and his ten fingers were clasped together. The power of the mantra was also intertwined and tightly bound - including people with swords and magic, he caught them all in one sweep!

"Witch! Don't hurt my leader!"

As soon as King Qin Guang saw that King Qin Guang could bear it, he immediately slapped the blood coffin and killed the general.

How could he, the veteran of the organization, be left out at the critical moment of the murder? He has gone through life and death for the organization, and it shouldn't be too much to collect a real corpse!

The blood overflowed from the cracks in the coffin and instantly spread out into a river of blood. The King of Eunuchs stepped on the blood coffin and used the coffin as a boat. He was so powerful and powerful that he was truly unrivaled in the world!

"I want to crush the real person's head!" King Taishan, who was covered in blood mist, suddenly clenched his fists, surrounded by blood, forming a ferocious armor, his momentum surged, and he came from the sky——

Ji Yanyue stepped out again!

She retreated and advanced, sealing the rebellious curse in her body. This time she changed her strategy, not to solve the curse, but only to not affect the battle. After returning to Jingguo, there will naturally be many ways to remove it.

The royal family of the Yang Kingdom was the best at sealing, but the Yang Kingdom had been destroyed, and there was no one in the world who was richer in the art of sealing than the Central Great Scenery.

At this moment, the self-destructive intention was suppressed and the power of the curse was blocked. However, the power drawn from it penetrated the blade.

Faced with such a turbulent attack outside the door, she just held the dragon-marked narrow knife tightly and swept it away——

I can't stand it anymore!

A dotted line like lightning flashed in the void, and it suddenly tightened when the knife came out.

Ji Yanyue's path is [True Destiny].

The so-called true destiny is "ordained by heaven and destined"!

This dotted line at this time is her path application, and its name is [String of True Destiny].

While the string of fate was tightening, the narrow blade had landed in three places at the same time - the head of King Taishan, the blood coffin on the blood river, and Yin Guan's neck, destined to be chopped off!

This is the "Irrelevant Knife".

Before Taishan King had time to react, he and the blood armor were cut open on the spot, their body and soul were destroyed, and they died an untimely death.

The blood coffin also cracked at the same time, and the blood river stopped flowing! The upper half of the King's body is in the river of blood, and the lower half is in the blood coffin. Each has its own scene of destruction.

The blade of the blade landed just right on Yin Guan's neck.

But at this time, Yin Guan, with crazy green eyes, reached out and grabbed the void, and grabbed another Risen King!

"The organization will never forget your loyalty!"

He pressed the King of Warlords, whose eyes were stained blue and his hands were waving wildly, and he hit the blade hard. The sword was stained with blood, and the blood turned green again. The power of the curse instantly polluted his true life! Yin Guan himself was unscathed and retreated to his evil altar, standing in the center.

At that critical moment, through the connection of the magic power, he replaced himself with the body of the Rien King, and took over Ji Yanyue's true life.

The King of Wheels is also going to rush up together and win the great power of killing the truth. However, due to the huge consumption previously, the movement was a little slower. Unexpectedly, just by taking this slow step, King Taishan and King Guan were gone.

It is still doubtful whether the Rogue King is still alive, because this guy has "died" too many times. But he is not the king of the robbers, so he does not have so many bodies to replace. The death of King Tarzan is real!

How dare he hesitate?

The rune chains around him formed a circle. He shouted, "Brother, hold on, I'll call someone!" Then he jumped into the circle and disappeared.

But he escaped from the underworld!

The former Quguo Taiwei and the current fourth Emperor of the Song Dynasty was the most straightforward. From the beginning to the end, he did not make a move or did a thing. He only said, "Don't do anything, save your usefulness for the future!" "

He directly turned the two swords around, wiped his own neck, and used the state of suspended animation that he had practiced earlier to escape from the underworld as quickly as possible.

"We are the only ones left now." Ji Yanyue moved her eyes and looked at Yin Guan indifferently.

"Yeah -" Yin Guan said almost madly: "Now the real battle begins!!"

He stood in the center of the altar, spreading his hands wide——

Infinite blue light appeared, like mayflies in the sky, suspended in the entire underworld.

Ji Yanyue tried to move, but found it difficult.

Feeling the changes in this world, she stopped raising her head.

"I just killed three people together. The real life is weak, giving you a chance to replace...what now?"

He just raised his hand and grabbed it in the void, and a winding dotted line appeared. The twists and turns of the dotted line seem to describe the difficulty of the journey, but in the end the description will be completed and it will eventually be realized.

The string of destiny!

This is the foundation of her path, the essence of her power.

She raised the knife just to kill the person she was destined to kill.

In a sense, this is the knife without solution.

At this moment, a violent sound was suddenly heard——


【歭峳】The desolation disturbs the human soul.

The shadow on the blood moon in the sky moved away and soared in the night sky. It turned out that it was not a shadow, but a huge tailless swallow. With just a flicker, he pounced in front of him and reached out for his sharp beak, with the intention of killing him.

I have long heard that there is a legendary evil bird in the Hell without Gate. It was raised after doing evil things. It eats wrongs and swallows hatred. It possesses five evil magical powers. It is the most ferocious King Bian Cheng in the Hell without Gate. pets.

But seeing as it is, it doesn’t matter!

Ji Yanyue's sword turned at will, killing the huge Yan Xiao with just one touch, breaking off its claws, splitting its wings, and decapitating it. No matter how ferocious the bird is, there is an insurmountable rank gap.

And the green mayflies have fallen like light rain.

Ji Yanyue raised her head slightly, and a red dragon rose up into the sky, connected to the high dome at the top, and supported the loess below, forming a Stanley Pillar supporting the sky, shrouding her in it.

Dense green light fell on this Stanley pillar, but could not make an inch of it. I can only linger outside like the rain hitting the window!

At this time, any attack from the green light cannot be blocked by the monk Shenlin. There are so many clues, and the evil is carried out, but it can't hurt Ji Yanyue in the slightest.

This is her original creation of the Dragon Pillar of True Destiny.

The true royal family cannot be invaded by external evil!

But her True Life String will not be affected, and her True Life King Realm Sword will not be blocked——


At this critical moment, Yan Xiao came back to life.

[Xiaojie] The magical power was just right and stopped Ji Yanyue's thoughts. When it flaps its wings, it activates the magical power of "moving the sky", and the swallow's body flies in the void. The sharp claws pounced on the string of destiny. The [turbulence] magical power was about to activate, causing the string to shake slightly, giving birth to a possibility beyond destiny!

The evil bird of God's Landing is too accurate in grasping the opportunity of fighting, and it is not from God's vision... Ji Yanyue thought lightly.

His true destiny changed.

Straighten the string!

The knife has arrived!

Swallow heads fly in the sky.

The narrow knife beheaded Yan Xiao again, and Ji Yanyue raised her golden index finger and stabbed it directly on Yan Xiao's body. The dragon's energy surrounds the swallow's corpse, entangled with the black substance and refusing to dissipate.

Emperor Gao cut off his fate!

Forcibly using the Dragon Qi and Emperor's power to block Yan Xiao's resurrection power and slow down its resurrection speed.

"What else is there now?" she asked Yin Guan, grabbing the string in the void again.

Yin Guan was unfazed, and just opened his thin lips: "I curse you, your body will be buried in the belly of a fool, just like Zeng Qing."

"Who is Zeng Qing?" Ji Yanyue asked with a bit of leisure.

At this time, everything is still very peaceful, and only one of the ten Yamas is left here. The phantoms of the ten Yama Halls were also silent in the void.

The so-called ferocious wind and rain, the so-called spring grass and green trees. Hell is a different kind of scenery for the strong.

"Hehehe, you don't know, and you don't need to know..." Yin Guanjun's face was calm, his green eyes were crazy, and his voice was very soft: "I curse you, your soul will suffer from pain for the rest of your life, just like my sleepless nights. "

The sentence ended quietly.

It's like nothing happened.

But in front of Yin Guan, among the green flames burning on the Zixie Altar, a book burning with black flames slowly rose.

On the dark, ink-like cover, there were three words shimmering with green light.

Three evil and twisted Tao characters, the characters are -

Life, death, book!

The moment she saw these three words clearly, huge terror filled Ji Yanyue's will. For the first time in this battle, she felt the danger of death.

The soul of the real person is warned by the unknown.

will die!

Will die in this horror!

She experienced the feeling of hair standing on end for the first time in a long time.

What is the most terrifying curse in the world——

The King of Hell tells you to die at midnight!

There is great terror between life and death. This book of life and death is opened silently.

Yin Guan had no words. He only used his finger as a pen and blood as ink to write the first word of Tao——


Ji Yanyue already felt that her fate was shrouded in a shadow. She raised the dragon-patterned narrow knife, grasped the void with one hand, and redrawn the twisted strings in the void.

The String of Life and the Book of Life and Death come from different paths, but at this time they have such similar performances - they both give the opponent a destined and irreversible death ending!

"Perhaps we will all die, and we will perish together..." Such a thought came to Ji Yanyue's heart, and it instantly turned into a strong feeling.

She understood that Yin Guan also knew the outcome.

Why not stop and look for other possibilities?

She saw nothing in Yin Guan's green eyes.

Yin Guan just wrote the second word calmly and crazily, which was a blood-stained "flame".

Then die! Ji Yanyue never hesitated to hold on to the string of her true destiny. She would try her best to tighten it!

But at this time, she seemed to hear a sigh.


Is it an auditory hallucination?


Someone was definitely sighing.

The true soul has insight into all directions, captures all information in this world, and can finally see——

It was a figure standing on the blood moon.

Dark, cold, and upright!

There is always a person standing on the blood moon.

So silent and so proud.

And she never saw or discovered it?

The black substance was flowing, and Yan Xiao was resurrected in his shadow.

I have never seen or heard of King Bian Cheng, who is more terrifying than all Yamas! Even worse than the rumors! Better than rumors!

She had anticipated King Bian Cheng's actions, and was even prepared to face King Chu Jiang's actions, but she had never imagined that King Bian Cheng would be such a powerful being.

This sigh was heard by her.

She had to hear it.

The authority of the voice-hearers was completely beyond her control. This sigh had become a sea of ​​voice-hearers, drowning her ears and consciousness.

However, she vaguely sensed that a sword fell with this sigh. It was soundless, colorless and invisible, a sword that seemed not to exist at all but was absolutely fatal!

It is an extremely ruthless and cruel sword.

The sword fell suddenly, existing before the warning of danger.

Ji Yanyue was shocked!

But there is no such sword at all.

It seemed that the sigh never happened.

The man above the blood moon is still standing lonely on the blood moon, with a black tailless swallow resting on his left shoulder. Neither Ren nor Yan can see clearly above the blood moon. All that remains in the field of vision is a lonely silhouette.

It doesn't seem to exist.


In the book of life and death, Yin Guan has already written the third Tao character - "moon".

"Ji Yanyue!"


The string of true destiny in the void was broken.

Ji Yanyue's long hair withered instantly, Ji Yanyue's body exuded a foul odor, and Ji Yanyue's Taoist body fell backward.

Remember to die today!

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