Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2153 Today the tiger is sitting on the mountain

Jing and Mu jointly built a frontier defense line to resist the demons. They were also under pressure from the central Jing Kingdom and had always cooperated. Among the hegemons in the world, it is rare for the two parties to be relatively friendly.

Huang Fu of the Jing Kingdom was able to take a stake in the Canglang Arena of the Pastoral Kingdom, all religions in the Pastoral Kingdom merged together, and the Huang Relics rushed to the grassland immediately to spread the belief of the Yellow Faced Buddha... All these are the reasons for the good relations between the two countries. proof.

But this does not mean that the two countries of Jing and Mu are so close.

The harmony between the two countries is inevitable under heavy pressure, but the friction between the two countries is also inevitable when the two hegemons live in the same region.

Cooperation in competition and struggle in unity have always been the main theme of the Northern Territory.

Occasionally, there will be harsh noises like today's yellow relic.

Cang Meng seemed to have been stabbed suddenly while lying on the hospital bed, and his hasty counterattack was also very weak.

Of the two objections urgently introduced, only the second is somewhat lethal. After all, it occupies a righteous position and involves the original intention of Taixu Pavilion.

Huang Sheli, who had been prepared for a long time, only responded to the second post: "As we all know, my family has a stake in the largest fighting arena in the Mu Kingdom, and we have deep experience in the operation of the fighting ground. This time we are building the Taixu Arena, Cang Lang Dou The battlefield will also provide all-round support - but the operation of the Taixu Arena will still be left to the Taixu Taoist master, and the subsequent specific work will gradually be handed over to Xu Ling. Like all the cabinet members, I, Huang Sheli, have Just as a supervisor, not a manager. Since this cabinet is not involved in management, how can we maintain the body?"

"Will Canglang Arena provide support to Taixu Arena?" Cang Meng said coldly: "Is this also what the Wanyan family means?"

"General Wanyan doesn't know yet! This matter is still a matter within the cabinet for the time being. There is no way he would know about it before you." Huang Sheli said with a smile: "This is just the sincerity of our cabinet. The Taixu Arena is definitely not our cabinet's." Privately owned, we are also willing to give the grassland a chance. When this resolution is passed, this pavilion will communicate with the Wanyan family about this matter. If he does not agree, my family will do it ourselves. It is just a fighting field, there are no barriers. What Muguo can do, We can all do it.”

"No matter how eloquent you are, you can't hide the essence of this matter. The huge interests are there, and you can't get rid of them just by saying you're not involved. How does this 'gradual handover' work? How long does it take? Do you have a clear timetable? How will the accounts of Taixu Arena be settled by then? Who can believe it? Who dares to believe it?" Cang Gu raised his voice: "If you are upright, why don't you give up this proposal and let me propose it? ?”

If Cang Meng led the Taixu Arena, he would naturally be able to minimize the losses suffered by the pastoral country.

Huang Sheli smiled: "All details about the Taixu Arena can be discussed slowly after the resolution is passed. Now we are discussing whether it can be established. As for why you are not allowed to propose... this But you can’t rely on me. No one stopped you before today, who made you think of it? "

Cang Ming knew that all his refutations at this moment were not to refute Huang Relic, but to persuade the other cabinet members who held votes. But Huang Relic did it very smartly and willingly. This matter had been planned for a long time and was almost impossible to overturn.

"The fighting arena is a bloody and cruel business. Taking pleasure in other people's bloody battles and finding fun in other people's lives and deaths is not right." He said righteously: "Is this something that Taixu Illusion should promote? I think you ministers should think deeply!"

"I don't talk much usually, but I didn't know you were so eloquent!" Huang Sheli didn't say anything else, he just said: "Since the fighting arena business should not be promoted, why is it everywhere in your pastoral country?"

Cang Meng was very calm: "In the grassland world, I have been blessed by God's grace, and my emperor's moral education has been manifested early. The children of the grassland have spent thousands of years peeling off the negative effects of the fighting field. But the people in the world who come into contact with the fighting field for the first time, but It is difficult to avoid being contaminated by blood. Even if the Taixu Arena must be launched, it should be planned slowly, and it will take more than ten or twenty years for the people of the world to slowly accept it. We cannot do it hastily for the sake of immediate benefits!"

"You are capable of telling a joke so seriously." Huang Sheli said no more and just said: "Vote!"

"A dike of thousands of miles was destroyed in an ant nest, and a temporary gain is the beginning of rotten branches. Before voting, I ask all cabinet members to think about it - what should Taixu Illusion Realm promote! What is the original intention of Taixu Illusion Realm? !”

Cang Meng's final speech was shocking and enlightening.

Forcing the reticent Cang Meng to speak so much is enough to show what kind of impact it will have once the Taixu Arena is passed.

Huang Relic just spread his hands and said nothing more.

There really is nothing to say.

Morality can only kidnap specific people, but interests sit under everyone's butt.

Especially Cang Meng's kidnapping was very weak. The more he described the Taixu Arena as bad, the more he could not explain the grand scene of arenas everywhere in the Mu Kingdom.

The Taixu Arena proposal was successfully passed with one vote against, one abstention, and seven votes in favor.

The one who was opposed was naturally Cang Meng.

The one who abstained was Jiang Wang.

If it were in the past, Huang Sheli would definitely have to settle this score with Jiang Wang - why are you still going against me and Huang, are you really a ruthless person?

But today, facing Jiang Wang, who always had a calm expression, she couldn't say anything. Didn't even say hello today.

Not just her?

Everyone can see that Jiang Wang has entered the cabinet in his true form today.

Everyone could feel that he had a calm determination sitting there.

No matter how noisy or playful he usually is... when a serious Jiang Wang sits there, everyone must take him seriously.

"Then the Taixu Arena resolution has been passed. The specific regulations require more attention from Cabinet Member Huang." Ju Gui summarized as usual and promoted the meeting: "Do you have any other issues?"

"I have a proposal. I propose to add more seats in Taixu Pavilion!" Cang Guo opened up his chatter and temper today: "Li State embraces the illusion of Taixu most thoroughly. Hong Junyan, the Taizu of Li State, is a hero in the world. It is absolutely possible for Li State to unify the northwest. As a voice representing the modern northwest, I think Li Guo should have a seat in Taixu Pavilion. The Buddhist family is one of the prominent schools, with a long history and far-reaching influence, and it should also have a place in Taixu Pavilion. Taixu Cabinet members should represent the people of the world as much as possible The common interests of the people, so more seats are needed. This is in line with the original intention of the creation of Taixu Pavilion, so as not to become a card table for some people to seek personal gain! If the interests of five or six people are involved, it will be accomplished with more votes, and what will happen in the world! "

His revenge was immediate. Huang Relic robbed Mu Country of its wealth, so he supported the development of Li Country. Of course, this is just an attitude and is absolutely impossible to achieve.

But as the official proposal of Taixu Cabinet Member, it was voted on in a serious manner...

In the end, it was naturally rejected.

"The next topic." Jugui said.

This time no one spoke.

And Jiang Wang said slowly: "If you don't have anything important to do, I have one thing to discuss."

Everyone subconsciously sat up straight and looked at him cautiously.

The matter of Ku Jue is still a secret and should have been buried at the bottom of the river.

Except for Huang Relic, no one knows what Jiang Wang has experienced in more than half a year. No one knows what kind of emotions he has accumulated.

It seemed that he was just cultivating silently in Xingyue Plain without making any noise to the world.

He is becoming more and more decent and stable, and more and more suitable for his identity as a member of Taixu Cabinet.

When the Taixu cabinet members are gradually respected as Taixu cabinet elders, the younger cabinet members should also consider the overall situation more.

Compared with the thorny ones like Dou Zhao and Huang Relic, Jiang Wang is the one who "sensible" the fastest. From the Star Path Method to Taixu Xuanzhang, he pushed the influence of Taixu Pavilion to its peak. He is also the first person that people think of when they mention Taixu Cabinet Member.

At this moment, his eyes were gentle, scanning each cabinet member quietly, and finally landed on Li Yi's vacant seat. Everyone was waiting for his proposal, but he just said: "Minister Li Yi didn't come. He should have come today."

It's like a word of care for an old friend.

He added: "But it's okay not to come."

Jiang Wang today is different from before.

It’s hard to describe the feeling, but it’s indeed very difficult to get close to.

Chong Xuanzun raised his eyebrows, Dou Zhao raised his chin slightly, Cang Min leaned on the back of his chair, Qin Zhizhen rested his hands on his knees, Zhong Xuanyin paused his sword and pen, and Huang Relic sighed in his heart... but they were all silent.

Only the drama cabinet was always like a stone sculpture, and it was he who asked aloud: "What does Mr. Jiang want to discuss?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "Just now, the Canghu Pavilion member said that Taixu Pavilion might become a card table for some people to seek personal gain. I was going to laugh at it, because your character is obvious to all. But think about it, but I am deeply frightened. Can you teach me?"

"Just get right to the point!" Dou Zhao couldn't wait to see what Mr. Jiang was going to do today.

Jiang Wang took his time and said: "The things I discussed today are small, but also very big. There are many things I discussed, but they can all be summed up in one thing."

He sat upright and faced everyone: "Everyone here has a lot to do. The Ten Thousand Flowers Palace, the West Platform, the highest building...each has its own pavilion. It handles tens of thousands of chores every day and supports the Taixu Pavilion. But Jiang is very idle. Sitting at home these past few months, he checked the Taixu event pool out of boredom and discovered some very interesting things."

He pinched a bamboo slip between his fingers and said: "In November of the year 3926 of the Dao calendar, Xiao Linzheng was suspected of illegally manipulating the Taixu mission in order to quickly obtain enough Taixu ring money and receive the [Taixu Xuanzhang]."

"Oh, you may not know Xiao Linzheng." He paused: "A person from Shuntian Mansion in Jingguo, a Taoist student from Tingzhu Society, and cousin of Pei Hongjiu. He is a son of a famous family, he is young and promising, and he is a young outer building. Realm monk."

Dou Zhao was stunned for a moment. Is this an attack on Jing Guo? Not sure, check again.

"This matter should be handled by Tianxia City as a matter of course. It's the Taixu affairs in Jingguo territory!" Jiang Wang said with a smile: "But I don't agree with the result of the handling. They actually said that there was no investigation into the matter and deemed it as a rumor - —Is that really the case?"

Zhong Xuanzun folded his arms and smiled.

In fact, it is not unusual for people like Xiao Linzheng to take advantage of loopholes in the rules or supervision to quickly clear the Taixu mission and receive the Taixu Mysterious Seal. Although the price of Taixu Xuanzhang is not high, it won't take long if you do the tasks steadily. But some people are used to taking shortcuts and can no longer follow the steps.

If the noble master wants to work hard and move forward step by step like a commoner, wouldn't he have wasted such a good birth in vain?

Tianxia City's protection is also reasonable.

Otherwise, why would the major forces insist on sending a representative to Taixu Pavilion?

The principle of Taixu Pavilion is fairness, but all powerful powers in the world must also have relative freedom. Otherwise, where would the hegemony be reflected?

This can be said to be an unspoken rule that everyone is well aware of.

Although Taixu Pavilion was established less than a year ago, it was established within a four-thousand-year-old national system.

Who doesn’t live in society? Is there anything new in the world?

But if Jiang Wang really wants to bring this matter forward, it can be discussed.

Because the Taixu Illusion Realm belongs to everyone, because the Taixu Taoist Master sits high up in the Taixu Illusion Realm, and because every cabinet member has left those ninety-nine steps. Because this is "under all living beings", no one can avoid fairness!

The question now is - does Jiang Wang want to challenge everyone's interests, or is he just targeting Jingguo and Tianxia City?

If it's the former, his efforts are destined to be in vain. If it is the latter, it is open to debate.

Nowadays, although "fighting does not break", although "hegemony does not conquer", Jingguo has been at the top for so many years. Everyone sitting below has a sore neck and is tired of watching it! All countries in the world would like to see a "vanguard".

Qin Zhizhen was even more impatient and acted exaggeratedly: "Is this happening?"

"From the current point of view, this matter is probably true." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Xiao Linzheng boasted to others when he was drinking, saying that he had 'someone above'. I don't know who this person is? It's a pity that Li Yi is not here. , could not confirm with him.”

Cang Meng was so angry just now that he almost smoked, but now he came to his senses and echoed: "That's such a pity."

It's not a pity for them, but they will continue with Jiang Wang's proposal even if they don't object.

He is sitting here today not to listen to anyone's opinion, but to dominate the situation.

He took out a second bamboo slip: "In February of the year 3926 in the Dao calendar, a monk named Zhong Zhirou made an agreement with someone in the Hongmeng space to exchange Yuan stones for the skills. But after receiving the skills , but refused to meet in the real world, and has never been to Hongmeng Space again. Naturally, there is no way to deliver the Yuanshi - everyone, Taixu Illusion currently does not promote transactions between Taixu practitioners, which is against the rules. And she committed fraud. This is against the law. Should there be no doubts about these two points?"

"Oh, everyone may not know Zhong Zhirou. It doesn't matter. She has no background. She is just an ordinary monk who was born in Jingtian Mansion in Jingguo. It is enough that everyone knows that there is such a person."

Jiang Wang sat on his chair, his eyes as deep as the sea, showing no emotion. He just said calmly: "As you all thought, this matter was of course handled by Tianxia City. The final investigation result is - Taixu Illusion Realm does not encourage Taixu. It is a transaction between Void Walkers, so the transaction is not established, and of course there is no discussion of accountability. I have to say that Wang Kun is talented, do you have any objections?"

Now everyone understood.

Jiang Wang was indeed targeting Tianxia City and Jingguo today!

Cang Meng silently looked at Li Yi's empty seat with regretful eyes. It's really a pity that Li Yi didn't come today...

Ju Gui also looked at Li Yi's vacant seat. I wonder if Li Yi will still be absent from work after today?

"How many yuan stones can a nameless Zhong Zhirou defraud?" Huang Sheli hesitated again and again and said: "In the end, they are all trivial matters. We can just ask Tianxia City to reconsider it later. Minister Jiang has a huge responsibility and a bright future. Be ambitious and don’t bother yourself with trivial matters.”

Jiang Wang directly took out a handful of bamboo slips. Each piece was a case. He held it up like this and showed everyone: "I have all kinds of bamboo slips in my hands, thirty or forty, all of which are such small things. They are all related to Tianxia City. Are so many small things still small if they are added together? This is just what I discovered accidentally. If I dig deeper, I don’t know how many there are!”

At this time, he was sitting on a mountain like a tiger, like a dragon hovering in the sky. His raised hand was like a fully drawn bow, and he dropped the handful of bamboo slips to the ground!

The bamboo slips hit the floor tiles, crackling like broken jade.

"The body of Taixu Taoist master transformed into Taixu, and the body of Taixu sect became a virtual spirit. He used his human power to boost the torrent, and dedicated all the people in the world to Taixu. Did he actually raise these moths?!"

Thanks to book friend "zpb" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 654th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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