Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2154 Taixu cabinet member patrols on behalf of the sky

The pavilion was silent for a moment.

Huang Relic did not say anything again.

This is the first time Jiang Wang has acted with thunderous wrath in an occasion like the Taixu Conference.

Of course it's not that he can't control his emotions, but that he wants to use this emotion to show his attitude - no matter whether it's out of good intentions, bad intentions or other motives, there's no need to persuade him! No one has to!

After a period of silence, Ju Gui said, "What does Mr. Jiang mean?"

"I have one more thing that I haven't told you yet." Jiang Wang reached out and grabbed one of the bamboo slips scattered on the floor, holding it in his hand: "This matter is serious."

"Someone reported to Taoist Master Taixu that there was a Blessed Land blocking incident in our Taixu Illusion Realm. The Blessed Land system was originally built by Taoist Taixu for the cultivation of the cultivators of the gods all over the world, and he contributed his own treasure of the cave. , in exchange for seventy-two blessed lands, I just hope that humanity will prosper and everyone will enjoy the treasured land.

"Nowadays, there are people who rely on their cultivation to block the threshold of the blessed land, letting only their own countrymen enter and not allowing newcomers to enter, intending to occupy all the blessed lands!

"What kind of behavior is this? This violates the fundamental principles of Taixu Illusion Realm and the original intention of Taixu Taoist Master. It is not beneficial to the human race but only selfish to his country! Who is this person?!"

Jiang Wangdao: "Jing Guo Chen Suan. I probably don't need to introduce it to you, right?"

"I have no impression." Dou Zhao frowned and said, "Who is he?"

Cang Meng actively answered the questions: "I am from Penglai Island and a true disciple of Dongtian Master. He was also the monk who Jing Guo was originally scheduled to compete in Wai Lou Chang in the last Yellow River meeting."

Dou Zhao said "oh".

He couldn't even remember a few of those who played. What could he say about those who didn't?

But he understood the nature of this matter very well.

It's not just about how bad what Chen Suan did...

Xiao Lin could not conquer a branch of the Jingguo family, and Zhong Zhirou was an unknown person with no power.

Only this Chen Shuan is the genuine genius of Jingguo. The top group of people! His background and talent are both first-rate. He can secure his position in the fiercely competitive blessed land, and his strength goes without saying.

If Jiang Wang wants to make a move, he has no intention of easing up with Jing Guo.

Has the conflict gone so deep?

Why is this happening?

"The challenge of the blessed land is getting more and more difficult, and even the lower blessed lands cannot be squeezed in. I have heard about this..." Qin Zhizhen said thoughtfully: "But I always thought that the Taixu Illusion Realm was getting stronger and stronger, and the powerful human race The reason for the large number of people. I never expected that Jingguo could come up with new tricks. What does Chen Suan mean by this, does he regard the blessed land as privately owned by Jingguo? "

"The final investigation in Tianxia City was that there was no real evidence. They also tried to ask Master Taixu for information about the informant, saying that it was to confirm the case -" Jiang Wang shook his head, with a slight bitterness on his face, half of which was bitter. It's for myself, and indeed half of it is for Taixu Pavilion: "Everyone, Taixu Pavilion has been established for less than a year. Has it already started to age?"

"I know that each of you has a place to belong, a support, and a demand. You are standing here not only to represent yourself. But I want to ask, as cabinet members, what do you think about the world?

"I would like to ask, when you tour the world, and the world respects you as 'Ge Lao', how will you repay you?

"I have always known that the world is a world of power. But I want to ask, is there no pure land in this world?

"Everyone! You don't have to answer me! The answer lies in your own hearts!"

Jiang Wang stood up from his chair and walked slowly to the center. He was bathed in the light, while all the other cabinet members were in the shadow of power. The shadow of power surrounded him.

The young cabinet member held his sword on his waist. No one could doubt his determination to draw the sword: "Now I will make a proposal - I, Jiang Wang, will launch an investigation into Tianxia City in the name of Taixu cabinet member."

He stood tall and proud, as if standing alone on a lonely peak: "I admit that I have selfish thoughts in my heart, so I did this stupid thing! But I promise that my actions will uphold the fairness and justice that Taixu Pavilion seeks. No matter who or what is involved. , No matter what kind of resistance I encounter, I will get to the bottom of it. As long as I, Jiang Wang, survive, I will bring back a fair result."

He looked around, his eyes firmly touching each cabinet member: "Now, vote!"

This is how the decision to investigate Tianxia City began.

Li Yi, who was absent from the meeting, could not speak out for this - although Jiang Wang had long been prepared for Li Yi to stand up.

This is a ground-breaking proposal. It may be regarded as the first self-examination and self-correction since the establishment of Taixu Pavilion. Its impact is bound to be far-reaching. And this is only the fourth Taixu meeting.

Ju Gui sat there sternly and finally said: "Although the nature of the Blessed Land blocking incident is very bad, things have their own priorities. Before Chen Suan's responsibility was settled, he rashly launched an investigation into Pavilion Tianxia City. Are you being too impatient? I think we can first investigate the Fudi blocking incident, provide tangible evidence, and then discuss the follow-up matters based on the investigation results - I abstained from voting on Councilor Jiang's decision."

As the presiding officer of the meeting, he has two votes. Both votes stayed.

In the light, Jiang Wang's expression was calm.

He calmly awaits all the results.

Huang Sheli said: "I... abstain."

"I support it." Chongxuan said concisely.

"I agree with the opinions of the drama cabinet members." Qin Zhizhen said slowly after careful consideration: "I support the investigation of Chen Suan, but I do not support the investigation of Tianxia City. Therefore, I oppose this resolution."

Supporting the investigation of Chen Suan is based on Qin's interests. Not supporting the investigation of Tianxia City is also based on Qin's interests.

If you can investigate Tianxia City today, you can investigate Xijitai tomorrow.

Jiang Wang can cause trouble for Jingguo, but he cannot threaten the interests of all overlords.

Currently, there is one vote in favor, one vote against, and three abstentions.

Jiang Wang himself had one vote to support, with three votes left.

"Wang Kun acted too presumptuously, Tianxia City should investigate." Cang Meng's expression was hidden under his cloak: "I support it."

Zhong Xuanyin thought for a while and finally said: "Historians only record history, so they often can only regret the regrets in history. Today, I, Zhong Xuanyin, have the honor to sit here and reflect a little influence. Then I hope that future generations of historians can remember less A little regret - sorry everyone, I have taken the moral high ground again. It is difficult for people to avoid the instinct of self-praise and self-glory."

He shook his head mockingly, and then said: "I support Mr. Jiang. Not only do I support Mr. Jiang's investigation of Tianxia City, but if one day he wants to investigate my Dao Bi Xuan, I will also support it. When you live your whole life, you always have to leave something behind? The historian’s vote is reserved for the sake of innocence.”

"Check!" Dou Zhao slapped the armrest: "I don't have much nonsense to say. I only have one sentence - Jiang, since you are determined, then investigate to the end and don't turn around when you encounter any prince or grandson. This time I’ll give you the ticket, I want to see the big show!”

There was no expression on Jiang Wang's face. He just announced calmly: "With five votes in favor, one vote against, and three abstentions, the resolution is passed. I will uphold your resolution, represent Taixu Pavilion, and represent Taixu Illusion, Start the investigation of Tianxia City."

"Before taking action, what I need to say is - for this resolution, some people supported it, some abstained, and some opposed it, but the voting results have come out, and it represents the final decision of our Taixu Pavilion, and it means that all of you agree on this matter. .”

His eyes were as deep as the sea of ​​tranquility, and he looked at all the cabinet members: "I want your unreserved support. This is not my request. This is your responsibility, and it is your obligation."

After saying this, he turned around alone and disappeared.

The remaining seven cabinet members are still sitting.

The nine cabinet seats surround the beam of light hanging in the middle, and the two empty seats are exactly opposite each other.

Seemingly close yet far.

"Who can tell me..." Dou Zhao looked from left to right: "What happened to Mr. Jiang? I'm very curious!"

No one answered him.

Huang Relic was the first to stand up and leave the table.

The cabinet members dispersed one after another.

Jiang Wang left Taixu Pavilion with his front feet, and his back feet were already standing in the vast void.

There is nothing in the void, but there is the gaze of Taixu Taoist.

Today, he will represent Taixu Pavilion to investigate Tianxia City and contact Jingguo. He should explain his thoughts to Taoist Taixu.

He did prepare a clear plan and solid reasons, but when he stood here, he suddenly didn't want to say those things.

No matter how people speculate about Xu Yuanzhi in the past, Taoist Master Taixu's current existence form can be said to be the most selfless person in the world.

Like the sun and the moon, it shines on the illusory realm of Taixu, and also shines on the heart of every Taixu practitioner.

Humble, or noble?

Jiang Wang said slowly: "When I walked down the stairs of sentient beings, I told myself that I was able to enter Taixu Pavilion and sit in this position not because of how great I am, but because I did do some right things in the past. Yes. Everyone has given me trust. When I become a member of the Taixu Cabinet, I do not represent anyone else’s interests, only myself."

"I am not a very smart person who can think through all issues clearly. I am not always right. But I sincerely hope that after becoming a member of Taixu Pavilion, I can try to do something closer to the original intention of Taixu Pavilion. choice. I have been working hard in this way."

"Today I said some high-sounding words, and I also learned to overwhelm others with justice, and I will do the same again in the future. But I can't deceive myself. My investigation of Tianxia City is not entirely out of justice. It can even be said that , more because of my selfishness."

"Maybe I am no longer qualified to be a Taixu cabinet member, but today I must hold on to this identity."

"Because I've thought of everything."

"I want to use everything I can use to accomplish what I want to do. This also includes the use of Taixu Illusion and Taixu Pavilion."

"It's a pity that such a great creation has to be contaminated by my stubborn selfishness."

"The only thing I can be sure of is that I will not falsely accuse people of innocence, and I will not punish small crimes with large punishments. Other than that, I am not sure how far I will go."

"I'm scared of who I am now."

"I hope they do too."

After Jiang Wang said this calmly, he turned around.

He didn't expect any response from Taoist Taixu, just because of Taoist Taixu's special nature. Here he speaks his mind and finds peace.

But at this time, in the vast void, a high and indifferent voice sounded——

"Everyone must be selfish, and being selfless is inhumane."

Just this sentence, there is no sound left.

On Taixu Mountain, the palaces are separated, and the affairs of one palace are not subordinate to each other.

Of course Wang Kun is in charge of Tianxia City. Li Yilian would not participate in Taixu meetings if he could. It was impossible to expect him to manage the cabinet.

Occupying a single palace on the huge Taixu Mountain, commanding many pavilion subordinates, and having almost all rights except attending meetings on behalf of Li Yi... Today's Wang Kun can be said to be very proud of himself.

Of course, he did not get the best result, and he failed to sit on the chair in Taixu Pavilion on behalf of Li Yi. But only after Taixu Pavilion truly developed and gained a pivotal position in the hearts of the people in the world, did Wang Kun truly realize how much power he had.

All Taixu affairs involving Jingguo will eventually be handled by Tianxia City. Violation or not, it all depends on him.

In the past, he was considered a genius and had been on the Xingyue Plains battlefield, but compared to Xu San and Pei Hongjiu, his reputation was somewhat unknown. The Wang family is not considered a top-notch family in Jingguo.

Tianjiao all have pride. No one is willing to be Li Yi's representative and be the housekeeper in Tianxia City. He is the only one who can stand up and secure a future.

What about now?

Even if Chen Suan does something, he has to say hello to him!

The taste of power is indescribable.

Of course, as a smart man, he especially knows where this power comes from. Therefore, he unswervingly defended the people of Jingguo and took a clear stand in any Taixu incident.

Other cabinet ministers have more or less scruples and will maintain relative fairness, and sometimes they will make thirty mistakes. When I came to him, I didn't even bother to do the superficial thing of three drinks as a penalty.

If outsiders try to harm Jingren, they will be investigated to the end and will not be tolerated. If Jing Ren was trying to harm an outsider, it would be either "nothing has been found" or "pure rumours".

At this time, he was discussing the arrangements for the Taixu incident with several confidants in his study, when he suddenly heard a loud shout that spread throughout the city: "Where is Wang Kun?"

Wang Kun frowned, stepped out of the study, and stood up: "Who is making noise in our Tianxia City!"

The monks in the city kept following him, and at one time there were more than a thousand people following him into the sky. The extraordinary auras connected with each other, creating a huge momentum!

"Mr. Jiang Ge!" Wang Kun saw Jiang Wang hanging high in the sky from a distance, and saluted from a distance: "You are a noble person! It was difficult to see you in the past! Why are you free today to come to Tianxia City to give guidance on Wang's work?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him and announced quietly: "The latest decision of Taixu Pavilion is that this pavilion will conduct an investigation into Tianxia City on behalf of Taixu Illusion. Before the results of the investigation come out, all pavilion members of Tianxia City will not be allowed to leave the city, and will also be banned. Entering Taixu Illusion. Do you hear me clearly?"

He didn't have to turn up the volume, the sound would naturally reach the ears of the monks in the city and immediately cause an uproar!

Wang Kun was stunned: "What investigation? Why?"

"Do you have any objections?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Of course I have objections!" Wang Kun approached angrily: "I don't even know what happened -"

"Keep it!" Jiang Wang interrupted him, flipped his palm and pressed it on the spot.


In the entire Tianxia City, all the monks who had ascended into the air felt an extremely strong oppressive force at this moment, which directly pushed them back into the city.

When it rises it rises like flames, and when it falls it falls like rain and dust.

At the same time, the city gates closed and traffic was prohibited. The invisible but qualitative light shield stops everyone who wants to rush out.

The Taixu Cabinet member holds the highest authority in Taixu Mountain and seals off Tianxia City at this moment!

As for Wang Kun, he was already being held down by Jiang Wang unconsciously.

He has no possibility of fighting back, and he has no qualifications for dialogue.

Jiang Wang then carried the person in charge of Tianxia City, and he already appeared outside the border city of Jingguo. Then, at this high altitude, amid the exclamations of the defenders and Wang Kun's resistance, it passed through the sky, penetrated thousands of miles into the sea of ​​clouds, stirred up strong winds, and brought up a gorgeous tail rainbow!

He can go to Tianjing in one step without any distance. This is something that all parties have already allowed when the world came together to form an alliance. But he insisted on flying across the border and swaggering.

The majestic Central Grand View Empire is full of masters, so naturally some people can't stand it.

Even if there is a strong person flying up: "Who dares to trespass into the airspace of Dajing Empire?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang slapped him in the face, boom! He blasted this man back into the city: "Taixu Cabinet member patrols on behalf of heaven, and all parties in the world cannot stop him - what do you have to dissatisfy?"

Thanks to book friend "Aseed" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 655th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol!

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