Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2164 Three Thousand Miles of Dragon Crossing

Whether it was Lu Yandu, the arrogant governor of the Jing Kingdom, or Qin Changsheng, the true king of the Qin Kingdom, they had nothing to do with Jiang Wang. But Jiang Wang stirred up trouble in the battlefield between the two clans, and they stood up again and again to stop the demon for Jiang Wang.


Because this is the demon world.

The overall interests of the human race exist above all else.

The words that Jiang Wang shouted loudly in Tianjing City when he fought against the Six Realms are truer than gold - he is indeed the number one genius of the human race, and of course he is in charge of the overall situation.

Several true monarchs are on duty in Suiming City and have the responsibility to guard the fire of civilization. The fire of civilization is the eternal flame of humanity in Suiming City, and it is also the people who have been working hard for hundreds of millions of years. The most talented person in the human race today is the brightest flame.

Therefore, when Lu Yandu was in trouble in Suiming City, he sent a message to warn Jiang Wang, lest Jiang Wang thought there was a way out and died in vain.

Just like when Jiang Wang returned from the world of Shenxiao, there was a demon blocking his way. Yu Que of Jingguo was also the first to take action.

Now that there is a big battle in Choulongdu, Jiang Wang is in the demon world and it is impossible to hide his sword.

How could the human race's greatest genius not fight on the front line of the racial battlefield?

What benefit does a genius who escapes foreign wars do to the human race?

Here we go to Choulong Ferry and cross mountains and ridges.

Jiang Wang's body is covered with a rainbow, and he is far away when he thinks about it.

"Master." Boy Baiyun sat on a section of the wall, holding a sword in his hands and pretending to be a master, sighing.

"What?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

Baiyun boy said: "I still miss your heroic appearance of stepping on the blue clouds."

Jiang Wang understood this time and laughed: "Okay! When I finish this time, I will work hard to make money and build a new house."

Yunding Immortal Palace was destroyed, and only a few fragments of Qingyun Pavilion were left. Naturally, Shanfu Qingyun could no longer be born.

The immortal skills that have accompanied Jiang Wang for many years cannot be built without rice.

Of course, he could try to use Rumen Ling instead of Jusuke.

But now Mr. Jiang actually doesn’t need this magic anymore...

Only Genting Immortal Palace in its peak state can help him, but that won't happen overnight.

Baiyun boy didn't care about that, he got the master's promise, he became happy, and his two little meaty legs swayed leisurely. After a while, he put away his little sword, jumped off the broken wall again, stuck his butt out and started cleaning the broken bricks - this was the home of his Baiyun fairy boy.

Three Thousand Li Choulong Crossing lies in the northeast of the Civilization Basin.

At the beginning, this was also a narrow natural boundary that could only accommodate small-scale battles. Both sides have their own cards, and neither the human race nor the monster race can easily pass the level.

Later, the demon tribe launched a major counterattack. Emperor Yuan Xi frequently launched offensives on the frontal battlefield, attracting the main force of the tribe, and sent a strong army to sneak attack here.

The human race made preparations in advance, built a large city on the narrow road overnight, and defended the city.

However, the demon clan also discovered the human race's preparations in advance, and instead let Emperor Yuan Xi personally lead the troops, turning a sneak attack into a strong attack. Sure enough, they penetrated here, thus shaking the entire human front and sounding the clarion call for a full-scale counterattack. After that came the bloody battle at Centipede Ridge where the sky and the earth turned red, almost extinguishing the bonfire in the Civilization Basin, and the demon army fought all the way to the front of the Ten Thousand Demons Gate.

This time, the demon tribe attacked Choulongdu at night, hoping to repeat the past.

Not only Que Mengchen's Iron Cage Army was mobilized, but also the Thunder Wing Army of the True Demon Tiger Chongxun.

It is worth mentioning that Hu Chongxun did not come from the Ziwu Hills, but from the Taihang Mountains. Although he and Hu Taisui are both members of the Tiger clan, they are not blood relatives and do not belong to the same lineage.

The tiger tribe on Taihang Mountain is the one that Jing Taizu chased tigers for seven years as recorded in "Jing Lue".

They are relatives of Hu Boqing, the ancestor of the demon clan who was once as famous as Chai Yin.

The person who commanded the three armies and led the attack was the true demon Qi Xianglin with noble blood. He comes from the Taikoo Imperial City.

Zhang Fu is a famous general in the world, and Yu Yao is a powerful army in the world. The Yao clan used the advantage of sneak attacks and fought bloody battles all night, but failed to break through Chou Longdu. In a critical place like this, once the battle begins, support will be endless. With the arrival of He Lian Yuyi's troops, Chou Longdu is truly "the leader of the Dragon Chou"!

Then the Great Bodhisattva from the Ancient Nan Mountain and the Heavenly Demon from the Sea of ​​Divine Fragrance Flowers joined the battlefield one after another, trying to open up the situation.

The human race has also been prepared for this. The real kings dispatched are Qin Changsheng of Qin State and Meng Lingxiao of Li State.

As the Shenxiao War approaches, the war situation in the Heavenly Prison World is greatly different. The human race's investment in this world has also far exceeded before, and it is not just the rotation of the three True Lords in Suiming City.

Meng Lingxiao's appearance in this war shows that the Li country has integrated into the world's order, and integrated very well.

In the context of war between all races, everyone has the responsibility to fight for the human race.

Only by taking responsibility can you have rights!

Moreover, Qin and Li are working together to build the Yuyuan Great Wall. At a time when they are "like glue and paint", the true kings of the two countries also have a tacit understanding. Fighting side by side is the way to cultivate feelings.

When Jiang Wang arrived at Choulongdu, the warships of the two tribes had already covered the lake. The soldiers are like ants gathering, and the generals are like clouds. The flags are like a forest, and the killing sound is like thunder! A rough estimate shows that both sides have invested more than 300,000 troops. This is a rare war in recent years!

The messy sounds could not accurately inform him of the battlefield situation. The information was too complicated and there was too much interference from superpowers, which even Xiannian Galaxy could not handle.

What I saw was a raging battle and scattered arrows. Regardless of human race or monster race, corpses sink to the bottom of the lake from time to time. The lake water is dark red.

From the structure of the warship alone, we can see that the demon race is indeed the biggest enemy of the human race. They have a splendid civilization that is older than the human race, and their warships are not inferior to the human race in terms of craftsmanship.

Although the resources in the Hell World are much scarcer than those in the real world. But at least in this battle of Chou Long crossing the water, the demon clan's warship did not see much disadvantage.

It is easy to become a target when flying at this time. When all armies meet, a single attack is enough to wipe out most of the so-called "strong ones".

Therefore, those who dare to hang high in the sky of Choulongdu at this moment are by no means idle, they must be masters among masters.

What Jiang killed was a master!

The sound of fighting shook the heaven and the earth. The collision angle of the high warships hit each other hard.

Jiang Wang calmed down and approached Choulongdu. He silently passed by a tall warship and took advantage of the battlefield to cover himself. Holding the sword with his hand, maintaining a posture ready to explode at any time, he cautiously looked up -

He quickly looked away.

Well, there were only two figures hanging over the monster army, both of them looked familiar.

A Buddha's light shines all over the place, and the other is full of charm.

The cicada is in love with the Dharma, and the deer is singing in the west.

There is no real demon in high places.

Que Mengchen and Hu Chongxun are all in one formation, and Qi Xianglin is sitting on the commanding ship of the Chinese army. Even if the True Lord takes action, it will be difficult to kill them by force.

As the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Jiang Zhenren has decided to let the top leaders of the demon clan go, and is planning to go to the Chinese army's tent to report to Zhang Fu first.

Over there, Cicada Fayuan suddenly opened his Buddha eyes, and the golden light temporarily dimmed half of the sky: "Jiang Wang!"

As soon as this sound came out, the entire battlefield became strangely silent.

Jiang Wang's name has long been resounding throughout the world among the demon clan. He is the genius of the human race that no amount of demons have tried to keep. It was him who killed the new king of the Demon Clan's Heavenly Ranking in the Shenxiao World. It was the news that he took away the Shenxiao World in advance, which gave the human race time to prepare!

As for the human race, dominated by Jingguo's many people in history were able to hurt Jingguo's face and walk out of Tianjing City with such arrogance? ! How did Jing Tianliu really die? Is there anyone in this world who doesn't know?

Jiang Wang actually came to join the battle!

It was a shock to the warriors of both tribes.

Enmity on one side, hero on the other!

Lu Ximing, who was resting in the sea of ​​flowers, also cast his gaze leisurely.

Jiang Wang naturally did not give up, and decisively jumped up - flying to the side of Qin Changsheng and Meng Lingxiao who were standing in the air.

Qin Changsheng glanced at him and said nothing.

In the past few months, they had seen each other every once in a while, and they were tired of seeing each other.

Meng Lingxiao waved his folding fan and smiled gracefully: "Here comes the first genius of my human race!"

The words were a bit teasing, but also a bit intimate.

Li Guo now fully embraces Taixu Illusion, and the person in front of him is the most influential person in Taixu Pavilion.

Jiang Wang met Qin Changsheng and Meng Lingxiao, so that the two true kings had an idea, so he greeted Chan Dharma Yuan: "Long time no see, are you okay? How is Master Yang Yu?"

When he opens his mouth, the atmosphere is very familiar.

Qin Changsheng's hand was already on the handle of the knife.

This knife is called [Chasing Sui].

There is no life left to look back on, but I hope there are years to look back on!

This is the knife that kills regret.

He felt that the name of this sword was very appropriate at this moment. The so-called first genius of the human race was a person who was used to seeking death. For more than two months, he has been holding the knife to save the rest of this boy's life and save his life.

How dare you provoke Cicada's fate like this?

After all, Chan Dharma Yuan's Buddhist cultivation was profound. He did not lose his composure and rushed over immediately. Even anger was not visible in Buddha's eyes. He said calmly: "Everything is fine. The sheep are getting better and better, and I am in the air. The old fate is Shen Yuan, Donor Jiang, you have understood the truth and made rapid progress, I am very pleased."

Jiang Wangdao: "I am very relieved to see that you are still alive."

Cicada Fayuan looked at him compassionately: "The demon's life span is ten thousand years old. For the time being, I can live longer than you."

"Of course you know that the Heavenly Demon has a lifespan of ten thousand years -" Jiang Wang paused and looked a little embarrassed: "I just didn't expect that you could still go back to Ancient Nan Mountain and have something if you lost the Zhiwen Bell. It looks like everything is intact. It is indeed a compassionate place!"

Cicada Fa Yuan clasped his palms together, but he hadn't made any move yet: "The fate is in ancient times, and it will come back."

Jiang Wangdao: "It may still go to Gunan Mountain, but maybe it's not the kind of scene Bodhisattva wants to see."

"Really?" Cicada Fayuan shook her head: "Maybe you are too optimistic."

"Yes, I am optimistic. Look how happy I am when I smile!" Jiang Wang grinned: "I remember that Bodhisattva used to love to laugh. Why don't you laugh today? Are you unhappy?"

Cicada Fayuan lowered his head and glanced at the battlefield below: "I feel sad for the common people. In the past, when heaven ruled the world, the world was so stable. Nowadays, the heavens and worlds are constantly conquering, and the evil forces are endless. The fault lies with the human race."

This old monk is so decisive! I can tolerate this.

Jiang Wang saw that his attempts to tease him failed, so he didn't bother to argue anymore, and sent a message to the two human true kings at the same time: "Senior, do we have a strong man from Yan Dao ambushing us, who can provide support at any time?"

Qin Changsheng remained silent.

What a cold guy.

But silence itself is also the answer.

Jiang Wang was asking if he could continue to stir up trouble.

Qin Changsheng was replying that it was not yet time to bear it anymore.

Meng Lingxiao was enthusiastic and responded with interest: "Why do you ask that?"

"Because the demon clan has ambushed the sky demon." Jiang Wang said firmly: "At least there is a lion Anxuan."

"Where did you get the information?" Meng Lingxiao asked.

He was not the true king on duty in Suiming City, and he had never seen Jiang Wang's sword order.

Jiang Wang didn't waste any time. He took out a bloody head from the storage box and threw it towards Lu Ximing from a distance: "Venerable Lu! You are kind-hearted. I picked up a head on the road. Could you please help me?" Identify which Junyan he is? Help find his family and reunite him!"

Lu Ximing was smiling and watching the bickering between Jiang Wang and Chan Fayuan, but when he saw the appearance of this head, his expression changed - there were only a few worthy people in the old lion's family, how could he die? Does it have to be so neat? The old lion is not even willing to let Shi Shanming come to this battlefield to gild his military exploits...


The void suddenly roared like a lion!

The terrifying sound shook the heavens and the earth, rolled up the waves of the huge lake, and frightened the hearts of those who listened. Suppressed for a lifetime, desperate for everything!

Jiang Wang... Of course Jiang Wang would not forcefully intercept the situation and silently suppressed the light and shadow.

It was Qin Changsheng who slapped the sheathed sword and responded with the sound of the sword.

This confrontation between the sword's cry and the lion's roar was captured by the Immortal Realm of Seeing and Wearing. Jiang Wang held this world in his hands, stood behind Meng Lingxiao, and felt all this quietly.

The extremely powerful masters of the Way of Sound and Hearing are truly unique in their own way.

The entire Choulongdu suddenly became dark.

Sunny day and sudden night.

It's not a change in the sky.

Instead, the entire three-thousand-mile Choulong Crossing, together with the army fighting on the Choulong Crossing, was swallowed up in one gulp - the old lion was simply going crazy!

"How do you have such an appetite? You're not afraid of bursting your belly!"

Qin Changsheng pushed with his thumb, pulled out the sword from its sheath, and used the four-foot-long sword to catch up with the year!

The blade that was hiding in the sheath was still roaring with bloodthirsty like a monster, but it turned out to be so calm after being taken out of the sheath. Like a sunny day, like a calm time.

Just passed by.

This is an ordinary knife.

This is also an unreserved sword.

How do we kill regret?

It’s a peaceful, day-to-day life.

Knock, click, click.

Wherever the Sui Sui knife passed, it made such a weird cracking sound. It was the cry of the barrier of time and space, and it was also the teeth of an old lion, which had been sharpened repeatedly and had cracks cut out——

The sky and the earth suddenly light up, and the lake is filled with golden light.

Shi Anxuan, who was tall and majestic in appearance, was chopped out by Qin Changsheng's sword.

The entire Choulongdu was cut away from the lion's mouth.

But he didn't look at Qin Changsheng, his deep purple eyes stared at Jiang Wang, no matter how he disappeared, he couldn't get rid of him: "You are dead!"

This line of sight was held by an armored hand, and the offensive carried by the gaze was naturally erased. The one who appeared in armor was none other than Lu Yandu, the arrogant commander of the Jing Kingdom.

"Shameless talk!"

Lu Yandu has a pair of red and phoenix eyes that are rare among men. His face is elegant, angry and powerful. At this moment, he looked at Shi Anxuan with these eyes and sneered: "What you want to think about most today is how to protect your own life!"

The battle at Choulongdu was really strange.

The Shenxiao War that will begin in the year 3955 of the Dao calendar is destined to be a war in which all realms challenge the present world.

The demon tribe is not alone.

During all these years, the demon clan's energy should be focused on preparing for war.

The human race should be the one who wants to start a decisive battle between the two races in the Heavenly Prison World in advance! The demon clan should try their best to avoid a war before the world of Shenxiao opens.

But now it is the demon clan who initiates the attack, which is really puzzling.

The human race is the dominant side in terms of strength. They are not afraid of a battle with real swords and guns. What they are afraid of is another trump card similar to that of the Shenxiao world.

It is different from the arrogance shown by Lu Yandu. For this sudden war, the human race is actually on the greatest alert. All parties have mobilized, and the True Lord has also come.

It seems like the demon clan is gradually adding fuel to the fire, and the confrontation between soldiers and generals is actually being prepared in all aspects.

What he wants to do now is actually the same thing as Jiang Wang, they both want to reveal the demon clan's trump card in advance and see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

But the effect is obviously far worse——

Shi Anxuan looked at Lu Yandu for a while, his purple lion eyes filled with murderous intent that could not be dispelled. Then he raised his big hand and waved back: "Retreat!"

[Thanks to book friend "A Little Lonely Muggle Super" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 698th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "galahad" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 699th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Qing He Yi Xian" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 700th alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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