Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2165 A hundred years of world-shaking fame

Across the vast mist of the Choulong Crossing, the demon army receded like a tide.

Leaving behind were broken sampans, waterlogged flags, residual fires that had not been extinguished... and blood that had not yet melted in the water.

The water was bottomless, and there were many new corpses in it.

The human army was arrayed with thousands of sails, but the waves remained unmoved.

Lu Yandu squinted his eyes and looked forward: "Why do you think they withdrew their troops?"

Jiang Wang looked around before confirming that he was asking himself, and then said firmly: "He must be intimidated by the power of several true kings!"

Gan Chang'an of Qin State flew up from a building ship. Hearing this, his expression was strange for a moment. After thinking about it, he flew back again.

He and Jiang Wang could be regarded as an old friend of the Yellow River, but they didn't know that this was true in the world.

Of course, Lu Yandu didn't take it seriously and just said: "Then tell me, why don't we pursue him?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "I have also led soldiers."

Lu Yandu said with some scrutiny: "I would like to hear the details."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "What this junior means is that I don't need to know why they withdrew and why we didn't pursue them. There can only be one will in the army, and I am the one who obeys orders at this moment."

Lu Yandu laughed: "You can be considered a soldier!"

"Look at what you said!" Meng Lingxiao waved a folding fan at the side: "He was once the youngest military lord in the world's hegemonic country. Even if you want to teach him something, you should not teach him the art of war. Ah. I wonder who is teaching whom!"

Lu Yandu glanced at him: "I didn't expect that seniors from thousands of years ago would still care about the history of a few years ago."

"The intervening years were spent in an ice coffin, so they don't count." Meng Lingxiao chuckled and said, "In terms of actual years, I'm not much older than you."

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Jiang Wang hurriedly said: "Speaking of which, we are the dominant side, and the demon clan should try to avoid a war now. But they took the initiative to provoke this war and raided Choulongdu. , It’s really a bit strange... I wonder what they have planned?”

The arrogant governor wanted to give him some advice, but he was also thirsty for knowledge.

"If they really wanted to fight, they wouldn't be so slow to add fuel to the fire!" Lu Yandu said coldly: "It should be like before, with the Demon King personally leading the team, directly pressing on the main force, and turning the sneak attack into a strong attack. That's what makes a big battle. Attitude. It’s like Chou Longdu, adding an army today and a demon coming tomorrow, just like adding water and flour, how long will it take to fight? Don’t they know that no matter how they add, the human race will be able to keep up?”

Lu Yandu is a master of astrology and a famous general in the world. Jiang Wang is naturally convinced by his analysis.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Shi Anxuan hates you to the core. He can force his troops to withdraw. They clearly have military orders. None of the three of them are the decision-makers of this war, and Choulongdu is not their strategic goal at all. They want to end the war with a small battle. , test our strategic layout, actively control the intensity of the war, and prepare for the battle with Shenxiao in a stable manner." Lu Yandu said firmly: "If my prediction is correct, this battle will never end in a short time, and will definitely last for a long time."

Jiang Wang was surprised: "Will the world of Shenxiao be opened?"

Lu Yandu said: "The war in the Heavenly Prison World has never been extinguished. Now they are just slightly increasing the intensity and locking the battlefield to contain the main force of our demon world and avoid a larger-scale war."

He looked at Jiang Wang thoughtfully: "The opportunity you want to kill the real demon may not be given to you in this war."

Jiang Wang frowned: "They want to control the intensity of the war, but when the war starts, can they control it?"

Lu Yandu looked into the distance: "This will test their war art."

Meng Lingxiao Shi Ran said: "In terms of the strength of the two races, they are the weaker side. But here in the demon world, they are the dominant side. Under the suppression of the demon world's providence, the Civilized Basin in a short time - At least before the opening of the Shenxiao World, there is no way to expand to the point of fighting a war between clans. Because of the time limit of the Shenxiao World, the limit of the war before this is right here. We cannot devote all our strength to fight a war. A war that won’t end before the world of Shenxiao opens.”

This passage is easy to understand.

The human race is willing to go to war. For example, Xiuyuan took the initiative to attack the city some time ago. Another example is the Li State represented by Meng Lingxiao. The Emperor of Li State brought a large number of elite soldiers to support the present from the past. It is very necessary to make some voices in the demon world, so as to gain the right to speak when the Shenxiao War begins.

If there is no appropriate response from the demon clan, it will be difficult for wars, large and small, to end. But the war of overthrowing the clan will not happen. This is determined by the strength of the demon clan itself - they cannot be wiped out in just a few decades, and the human clan cannot use up all the precious preparation time before the opening of Shenxiao. A land of demons with no end in sight.

In the final analysis, the two races of humans and demons currently have different fundamental needs in the demon world - the human race is for all parties to compete for the right to speak in the Shenxiao War. The limit of the scale of the war has long been established, but the range below the limit fluctuates greatly; the demon race hopes to The war is controlled within a certain scale to prepare Shenxiao for war.

Although the human race was the challenger of Chou Longdu, before that, they had sought changes in many ways. Although the demon clan was the party that provoked the war of Choulongdu, they were seeking stability. Such Chan Dharma Yuan's compassion and Shi Anxuan's patience become reasonable.

Jiang Wang probably understood: "If we significantly increase our military strength in Choulongdu, they will abandon this place immediately and will never really fight a war with us."

"But another battlefield will open again!" Following a clear voice, a man with medium-long hair and broken hair on his forehead that reached his eyes jumped up.

He is of medium height, wearing a very delicate gray armor, and has deep eyes.

His hair color is also gray. It is said that he was poisoned by the poison he got when he defeated the demon, and it never returns after the victory. It doesn't have a strange charm.

He is Zhang Fu.

Jing Bajia, the demon-controlling commander.

It is only fitting that a strong army in the name of "demon control" dominates the demon world.

Zhang Fufei went up to the sky, stood side by side with several people, and continued: "They can exchange territory for time. After Choulongdu attacks, they can attack from other places. We have to deal with it to prevent them from feigning attacks and turning into main attacks. And in the Civilization Basin It is now difficult for us to defend the territory outside. On the premise of only spreading the fire of civilization, it is meaningless to disperse our troops and increase our defensive pressure. Governor Lu and I have the same analysis. The demon clan is not We need to fight a big war. At the same time, in my opinion, it is acceptable for us to stabilize the battlefield at Choulongdu."

When Zhang Fu also participated in the discussion, it could be regarded as a military meeting.

Moreover, it was the highest-level military meeting on the human side during the Choulongdu War - this was the reason why Gan Changan did not continue to fly upwards. Jiang Wang was qualified to participate in discussions at this level. He who "can reach Changan at the age of eight" , but not yet.

Jiang Wang was very self-aware and remained silent.

If the two armies were to fight each other, and Dongzhen was fighting each other, he would definitely do his part. But in this kind of high-level meeting that determines the demon world's grand strategy, given his military strategy, it is better not to express "shallow opinions".

Lu Yandu and Zhang Fu spoke casually, but they were discussing the strategic intentions of the demon clan, and their responsibilities were too heavy. If the judgment is wrong...

"It's the world of Shenxiao that gave them the confidence." Qin Changsheng said: "They are now exchanging territory for initiative, and exchanging territory for consumption. Before Shenxiao sublimated, they couldn't bear to part with an inch of the land."

Lu Yandu said coldly: "This is the last madness."

If the Shenxiao War fails, the demon clan will almost lose its last hope and can only accept the fate of being in captivity. So for them now, the demon world, the last place of survival, is a consumable war resource.

This war of Chou Long Crossing is a manifestation of determination - they are willing to burn everything just for the brilliance of the divine sky.

Meng Lingxiao said: "Although we have made this judgment, we still have to be prepared for them to surrender their clans in advance. If the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is lost before Shenxiao opens, we will completely lose our strategic initiative. The consequences will be unimaginable."

Lu Yandu also nodded: "These are mature and prudent words."

"I don't understand military strategy, you can just discuss it. Speaking of the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, Yu Wenguo is there alone now. I will go and accompany him." Qin Changsheng hung up his sword and called out: "Chang'an!"

"True King, please go back." Gan Changan stood on the ship and said with cupped hands: "I will stay on the battlefield. A man of Great Qin never avoids fighting. How can he be like the new king of the Lion Family, hiding in the rear?"

"What good thing are you thinking about?" Qin Changsheng cursed: "I am reminding you that fighting is a war. Next, remember to stay away from certain people. Don't get involved in everything. Do you have such a tough life as others?"

Jiang Wang remained silent until Qin Changsheng's figure disappeared, then he flew onto the boat and looked at Gan Changan with an evil look: "Who did he order just now?"

"I didn't understand!" Gan Changan smiled innocently: "It can't be that you are Mr. Jiang Ge, right?"

Jiang Wang escaped from the military strategy meeting and leaned casually on the side of the ship: "Hey, that's your bad thing about you smart people. You are not honest."

Gan Chang'an smiled and said: "It's not what a simple person does when my true king is gone and then he bullies me, right?"

He said "Ah" again: "It's strange to say that when I use the word 'bully' between you and me now, it's so natural that I don't feel ashamed."

For Gan Chang'an, a child prodigy who became famous in Xianyang at the age of eight, this incident was certainly strange.

But when the target person is Jiang Wang, there is nothing surprising.

Jiang Wang looked at the lake steadily, and for a moment he thought of the waves under the Nine Towns.

They were both nineteen years old when they first participated in the Yellow River Meeting. He is in the inner palace, and Gan Changan is in the outer palace. At that time, Gan Changan was particularly young, looking like he was only fourteen or fifteen years old. He danced in the palm of his hand and was astonishing at the river viewing platform.

It's a pity that there were both Douzhao and Chongxuanzun in the outer building that time, so he couldn't get ahead no matter what.

"Have you been in the demon world these past few years?" Jiang Wang's tone was casual, just like a chat between old friends.

"Yes, I came before the Dragon Palace Banquet started." Gan Changan smiled calmly: "Mr. Manjia said that I still need to practice again, and I really need to practice again!"

Jiang Wangdao: "It shows that Mr. Manjia has high expectations for you. After all, you went to Chang'an at the age of eight, how can you still do it at the age of eighty?"

"You should stop making fun of me. At the Dragon Palace banquet, you will surround Dongzhen with your presence, and in Tianjing City, you will kill six of them. In a hundred years, no genius will be able to escape your reputation." Gan Changan sighed: " I haven’t learned the truth yet!”

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Your Taoist mind is clear now, and you are very transparent. You may still be able to achieve the truth before you are thirty years old."

"Don't talk about eating and drinking before the age of thirty! Li Yi broke the restrictions in the dark, and you pushed history forward, but how many leaders are there on the river viewing platform?" Gan Chang'an smiled and shook his head: "I was too proud too early to accept failure. By the time I could be calm, it was already too late."

He thought for a while and said with certainty: "I was around thirty-three years old. I can't be too fast, and I can't be too slow."

Jiang Wang also smiled and said: "Life is still very long."

The waves lapped against the hull of the boat, making a crashing sound.

He looked at the lake where the blood had not faded, and suddenly felt homesick.

"You knew I was going to save you?"

Qian Chou stood at the entrance of the cave, looking into the distance with his hands behind his hands.

The high cliffs here are solitary and the cliffs are sharp. His voice seemed distant.

There is a temporary altar set up in the cave - the result of Yin Guan's exhaustive work.

At this moment, he was paralyzed in the center of the altar, lying on his back, with green light wandering around his naked upper body.

Although he successfully escaped from Lou Yue, all the flesh and bones in his body had been crushed. During his long career as a killer, he also developed good medical skills and knew how to hang on to his own life and heal himself.

At this time, he was concentrating on using bihao needles to sew up pieces of flesh and bone and connect the veins. The taste was certainly very exciting.

"I said, do we have to chat at this time?" He said weakly.

"I don't have much time." Qian Chou said.

"Ah, don't tell me this." Yin Guan bared his teeth for a moment, as severe pain hit him all over his body at the same time, and he couldn't restrain himself for a moment. But he quickly regained his expression and continued: "Don't reveal too much information to me. Wouldn't it be dangerous if I guess who you are?"

"Danger...haha." Qian Chou said, "What happens next?"

Yin Guan smiled hard: "When a killer feels in danger, that is when he is most in danger."

"I saved you."

"But now you seem to want to harm me again."

"You are very good at guessing." Qian Chou said.

"Let me answer your initial question -" Yin Guan said seriously: "I never expected anyone to save me. When I killed Ji Yanyue, I was already prepared to die. But I think, I am more There is little value in being saved. If someone saves me, I will definitely repay it. As a person, I will never let my customers suffer."

"Customer?" Qian Chou said with a slightly raised tone, "How did I become a customer?"

Yin Guan said matter-of-factly: "My life, Yin Guan, is worth at least three real people. You saved me, and I can't repay you. I will help you kill three real people! You only need to pay a small fee—— Don’t worry, Your Excellency, Hell’s No Gate is the most reputable company, it has always been about money and goods, and no one can deceive anyone.”

"Still paying?"

"Killing is not that simple. Of course, I don't have to pay for the action, but you can't ignore the manpower and material resources mobilized by the entire organization for this, right?"

"With all due respect -" Qian Chou said: "Does your Gateless Hell still exist? It seems that all the ghost houses in various places have been swept away by the Mirror World Stage, and only a few Yamas are dead."

Yin Guan's tone was calm: "I am still here, and Hell has no door."

Qian Chou said: "It seems that you are not planning to join the Equality Country."

Yin Guan recovered a little and sat up on the altar. He took a long breath and said, "Why don't you add it? I don't understand your ideals. Equality or something like that sounds like a headache...Different wills and incompatible ways will hurt feelings in vain."

"You don't care about equality?" Qian Chou asked: "You were born in the lower city of Youguo, and you will be enslaved by the upper city after you were born. The best among them, like you, have to be the rations of animals. Haven't you thought about all this? Why did it happen? Have you never thought about changing everything that is rotten?"

Yin Guan slowed down, gathered his magic power, and formed a long and narrow Biyou needle. He pinched it with two fingers and slowly inserted it into his chest. Then he sewed something slowly and leisurely like sewing clothes: "Well , Equality. Let me think about how to say it.”

"Your acupuncture technique is a bit interesting." Qian Chou said, "It's very Dongwang Valley style."

"It's from Dongwang Valley." Yin Guan said casually: "A friend asked me to go to Dongwang Valley to have a look. So I went to see it and learned a set of acupuncture techniques by the way."

"A person like you actually has friends?"

"Oh, fair-weather friends."

"Then you really love learning." Qian Chou said with a tut, "You must have paid a lot of money for cultivation."

"Thank you for the compliment." Yin Guandao: "Let's talk about equality. I think the concept of equality is meaningless. There is no equality in this world. In other words, this world is inherently equal."

"Why do you see it?" Qian Chou asked.

Yin Guan's tone was very calm: "You who shoulder great ideals, and I who simply kill people and get money. When we die, we are both the same."

Sorry everyone, as usual, there should be more updates at the end of the month, but I haven’t saved up yet.

Maybe it’s because my heart is still in the holiday season and I feel a little tired.

Work hard these days.

[Thanks to book friend "Nineteen Little Taotie" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 701st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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