Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2173: A drunken prince

Shangguan is the direct descendant of Fu Zhaofan, the Master of Nandou Palace. He is a first-class genius of the sect and one of the few masters in the realm of gods. He is destined to take over the power of the sect. What dangers can he encounter?

In other words, if he encounters danger, he can find his master, anyone in Nan Dou Liu Zhenli, or even Changsheng Lord, but how can he find his friends in the Taixu Illusion Realm or Zhao Tiezhu who is thousands of miles away?

Unless he has exhausted all options and calculated all possibilities. was Nan Doudian who was in trouble.

Looking at the world and looking around at the fate of Nandou, Shangguan can only send out such a desperate plea for help, and he can only write two words in the letter... In addition to the great Chu, what else can he do?

Zhao Tiezhu, no, Zhongshan Weisun is a smart man.

When Zhao Tiezhu saw the letter for the first time, he was worried about his friend.

Zhongshan Weisun had to think everything clearly at the second glance.

What Nan Doudian did, whether he should be liquidated, why he was targeted... none of it matters. This matter is related to Chu State and is the only important thing.

So, can Zhongshan Weisun be the master of Yingyang Mansion?

Can Yingyang Mansion represent Jing Kingdom?

What reason did Jing have to save people from Chu?

These three questions are each more serious than the last. Each requires more thought than the last.

As for Zhongshan Weisun, he got stuck on the first question.

The yellow relic is the apple of Huang Fu's eye. He is favored by thousands of people, free and lawless. Even if she wanted to sell Huanglong Mansion and let all Huanglongwei farm, her obedient father would only clap his hands and applaud.

He is different from Zhongshan Weisun.

He has been "someone else's child" since he was a child, the person his grandfather wanted him to be. This is what an heir to the Zhongshan family should look like.

He must be excellent, sensible, civilized, and lovable.

He has mastered the art of killing, read hundreds of schools of thought, learned to be good at dancing, and is proficient in literary, Taoist and military strategies.

Appreciated by his elders, looked up to by his peers, admired by his subordinates... Treating him as a child, who wouldn't say that the children of the Zhongshan family are sensible? When he grows up, who will not say that there will be a successor to the Zhongshan family?

In all the major decisions in his life, he never went against Zhongshan Yanwen's wishes!

So of course he needs to know - Zhongshan Yanwen will absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not agree with him interfering in the affairs of Chu State to save a "Walker Friend" in the Taixu Illusion Realm.

He sat in silence in the ethereal space.

From time to time, flying cranes flew over, and people kept reminding him enthusiastically, repeatedly reminding him what kind of iron plate he had hit in the illusory realm of Taixu.

He just sat.

The flying paper cranes are like unclear characters, writing a vague article.

Sometimes they look like a piece of "The Bodhisattva Sutra", sometimes like a piece of "General Theory of Five Punishments", and sometimes they look like the names of Shangguan and Jia Fugui.

In the end it was all "Save me".

After an unknown amount of time, the paper cranes flying in front of him accumulated a lot more and stopped outside the ethereal space, waiting for him to pick them up. He didn't look at it again, stood up and left Taixu Illusion.

Zhao Tiezhu sometimes wonders, what is the difference between fantasy and reality?

Where do humans live without masks?

The mattress was very thin, the camp bed was very hard, and even the burrs on the wooden boards were still there.

When you reach the level of Zhongshan Weisun, do you still need to "work your muscles and bones and starve your body and skin"? Of course Zhongshan Weisun also had doubts, but Zhongshan Yanwen also lived like this.

Zhongshan Yanwen was famous for treating his soldiers well. All the generals under him were well-dressed and well-fed, and lived in extreme luxury outside the military camp.

He only treats himself harshly, and he also demands the same from his direct grandchildren.

Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all like "asceticism."

Compared to the "yellow-faced Buddha", he looks more like the one practicing Zen. He is an ascetic-like figure among the higher-ups of Jing Kingdom.

Zhongshan Weisun's luxurious enjoyment abroad was usually done in the name of socializing. Only by "entertaining friends and recruiting good talents" can we not be restricted.

So Zhongshan Weisun has many friends. He is the most popular among the aristocratic families of this generation in Jing Kingdom.

But Zhao Tiezhu only has two friends.

One has not heard from him for a long time, and the other just wrote him a letter.

Slowly sitting up on the camp bed, Zhongshan Weisun's expression was very calm. As usual, he tidied up his appearance and slowly put on his armor. He summoned a water mirror, carefully checked what he was wearing, and made sure there was nothing rude about it. Then he put away the water mirror, opened the curtain, and walked out of the tent.

It has become dark, but there are still occasional bright colors in the sky, which are sparse stars.

The earth has darkened, but there are hot torches on the ground, which are the dangerous eyes of the war beast.

The military camp stretched for dozens of miles, and the cold light of swords and guns and the flickering flames could be seen everywhere, like a cold city of iron and fire.

Zhongshan Weisun walked in such a military camp, walking in the shadow of General Ying Yangwei.

He still smiled at everyone he passed by, returned the greetings, and showed concern until he reached the outside of the general's military tent.

"Please report to the general, Zhongshan Weisun has something important to see you." He reported to the guard in a polite manner.

The guard also returned the courtesy politely, went into the tent to report in a strict manner, and then came out and asked Zhongshan Weisun to enter the tent.

The generals and soldiers come first, followed by the grandsons and grandsons. Without rules, an army cannot be formed.

Zhongshan Weisun was taught this principle by Teng Tiao when he was five years old.

There is a huge plate of mountains and rivers in the tent, filled with yellow sand and wandering demonic energy, which completely replicates the distribution of demonic power in the endless quicksand. In view of the complex changes in the endless quicksand and the chaotic intelligence of most monsters, it is often Running around aimlessly and irregularly, even the demons themselves find it difficult to figure out the distribution of the demons' forces. Therefore, this huge mountain and river disk needs to be re-mapping and updated every once in a while.

After the Yingyang Guards were stationed at the line of life and death, a large part of the huge military expenditures was reflected in this delicate mountain and river plate.

Zhongshan Yanwen sat on the ground in front of the mountains and rivers.

His eyes were so focused, as if he was observing something rare and rare.

Normally, Zhongshan Weisun would wait quietly aside, waiting for Zhongshan Yanwen to ask questions before speaking, but today he couldn't wait, so he walked closer and said, "General."

Zhongshan Yanwen ignored it.

Zhongshan Weisun said again: "General. I am humble enough to do something for you."

Zhongshan Yanwen quietly looked at the mountains and rivers for a while, then said: "I have been looking at the stunning scenery for a long time. When I take this step up, I must stand firm. No matter how much preparation I make, it is not enough. Huang Fu, Lou Yue, Huyan and Jingxuan are all brave, diligent and self-confident people, and they are all waiting and learning."

"Isn't that what running an army is like? If you want to win an unprecedented victory, you must make preparations that go beyond anything you can. Train your troops for thousands of days, organize your army for thousands of years, innovate for a hundred generations, and use it for a moment!"

He asked slowly: "How to win?"

Weisun of Zhongshan replied: "Preparing the army and preparing for war takes thousands of days and every word and deed."

This is the standard answer in the military book, which comes from the "Gong Policy Book" written by Zhongshan Yanwen.

The Kingdom of Jing was a prosperous military age, and "Gongce Shu" had certain innovative significance and was a well-known work in contemporary military literature.

This military book fully implements Zhongshan Yanwen's military philosophy. He believed that war is a neat art. There must be strict requirements, complete details, and perfection. The process of war can be broken down into countless steps. Each step has its own significance, but it is by no means irreplaceable. Just like the famous Ying Yang Crossbow, every part is neat and easy to replace - once the war beast is launched, everything fits perfectly and the momentum is like a raging wave. Only victory can stop it.

"So when I take this step, I will either achieve enough merit or wait until I have accumulated enough." Zhongshan Yanwen still looked at the mountains and rivers: "Zhongshan Weisun, I don't dare to neglect you, what about you?"

Zhongshan Weisun said: "Even the last general has never neglected himself. Practice three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Work hard and work hard, not just in the spring and autumn!"

Zhongshan Yanwen still didn't look up at him: "Tell me, why did you come to me late at night?"

"I have a friend in the Southern Territory..." Zhongshan Weisun paused, simplified his words, and continued: "The friend I met in the Taixu Illusion Realm, he is a direct disciple of Fu Zhaofan, the Master of the South Dou Palace, named Long Boji. He encountered a danger that he could not solve, and wrote a letter to me asking for help."

Zhongshan Yanwen said calmly: "If he really treats you as a friend and thinks about you, he shouldn't have written this letter to you. At this time, the hegemony will not conquer, and everything will be compromised for Shenxiao. To the east, the Mu Kingdom During the great revolution, the country of Li in the west is rising, especially when our country needs to treat diplomacy with caution. How sensitive is your identity, and you don’t know?"

"General." Zhongshan Weisun said: "When a person is helpless at the moment of life and death, he asks for help from the person he trusts most. I feel that I cannot blame him for not thinking carefully."

Zhongshan Yanwen said: "You mean I'm cold?"

"I don't dare." Zhongshan Weisun lowered his head and said, "It's just that my friend asked me for help. I don't want to think about too many irrelevant excuses. I only know that I want to save him."

"How do you compare to Long Boji?"

"Strong enough."

"Can you solve the danger that he can't solve by himself?"

Zhongshan Weisun said: "No."

The little old man sitting in front of the huge mountain and river plate shook his head and said in a contemptuous tone: "So you have no ability to save him. You came to beg me."

Zhongshan Weisun knelt down, holding his knees with both hands, and lowered his head: "I... came to beg you!"

"It is impossible for the country to come forward, and this matter does not need to be put up for court discussion. It is really ridiculous. What does Long Boji, who is thousands of miles away, count? Is he worthy of a letter of credence?" Zhongshan Yan Wenleng Said: "Then only Yingyang Mansion will come forward——"

Zhongshan Weisun walked forward on his knees: "General——"

Zhongshan Yanwen had no expression: "Since you know that I am the general of Yingyang Mansion, please tell me now. Is it wise for Yingyang Mansion to come forward to save Long Boji? What does it cost and what can you get? decision, is this choice worth it?”

Zhongshan Weisun opened his mouth to speak, but Zhongshan Yanwen turned back to look at him: "As the captain of the Young Master of Yingyang Mansion, answer my question seriously."

Above the Shaofu Captain, there are the Shaofu Cavalry Commander, Shangfu Counselor General, and Shangfu Zhonglang General. Zhongshan Weisun's military position is not really high. But as the captain of the Young Mansion of Yingyang Mansion, his powers and responsibilities are very clear.

Zhongshan Weisun was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Grandpa!"

Zhongshan Yanwen withdrew his gaze and looked back at the mountains and rivers: "This is the front line of the Jing Kingdom, and this is the military camp of Yingyang Guard. Captain Shaofu, you have disappointed me."

"Long Boji is my friend." Zhongshan Weisun said.

This was all he could say.

However, even he himself felt that this sentence was too pale.

Compared to the interests of the entire Yingyang Mansion, a distant friend of a young captain is so insignificant!

Zhongshan Yanwen's voice became colder and colder: "Both the last Yellow River Prodigy, Jiang Wang and Huang Sheli are currently slaying demons in the wilderness and fighting to the death. What are you doing?"

Zhongshan Weisun was silent.

Zhongshan Yanwen continued: "With the strength and fighting will they showed, it is very likely that the demon will take action. I sat in front of the mountain and river plate, and I didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing the opportunity - the opportunity to capture a demon. You Well, Lieutenant of the Young Mansion, what are you concerned about?"

Zhongshan Weisun was silent.

Along with the night in this huge military camp, there was silence.

After entering the forbidden area of ​​​​life, there are many obstacles. The evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and the danger has doubled.

The human body needs to use more and more strength to fight against the border world and the ubiquitous "dryness", and there is almost no effective supplement in the border world, and the demons faced are getting stronger and stronger.

When Jiang Wang set up the Six Thousand Miles Monument of the God's Limit, he had already encountered the real demon. After being prepared, he revealed the truth on the spot and killed the real demon before returning.

This time he and Huang Relic traveled hand in hand, easily breaking through the previous limit and going all the way deep into the wilderness for seven thousand miles. But he never encountered a real demon again.

There are Yin demons and generals all the way, Yin demons and generals... No matter how many of these monsters gather, they can't slow down the figures of Jiang and Huang.

They simply do not have the ability to gather into a large army, let alone such a chance.

But again, no matter how many such monsters are killed, it will be meaningless to Jiang Wang and Huang Relic.

In the world view of the demon clan, the evil demon is just a resource, the general demon is the slave, and the real demon is the real demon clan. It was not until the level of true demon that he had complete wisdom.

Only the loss of the true demon level can truly cause the demons heartache.

But now they are seven thousand miles behind the line of life and death. In this place that should be extremely dangerous... where is the real devil?

Jiang Wang looked at the yellow relic next to him, strolling among the generals and demons with the Thunder Sound Pagoda on his head, and suddenly he had the answer. The person beside me this time... is too strong!

It’s all about the yellow relics.

Tell her not to come, she must come. He is a true demon and not stupid, so how could he risk his death for the ultimate supernatural power?

"What's going on?" Huang Relic surrounded the Buddha's light and confidently spoke one step ahead of Jiang Wang: "Did you and Cang Meng kill you too hard over there? You were so scared that the real demons on the other side didn't dare to come out. You asked me to follow you in vain. Take a trip!"

Jiang Wang thought for a moment, wisely did not argue, and just asked: "Are we still going forward? Judging from the current situation, we may easily break the record of General Zhongshan's border shortage."

"Wow." Huang Relic said exaggeratedly: "That's really amazing!"

The two of them smiled, said nothing else, and turned around at the same time.

They also don't care about this opportunistic record.

Because for peerless geniuses like them - creating one practice record after another is inevitable. It's just a casual thing on the way to practice.

If it were really under this special situation, because of the strategic contraction of the demons, it would not be an honor for them to plunder the so-called border records.

In this kind of honor that people cherish, opportunistic tricks are a diaper for the weak and a shame for the strong.

"Today the seven thousand mile line is clarified!" The yellow relic stretched its body wildly, and the sound of Sanskrit flew across the sky. Wherever it passed, monsters fell in groups: "Let's see who can kill more?"

Jiang Wang flicked his sword and smiled: "For all the heroic spirits who are stained with blood on the line of life and death - this is the show!"

It turned into a tide of swords and rolled eastward.

"Gold and white jade buy songs and laugh, and a drunken prince will look down on him for a long time." - Li Bai.

Suddenly I remember that I still have 5,000 words of year-end extra that I haven’t written yet, and I’m going crazy.

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